Physiological responses to salinity changes in Sinonovacula constricta: Metabolic dynamics involved in energy production. 2024/10
Organ-specific metabolic responses to marine anoxia in the blood clam Anadara kagoshimensis. 2024/10
Growth and survival of Sinonovacula constricta on the coast of Saga Prefecture – focus on changes in glycogen content during sexual maturation 2023/11
Weekly observations of estuarine microbial assemblages during summer in the inner part of Ariake Bay, Japan: Microbial water-sediment coupling in turbid shallow waters. 2022/12
海の貧酸素化に対するサルボウガイの赤血球及び呼吸色素応答 2022/09
貧酸素耐性の異なる二枚貝3種の嫌気代謝過程の比較 2022/09
有明海産二枚貝に生息している共在細菌の探索と機能予測 2022/09
有明海産二枚貝11種の貧酸素耐性 〜簡易実験系に基づく評価〜 2022/09
光質が異なる LED 照射下におけるスサビノリ殻胞子嚢の成熟と殻胞子放出 2022/06
有明海産二枚貝と共在している宿主特異的な細菌の探索 2022/05
Isolation of sake yeast strains from Ariake Sea tidal flats and evaluation of their brewing characteristics. 2022/04
貧酸素継続期間の違いが有明海底生微生物組成と物質循環に与える影響 2022/03
夏季、有明海の水柱および底質表層における細菌叢の短期動態 2022/03
Population dynamics of a hypoxia-tolerant bivalve: A comparison of two sites in the inner part of Ariake Bay, Japan. 2021/11
佐賀大学オリジナル清酒「悠々知酔」に関わる微生物開発について 2021/11
底層水の貧酸素化期間が異なると微生物群集と物質循環も移り変わりながら変化する 2021/11
貧酸素水暴露によるサルボウガイの赤血球濃度の変化〜貧酸素強度の違いに着目して〜 2021/09
リンゴ酸高生産酵母の醸造特性評価および変異遺伝子の探索 2021/09
有明海の生き物と海の貧酸素化〜潮下帯に焦点をあてて〜 2021/08
Breeding sake yeast and identification of mutation patterns by synchrotron light irradiation. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 2021/06
Genetic diversity and population structure of razor clam Sinonovacula constricta in Ariake Bay, Japan, revealed using RAD-Seq SNP markers 2021/04
Estimation of historical changes in benthic invertebrate assemblages in the Suigetsu-ko lake using marine historical ecology 2020/09
新規なアゲマキガイ保護区の検証〜干満差を利用した澪筋維持施設の活用〜 2020/03
Biochemical investigation on natural diets of the long spined-sea urchin Diadema setosum 2020/01
A new species of Polyodontes (Annelida: Acoetidae) from Kochi, Shikoku Island, Japan. 2019/11
Profiling gene expression responses of the blood clam Anadara kagoshimensis to anoxia by de novo RNA-Seq analysis 2019/11
海の貧酸素化がベントス群集に与える影響 〜直接効果と間接効果〜 2019/11
Biophysical interactions on the succession of subtidal benthic community in the inner part of Ariake Bay. 2019/09
Distribution of 24 species of polychaetes in the Ariake Sea, Kyushu, Japan: 10-year change based on surveys in 1997, 2002 and 2007 2019/08
Monster larvae of deep-sea shrimp collected in the western North Pacific 2019/05
Differences in the damage caused by hypoxia to the macrobenthic communities in source regions of hypoxic water and in regions with advected hypoxic water. 2018/12
Red blood cells characteristics of Scapharca kagosimensis and change in red blood cell concentration after hypoxic water exposure. 2018/09
Differences in the sensitivity of macrobenthic communities to hypoxia between its source and advection regions. 2017/11
An indirect effect of hypoxia on the succession of subtidal benthic community: an evaluation in the inner par of Ariake Bay. 2017/11
How does change occurs in exploitation of infaunal benthos by a bottom-feeding fishes and crustaceans with seasonal hypoxia? 2017/11
Quantifying predation pressure on macrobenthos in the soft bottom subtidal habitat. 2017/09
Effect of spatial distribution of sedimentary environment on macrobenthic community in spring season in Isahaya Bay, Japan 2017/03
Widespread dispersal and bio-accumulation of toxic microcystins in benthic marine ecosystems. 2017/01
海中林の衰退に伴う底生動物群集の変化: 相模湾長井地先における人工礁・天然礁の比較 2016/09
有明海奥部海域における底生生物群集の季節変化 〜季節的に発生する貧酸素水への応答〜 2016/09
活動報告: 多毛類若手の会 2016/06
Implications of changes in the benthic environment and decline of macro-benthic communities in the inner part of Ariake Bay in relation to seasonal hypoxia. 2015/11
Contribution of the development of the stratification of water to the expansion of Dead Zone: a sedimentological approach. 2015/10
有明海湾奥部における底生生物の餌利用の変化: 餌資源としての浮遊珪藻類の寄与. 2015/09
諫早湾における底質環境の傾度および貧酸素化が底生動物群集に与える影響 2015/09
有明海における珪藻現存量および沈降量の季節変化 2015/09
Short-Term Dynamics of NH4-N Affected by Water Discharged from a Reservoir of Reclaimed Land into Isahaya Bay, Kyushu, Japan 2015/05
Short-term dynamics of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins) following a discharge from a coastal reservoir in Isahaya Bay, Japan. 2015/03
撹乱強度に伴う優占二枚貝の機能の変化 2015/03
Impact of seasonal occurrence of hypoxia on the spatial distributions of bottom environment and macrobenthic communities. 2014/10
Widespread dispersal and accumulation of toxic substances, microcystins produced by freshwater cyanobacteria in Ariake Bay, the west coast of Kyushu, Japan. 2014/10
Growth and survival of Sinonovacula constricta on the coast of Saga Prefecture – focus on changes in glycogen content during sexual maturation; 2023/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI, 89, 6, 529-536 AUTHOR; Ryo Orita, Kousuke Shigehisa, Masanori Tsukuda
Weekly observations of estuarine microbial assemblages during summer in the inner part of Ariake Bay, Japan: Microbial water-sediment coupling in turbid shallow waters.; 2022/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Microbes and Environments, 37, 2, In Press AUTHOR; Orita, R., Yoshida, K., Terazono, H., Nagano, Y., Goto, M., Kimura, K., & Kobayashi, G
Isolation of sake yeast strains from Ariake Sea tidal flats and evaluation of their brewing characteristics.; 2022/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 68, 1, 30-37 AUTHOR; Baba, S., Sawada, K., Orita, R., Kimura, K., Goto, M, & Kobayashi, G.
Population dynamics of a hypoxia-tolerant bivalve: A comparison of two sites in the inner part of Ariake Bay, Japan.; 2021/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Plankton & Benthos Research, 16, 4, 249-256 AUTHOR;
Breeding sake yeast and identification of mutation patterns by synchrotron light irradiation. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering; 2021/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 132, 3, 265-270 AUTHOR;
Genetic diversity and population structure of razor clam Sinonovacula constricta in Ariake Bay, Japan, revealed using RAD-Seq SNP markers; 2021/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Scientific Reports, 11, 7761 AUTHOR; Orita, R., Nagano, Y., Kawamura, Y., Kimura, K., & Kobayashi, G
Biochemical investigation on natural diets of the long spined-sea urchin Diadema setosum; 2020/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI, 86, 9-19 AUTHOR; Niwa, K., Kurogi, H., Sawayama, S., Kjigaya, Y., Teramoto, W., Orita, R., Ishihi, Y., Shibuno, T., Hayakawa, J., Chow, S.
A new species of Polyodontes (Annelida: Acoetidae) from Kochi, Shikoku Island, Japan.; 2019/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Species Diversity, 24, 275-279 AUTHOR; Jimi, N., Tomioka, S., Orita, R., Kajihara, H.
Distribution of 24 species of polychaetes in the Ariake Sea, Kyushu, Japan: 10-year change based on surveys in 1997, 2002 and 2007; 2019/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Japanese Journal of Benthology, 74, 43-63 AUTHOR;
Monster larvae of deep-sea shrimp collected in the western North Pacific; 2019/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Aquatic animals, 2019, AA2019-1-10 AUTHOR; Seinen Chow, Takashi Yanagimoto, Kooichi Konishi, Ryo Orita, Tomoyuki Komai, Hironori Komatsu
Differences in the damage caused by hypoxia to the macrobenthic communities in source regions of hypoxic water and in regions with advected hypoxic water.; 2018/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Oceanography, 74, 607-617 AUTHOR; Ishimatsu, S., Komorita, T., Orita, R., Tsutsumi, H.
Effect of spatial distribution of sedimentary environment on macrobenthic community in spring season in Isahaya Bay, Japan; 2017/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 71, 1-9 AUTHOR; Ishimatsu, S., Komorita, T., Orita, R., Tsutsumi, H.
Widespread dispersal and bio-accumulation of toxic microcystins in benthic marine ecosystems.; 2017/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Chemosphere, 167, 492-500 AUTHOR; Umehara, A., Takahashi, T., Komorita, T., Orita, R., Choi, J. W., Takenaka, R., Mabuchi, R.,Park, H.D., Tsutsumi, H.
Implications of changes in the benthic environment and decline of macro-benthic communities in the inner part of Ariake Bay in relation to seasonal hypoxia.; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Plankton & Benthos Research, 10, 4, 187-201 AUTHOR; Tsutsumi,H., Takamatsu, A., Nagata, S., Orita, R., Umehara, A., Komorita, T., Shibanuma, S., Takahashi,T., Komatsu, T., Montani, S.
Contribution of the development of the stratification of water to the expansion of Dead Zone: a sedimentological approach.; 2015/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 164, 204-213 AUTHOR; Orita, R., Umehara, A., Komorita, T., Choi, J. W., Montani, S., Komatsu, T., Tsutsumi, H.
Short-Term Dynamics of NH4-N Affected by Water Discharged from a Reservoir of Reclaimed Land into Isahaya Bay, Kyushu, Japan; 2015/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 38, 3, 75-80 AUTHOR;
Short-term dynamics of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins) following a discharge from a coastal reservoir in Isahaya Bay, Japan.; 2015/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Marine pollution bulletin, 92, 73-79 AUTHOR; Umehara, A., Komorita, T., Tai, A., Takahashi, T., Orita, R., Tsutsumi, H.
General Lectures
Physiological responses to salinity changes in Sinonovacula constricta: Metabolic dynamics involved in energy production.; 2024/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 5th Asian Marine Biology Symposium AUTHOR;
Organ-specific metabolic responses to marine anoxia in the blood clam Anadara kagoshimensis.; 2024/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 5th Asian Marine Biology Symposium AUTHOR;
Estimation of historical changes in benthic invertebrate assemblages in the Suigetsu-ko lake using marine historical ecology; 2020/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Yasushi Miyamoto, Masanori Taru, Ryo Orita, Takao Suzuki, Osamu Tominaga, Gen Kanaya
Profiling gene expression responses of the blood clam Anadara kagoshimensis to anoxia by de novo RNA-Seq analysis; 2019/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Forth Asian Marine Biology Symposium AUTHOR; Orita. R., Kimura, K., Nagano, Y., Kawamura, Y., Goto., M., Kobayashi, G.
Red blood cells characteristics of Scapharca kagosimensis and change in red blood cell concentration after hypoxic water exposure.; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Ryo Orita, Kei Kimura, Yoshio Kawamura
Differences in the sensitivity of macrobenthic communities to hypoxia between its source and advection regions.; 2017/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Third Asian Marine Biology Symposium AUTHOR; Komorita, T., Ishimatsu, S., Orita, R., Jaingam, W., Tsutsumi, H.
An indirect effect of hypoxia on the succession of subtidal benthic community: an evaluation in the inner par of Ariake Bay.; 2017/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Third Asian Marine Biology Symposium AUTHOR; Yoshino, K., Kimura, K., Fiji, N., Orita, R., Katano, T., Ito, Y., Yamada, K.
How does change occurs in exploitation of infaunal benthos by a bottom-feeding fishes and crustaceans with seasonal hypoxia?; 2017/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Third Asian Marine Biology Symposium AUTHOR; Orita, R., Yoshino, K., Kimura, K
Quantifying predation pressure on macrobenthos in the soft bottom subtidal habitat.; 2017/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Orita R, Yoshino K, Kimura K, Fujii N, Hayami Y
Impact of seasonal occurrence of hypoxia on the spatial distributions of bottom environment and macrobenthic communities.; 2014/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Orita, R., Umehara, A., Komorita, T., Tsutsumi, H.
Widespread dispersal and accumulation of toxic substances, microcystins produced by freshwater cyanobacteria in Ariake Bay, the west coast of Kyushu, Japan.; 2014/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Second Asian Marine Biology Symposium AUTHOR; Umehara, A., Takahashi, T., Komorita, T., Orita, R., Tsutsumi, H.
Influence of well-developed water stratification on the bottom environment and the macro-benthic community structure.; 2012/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The first Asian Marine Biology Symposium AUTHOR; Orita, R., Murasaki, M., Komorita, T., Tsutsumi, H.
Occurrence of red tides and hypoxic water in an encolsed coastal sea, Ariake Bay, without progressing of eutrophication.; 2012/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The first Asian Marine Biology Symposium AUTHOR; Tsutsumi, H., Komorita, T., Takahashi, T., Umehara, A., Orita, R., Montani, S.
Biophysical interactions on the succession of subtidal benthic community in the inner part of Ariake Bay.; 2019/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of CWMD International Conference 2019, 496-504 AUTHOR; Yoshino, K., Kimura, K., Fujii, N., Orita, R., Katano, T., Ito, Y., Yamada, K.