The Creators of Modern Mikawachi Porcelain: The Bridge between Innovation and Tradition; 2016年09月 発表情報; Nagasaki Ware Mikawachi, Hasami pp.40-45 著者; Yukiko Yamaguchi
Industry-Academia-Government Cooperation in Japan: The Pivotal Role of the University and
Implications for Autonomy; 2015年11月 発表情報; (Re)Discovering University Autonomy: The Global Market Paradox of Stakeholder and Educational Values in Higher Education Palgrave Macmillan pp.171-182 著者; Yukiko Yamaguchi, Nikhilesh Dholakia
“How Do U.S. Consumers’ Evaluate “Made in China” Products? An Investigation of the Relationships between Country-of-Origin (COO) Effects, Price, Brand, Product Involvement, and Purchase Behaviors”; 2015年03月 発表情報; INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF BUSINESS DISCIPLINES, 27th ANNUAL CONFERENCE,
ORLANDO FL USA 著者; Su Zhuahi , Erdener Kaynak ,Yukiko Yamaguchi