Application of stretchable strain sensors and an inertial measurement unit for simulative tension analysis of the calcaneofibular ligament in formalin-fixed cadavers; 2024年10月 発表情報; Clin Biomech, 120, 106358 著者; Yoshizuka H, Nakao Y, Kuraoka A
Anatomical study on the posterior alveolar canal in maxillary tuberosity region using computed tomography; 2024年03月 発表情報; J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol, 36, 6, 798-803 著者; Uchida Y, Shibata K, Aijima R, Danjo A, Yamashita Y, Kuraoka A
Calcaneofibular ligament may act as a tensioner of peroneal tendons as revealed by a contactless three-dimensional scan system on cadavers; 2022年10月 発表情報; Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 16650 著者; Yoshizuka H, Kuraoka A
Observation of the posterior superior alveolar artery in the maxillary tuberosity region by computed tomography angiography: Pilot study using Japanese cadaveric specimens; 2022年03月 発表情報; J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol, 34, 2, 108-114 著者; Uchida Y, Shibata K, Kuraoka A, Uchida N, Aijima R, Danjo A, Yamashita Y
Effect of respiration phases on the morphology of the laryngopharyngeal cavity: an investigation using 320-row area detector computed tomography; 2021年09月 発表情報; Fukuoka Acta Medica, 112, 3, 187-198 著者; Asami S, Inamoto Y, Yoshizuka H, Saitoh E, Shibata S, Aihara K, Kagaya H, Kobayashi M, Asami T, Kuraoka A, Yamashita Y
Comparison of posterior alveolar canal location measured on CT scan with cadaveric measurement of posterior superior alveolar foramen in Japanese samples; 2019年08月 発表情報; Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 48, 8, 1122-1127 著者; Uchida Y, Aijima R, Danjo A, Yamashita Y, Shibata K, Kuraoka A
Anatomical variation in the form of inter- and intra-individual laterality of the calcaneofibular ligament; 2018年09月 発表情報; Anat Sci Int, 93, 4, 495-501 著者; Yoshizuka H, Shibata K, Asami T, Kuraoka A
Computed tomographic and anatomical measurement of critical sites for endosseous implant in the pterygomaxillary region: A cadaveric study; 2017年 発表情報; International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 46, 798-804 著者; Uchida Y, Yamashita Y, Danjo A, Shibata K, Kuraoka A
Re-evaluation of temporal changes in alveolar protrusion in Japan according to two newly introduced craniometric angles; 2016年 発表情報; Anthropological Science, 124, 63-72 著者; Ohno K, Kawakubo Y, Kuraoka A
Sexual dimorphism of endocranial, facial, and limb measurements in the yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus); 2015年 発表情報; Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 44, 275-282 著者; Kikuchi Y, Kuraoka A
Anatomical relationship between the sublingual fossa and the lateral lingual foramen; 2015年 発表情報; International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 44, 1146-1151 著者; Uchida Y, Goto M, Danjo A, Yamashita Y, Shibata K, Kuraoka A
Posterior condylar canals and posterior condylar emissary veins - a microsurgical and CT anatomical study; 2014年 発表情報; Neurosurgical Review, 37, 115-126 著者; Matsushima K, Kawashima M, Matsushima T, Hiraishi T, Noguchi T, Kuraoka A
Differences in muscle dimensional parameters between non-formalin-fixed (freeze-thawed) and formalin-fixed specimen in gorilla (Gorilla gorilla); 2014年 発表情報; Mammalian Study, 39, 65-72 著者; Kikuchi Y, Kuraoka A
Transverse basilar cleft detected in prehistoric Jomon skulls from Japan; 2014年 発表情報; Anthropological Science, 122, 45-50 著者; Kawakubo Y, Dodo Y, Nara T, Kuraoka A
Histopathology of tenosynovium in trigger fingers; 2014年 発表情報; Pathology International, 64, 276-282 著者; Uchihashi K, Tsuruta T, Mine H, Aoki S, Nishijima-Matsunobu A, Yamamoto M, Kuraoka A, Toda S
Generational differences in tooth size in the Japanese population: Analysis of cohorts with a generation gap of four to five decades; 2014年 発表情報; Fukuoka Acta Medica, 105, 225-233 著者; Sumi K, Kawakubo Y, Yamashita Y, Goto M, Kuraoka A
Two hyperostotic non-metric traits, caroticoclinoid foramen and pterygospinous foramen, which appear at an early developmental stage in the human cranium; 2013年 発表情報; Anthropological Science, 121, 123-130 著者; Kawakubo Y, Dodo Y, Kuraoka A
Relationship between humeral geometry and shoulder muscle power among suspensory, knuckle-walking, and digitigrade/palmigrade quadrupedal primates; 2012年 発表情報; Journal of Anatomy, 220, 29-41 著者; Kikuchi Y, Takemoto H, Kuraoka A
Anatomic measurement of the depth and location of the sublingual fossa; 2012年 発表情報; International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 41, 1571-1576 著者; Uchida Y, Goto M, Danjo A, Yamashita Y, Kuraoka A
外がえしのRate of force developmentに対する底背屈の影響:踵腓靭帯のテンショナー効果の解明に向けて; 2024年11月 発表情報; 第8回日本リハビリテーション医学会 秋季学術集会,2024,11,1-3 著者; 中尾優太朗、吉塚久記、谷口隆憲、倉岡晃夫
A in vivo pilot analysis on the relationship between ankle eversion peak torque and plantar/dorsiflexion using a handheld dynamometer; 2024年09月 発表情報; Asian Western Pacific Region Congress 2024 (Indonesia) 2024.9.26-28 著者; Nakao Y, Yoshizuka H, Taniguchi T, Kuraoka A
Simulative tension analysis of the calcaneofibular ligament in formalin-fixed cadavers using stretchable strain sensors and an inertial measurement unit; 2024年09月 発表情報; Asian Western Pacific Region Congress 2024 (Indonesia) 2024.9.26-28 著者; Yoshizuka H, Nakao Y, Kuraoka A
Inversion enhances tensioner effect by the calcaneofibular ligament: A pilot study using pressure sensitive sensor on cadavers; 2023年11月 発表情報; Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2023 (Thailand) 2023.11.25-26 著者; Yoshizuka H, Nakao Y, Kuraoka A
Analysis on angles formed by the calcaneofibular ligament and peroneal tendons in Japanese cadavers; 2019年10月 発表情報; 7th Triennial Asian Federation of Foot and Ankle Surgeons(Thailand)Oct.11-12, 2019. 著者; Yoshizuka H, Shibata K, Kuraoka A
Gender-specific laterality of the calcaneofibular ligament in cadavers; 2018年11月 発表情報; Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2018 (Philippines) 2018.11.23-25 著者; Yoshizuka H, Shibata K, Kuraoka A
Morphological variation of calcaneofibular ligaments: Possibility of being tensioner for peroneus longus and brevis tendons.; 2017年06月 発表情報; WCPT-AWP & PTAT Congress 2017 (Thailand) 2017.6.28-30 著者; Yoshizuka H, Shibata K, Iwaki A, Asami T, Kuraoka A
Anatomical variation of an angle created by calcaneofibular ligament with long axis of the fibula.; 2016年10月 発表情報; Asian Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)2016.10.7-8 著者; Yoshizuka H, Shibata K, Iwaki A, Asami T, Kuraoka A