Three-Dimensional Structure of Non-Equilibrium Homogeneous Condensation Flow in a Supersonic Rctangular Nozzle; 2021年06月 発表情報; Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 11, 2 著者; Shibanul Haque, Shigeru Matsuo, Heuy Dong Kim
Oblique shock wave interaction with turbulent boundary layer over a wavy surface; 2017年06月 発表情報; AIP Conference Proceedings, 1851, 1 著者; Saeedur Rahman, Md. Saddam Hossain Joy, A. B. M. Toufique, Hasan,Y. Mitsutake, S. Matsuo, and T. Setoguchi
Annular Supersonic Swirling Flows with Heterogeneous Condensation; 2016年11月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 25, 6, 518-525 著者; Yusuke FUKUSHIMA, Shigeru MATSUO, Norimasa SHIOMI and Toshiaki SETOGUCHI
The Effect of Homogeneous Nucleation in Supersonic Condensing Submillimeter Scaled Jets; 2016年11月 発表情報; Computational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal, 8, 3, 209-232 著者; M. M. A. Alam, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, M. Takao, and H. D. Kim
Nozzle geometry variations on the discharge coefficient; 2016年02月 発表情報; Propulsion and Power Research, 5, 1, 22-33 著者; M. M. A. Alam, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, H. D. Kim
Effect of Nozzle Inlet Shape on Annular Swirling Flow with Non-Equilibrium Condensation; 2015年07月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 24, 4, 344-349 著者; Yusuke Fukushima, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Norimasa Shiomi, Tokitada Hashimoto, Heuy Dong Kim, and Shen Yu
Computation of transonic internal flow around a biconvex airfoil with cavity; 2015年06月 発表情報; Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29, 6, 2415-2421 著者; M. Mostaqur Rahman, A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, A. K. M. Sadrul Islam, S. Matsuo and T. Setoguchi
Experimental Study on Temperature Separation in Vortex Chamber; 2015年06月 発表情報; Procedia Engineering, 105, 464 – 471 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Yuhi Matsuno, Yusuke Fukushima, Mohammad Mamun, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Characteristics of transonic moist air flows around butterfly valves with spontaneous condensation; 2015年06月 発表情報; Propulsion and Power Research, 4, 2, 72–83 著者; A.B.M. Toufique Hasan, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi
Investigation on Temperature Separation and Flow Behaviour in Vortex Chamber; 2015年04月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 24, 2, 149-154 著者; Yuhi Matsuno, Yusuke Fukushima, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Compressible flow characteristics around a biconvex arc airfoil in a channel; 2014年03月 発表情報; Propulsion and Power Research, 3, 1, 29-40 著者; Md. AbdulHamid, A.B.M.Toufique Hasan, S.M.Alimuzzaman, S. Matsuo, T.Setoguchi
Homogeneous condensation in supersonic impinging jets onto cylindrical cavity; 2013年10月 発表情報; International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol.12, No.5& 6, (2013, Oct.-Dec.)., 12, 5 & 6, 475-505 著者; Miah Md. Ashraful Alam, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Heuy Dong Kim
Numerical Computations on Non-Equilibrium Homogeneous Condensation in Ideally-Expanded Supersonic Jets; 2013年10月 発表情報; International Journal of Computational Methods, 10, 5, 1-16 著者; M. M. A. Alam, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo
Control of Transonic Flow Fields Using Local Occurrence of Non-Equilibrium Condensation; 2013年08月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.22, No.4, (2013-8), pp.327-332., 22, 4, 327-332 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Characteristics of high Reynolds number flow in a critical nozzle; 2013年07月 発表情報; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.38, Issue 21, 17 July 2013, pp.9043–9051., 38, 21, 9043-9051 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Shotaro Suetsugu, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Characteristics of condensing flows in shear layer of axisymmetric supersonic jets; 2013年05月 発表情報; Procedia Engineering, Vol.56, (2013), pp.429 – 436., 56, 429-436 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Md. Tawhidul Islam Khan and Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of non-equilibrium condensation in shear layer on supersonic impinging jets; 2013年05月 発表情報; Procedia Engineering, Vol.56, (2013), pp.437 – 444., 56, 437-444 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Mamun Mohammad, Junji Nagao, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of local occurrence of non-equilibrium condensation on transonic flow field; 2013年05月 発表情報; Procedia Engineering, Vol.56, (2013), pp.445 – 453., 56, 445-453 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, Junji Nagao, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Control of the Asymmetric Flow in Rocket Nozzles; 2013年04月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.22, No.2, (2013-4), pp.97-102., 22, 2, 97-102 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Shotaro Suetsugu, Junji Nagao, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Condensing Moist Air on Unsteady Shock Waves around a Symmetric Disk in Transonic Internal Flows; 2013年04月 発表情報; Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.26, Issue 1, (April-May 2013) , pp.98-110., 26, 98-110 著者; A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Tokitada Hashimoto, Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Homogeneous Condensation on the Interaction of Supersonic Moist Air Jets with Resonance Tube; 2013年 発表情報; Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol.6, No.2, Issue 1, (2013-4), pp.203-212., 6, 2, 203-212 著者; M. M. Ashraful Alam, S. Matsuo and T. Setoguchi
Numerical Study on the Effect of Unsteady Downstream Conditions on Hydrogen Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2012年12月 発表情報; Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 2, 4, 137-144 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Effects of Supersonic Nozzle Geometry on Characteristics of Shock Wave Structure; 2012年12月 発表情報; , 2, 4A, 181-186 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Kousuke Kanesaki, Junji Nagao, Md. Tawhidul Islam Khan, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
A study of the supersonic ejector–diffuser system with an inlet orifice; 2012年11月 発表情報; Aerospace Science and Technology, 23, 1, 321-329 著者; Vincent Lijo, Heuy Dong Kim, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Numerical Study on Characteristics of Real Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2012年06月 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, 29, 1, 21-27 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Mamun Mohammad, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Effects of condensing moist air on shock induced oscillation around an airfoil in transonic internal flows; 2012年01月 発表情報; International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol.54, Issue 1, (2012-1), pp.249-259., 54, 249-259 著者; A.B.M. Toufique Hasan, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, A.K.M. Sadrul Islam
Experimental study on hysteresis phenomena of shock wave structure in an over-expanded axisymmetric jet; 2011年10月 発表情報; Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 25, 10, 2559-2565 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Junji Nagao, Miah Md. Ashraful Alam and Heuy Dong Kim
Control of the Asymmetric Flow in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2011年06月 発表情報; Journal of Korea Society of Visualization, 9, 2, 61-65 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Tokitada Hashimoto, Seiya Tokuda, Junji Nagao and Heuy-Dong Kim
Study on the compressible viscous flows through a straight pipe; 2011年02月 発表情報; Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 25, 2, 341-347 著者; Vincent Lijo, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shigeru Matsuo
Hysteretic Phenomenon of Shock Wave in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2010年12月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 19, 6, 526-532 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, M. M. Ashraful Alam, Junji Nagao and Heuy Dong Kim
A Computational Study of Thrust Vectoring Control Using Dual Throat Nozzle; 2010年12月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 19, 6, 486-490 著者; Choon Sik Shin, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shigeru Matsuo
Effect of non-equilibrium homogeneous condensation on the self-induced flow oscillation of supersonic impinging jets; 2010年11月 発表情報; International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 49, 11, 2078-2092 著者; M. M. Ashraful Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Transonic moist air flow around a symmetric disc butterfly valve with non-equilibrium condensation; 2010年11月 発表情報; Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs. Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 224, 11, 2165-2179 著者; A. B. M. Hasan, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Numerical Study of Shock Tube Flows with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Condensations in Rarefaction Wave; 2010年08月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 19, 4, 326-331 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Unsteady Shock-Flow Characteristics in an Over-Expanded Rocket Nozzle; 2010年08月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 19, 4, 332-336 著者; Jong Sung Lee, Huey Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shigeru Matsuo
Numerical simulation of transient flows in a rocket propulsion nozzle; 2010年06月 発表情報; International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 31, 6, 409-417 著者; Vincent Lijo, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo
Effects of Unsteady Downstream Conditions on the Gas Flow through a Sonic Nozzle; 2010年06月 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, 27, 2, 95-108 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Supersonic Moist Air Jet Impingements on Flat Surface; 2010年02月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 19, 1, 51-59 著者; ALAM Miah Md. Ashraful, MATSUO Shigeru, and SETOGUCHI Toshiaki
Numerical investigation of transient side-loads in the start-up process of a rocket nozzle; 2010年02月 発表情報; Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 24, 2, 593-599 著者; Vincent Lijo, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shigeru MATSUO
Numerical Study of Air Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2009年12月 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, 26, 4, 223-234 著者; Junji Nagao, Mamun Mohammad, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Transonic Moist Air Flow around a Circular Arc Blade with Bump; 2009年11月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 18, 4, 325-331 著者; A.B.M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Hysteretic Phenomenon of Underexpanded Moist Air Jet; 2009年11月 発表情報; AIAA Journal, 47, 12, 2792-2799 著者; Yumiko Otobe, Tsuyoshi Yasunobu, Hideo Kashimura, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy-Dong Kim
Effect of Moist Air on Transonic Internal Flow around a Plate; 2009年07月 発表情報; Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, 4, 3, 546-557 著者; A.B.M. Toufique HASAN, Shigeru MATSUO, Toshiaki SETOGUCHI and Heuy Dong KIM
A computational study of real gas flows through a critical nozzle; 2009年03月 発表情報; Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs. Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 223, 3, 617-626 著者; J. H. Kim, H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi and S. Matsuo
Characteristics of Hysteresis Phenomena on Shock Wave Structure in Overexpanded Axisymmetric Supersonic Jet; 2009年03月 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo & Jet Engines, 26, 1, 1-7 著者; Tsuyoshi Yasunobu, Yumiko Otobe, Hideo Kashimura, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shen Yu
Control of Transonic Flow with Non-Equilibrium Condensation around a Circular Arc Blade using Bump; 2009年03月 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo & Jet Engines, 26, 1, 33-49 著者; A.B.M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong KIM and Shen Yu
Computational Study on the Critical Nozzle Flow of High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas; 2008年07月 発表情報; Journal of Propulsion and Power, 24, 4, 715-721 著者; Jae-hyung Kim, Heuy-dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shigeru Matsuo
Jet Screech Reduction with Perforated Flat Reflector; 2008年07月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 17, 3, 224-227 著者; Md. Tawhidul Islam Khan, Kenbu Teramoto, Shigeru Matsuo and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Influence of nozzle geometry on the near-field structure of a highly underexpanded sonic jet; 2008年 発表情報; J. of Fluids and Structures, 24, 2, 281-293 著者; Y.Otobe, H.Kashimura, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Effect of Sub-cavity on Cavity-induced Pressure Oscillation in Supersonic Flow; 2008年 発表情報; International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 10, 3, 203-213 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Md. Mahbubul Alam, Tae Hun Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Characteristics of Supersonic Impinging Moist Air Jets; 2008年 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo & Jet Engines, 25, 3, 221-231 著者; Miah Md. Ashraful Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi
A Study of the Critical Nozzle for Flow Rate Measurement of High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas; 2007年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 16, 1, 28-32 著者; H.D.Kim, J.H.Lee, K.A.Park, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo
The Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation on Supersonic Air Flows over Rectangular Cavities; 2007年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 16, 1, 33-39 著者; M.Md.A.Alam, Md. M.Alam, S.Matsuo, K.Teramoto, T. Setoguchi, H.D.Kim, S.Yu
Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on Unsteady Behaviour of Shock Waves around a Circular Arc Blade; 2007年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 16, 2, 134-139 著者; S.Matsuo, K.Teramoto, M.Md.A. Alam, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim, S.Yu
Generation of Overpressure due to Condensation in Moist Air Jet; 2007年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 16, 2, 145-148 著者; Y.Otobe, H.Kashimura, S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka^D, T.Setoguchi
Effect of Nozzle Geometry on the Flow Characteristics of Spiral Flow Generated through an Annular Slit; 2007年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 16, 2, 149-154 著者; S.Matsuo, T.H.Kim, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim,Y.W.Lee
On the Near-Field Aerodynamics of a Projectile Launched from a Ballistic Range; 2007年 発表情報; J. of Mechanical Science and Technology, 21, 7, 1129-1138 著者; R.Gopalapillai, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo
A New Method of Controlling Cavity-induced Pressure Oscillations; 2007年 発表情報; J. of Mechanical Science and Technology, 21, 9, 1398-1407 著者; Md.M.Alam, S.Matsuo, K.Teramoto, T.Setoguchi, H.D. Kim
A study of unsteady projectile aerodynamics using a moving coordinate method; 2007年 発表情報; J. of Aerospace Engineering Science, I Mech. E (Part G), 221, 5, 691-706 著者; G.Rajesh, H.D.Kim, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi
A Fundamental Study of a Variable Critical Nozzle Flow; 2006年01月 発表情報; Experiments in Fluids, 40, 1, 127-134 著者; J. H. Kim, H. D. Kim, K. A. Park, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi
Computational Analysis of a Variable Ejector Flow; 2006年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 15, 2, 140-144 著者; H.D.Kim, J.H.Lee, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo
Influence of the nozzle inlet configuration on under-expanded swirling jet; 2006年 発表情報; J. Mechanical Engg. Science, I Mech E (Part G), 220, 2, 155-163 著者; K.H.Lee, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo, H.D.Kim,
Study of Moderately Underexpanded Supersonic Moist Air Jets; 2006年 発表情報; AIAA Journal, 44, 7, 1623-1627 著者; S.C.Baek, S.B.Kwon, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo
An Experimental Study of a Variable Ejector for the Hydrogen Fuel Cell System; 2006年 発表情報; The International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 8, 1, 37-49 著者; J.H.Lee, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo
A Numerical Study of Non-Equilibrium Condensation in an Expansion Tube with Orifices; 2006年 発表情報; The International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 8, 2, 85-95 著者; M.Tanaka^D, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
A Computational Investigation on the Control of Cavity-Induced Pressure Oscillations Using Sub-Cavity; 2006年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 15, 3, 213-219 著者; Md.M.Alam, S.Matsuo, K.Teramoto, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Effect of Exit Geometry of Tail Pipe on the Performance of Pulse Jet Engines; 2006年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 15, 3, 263-268 著者; T.Nakano, S.Matsuo, K.Teramoto, T.Setoguchi
A Study on Flow Characteristics in a Spiral Flow Nozzle; 2006年 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, 23, 2, 129-136 著者; T.H.Kim^D, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, S.Yu
A Numerical Study on Passive Control of Cavity Induced Pressure Oscillations in Two-Dimensional Supersonic Flow; 2006年 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, 23, 3, 155-164 著者; T.Setoguchi, Md. M.Alam, S.Matsuo, K.Teramoto, S.Yu
A Study on Characteristics of Under-Expanded Condensing Jet; 2006年 発表情報; JSME International Journal, 49, 4, 1165-1172 著者; Y.Otobe, S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka^D, H.Kashimura and T.Setoguchi
Optimization Study of a Coanda Ejector; 2006年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 15, 4, 331-336 著者; H.D.Kim, G.Rajesh, T.Setoguchi and S.Matsuo
A Study of the Gas Flow through a LNG Safety Valve; 2006年 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 15, 4, 355-360 著者; H.D.Kim, J.H.Lee, K.A.Park, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo
A Study of Under-Expanded Moist Air Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate; 2005年10月 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 14, 4, 334-340 著者; Y. Otobe, S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka, H. Kashimura, H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi
An Experimental Study of the Under-Expanded Swirling Jet with Secondary Coaxial Stream; 2005年06月 発表情報; Shock Waves, 14, 1-2, 83-92 著者; K.H.Lee, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo, H.D.Kim
Study of Spiral Flow Generated through an Annular Slit; 2005年06月 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 14, 2, 97-102 著者; T. H. Kim, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Passive Shock Control in Transonic Flow Field; 2005年03月 発表情報; J. of Computational Fluids Engineering, 10, 1, 80-86 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka, T. Setoguchi, H. Kashimura, T. Yasunobu, H. D. Kim
Effect of Heterogeneous Condensation on the Transonic Flow Fields on a Bump Model; 2005年02月 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 14, 1, 34-40 著者; M. Tanaka^D, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Study of the Effect of Unsteady Downstream Conditions on the Gas Flow though a Critical Nozzle; 2004年10月 発表情報; J. Mechanical Engg. Science, I Mech E (PartC), 218, 11, 1163-1173 著者; H.D.Kim, J.H.Kim, K.A.Park, T.Setoguchi, S .Matsuo
Effect of Non-equilibrium Condensation on Axisymmetric Under-expanded Jet; 2004年09月 発表情報; Int. J. of Turbo & Jet-Engines, 21, 3, 193-201 著者; S.Matsuo, YOtobe, M.Tanaka, H.Kashimura, T.Setoguchi, S.Yu
Near-Field Structures of an Underexpanded Sonic Coaxial Jet; 2004年09月 発表情報; J. of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 11, 3, 177-192 著者; K.H.Lee, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo, H.D.Kim
Study of the Unsteady Condensation of Moist Air Flow in Shock Tube; 2004年08月 発表情報; J. Thermal Science, 13, 3, 235-244 著者; S.C.Baek, S.B.Kwon, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi, S .Matsuo
Passive Control Applied to Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Flow with Homogeneous Condensation; 2004年07月 発表情報; Aerospace Science and Technology, 8, 5, 369-376 著者; H.D.Kim, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi
Effect of Axisymmetric Sonic Nozzle Geometry on Characteristics of Supersonic Air Jet; 2004年05月 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 13, 2, 121-126 著者; S .Matsuo, M.Tanaka, Y.Otobe, H. Kashimura, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi
An Experimental Study of Underexpanded Sonic, Coaxial, Swirl Jets; 2004年01月 発表情報; J. Mechanical Engg. Science, I Mech E (Part C), 218, 1, 93-104 著者; K.H.Lee, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo, H.D.Kim
Numerical Visualization of Moist Air Flow through the Ludwieq Tube; 2003年12月 発表情報; Int. J. of Transport Phenomena, 5, 4, 279-293 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Study of Moist Air Flow Through the Ludwieg Tube; 2003年12月 発表情報; KSME International Journal, 17, 12, 2066-2077 著者; S. C. Baek, S. B. Kwon, H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, S. Raghunathan
The Effect of the Secondary Annular Stream on Supersonic Jet; 2003年11月 発表情報; KSME Int. J., 17, 11, 1793-1800 著者; K. H. Lee^D, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, H. D. Kim
A Study on the Focusing Phenomenon of a Weak Shock Wave; 2003年11月 発表情報; J. Mechanical Engg. Science, IMechE (Part C), 217, 11, 1209-1220 著者; H. D. Kim, Y. H. Kweon, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo
Computational Study of the Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2003年10月 発表情報; J. of Mech. Engg. Science, IMechE (PartC), 217, 10, 1179-1189 著者; H. D. Kim, J. H. Kim, K. A. Park, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo
Study for the Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2003年08月 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 12, 3, 250-254 著者; J. H. Kim, H. D. Kim, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi
Effect of Annular Slit Geometry on Characteristics of Spiral Jet; 2003年08月 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 12, 3, 225-230 著者; S. Matsuo, K. H. Lee, S. Oda, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Passive Control of the Condensation Shock Wave in a Transonic Nozzle; 2003年07月 発表情報; Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, 12, 2, 316-327 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, T. Setoguchi
Passive Control of Transonic Flow Fields with Shock Wave Using Non-Equilibrium Condensation and Porous Wall; 2003年05月 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 12, 2, 126-131 著者; M. Tanaka^D, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, K. Kaneko, H. D. Kim, S.Yu
Experimental Study of Twin Pulse Jet Engine for Power Plant Application; 2003年05月 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 12, 2, 179-184 著者; T. Nakano, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, S.Yu
Passive Control of Condensation Shock Wave in Prantle-Meyer Expansion Flow; 2003年02月 発表情報; J. of Thermal Science, 12, 1, 20-26 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim, S.Yu
Effect of Non-equilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on Flow Field in Ludwieg Tube; 2002年05月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 11, 2, 104-113 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Masanori Tanaka and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Experimental Study on Twin Pulse Jet Engine; 2002年02月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 11, 1, 92-96 著者; Toshihiro Nakano, Michael Zeutzius and Shigeru Matsuo
Pressure Drop Control Using Multiple Orifice System in Compressible Pipe Flows; 2001年10月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 10, 4, 309-317 著者; Heuydong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo and S.R.Raghunathan
Pulse Combustors with Active Control; 2001年 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, 18, 4, 251-258 著者; Toshihiro Nakano, Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Kenji Kaneko and Shen Yu
Passive Control of Steady Condensation Shock Wave; 2000年10月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 9, 4, 293-298 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Katsumi Shimamoto, Shinichi Yasugi and Shen Yu
Passive Control of Unsteady Condensation Shock Wave; 2000年10月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 9, 4, 299-304 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Katsumi Shimamoto, Shinichi Yasugi and Shen Yu
Effect of Nonequilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on Transonic Flow Fields; 2000年06月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 9, 1, 37-44 著者; Katsumi Shimamoto, Shigeru Matsuo and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Study on the Charactristics of Supersonic Coanda Jet; 1998年12月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 7, 3, 165-175 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Takemasa Kudo and Shen Yu
Active Control of Twin-Pulse Combustors; 1998年05月 発表情報; AIAA Journal, 36, 5, 823-829 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Kunio Terao, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Nakano and Yasuyuki Fujita^M
Effect of Nonequilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on the Boundary Layer in a Supersonic Nozzle; 1997年12月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 6, 4, 260-272 著者; Shigeru MATSUO, Toshiaki SETOGUCHI, Shen YU and Hiroyuki HIRAHARA
Effect of Nonequilibrium Homogeneous Condensation on Flow Fields in a Supersonic Nozzle; 1997年06月 発表情報; Journal of Thermal Science, 6, 2, 90-96 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Shen Yu and Hiroyuki Hirahara
Investigation of Pressure Oscillation in Supersonic Cavity Flow; 1997年 発表情報; International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, 14, 4, 239-246 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shen Yu
Experimental Investigation of a Gasdynamic Thrust Vector Control for Hypersonic Space Planes; 1996年 発表情報; JSME International Journal, Series B, 39, 1, 101-111 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Alfred E. Beylich, Shigeru Matsuo and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Interaction of Supersonic Expansion Flow with Boundary Layer in Unsymmetrical Duct; 1994年 発表情報; JSME International Journal,Series B, 37, 1, 77-82 著者; Fumio HIGASHINO, Shigeru MATSUO and Taro TSUYUKI
Effects of Condensing Flow on an Oblique Shock Wave in a Supersonic Nozzle; 1989年 発表情報; JSME International Journal, Series 2, 32, 3, 362-367 著者; Soon Bum KWON, Kazuyasu MATSUO, Shigetoshi KAWAGOE, Shinji NODA and Shigeru MATSUO
Total Pressure Loss in Supersonic Nozzle Flows with Condensation (Numerical Analyses); 1988年 発表情報; JSME International Journal, Series 2, 31, 1, 16-21 著者; Soon Bum KWON, Kazuyasu MATSUO, Shigetoshi KAWAGOE and Shigeru MATSUO
Flow Characteristics of High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas in the Critical Nozzle; 2008年03月 発表情報; 佐賀大学海洋エネルギー研究センター報告, 14, 53-57 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Soichiro Koyama, Junji Nagao and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Passive Control of Exiting Impulsive Wave Caused by Compression Wave from a Tube; 2001年09月 発表情報; 佐賀大学理工学部集報, 30, 1, 9-16 著者; Nakano Toshihiro, Shigeru Matsuo
Boundary Layer Bleeding Systems for Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion; 1996年07月 発表情報; 佐賀大学理工学部集報, 25, 1, 7-16 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo
Investigation of a Gas Dynamic Thrust Vector Control Using a Semi-empirical Method; 1996年07月 発表情報; 佐賀大学理工学部集報, 25, 1, 17-26 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo
Three-dimensional Effects in Overexpanded Nozzle Flows; 1996年01月 発表情報; 佐賀大学理工学部集報, 24, 2, 7-12 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo
Thrust Vector Control of Non-axisymmetric Nozzles; 1996年01月 発表情報; 佐賀大学理工学部集報, 24, 2, 1-6 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo
Numerical Investigation on Heterogeneous Condensing Flow in a Three-Dimensional Supersonic Rectangular Arc Nozzle; 2023年09月 発表情報; The 33th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena 著者; Imran Ahamed Protic Kazi, Shigeru Matsuo and Shura Maegawa
Characteristics of Non-Equilibrium Condensing Flow in Three-Dimensional Supersonic Rectangular Nozzles; 2021年09月 発表情報; The 16th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery 著者; Shibanul Haque, Shigeru Matsuo and Hideya Kaeriyama
Effect of Nozzle Shape on the Discharge Coefficient of Critical Nozzle at High Reynolds Number; 2020年10月 発表情報; The 31th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ONLINE) 著者; Shibanul Haque, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Morioka, Naoya Sakoda and Masaru Ito
Discharge coefficient of high-pressure hydrogen gas in a critical nozzle; 2019年09月 発表情報; The 15th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery (AICFM15), 25th - 27th September 2019, Busan, Korea., AICFM15-FV1-2 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Kazuki Niibayashi, Yusuke Fukushima, Toshihiro Morioka, Naoya Sakoda, Masaru Ito and Norimasa Shiomi
Effect of Heterogeneous Condensation on Swirling Flows in a Supersonic Annular Nozzle; 2017年05月 発表情報; The 13th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 1-6 著者; Yusuke Fukushima, Shigeru Matsuo, Ryuta Murakami and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Interaction of Shock Wave with Boundary Layer in a Supersonic Rectangular Nozzle Flow; 2016年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 6th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, September 20-23, 2016, Guilin, China. 著者; Ho Yun Jung, Shigeru Matsuo, Yusuke Fukushima, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim and Shen Yu
Effect of Heterogeneous Condensation on Annular Swirling Flow in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2016年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, USB (ISTP-120), 20-23 September 2016, Honolulu, USA. 著者; Yusuke Fukushima, Shigeru Matsuo, Norimasa Shiomi and Toshiaki Setoguchi
A Computational Study on Oblique Shock Wave – Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction; 2015年12月 発表情報; The 11th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2015 (ICME 2015), Paper ID : 494, 18-20 December, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; Md. Saddam Hossain Joy, Saeedur Rahman, A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, M. Ali, Yuichi Mitsutake, Shigeru Matsuo Toshiaki Setoguchi
Numerical Study on Low Reynolds Number Flows in Critical Nozzles; 2015年07月 発表情報; Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, ISAIF12_008(USB), July 13-16, 2015, Lerici, Italy. 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Yusuke Fukushima, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Toshihiro Morioka, Masaru Ito, Shizuichi Fujikawa, Tokitada Hashimoto and Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Nozzle Inlet Shape on Annular Swirling Flow with Non-Equilibrium Condensation; 2015年07月 発表情報; Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, ISAIF12_009(USB), July 13-16, 2015, Lerici, Italy. 著者; Yusuke Fukushima, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Norimasa Shiomi, Tokitada Hashimoto, Heuy Dong Kim, and Shen Yu
Experimental Study on High-Speed Particle Induced by a Micro Shock Tube; 2015年07月 発表情報; Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, ISAIF12_032(USB), July 13-16, 2015, Lerici, Italy. 著者; Tokitada Hashimoto, Kensuke Hieda, Yuko Yokoo, Shigeru Matsuo and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Experimental Study on Temperature Separation in Vortex Chamber; 2014年12月 発表情報; Programme and Abstract Book of the 6th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering (ICTE 2014), P.84 (9.01(ID-62), CD-ROM), 19-21 December, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Yuhi Matsuno, Yusuke Fukushima, Mohammad Mamun, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Non-Equilibrium Condensing Flow with Swirl in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2014年12月 発表情報; Programme and Abstract Book of the 6th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering (ICTE 2014), P.75 (7.02(ID-60), CD-ROM), 19-21 December, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Mohammad Mamun, Yusuke Fukushima, Norimasa Shiomi, Yuhi Matsuno, Heuy Dong Kim
Condensing Wet Steam Flow through Asymmetric Nozzle; 2014年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, September 23-26, 2014, Nagasaki, Japan. 著者; M. M. A. Alam, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, T. Hashimoto, H. D. Kim, S. Yu
Effect to pseudo Biological soft issue in focused pressure wave irradiation; 2014年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, September 23-26, 2014, Nagasaki, Japan. 著者; Daiki Tanoue, Yuji Ogawa, Tokitada Hashimoto, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, G. Rajesh
Study on generation method of pulsed water jet for medical application; 2014年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, September 23-26, 2014, Nagasaki, Japan. 著者; Youhei Mutaguchi, Takahiro Kasahara, Daisuke Yamamoto, Tokitada Hashimoto, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Fundamental study on the powder injection using a micro shock tube; 2014年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, September 23-26, 2014, Nagasaki, Japan. 著者; Naoki Nohara, Kensuke Hieda, Tokitada Hashimoto, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Characteristics of High Speed Driven-Cavity Flow in 2D Curved Channel; 2014年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, September 23-26, 2014, Nagasaki, Japan. 著者; M. M. Alam, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, T. Hashimoto, H. D. Kim
Investigation on Temperature Separation and Flow Behaviour in Vortex Chamber; 2014年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, September 23-26, 2014, Nagasaki, Japan. 著者; Yuhi Matsuno, Yusuke Fukushima, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
The Discharge Coefficient for Various Sonic Nozzles; 2014年03月 発表情報; Proceedings of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power (AJCPP2014), March 5-8, 2014, Jeju Island, Korea. 著者; Miah Md. Ashraful Alam, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Heuy Dong Kim
Impingement of Supersonic Condensing Jets onto Cylindrical Cavity; 2013年08月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 9th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing (PSFVIP-7), Busan, Korea, August 25th - 28th, 2013., 108-113 著者; M. M. A. Alam, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo and H. D. Kim
Turbulent Confined Jets during Refueling of H2 Tank; 2013年08月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 9th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing (PSFVIP-7), Busan, Korea, August 25th - 28th, 2013., 114-119 著者; M. M. A. Alam, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo and H. D. Kim
Numerical Study on Transonic Flow with Local Occurrence of Non-Equilibrium Condensation; 2013年05月 発表情報; Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, USB, May 6-11, 2013, Shenzhen, China. 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Kazuyuki Yokoo, Junji Nagao, Yushiro Nishiyama, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim and Shen Yu
Real Gas Effect on Discharge Coefficient for a Critical Nozzle at High Reynolds Number; 2013年05月 発表情報; Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, USB, May 6-11, 2013, Shenzhen, China. 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Numerical Study of real gas flow through a critical nozzle; 2013年05月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 12th Asian Symposium on Visualization, ASV12-224, May 19-23, 2013, Tainan, Taiwan. 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
高レイノルズ数領域における臨界ノズル流量計内の流動特性; 2013年03月 発表情報; 平成24年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集,(2013-3), pp. 355-358., 355-358 著者; 長尾淳司,松尾繁,末次正太郎,橋本時忠,瀬戸口俊明
Characteristics of condensing flows in shear layer of axisymmetric supersonic jets; 2012年12月 発表情報; Programme and Abstract Book of the 5th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, 9.02(CD-ROM), 21-23 December, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Md. Tawhidul Islam Khan and Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation in Shear Layer on Supersonic Impinging Jets; 2012年12月 発表情報; Programme and Abstract Book of the 5th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, 9.03(CD-ROM), 21-23 December, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Mamun Mohammad, Junji Nagao, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Local Occurrence of Non-Equilibrium Condensation on Transonic Flow Field; 2012年12月 発表情報; Programme and Abstract Book of the 5th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, 9.04(CD-ROM), 21-23 December, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, Junji Nagao, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Control of Transonic Flow Fields Using Local Occurrence of Non-Equilibrium Condensaton; 2012年10月 発表情報; Proceedings of 4th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, 14-17 Oct. 2012, M-1B-2, Busan (Korea). 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Generating and Focusing of Underwater Expansion Wave Using a Silicon Resin Reflector; 2012年10月 発表情報; Proceedings of 4th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, 14-17 Oct. 2012, M-2C-3, Busan (Korea). 著者; Takafumi Nakabaru, Tokitada Hashimoto, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, G. Rajesh
Effects of Supersonic Nozzle Geometry on Characteristics of Shock Wave Structure; 2012年10月 発表情報; Proceedings of 4th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, 14-17 Oct. 2012, T-1B-2, Busan (Korea). 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Kousuke Kanesaki, Junji Nagao, Md. Tawhidul Islam Khan, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Control of the Asymmetric Flow in Rocket Nozzles; 2012年10月 発表情報; Proceedings of 4th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, 14-17 Oct. 2012, T-3B-1, Busan (Korea). 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Shotaro Suetsugu, Junji Nagao, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Numerical Experiments on Under Expanded Supersonic Condensing Microjets; 2012年10月 発表情報; Proceedings of 4th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, USB, 14-17 Oct. 2012, T-3B-4, Busan (Korea). 著者; M. M. Ashraful Alam, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Heuy Dong Kim, Shen Yu
Effect of Local Occurrence of Non-Equilibrium Condensation on Flow Fields in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2012年03月 発表情報; Proceeding of Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (The Eighth KSME-JSME), GSF23-001(CD-ROM), 18-21 March 2012, Incheon, Korea. 著者; Junji Nagao^D, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Hysteretic Phenomena of Asymmetric Shock Wave in Supersonic Nozzle; 2012年03月 発表情報; Proceeding of Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (The Eighth KSME-JSME), GSF23-002(CD-ROM), 18-21 March 2012, Incheon, Korea. 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Seiya Tokuda, Junji Nagao and Heuy Dong Kim
Numerical Experiments on Hysteretic Phenomena of Shock Waves in Supersonic Nozzle; 2011年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011, ICME11-FL-16, 18-20 December, 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; M.M. Ashraful Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, Junji Nagao and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Study on Characteristics of Real Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2011年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011, ICME11-FL-37, 18-20 December, 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; Mamun Mohammad, Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Computational Study on Supersonic Mixing Enhancement by Cavity-Induced Flow Oscillations; 2011年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2011(ICMERE2011), ICMERE2011-PI-031, 22-24 December 2011, Chittagong, Bangladesh. 著者; M. Mahbubul Alam, Shigeru Matsuo and T. Setoguchi
Effect of Inflow Condition on Turbulent Jets from Axisymmetric Sonic Nozzle; 2011年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2011(ICMERE2011), ICMERE2011-PI-046, 22-24 December 2011, Chittagong, Bangladesh. 著者; M.M. Ashraful Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Hideo Kashimura
Non-Equilibrium Condensation in Shear Layer of Supersonic Axisymmetric Jets; 2011年07月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerothermodynamics of International Flows, ISAIF10-085, 4-7 July 2011, Brussels, Belgium. 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Tokitada Hashimoto, Heuy Dong Kim, Shen Yu
A Computational Study on the Flow Characteristics of a Dual Throat Nozzle; 2011年07月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerothermodynamics of International Flows, ISAIF10-085, 4-7 July 2011, Brussels, Belgium. 著者; Jong Sung Lee, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo
Control of Supersonic Flow Fields Using Local Occurrence of Non-Equilibrium Condensation; 2011年06月 発表情報; Proceedings of 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization, ASV11-12-03(CD-ROM), Toki Messe (Niigata Convention Center), Niigata, Japan, June 5-9, 2011. 著者; J. Nagao, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi and H. D. Kim
Control of an Asymmeric Flow in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2011年06月 発表情報; Proceedings of 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization, ASV11-12-05(CD-ROM), Toki Messe (Niigata Convention Center), Niigata, Japan, June 5-9, 2011. 著者; S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, T. Hashimoto, S.Tokuda, J.Nagao and H. D. Kim
Hysteretic Phenomena of Shock Waves with Asymmeric Characteristics in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2011年06月 発表情報; Proceedings of 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization, ASV11-12-06(CD-ROM), Toki Messe (Niigata Convention Center), Niigata, Japan, June 5-9, 2011. 著者; S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, N. Shiomi and H. D. Kim
Numerical Simulation of Under-Expanded Supersonic Impinging Moist Air Jets onto Cylindrical Cavity; 2011年03月 発表情報; 平成22年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集,(2011-3)., 77-80 著者; M. M. A. Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Characteristics of High Pressure Air Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2010年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 17-21 December 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh., 283-286 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Junji Nagao, Mamun Mohammad, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Characteristics of Shock Waves around a Symmetric Disk in Transonic Internal Condensing Moist Air Flows; 2010年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 17-21 December 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh., 287-291 著者; A.B.M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Non-equilibrium Condensation on Correctly-expanded Supersonic Jets; 2010年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 17-21 December 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh., 292-295 著者; Miah Md. Ashraful Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, A.B.M.T. Hasan, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Effects of unsteady downstream conditions on turbulent air flow through a critical nozzle; 2010年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering 2010, MIE10-010, 23-24 December, 2010, Khulna, BANGLADESH 著者; Md. Mahbubul Alam, Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of condensing moist air on transonic internal flows around a valve disk; 2010年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering 2010, MIE10-011, 23-24 December, 2010, Khulna, BANGLADESH 著者; A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Non-Equilibrium Condensation in an Ideally-Expanded Supersonic Jet; 2010年11月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, November 2-5, 2010, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan., 895-901 著者; M. M. Ashraful Alam, T. Hashimoto, J. Nagao, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Effects of Non-Equilibrium Condensation on an Oblique Shock Wave in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2010年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 193-198 著者; Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim, Shen Yu
A Computational Study of Thrust Vectoring Control Using Dual Throat Nozzle; 2010年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 277-282 著者; Choon Sik Shin, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo
Influence of the Size of Nozzle Diameter on the Characteristics of Supersonic Jets; 2010年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 399-404 著者; Miah Md. Ashraful Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim, Yumiko Otobe, Hideo Kashimura
Hysteretic Phenomenon of Shock Wave in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2010年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 456-461 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Miah Md. Ashraful Alam, Soichiro Koyama, Heuy Dong Kim
Numerical Study on the Self-Sustained Oscillations in Supersonic Impinging Moist Air Jets; 2010年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 467-472 著者; Miah Md. Ashraful Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, Md. Mahbubul Alam, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Homogeneous Condensation of Moist Air on Transonic Flows around a Symmetric Disk Butterfly Valve; 2010年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 478-483 著者; A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim, Ying-zi Jin, Shen Yu
Medical Application of Underwater Expansion Wave; 2010年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 499-502 著者; Hironori Ikari, Masatoshi Nakamura, Youhei Tsujita, Tokitada Hashimoto, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Unsteady FSS-RSS Phenomena in a Rocket Nozzle; 2010年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of 3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, Sept. 10-13, 2010, pp.288-293, Matsue, Japan., 288-293 著者; Jong Sung Lee, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo
Experimental Visualization of Separation Shock Waves in an Overexpanded Nozzle; 2010年06月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV14), ISFV14-1C-1, June 21-24, 2010, EXCO Daegu, Korea. 著者; J. S. Lee H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi and S. Matsuo
Numerical Visualization on Condensing Moist Air Flows around Symmetric Disks; 2010年06月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV14), ISFV14-1C-4, June 21-24, 2010, EXCO Daegu, Korea. 著者; A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Tokitada Hashimoto, Soichiro Koyama and Heuy Dong Kim
Hysteresis Phenomena of Shock Wave Structure in Supersonic Flow Fields; 2010年06月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV14), ISFV14-2C-1, June 21-24, 2010, EXCO Daegu, Korea. 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Junji Nagao^M, Tokitada Hashimoto and Heuy Dong Kim
Flow Characteristics of Compressible Gas Flow through Pipe Bends; 2010年06月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV14), ISFV14-4C-1, June 21-24, 2010, EXCO Daegu, Korea. 著者; Abhilash Suryan, Choon Sik Shin, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shigeru Matsuo
Hysteresis Phenomenon of Shock Wave in a Supersonic Nozzle; 2010年04月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC-13), CD-ROM (ISROMAC13-TS34) 著者; Toshiaki SETOGUCHI, Shigeru MATSUO, Miah Md. Ashraful ALAM, Norimasa SHIOMI and Heuy Dong KIM
Study on the Flow Behaviour of Supersonic Microjets; 2010年04月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC-13), CD-ROM (ISROMAC13-TS41), April 4-7, 2010, Hawaii, USA. 著者; Miah Md. Ashraful ALAM, Shigeru MATSUO and Toshiaki SETOGUCHI
Unsteady Flow Characteristics and Lateral Forces in an Over Expanded Rocket Nozzle; 2010年03月 発表情報; Proceedings of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2010 (AJCPP2010-039), 252-255 著者; Vincent Lijo, Jong-Sung Lee, Huey Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shigeru Matsuo
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Butterfly Valves in Transonic Moist Air Flow with Homogeneous Condensation; 2010年03月 発表情報; Proceedings of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2010 (AJCPP2010-070), 638-646 著者; A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Huey Dong Kim
Study on Real Gas Flows through a Critical Nozzle; 2009年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009 (ICME2009), ICME09-FM-03, 26-28 December 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; Mamun Mohammad, Junji Nagao, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto and Toshiaki Setoguchi
A Computational Study of Transonic Moist Air Flow around a Symmetric Disk Butterfly Valve; 2009年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009 (ICME2009), ICME09-FM-09, 26-28 December 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; A. B. M.Toufique Hasan, Mamun Mohammad, Shigeru Matsuo and Tokitada Hashimoto
Numerical Simulations of Supersonic Microjets; 2009年12月 発表情報; Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2009 (ICME2009), ICME09-FM-12, 26-28 December 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 著者; Alam Miah Md. Ashraful, Alam Md. Mahabubul, Matsuo Shigeru, Setoguchi Toshiaki nad Kim Heuy Dong
Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on Transonic Internal Flow Field around a Plate; 2009年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 9the International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF9), Paper No.1B-3, 8-11 September 2009, Gyeongju, Korea 著者; A. B. M. Toufique Hasan^D, Shigeru Matsuo, Tokitada Hashimoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim and Shen Yu
Characteristics of Shock Tube Flows with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Condensation in Rarefaction Wave; 2009年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 9the International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF9), Paper No.2B-1, 8-11 September 2009, Gyeongju, Korea. 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Kenichi Nishi, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim and Ying-zi Jin
Unsteady Flow Characteristics and Lateral Forces in an Over Expanded Rocket Nozzle; 2009年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 9the International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF9), Paper No.3B-3, 8-11 September 2009, Gyeongju, Korea. 著者; Vincent Lijo, Jong-SungLee, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shigeru Matsuo
Numerical Study of the High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2009年09月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 9the International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF9), Paper No.4B-1, 8-11 September 2009, Gyeongju, Korea. 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Kenta Ono, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Transonic Internal Moist Air Flow around a Circular Arc Disk Butterfly Valve in Partial Opening Position; 2009年07月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, CD-ROM, 7-10 July, 2009, Victoria, BC Canada. 著者; A. B. M. T. Hasan, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi and H. D. Kim
Flow Behavior of Supersonic Impinging Moist Air Jets; 2009年06月 発表情報; Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 22-24 June 2009, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea., 2, 447-452 著者; ALAM Miah Md. Ashraful, MATSUO Shigeru, SETOGUCHI Toshiaki and KIM Heuy Dong
Interaction of Supersonic Condensing Jets with the Resonance Tube; 2009年03月 発表情報; 平成20年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集, 265-268 著者; ALAM Miah Md. Ashraful, MATSUO Shigeru, HASHIMOTO Tokitada, SETOGUCHI Toshiaki
Wake and Separation Characteristics of a Circular Arc Blade with Bump in Transonic Flow Field; 2008年11月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 4th BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, 186-191 著者; A. B. M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Md. Mamun, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Mach Number and Sub-Cavity on the Control of Cavity-Induced Pressure Oscillations; 2008年11月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 4th BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, 204-209 著者; Md. Mahbubul Alam, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo and Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Moisture on Supersonic Impinging Jet Flows; 2008年11月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 4th BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, 210-215 著者; Miah Md. Ashraful Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, Md. Mamun, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Passive Control of Pressure Loads in Supersonic Cavities at Variable Mach Number; 2008年11月 発表情報; Proceedings of the 4th BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineerin, 222-227 著者; Md. Mahbubul Alam, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo and Heuy Dong Kim
NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE GAS FLOW THROUGH A CRITICAL NOZZLE; 2008年08月 発表情報; Proceedings of 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics 著者; S. Matsuo, T. Mitsunaga, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF TRANSIENT FLOWS IN AN EJECTOR-DIFFUSER SYSTEM; 2008年08月 発表情報; Proceedings of 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics 著者; G. Rajesh, H. D. Kim, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, M. Deepu
EFFECT OF DIAPHRAGM RUPTURE PROCESS ON SHOCK TUBE FLOWS WITH NON EQUILIBRIUM CONDENSATION IN RAREFACTION WAVE; 2008年08月 発表情報; Proceedings of 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 17-21 August 200 著者; S. Matsuo, H. Nishi, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON HYSTERESIS PHENOMENA OF MACH DISK IN UNDER EXPANDED AXISYMMETRIC JET; 2008年08月 発表情報; Proceedings of 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics 著者; S. Matsuo, T. Higashi, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
UNSTEADY BEHAVIOR OF SHOCK WAVES AROUND A CIRCULAR ARC BLADE WITH BUMP IN TRANSONIC MOIST AIR FLOW; 2008年08月 発表情報; Proceedings of 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics 著者; S. Matsuo, A. B. M. T. Hasan, I. Tomohiro, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Transonic Moist Air Flow around a Circular Arc Blade with Bump; 2008年05月 発表情報; Proceedings of 2nd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 105-110 著者; A.B.M. Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Oscillatory Behavior of Supersonic Impinging Moist Air Jet Flows; 2008年05月 発表情報; Proceedings of 2nd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 111-116 著者; Miah Md. Ashraful Alam, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim and Shen Yu
Jet Screech Reduction with Perforated Flat Reflector; 2008年05月 発表情報; Proceedings of 2nd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, 133-137 著者; Md. Tawhidul Islam Khan, Kenbu Teramoto, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo and Kunisato Seto
Characteristics of Unsteady Shock Waves around a Circular Arc Blade with Bump in Transonic Moist Air Flow; 2008年03月 発表情報; 平成19年度衝撃波シンポジウム (東京工業大学), 33-36 著者; A.B.M.Toufique Hasan, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi
The Starting Characteristics of the Steady Ejector-Diffuser System; 2008年03月 発表情報; Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2008 (Gyeongju) 著者; R.Gopalapillai, H.D.Kim, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi
Passive Suppression of Cavity-Induced Pressure Oscillation in an Axisymmetric Supersonic Flow; 2007年12月 発表情報; The International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2007 (ICME2007) (Dhaka) 著者; Md. M.Alam, S.Matsuo, T. Setoguchi
Effect of a Diaphragm Rupture Process on Flow Characteristics in a Shock Tube Using Dried Cellophane; 2007年12月 発表情報; The International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2007 (ICME2007) (Dhaka) 著者; S.Matsuo, M.Mamun, S.Nakano, T. Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Starting Process of a Vacuum Ejector-Diffuser System; 2007年11月 発表情報; 日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会 (広島大学),No.07-16, 93 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Heuy Dong Kim, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Study on the Flow Characteristics of Spiral Nozzle; 2007年10月 発表情報; The 9th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery (Jeju) 著者; T.H.Kim, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim, Y.W.Lee
Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on Internal Flow Field around a Circular Arc Blade; 2007年10月 発表情報; The 9th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery (Jeju) 著者; S. Matsuo, S. Nakano, T. Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Hysteresis Phenomena of Mach Disk in Under-expanded Jet with Condensation; 2007年09月 発表情報; 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operation Coference (Belfast) 著者; Y.Otobe, T.Yasunobu, H.Kashimura, S.Matsuo, T. Setoguchi
Effect of Nozzle Geometry on Spiral Flow Characteristics; 2007年08月 発表情報; The Eighteenth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (Daejeon) 著者; T. H. Kim, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim, Y. W. Lee
Effect of Sub-Cavity on Cavity-Induced Pressure Oscillations in Supersonic Flow; 2007年08月 発表情報; The Eighteenth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (Daejeon) 著者; S. Matsuo, M. M. Alam, T. H. Kim, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Passive Control of Cavity-Induced Pressure Oscillations Using Sub-Cavity; 2007年07月 発表情報; The Eighteenth International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (Lyon) 著者; S.Matsuo, Md. M.Alam, T. Setoguchi, H.D.Kim , S.Yu
Control of Cavity-Induced Pressure Oscillation in an Axisymmetric Supersonic Flow; 2007年03月 発表情報; 平成18年度衝撃波シンポジウム (九州大学) 著者; Alam Mahbubul Md.^D, Matsuo Shigeru, Setoguchi Toshiaki
Numerical Simulations on a Flying Projectile within a Ballistic Range Using a Moving Coordinate Method; 2007年03月 発表情報; 平成18年度衝撃波シンポジウム (九州大学) 著者; Matsuo Shigeru, Kim Heuy Dong, Setoguchi Toshiaki
Attenuation of Cavity Pressure Oscillations in Two-Dimensional Supersonic Flow by Passive Control; 2006年12月 発表情報; The 3rd BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering (Dhaka) 著者; T.Setoguchi, Md.M.Alam, S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka, Md. Mamun, H.D.Kim
CFD Prediction of the Critical Nozzle Flow of High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas; 2006年12月 発表情報; The 3rd BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering (Dhaka) 著者; J.H.Lee, H.D.Kim, K.A.Park, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo
Numerical Simulations of the Projectile Aerodynamics Using a Moving Coordinate Method; 2006年12月 発表情報; The 3rd BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering (Dhaka) 著者; H.D.Kim, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo
A New Method of Controlling Cavity-Induced Pressure Oscillations Using Sub-Cavity; 2006年10月 発表情報; The 5th Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science (Guilin) 著者; Md. M.Alam, S.Matsuo, K.Teramoto, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Effect of the Leading Edge Cutout of Cavity on Cavity-Induced Acoustic Oscillations in Supersonic Flow; 2006年09月 発表情報; 日本機械学会2006年度年次大会 (熊本大学), 2 著者; Md. Mahbubul Alam, 松尾繁,田中征将,瀬戸口俊明
Effect of the Leading Edge Plate of Cavity on Cavity-Induced Acoustic Oscillations in Supersonic Flow; 2006年09月 発表情報; 日本機械学会2006年度年次大会 (熊本大学), 2 著者; 松尾繁,Md. Mahbubul Alam, 田中征将,瀬戸口俊明
The Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on Supersonic Cavity Flows; 2006年08月 発表情報; 13th International Heat Transfer Conference (Sydney) 著者; T. Nakano, S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka, M. M. Alam, M. M. Ashraful Alam, T. Setoguchi
The Plate Impingement of the Weak Shock Wave Discharging from Various 3-Dimensional Ducts; 2006年07月 発表情報; The 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (Vienna) 著者; Y. H. Kweon, C. M. Lim, Y. Miyazato, T. Aoki, H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo
Study of Spiral Flow Generated through an Annular Slit; 2006年06月 発表情報; The Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science (Qufu) 著者; T.H.Kim, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on Unsteady Behaviour of Shock Waves around a Circular Arc Blade; 2006年06月 発表情報; The Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science (Qufu) 著者; S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka, M.Md.A.Alam, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim, S.Yu
Control of Supersonic Oscillatory Cavity Flow; 2006年06月 発表情報; The Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science (Qufu) 著者; M.Md.A.Alam, Md. M.Alam, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim, S.Yu
A Study of the Gas Flow through a LNG Safety Valve; 2006年06月 発表情報; The Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science 著者; J. H. Lee, H. D. Kim, K. A. Park, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo
Effect of Diaphragm Rupture Process on the Characteristics of Expansion Wave in Shock Tube; 2006年06月 発表情報; The Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science 著者; S.Matsuo, S.Nakano, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Effect of Humidity of the Sonic Jet Structure of Moist air; 2006年06月 発表情報; The Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science (Qufu) 著者; Y.Otobe, H.Kashimura, S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Optimization Study of a Coanda Ejector; 2006年06月 発表情報; The Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science (Qufu) 著者; G. Rajesh, H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo
A Study of the Critical Nozzle for Flow Rate Measurement of High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas; 2006年06月 発表情報; The Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science (Qufu) 著者; J. H. Lee, H. D. Kim, K. A. Park, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo
Effect of Exit Geometry of Tail Pipe on the Performance of Pulse Jet Engines; 2006年06月 発表情報; The Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science (Qufu) 著者; T. Nakano, S.Matsuo, T. Setoguchi
Characteristics of a Variable Critical Nozzle Flow; 2006年03月 発表情報; 平成17年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集、横浜, 131-134 著者; S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation on the Characteristics of Supersonic Cavity Flow; 2006年03月 発表情報; 平成17年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集、 横浜, 217-220 著者; Md. M. Alam, S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, T. Setoguchi
EFFECT OF HETEROGENEOUS CONDENSATION ON AXISYMMETRIC SUPERSONIC FREE JETS; 2005年12月 発表情報; Procs. of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2005 (ICME2005), Dhaka 著者; T. Nakano, MD. M. Alam, S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, T. Setoguchi
NUMERICAL STUDY OF HETEROGENEOUS CONDENSATION IN THE TRANSONIC FLOW FIELDS; 2005年12月 発表情報; Procs. of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2005 (ICME2005), Dhaka 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, Md. A. M. Alam, Md. M. Alam, T. Setoguchi
GENERATION OF MICRO DROPLETS USING UNSTEADY EXPANSION WAVE AND ITS CONTROL; 2005年12月 発表情報; Procs. of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2005 (ICME2005), Dhaka 著者; Md. A. M. Alam, S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, Md. M. Alam, T. Setoguchi
A Numerical Study of Heterogeneous Condensation in Axisymmetric Under-Expanded Jet; 2005年10月 発表情報; Proceedings of International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2005, Mie, 667-672 著者; M. TANAKA^D, S. MATSUO, T. H. KIM, T. SETOGUCHI, H. D. KIM
Characteristics of Mach Disk and Sonic Line of Under-Expanded Axisymmetric Air Jet Exhaust to Rest Gas; 2005年10月 発表情報; Proceedings of International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2005, Mie, 673-676 著者; Y. OTOBE, H. KASHIMURA, S. MATSUO, M. TANAKA^D, T. SETOGUCHI
A Numerical Study of Spiral Flow Generated through an Annular Slit; 2005年10月 発表情報; Proceedings of International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2005, Mie, 703-708 著者; T. H. KIM^D, S. MATSUO, H. KAMEI^M, T. SETOGUCHI, H. D. KIM
Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on Supersonic Cavity Flow; 2005年10月 発表情報; Procs. of 8th Asian International Fluid Machinery Conference, Yichang, 443-456 著者; S. MATSUO, MD. A. M. Alam, T. NAKANO, M. TANAKA^D, T. SETOGUCHI, K. KANEKO
A Study of a Variable Ejector for the Hydrogen Fuel Cell System; 2005年10月 発表情報; 流体工学部門講演会講演概要集,金沢,No.05-32, 47 著者; T. SETOGUCHI, H. D. KIM, S. MATSUO
Computational Analysis of a Variable Ejector Flow; 2005年09月 発表情報; Procs. of the 7th Int. Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Tokyo, 1, 205-208 著者; J.H.Lee^D, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo
A Computational Study of Dump Diffuser Flows Using k-e Turbulence Model; 2005年09月 発表情報; Procs. of the 7th Int. Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Tokyo, 2, 265-270 著者; V. R. S. Kumar, H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo and S. Raghunathan
Effect of Heterogeneous Condensation on the Flow Fields in a Ludwieg Tube; 2005年09月 発表情報; Procs. of the 7th Int. Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Tokyo, 2, 395-400 著者; M. TANAKA^D, S. MATSUO, T. SETOGUCHI, H. D. KIM, S. Yu
A Study of Under-expanded Moist Air Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate; 2005年09月 発表情報; Procs. of the 7th Int. Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Tokyo, 2, 401-406 著者; S. MATSUO, Y. OTOBE, M. TANAKA^D, T. H. KIM, H. KASHIMURA, H. D. KIM, T. SETOGUCHI
The Effect on Non-Uniform Inlet Velocity Distribution on a Spiral Nozzle Flow; 2005年09月 発表情報; Procs. of the 7th Int. Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Tokyo, 2, 483-486 著者; C. M. Lim, H. D. Kim, T. SETOGUCHI and S. MATSUO
Study on Characteristics of a Variable Critical Nozzle Flow; 2005年09月 発表情報; 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会-2005足利-講演論文集, 足利,No.050-2, 79-80 著者; T. SETOGUCHI, S. MATSUO, H. D. KIM
Effects of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Condensations on Shock Wave Characteristics in the Transonic Flow Fields; 2005年08月 発表情報; Proc. of 1st Int. Conference on Innovation and Integration in Aerospace Sciences, Belfast 著者; S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka^D, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi, S.Raghunathan
Characteristics of Moist Air Flow with Non-equilibrium Condensation in a Ludwieg Tube; 2005年08月 発表情報; Proc. of 1st Int. Conference on Innovation and Integration in Aerospace Sciences, Belfast 著者; S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka^D, M.Mohammad, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim, K.Kaneko
Study of Spiral Flow Generated through a Coanda Nozzle; 2005年08月 発表情報; Procs. of the Eighth Int. Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization (8FLUCOME), Chengdu 著者; S.Matsuo, T.H.Kim^D, M.Tanaka^D, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
A numerical study of non-equilibrium condensing flows in an expansion tube with an orifice; 2005年07月 発表情報; Procs. of the 25th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW25), Bangalore, 343-348 著者; S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka^D, S .Matsuo, H.D.Kim
Studies on shock waves in solid rocket motors; 2005年07月 発表情報; Procs. of the 25th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW25), Bangalore, 809-813 著者; V.R.S.Kumar, H.D.Kim, B.N.Raghunandan, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo, S.Raghunathan
Passive control of a weak shock discharged from a tube; 2005年03月 発表情報; Procs. of the 6th KSME-JSME Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC6), Jeju Island 著者; T.Nakano, S .Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, K. Kaneko, H.D.Kim
Effect of heterogeneous condensation on shock wave characteristics in the transonic flow field; 2005年03月 発表情報; Procs. of the 6th KSME-JSME Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC6), Jeju Island 著者; M.Tanaka^D, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, K.Kaneko, H.D.Kim
Flow Characteristics of Moist Air with Non-equilibrium Condensation Through Ludwieg Tube; 2005年01月 発表情報; Procs. of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2005, Kitakyushu 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
A Study on Variable Sonic Ejector System; 2005年01月 発表情報; Procs. of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2005, Kitakyushu 著者; J.H. Lee^D, H.D.Kim, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo
Numerical Analysis of Axisymmetric Sonic Jet Including Effect of Nozzle Geometry; 2005年01月 発表情報; Procs. of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2005, Kitakyushu 著者; Y.Otobe, H.Kashimura, S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka^D T.Setoguchi, H.D. Kim
Numerical Study of Moist Air Flow through the Ludwieq Tube; 2004年12月 発表情報; Procs. of the 15th Australian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Sydney 著者; M.Tanaka^D, S .Matsuo, R.Nishizaki, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi
Shock-Reflection Phenomena in Non-equilibrium Condensing Jets; 2004年11月 発表情報; Procs. of the 1st Int. Mach Reflection Symp. cum Shock-Vortex Interaction Workshop, Jeju Island, 47-48 著者; S.Matsuo, Y.tobe, M.Tanaka^D, K. Kashimura, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi
Effect of Secondary Swirl Flow on the Supersonic, Coaxial, Free Jet; 2004年07月 発表情報; Procs. of the 24th Int. Symp. on Shock Waves, Beijing, 1273-1278 著者; K.H.Lee, T.Setoguchi, S.Matsuo, H.D.Kim, S.Yu
A Computational Characterization of the Supersonic Coherent Jet; 2004年07月 発表情報; Procs. of the 40th AIAAIASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conf., AIAA 2004-3525, Florida 著者; M.S.Jeong, V.R.S .Kumar, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi, S .Matsuo
Computational Study of the Incident Shock Wave into a Helmholtz Resonator; 2004年07月 発表情報; Procs. of the 11th Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, St.Petersburg, 805-812 著者; J.H.Gwak, H.D.Kim, YH.Kweon, T.Aoki, T.Setoguchi, S .Matsuo
Study of the Impulse Wave Discharged from the Tube Exit with Non-Circular Cross Section; 2004年07月 発表情報; Procs. of the 11th Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, St.Petersburg, 1039-1064 著者; C.M.Lim, H.D.Shin, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi, S .Matsuo
Effect of Axisymmetric Sonic Nozzle Geometry on Mach Disk Characteristics; 2004年05月 発表情報; Procs. of the 15th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena (Bangkok), 34-38 著者; T.Nakano, S .Matsuo, M.Tanaka^D, H.D.Kim, T.Setoguchi, K. Kaneko
Visualization of an Under-Expanded Sonic, Coaxial Jets with Annular Swirling Stream; 2004年05月 発表情報; Procs. of the 15th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena, Bangkok, 487-492 著者; K.H.Lee, T.Setoguchi, S .Matsuo; M.Tanaka^D, H.D.Kim
A Numerical Study of Non-equilibrium Condensation in an Expansion Tube with Orifices; 2004年05月 発表情報; Procs. of the 15th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena, Bangkok, 532-537 著者; M.Tanaka^D, S .Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Effect of Non-equilibrium Condensation on Axisymmetric Under-Expanded Jet; 2004年05月 発表情報; Procs. of the 15th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena, Bangkok, 693-698 著者; S .Matsuo, M.Tanaka^D, H.Kamei, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
A Numerical Study of Unsteady Jet with Non-equilibrium Condensation Emitted into Elliptical Cell; 2004年05月 発表情報; Procs. of the 15th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena, Bangkok, 699-704 著者; S .Matsuo, M.Tanaka^D, S.Oda, M.Kato, T. Setoguchi
Effect of Multiple Orifice on Pressure Drop in Compressible Pipe Flows; 2004年03月 発表情報; Procs. of the 10th Int. Symp. on Rotating Machinery (ISROMAClO), Hawaii 著者; M.Tanaka^D, S. Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, H.D.Kim
Effect of Non-equilibrium Condensation on Characteristics of Axisymmetric Free Jets; 2004年03月 発表情報; Procs. of the 10th Int. Symp. on Rotating Machinery (ISROMAClO), Hawaii 著者; M.Tanaka^D, S .Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, K.Kaneko, H.D.Kim
A Numerical Study of Compressible Flow through a Micro Channel; 2004年03月 発表情報; 日本機械学会第57期総会講演会講演論文集、 佐賀, 205-206 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Heuy Dong Kim
Effect of Non-equilibrium Condensation on Compressible Flows in an Expansion Tube with Orifice; 2003年12月 発表情報; Procs. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Mechanical Engineering, Dhaka 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, M. Mohammad, T. Setoguchi,
Passive Shock Control in Transonic Flow Field; 2003年10月 発表情報; Procs. of the 5th Asia Computational Fluid Dynamics, Busan, 368-375 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, T. Setoguchi, H. Kashimura, T. Yasunobu, H. D. Kim
Experimental Study on the Sonic/Supersonic Coaxial, Free, Jet with Annular Swirl Flow; 2003年10月 発表情報; Procs. of the 7th Asian Int. Conf. on Fluid Machinery, Fukuoka 著者; K. H. Lee^D, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, H. D. Kim
Multiple Orifice Technique for Pressure Drop in Compressible Pipe Flows; 2003年09月 発表情報; 流体工学部門講演会講演概要集,吹田,No.03-16, 4 著者; S. MATSUO, T. SETOGUCHI, H. D. KIM
Study on the Impulse Wave Discharged from the Exit of a Right-angle Pipe Bend; 2003年09月 発表情報; 流体工学部門講演会講演概要集,吹田,No.03-16, 5 著者; H. D. KIM, S. MATSUO, M. TANAKA^D, T. SETOGUCHI
A Study of Moderately Under-Expanded Supersonic Moist Air Jet; 2003年09月 発表情報; 流体工学部門講演会講演概要集, 吹田,No.03-16, 47 著者; S. B. KWON, H. D. KIM, S. MATSUO, T. SETOGUCHI
The Influence of the Supply Chamber Configuration on a Sonic/Supersonic, Swirling Jet; 2003年08月 発表情報; Procs. of 7th Triennial Int. Symp. on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, Sorrento 著者; K. H. Lee^D, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, S. Yoshioka^M, H. D. Kim
Visualization of Moist Air Flow with Non-Equilibrium Condensation through Ludwieq Tube; 2003年08月 発表情報; Procs. of 7th Triennial Int. Symp. on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, Sorrento 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, R. Niino^M, T. Setoguchi,
An Experimental Study of the Sonic, Supersonic, Coaxial, Swirling Jets; 2003年08月 発表情報; Procs. of 7th Triennial Int. Symp. on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, Sorrento 著者; K. H. Lee^D, H. D. Kim, S. Yoshioka^M, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi
Study of the Unsteady Effects on the Gas through a Critical Nozzle; 2003年08月 発表情報; Procs. of 7th Triennial Int. Symp. on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, Sorrento 著者; H. D. Kim, J. H. Kim, K. A. Park, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi
Visualization of Transonic Flow Fields Controlled by Non-Equilibrium Condensation and Porous Wall; 2003年08月 発表情報; Procs. of 7th Triennial Int. Symp. on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, Sorrento 著者; T. Nakano, S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, T. Setoguchi, K. Kaneko, H. D. Kim
An Experimental and Computational Visualization of the Supersonic, Dual, Coaxial, Free, Jets; 2003年07月 発表情報; Procs. of the 14th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena, Bali, 79-84 著者; K. H. Lee^D, H. D. Kim, H. Kashimura, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi
Study for the Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2003年04月 発表情報; Procs. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Exp. and Comp. Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 1, 179-183 著者; J. H. Kim, H. D. Kim, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi
Passive Control of Transonic Flow Fields with Shock Wave Using Non-Equilibrium Condensation and Porous Wall; 2003年04月 発表情報; Procs. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Exp. and Comp. Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Shanghai, 1, 250-255 著者; M. Tanaka^D, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, K. Kaneko, H. D. Kim, S.Yu
Passive Control of Condensation Shock Wave in Prantle-Meyer Expansion Flow; 2003年04月 発表情報; Procs. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Exp. and Comp. Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Shanghai, 2, 256-261 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim, S.Yu
Effect of Non-Equilibrium Condensation of Moist Air on Flow Field in Ludwieq Tube; 2003年04月 発表情報; Procs. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Exp. and Comp. Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Shanghai, 2, 262-267 著者; S. Matsuo, M. Tanaka^D, S. Yoshioka^M, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim, S.Yu
Effect of Annular Slit Geometry on Characteristics on Spiral Jet; 2003年04月 発表情報; Procs. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Exp. and Comp. Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Shanghai, 2, 298-303 著者; S. Matsuo, K. H. Lee, S. Oda^M, T. Setoguchi, H. D. Kim
Experimental Study of Twin Pulse Jet Engines for Power Plant Application; 2003年04月 発表情報; Procs. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Exp. and Comp. Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Shanghai, 2, 547-552 著者; T. Nakano, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, S.Yu
Experimental and Computational Study of the Supersonic, Dual, Coaxial, Free, Jets; 2003年03月 発表情報; 平成14年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集、桐生, 47-48 著者; Lee, K.H.^D, Setoguchi, T., Matsuo, S.
Unsteady Effects on the Gas Flow through a Critical Nozzle; 2003年03月 発表情報; 平成14年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集、桐生 , 49-52 著者; Setoguchi, T., Matsuo, S., Kim, H.D.
Noise Reduction of an Under-expanded Supersonic Jet Using a Rigid Wire Device; 2002年11月 発表情報; 日本機械学会熱工学講演会講演論文集,No.02-22, 35-36 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Kwon Hee Lee and Shigeru Matsuo
Numerical Visualization of Moist Air Flow through the Ludwieg Tube; 2002年 発表情報; Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, 151-156 著者; S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka, T.Setoguchi and H.D.Kim
Shock Tube Flows with Non-equilibrium Condensation in Rarefaction Wave; 2002年 発表情報; Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, 157-162 著者; S.Matsuo, M.Tanaka, T.Setoguchi and H.D.Kim
Control of Shock Wave in Transonic Flow Field; 2002年 発表情報; Proc. of the Fifth JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Conference 著者; K.Shimamoto, S.Matsuo, T.Setoguchi, M.Tanaka, K.Kaneko, M.Yaga and H.D.Kim
Noise Reduction of an Under-Expanded Supersonic Jet Using a Rigid Wire Device; 2002年 発表情報; Proc. of the Fifth JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Conference 著者; K. H. Lee, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, H. D. Kim, Y. H. Kweon, T. Aoki and Y. Miyazato
Control of Exiting Impulsive Wave Caused by Compression Wave from a Tube; 2001年12月 発表情報; Proc. of the Seventh International Congress on Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion (ICFDP7), ICFDP7-2001066, Cairo, Egypt. 著者; T. Nakano, S. Matsuo, T. Setoguchi, K. Kaneko and H. Kashimura
A CFD Study of the Self-Excited Nozzle Flows with Nonequilibrium Condensation; 2001年12月 発表情報; Proc. of the Seventh International Congress on Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion (ICFDP7), ICFDP7-2001073, Cairo, Egypt. 著者; H. D. Kim, T. Setoguchi, S. Matsuo, S. C. Baek and S. B. Kwon
Control of Condensation Shock Wave Using a Double Slot; 2001年09月 発表情報; , Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 461-468 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Katsumi Shimamoto, Shen Yu and Heuy Dong Kim
Model for Controlled Pulse Combustor; 2001年09月 発表情報; Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 918-924 著者; Toshihiro Nakano, Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Shen Yu
Control of Shock Wave Using Nonequilibrium Condensation on Moist Air; 2001年09月 発表情報; Proc. of 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics 2001 (ExHFT-5), 3, 1841-1846 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Hiroshi Yamashita, Kenji Kaneko, Heuy Dong Kim and Kazuyasu Matsuo
Numerical Visualization of Wake in Condensing Flows; 2001年 発表情報; Proceedings of the 6th Asian Symposium on Visualization, 106-108 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Yasuhiko Sakaguchi, T.H.Kim, Masanori Tanaka, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Heuy Dong Kim
Passive Condensation Shock Wave in the Bleed Slotted Nozzle; 2001年 発表情報; Proceedings of the 6th Asian Symposium on Visualization, 121-122 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Heuy Dong Kim, J.H.Lee and S.Raghunathan
Alleviation of the condensation shock oscillations using a passive control technique; 2001年 発表情報; Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 595-603 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, T. H. Kim, Heuy Dong Kim and J.H.Lee
Effect of nonequilibrium condensation on wake in a supersonic nozzle; 2001年 発表情報; Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Shock Waves, 755-761 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Masanori Tanaka and Kenji Kaneko
Passive Control of Unsteady Condensation Shock Wave; 2000年09月 発表情報; International Millennium Symposium on Thermal and Fluid Sciences, Collected Abstracts, 40-41 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi, Katsumi Shimamoto and Shinichi Yasugi
Passive Control of Steady Condensation Shock Wave; 2000年09月 発表情報; International Millennium Symposium on Thermal and Fluid Sciences, Collected Abstracts, 42-43 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Shigeru Matsuo, Katsumi Shimamoto and Shinichi Yasugi
Effects of Condensation on Flow Fields in a Supersonic Nozzle; 1999年03月 発表情報; Proc. of the Fifth Asian Symposium on Visualization, 192-197 著者; Toshihiro Nakano, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Kazuyasu Matsuo
Wavelet Analysis of Pressure Oscillation in Supersonic Cavity Flow; 1999年03月 発表情報; Proc. of the Fifth Asian Symposium on Visualization, 228-233 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Nakano, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Kenji Kaneko
Effect of Condensing Flow on Boundary Layer in a Supersonic Nozzle; 1998年10月 発表情報; Proc. of 4th KSME-JSME Fluids Eng. Conf., 761-764 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Nakano, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Kenji Kaneko
Experimental Study on Twin Pulse Jet Engines; 1997年03月 発表情報; 平成8年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集, 137-140 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Nakano, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Kunio Terao
Investigation of Supersonic Cavity Flow with Pressure Oscillation; 1997年 発表情報; Proceedings of International Conference on Fluid Engineering, 1473-1478 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Michael Zeutzius, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Kenji Kaneko
Study on Twin Pulse Combustors; 1997年 発表情報; Proc. of the Seventh Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 127-130 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Nakano, Hideo Miyanishi, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Kunio Terao
Methods of Thrust Augmentation for Pulse Jet Engines; 1996年10月 発表情報; 第28回流体力学講演会講演論文集, 153-156 著者; M. Zeuzius, S. Matsuo, Y. Fujita and T. Setoguchi
Propulsion intergration into a space plane - Experimental investigation of interaction phenomena; 1996年04月 発表情報; Proc. of JSME Spring Annual Meeting, 262-265 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Keiya Kimishima, Kohei Kuwano and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Experimental Study on Pulse Jet Engine; 1996年03月 発表情報; 平成7年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集, 151-154 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Yasuyuki Fujita, Akinori Fujiki, Jyunichiro Karashima, Toshihiro Nakano and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Boundary layer bleeding systems for hypersonic airbreathing propulsion; 1996年02月 発表情報; 日本航空宇宙学会北部支部1996年講演会ならびに第6回ラム/スクラムジェットシンポジウム講演論文集, 211-216 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Akinori Fujiki, Yasuyuki Fujita, Jyunichiro Karashima, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Investigation of a Gas Dynamic Thrust Vector Contorol Using a Semi-empirica Method; 1996年02月 発表情報; 日本航空宇宙学会北部支部1996年講演会ならびに第6回ラム/スクラムジェットシンポジウム講演論文集, 166-171 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Nakano and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Study on Pressure Oscillation in a Supersonic Cavity Flow; 1996年 発表情報; Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Thermal-Fluids Engineering, 309-314 著者; Shigeru MATSUO, Michael ZEUTZIUS, Toshihiro NAKANO, Toshiaki SETOGUCHI and Kenji KANEKO
Passive Control of Impulsive Noise Caused by Unsteady Compression Wave; 1996年 発表情報; Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Thermal-Fluids Engineering, 303-308 著者; Michael ZEUTZIUS, Shigeru MATSUO, Toshihiro NAKANO, Toshiaki SETOGUCHI and Kenji KANEKO
Experimental Study on Gasdynamic Control for Advanced Space Planes; 1996年 発表情報; Proceedings of JSASS 10th International Sessions in 34rd Aircraft Symposium, 585-588 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Nakano, Youhei KUWANO and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Negative Impulsive Wave Caused by Discharging Unsteady Expansion Wave from a Tube Exit; 1995年 発表情報; Proceedings of the Sixth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 2, 1496-1499 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Hideo Kashimura, Shigeru Matsuo, F. Hidaka, Ryuichi Nakatomi and Kenji Kaneko
Effect of Orifice on the Characteristics of Unsteady Expansion Wave in a Pipe; 1995年 発表情報; Proceedings of the Sixth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 2, 1516-1519 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Michael Zeutzius, Motohiro Nishi and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Numerical Simulation of an Impulsive Wave Emitted from a Tube Exit; 1995年 発表情報; Proceedings of the Sixth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 1, 513-516 著者; Toshiaki Setoguchi, Hideo Kashimura, S. Matsuo, Michael Zeutzius, Ryuichi Nakatomi and K. Kaneko
Integration of Thrust Vector Control into Advanced Space Planes; 1995年 発表情報; Proc. of JSASS 9th International Sessions in 33rd Aircraft Symposium, 603-606 著者; Michael Zeutzius, Shigeru Matsuo, Toshihiro Nakano, Jyunichiro Karashima and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Thrust Vector Control of Nonaxisymmetric Nozzles; 1995年 発表情報; 日本機械学会九州支部第48期総会講演会講演論文集, 193-195 著者; Michael ZEUTZIUS,A. E. Beylich,松尾繁,瀬戸口俊明
Von Neumann Reflection of Oblique Shock Waves; 1993年 発表情報; Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 4, 209-213 著者; Fumio HIGASHINO, Shigeru MATSUO, Yoshiro MIURA and Satoru OGAWA
Effect of Nozzle Configurations on Unsymmetrical Supersonic Flows; 1993年 発表情報; Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 1, 123-126 著者; Yasushi WATANABE, Shigeru MATSUO and Fumio HIGASHINO
Oscillation of Oblique Shock Waves Generated in a Two Dimensional Asymmetric Nozzle; 1991年 発表情報; International Pacific & Space Technology Conference and 29th Aircraft Symposium Proceedings P-246, 749-757 著者; Fumio HIGASHINO, Shigeru MATSUO and Taro TSUYUKI
Energy Losses in Condensing Supersonic Flows with and without Oblique Shock Waves; 1987年 発表情報; Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Beijing, China., 1107-1112 著者;
Continuous Wavelet Transform of Pressure Oscillation; 1997年 発表情報; Album of Visualization, 14, 9-10 著者; Shigeru Matsuo, Michael Zeutzius, Toshiaki Setoguchi and Kenji Kaneko
Passive Control of Condensation Shock Wave Using Porous Wall with Cavity; 1996年 発表情報; Album of Visualization, 13, 23-24 著者; T. Setoguchi, T. Nakano, S. Matsuo, M. Zeutzius and K. Kaneko
Flow Field around a Space Plane; 1996年 発表情報; Album of Visualization, 13, 13-14 著者; M. Zeuzius, S. Matsuo and T. Setoguchi