1986/04 - 1994/03 Research Associate, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University
1994/04 - 2007/03 Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University
2005/04 - 2010/03 Ariake Sea Research Project, Saga University
2007/04 - 2010/03 Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University
2010/04 - 2011/03 Associate Professor, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saga University
2010/04 - 2012/03 Institute of Lowland Technology, Saga University
2011/04 - * Professor, Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saga University
2014/04 - 2016/03 Institute of Lowland Technology, Saga University
2019/02 - 2021/02 Visiting Professor Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Field of Specialization
Hydraulic engineering, Natural disaster / Disaster prevention science, Sociology/History of science and technology, Environmental dynamic analysis, Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system
Membership in Academic Societies
International Association of Lowland Technology, International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research
Best Paper Award, 9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology (ISLT2014) (2015/01)
土木学会西部支部研究発表会優秀講演賞 (2022/03)
土木学会西部支部研究発表会優秀講演賞 (2010/03)
平成19年度土木学会西部支部優秀講演賞 (2008/03)
平成17年度土木学会西部支部優秀講演賞 (2006/03)
平成16年度土木学会西部支部優秀講演賞 (2005/03)
Research Topics and Results
Why all the tributaries of the Chikugo River flow into the old main streambed even after the cut-off channels were constructed 2023/05
A traditoinal flood management technology in Kase River basin, Japan 2020/09
Impact of climate change on tidal irrigation, Case study: Terantang irrigation unit, Indonesia 2020/09
Role of Chikugo River's old meandering and inflowing tributaries with cut-off channels 2019/09
A study on the adaptation measures against water-related disasters in Saga, Japan 2019/03
佐賀平野大規模浸水危機管理 2019/02
Impacts of future climate variability on hydrological processes in the upstream catchment of Kase River basin, Japan 2019/01
Water availability in the primary canal of Terantang tidal irrigation units, Barito kuala south Kalimantan Province 2018/09
Risk to vehicle in a flood in consideration of flow direction 2018/09
Characteristics of Chikugo River's old meandering with its inflowing tributaries 2018/09
A study on the characteristics of Chikugo River's old meandering and its tributaries with their interactions and effects for the flood control and water use 2018/09
A study on the characteristics of Chikugo River's old meandering and its tributaries with their interactions and effects for the flood control and water use 2018/09
A study on the traditional flood management in Saga Plain, Japan 2018/09
A study on the traditional flood management in Saga Plain, Japan 2018/09
佐賀市十間堀川の利活用に向けた水理学的検討 2018/08
佐賀市十間堀川の利活用に向けた水理学的検討 2018/08
筑後川の旧蛇行部と支川流入による治水と利水への効果の検討 2018/06
A Study on the 2017 Northern Kyushu torrential rain disaster using distributed runoff models 2018/05
流向を考慮した洪水氾濫時の自動車走行の危険性に関する研究 2018/03
A study on the adaptation measures against storm and flood damage in Saga, Japan 2017/12
筑後川右岸16kmの大曲に流入する中小河川の効果について 2017/03
Prediction of hydrologic impacts due to climate change scenarios in upstream catchment of Kase River basin 2017/03
-社会実装に向けて- 2016/11
A hydraulic study on the use and application of Jikken-Bori-Kawa canal, Saga City, Japan 2016/10
Numerical analysis of flow and sediment transport on the traditional water management sysytem in Ishiibi water diversion of Kase River, Japan 2016/09
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration and its seasonal variation in Kase River basin 2016/09
Evacuation and flood simulations in lowland area including embankment 2016/09
防災・減災の視点から見た高齢者施設・避難所等の配置 2016/09
A study on Jobaru River basin management by numerical simulations of flooding and sediment deposition with field survey 2016/07
若津港導流堤が筑後川下流域の流れ,塩分及び土砂輸送に及ぼす影響の定量的評価 2016/03
嘉瀬川の石井樋における流れと土砂輸送の特性に関する検討 2015/11
The computational analysis of flow and sediment transport in lower reach of Chikugo River, Japan for a quantitative evaluation of Wakatsu port training levee 2015/06
Flood and evacuation simulations considering the risk of evacuation route 2015/06
The computational analysis of flow and sediment transport in lower reach of Chikugo River, Japan for a quantitative evaluation of Wakatsu port training levee 2015/06
Flood and evacuation simulations considering the risk of evacuation route 2015/06
陸域負荷が有明海の水環境に及ぼす影響 2015/03
若津港導流堤の定量的な機能評価のための筑後川下流域の流れと河床変動解析 2015/03
陸域負荷が有明海の水環境に及ぼす影響 2015/03
若津港導流堤の定量的な機能評価のための筑後川下流域の流れと河床変動解析 2015/03
Functional evaluations of Jobaru River's open levee using geotechnical and hydraulic engineering approaches 2014/09
A quantitative evaluation of Wakatsu port training levee by computational analysis of flow and sediment transport in lower reach of Chikugo River, Japan 2014/09
Evacuation and flood simulations in the case that shelters are included in lowland area 2014/09
A study on river basin management in Jobaru River basin by computational simulations of flood and sediment transport and field geotechnical investigations 2014/09
A quantitative evaluation of Wakatsu port training levee by computational analysis of flow and sediment transport in lower reach of Chikugo River, Japan 2014/09
Evacuation and flood simulations in the case that shelters are included in lowland area 2014/09
A study on river basin management in Jobaru River basin by computational simulations of flood and sediment transport and field geotechnical investigations 2014/09
有明海流入主要河川の流入負荷特性 2014/03
Geoslicer and its application for soil strata analysis 2013/04
Numerical Simulations of Flood and Inundation for Evaluation the Effects of Nokoshi and Open Levee in Jobaru River 2013/03
新編 水理学 2011/03
GIS とリモートセンシングを用いた諫早湾の水質評価 2010/03
佐賀東部クリーク地帯の水田・クリーク間の水と物質の収支について 2010/03
筑後川下流支川域における土地利用と浸水特性に関する研究 2010/03
GISと現地調査による佐賀東部水田地帯の水・物質の動態に関する研究 2010/02
諫早湾内における低塩分水の挙動に関する現地観測 2010/02
Traditional Flood Management Technologies Adopted in the Saga and Kumamoto Plains of Japan in 17th Century 2009/08
佐賀平野および熊本平野における流域治水遺構の比較研究 2009/06
GISと水理解析を用いた城原川の野越しの活用に関する基礎的研究 2009/03
矢部川を中心とした有明海に流入する主要河川の流出量・負荷量に関するGIS解析 2009/03
佐賀東部クリーク地帯における水田・クリーク間の水および物質の循環に関する研究 2009/03
A study on traditional flood control technology in the Kase River Basin using geographical information system 2008/09
佐賀平野における流域治水の一環としての巨勢川瀬替に関する研究 2008/09
嘉瀬川と緑川における伝統的治水技術の比較研究 2008/07
近世から現代に至る佐賀平野の流域治水に関する基礎的研究 2008/06
佐賀の伝統的治水技術 2008/03
GISを用いた白川・緑川の流出解析ならびに流出負荷量の算定 2008/03
佐賀平野東部クリーク地帯における汚濁負荷の原単位について 2008/03
秋季有明海湾奥部における底質の再懸濁に関する現地観測 2008/03
緑川流域における堤外遊水地の治水効果に関する考察 2008/03
嘉瀬川流域の伝統的治水技術に関する研究 2008/03
Benthic fauna of the inner part of Ariake bay: long-term changes in several ecological parameters 2008/01
佐賀大学海象観測塔における有明海湾奥の流れとその経年変化の評価 2007/09
城原川の野越しの効果に関する基礎的研究 2007/09
佐賀の伝統的治水技術 2007/08
リモセンによる水質測定 2007/08
佐賀の伝統的治水技術 2007/08
Forests and auxiliary levees for flood damage protection in the midstream of the Kase River and their influences on flood flows 2007/07
有明海湾奥部における底泥の物性の変動特性に関する研究 2007/07
GISを用いた嘉瀬川流域における伝統的治水技術の検証 2007/06
有明海湾奥部の残差流分布観測並びに土地利用GISを用いた筑後川流域の流出解析 2007/05
2006年夏の有明海奥部における大規模貧酸素化 2007/03
有明海湾奥部における残差流の分布について 2007/03
GIS を用いた嘉瀬川中流域の流域保水機能に関する研究 2007/03
有明海湾奥部における干潟-浅海域における底泥の輸送・再堆積に関する研究 2007/03
有明海奥部における透明度の変動に関する研究 2007/03
2006年夏の有明海奥部における河川プリュームの挙動と貧酸素水塊の消長について 2007/03
有明海の懸濁物質の沈降速度に関する基礎的研究 2007/03
有明海湾奥部における残差流の分布について 2007
Forests and auxiliary levees for flood damage protection in the midstream of the Kase River and
their influences on flood flows 2007
Residual current observations in the innermost part of the Ariake Sea 2006/09
有明海湾奥部における底質分布特性に関する基礎的研究 2006/09
嘉瀬川本川と堤内地の一体的な流域治水システムに関する考察 2006/09
有明海湾奥部の残差流観測と衛星画像を用いた陸域・水域環境の推定 2006/07
有明海湾奥域における干潟・浅海域底質の分布特性 2006/03
TERRA-ASTER画像を用いた有明海湾奥部の水質推定手法について 2006
Residual current observations in the innermost part of the Ariake Sea 2006
The relationship between density distribution and residual current over the head of Ariake Sea 2006
夏季の有明海奥部における懸濁物輸送とその水質への影響 2006
有明海奥部における表層底質の分布特性と底質環境の形成要因 2006
嘉瀬川中流域の水害防備林と前堤の現状と洪水流に及ぼす影響について 2006
有明海奥部の密度構造と残差流 2006
Water Quality Analysis on the Innermost Part of the Ariake Sea by Using Terra-Aster Satellite Images 2005/09
閉鎖性内湾における水環境情報の評価システムに関する研究 2005/07
嘉瀬川中流域の歴史的河川形状が洪水流に及ぼす影響について 2005/06
嘉瀬川中流域の歴史的河川形状が洪水流に及ぼす影響について 2005
空中三角測量による地形情報を用いた牛津川流域の内水氾濫解析 2004/06
Application of the integrated water quality model for policy analysis in the Chikugo Basin and the Ariake Sea 2004
現地観測による有明海港奥部の水質変動特性 2004
Inundation Analysis of the Rokkaku River Basin Using Topographic Information Obtained from Digital Photogrammetry 2004
北部有明海における流動・成層構造の大規模現地観測 2004
Water Quality Monitoring of the Ariake Sea by Remote Sensing and Utilization of Field Observation 2004
Retrieving seawater turbidity from Landsat TM data by regressions and an artificial neural network 2004
六角川流域の浸水特性と治水対策に関する基礎的検討 2003/06
A Water Quality Analysis of the Ariake Sea by Satellite Images and Field Investigation 2003/04
衛星画像と現地観測に基づく有明海湾奥部の水質評価 2003/02
Integrated Model for Water Quality Analysis in the Chikugo Basin and the Ariake Sea 2003/01
計算機リテラシー(第3版) 2003
佐賀平野における河川伝統技術の発掘と復元に関する研究 2003
Why all the tributaries of the Chikugo River flow into the old main streambed even after the cut-off channels were constructed; 2023/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Water Projects and Technologies in Asia, Historical Perspectives, edited by H. Woo, H. Tanaka, G. De Costa and J. Lu, IAHR Books2023, 123-133 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi and Wataru Kawahara
Projected Climate Indices Impact on the Hydrology Process in the Bago River Basin, Myanmar; 2023/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Lowland Technology International, Volume 24, Issue No. 3, 1-18 AUTHOR; S. W. Thin, K. Ohgushi
A traditoinal flood management technology in Kase River basin, Japan; 2020/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; E-proceedings of the 22nd IAHR-APD Congress, 1-6 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi
Impact of climate change on tidal irrigation, Case study: Terantang irrigation unit, Indonesia; 2020/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; E-proceedings of the 22nd IAHR-APD Congress, 1-8 AUTHOR; Maya Amalia Achyadi, Koichiro Ohgushi and Toshihiro Morita
Role of Chikugo River's old meandering and inflowing tributaries with cut-off channels; 2019/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR Congress, Panama City, Panama, 2019, 4428-4438 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi, Wataru Kawahara, Toshihiro Morita and Maya Amalia Achyadi
Climate change impact on irrigation water requirement in Barito Kuala South Kalimantan Indonesia; 2019/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR Congress, Panama City, Panama, 2019, 1476-1485 AUTHOR; Maya Amalia Achyadi, Koichiro Ohgushi, Toshihiro Morita, Su Wai Thin and Wataru Kawahara
Rainfall-runoff simulation using SWAT model, A case study: Bago River basin in Myanmar; 2019/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR Congress, 3726-3733, Panama City, Panama, 2019, 3726-3733 AUTHOR; Su Wai Thin, Koichiro Ohgushi and Toshihiro Morita
Impacts of future climate variability on hydrological processes in the upstream catchment of Kase River basin, Japan; 2019/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Applied Water Science, (2019) 9:18, 10 AUTHOR; Preeti Pokhrel, Koichiro Ohgushi and Masafumi Fujita
筑後川の捷水路と旧蛇行部の水理学的検討; 2018/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of International Symposium on History of Indigenous Knowledge, Saga, Japan, 16-22 AUTHOR;
Water availability in the primary canal of Terantang tidal irrigation units, Barito kuala south Kalimantan Province; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 21 IAHR-APD Congress 2018, pp.719-725 AUTHOR; Maya Amalia Achyadi, Koichiro Ohgushi and Atika Wulandari
Risk to vehicle in a flood in consideration of flow direction; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 21 IAHR-APD Congress 2018, pp.981-989 AUTHOR; Hideo Oshikawa, Takashi Oshima, Akihiro Hashimoto, Koichiro Ohgushi and Toshimitsu Komatsu
Characteristics of Chikugo River's old meandering with its inflowing tributaries; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 21 IAHR-APD Congress 2018, pp.1173-1180 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi, Wataru Kawahara, Toshihiro Morita and Maya Amalia Achyadi
A study on the characteristics of Chikugo River's old meandering and its tributaries with their interactions and effects for the flood control and water use; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam AUTHOR; Wataru Kawahara, Koichiro Ohgushi, Toshihiro Morita and Maya Amalia Achyadi
A study on the characteristics of Chikugo River's old meandering and its tributaries with their interactions and effects for the flood control and water use; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam AUTHOR; Wataru Kawahara, Koichiro Ohgushi, Toshihiro Morita and Maya Amalia Achyadi
Flood simulations for Bago River basin using IFAS; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the International Symposium on Lowland Technology,Hanoi, Vietnam, p.6 (USB) AUTHOR; Su Wai Thin, Win Win Zin and Koichiro Ohgushi
A study on the adaptation measures against storm and flood damage in Saga, Japan; 2017/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Safety and Crisis Management, Vol.7, No.2, 30-37 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi
A hydraulic study on the use and application of Jikken-Bori-Kawa canal, Saga City, Japan; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of International Symposium on History of Indigenous Knowledge, Saga, Japan, 11-18 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi and Yuuki Nagahata
Numerical analysis of flow and sediment transport on the traditional water management sysytem in Ishiibi water diversion of Kase River, Japan; 2016/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the Asia Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro Environment Engineering and Research (APD-IAHR), e-proceedings, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 7pages AUTHOR; Ohgushi, K., H.Oshikawa, Y.Tani and M.Kushibe
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration and its seasonal variation in Kase River basin; 2016/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Mangalore, India, 516-522 AUTHOR; Pokhrel, P. and K. Ohgushi
Evacuation and flood simulations in lowland area including embankment; 2016/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Mangalore, India, 385-391 AUTHOR; Morita, T. and K. Ohgushi
A study on Jobaru River basin management by numerical simulations of flooding and sediment deposition with field survey; 2016/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Lowland Technology International, 18, 1, 23-30 AUTHOR; Ohgushi, K., H. Nakashima, T. Hino, T. Morita and T. Jansen
Simultaneous simulations of flood and walking evacuation -A case Study in Kashima City, Japan-; 2015/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Scientific Research, 4, 12, 400-402 AUTHOR; Morita, T. and K. Ohgushi
嘉瀬川の石井樋における流れと土砂輸送の特性に関する検討; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of International Symposium on History of Indigenous Knowledge, Shenzhen, China (2015)., 23-31 AUTHOR;
The effect of storm surge and tidal currents to sediment transport in the north Ariake Sea, Japan; 2015/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Scientific Research, 4, 6, 295-301 AUTHOR; Tommy Jansen and Koichiro Ohgushi
The computational analysis of flow and sediment transport in lower reach of Chikugo River, Japan for a quantitative evaluation of Wakatsu port training levee; 2015/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands (2015), 1-8 AUTHOR; Koga, Y., K. Ohgushi and T. Jansen
Validation of the effect of landside water drainage in Ushizu River basin and future flood control measures; 2015/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands (2015), 1-8 AUTHOR; Terao, H., K. Ohgushi
Flood and evacuation simulations considering the risk of evacuation route; 2015/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress,The Hague, the Netherlands (2015)., 1-7 AUTHOR; Morita, T., K. Ohgushi
Functional evaluations of Jobaru River's open levee using geotechnical and hydraulic engineering approaches; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. on History of Indigenous Knowledge, 30-44, Saga (2014), 30-44 AUTHOR; Ohgushi, K., T. Hino and H. Nakashima
A quantitative evaluation of Wakatsu port training levee by computational analysis of flow and sediment transport in lower reach of Chikugo River, Japan; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 19th IAHR-APD Congress 2014, USB memory, 1-5, Hanoi, Vietnam (2014) AUTHOR; Ohgushi, K., Y. Koga and T. Jansen
Evacuation and flood simulations in the case that shelters are included in lowland area; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Lowland Technology, 566-571, Saga (2014), 566-571 AUTHOR; Morita, T., K. Ohgushi and A. H. Thambas
A study on river basin management in Jobaru River basin by computational simulations of flood and sediment transport and field geotechnical investigations; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Lowland Technology, 559-565, Saga (2014), 559-565 AUTHOR; Nakashima, H., K. Ohgushi, T. Hino, T. Morita and T. Jansen
Numerical simulations of flood and inundation using LP data in Jobaru River Basin; 2013/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 7, 9, 86-91 AUTHOR; H. Nakashima, T. Morita and K. Ohgushi
Geoslicer and its application for soil strata analysis; 2013/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Lowland Technology International, 15, 1, 2-9 AUTHOR; Hino, T., T. Harianto, K. Ohgushi and T. Ichihara
Numerical Simulations of Flood and Inundation for Evaluation the Effects of Nokoshi and Open Levee in Jobaru River; 2013/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 69, 4, I_1537-I_1542 AUTHOR; Hiroto NAKASHIMA, Koichiro OHGUSHI and Takenori HINO
Estimate of Long-Term variation of Inflow Loads, and the Effect of Inflow Discharge on Red Tide in the Ariake Sea; 2013/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 69, 4, I_1735-I_1740 AUTHOR; Masahiro TEZUKA, Koichiro OHGUSHI and Naoto OGATA
A Study on the Traditional Flood Management in Jobaru River Basin by Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering Approach; 2012/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Symposium on the History of Indigenous Knowledge(ISHIK2012), 121-128 AUTHOR; Koichiro OHGUSHI and Takenori HINO
Estimating water resources export from mountains dam watershed into Saga plain, Japan; 2012/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 8th International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Bali, Indonesia, September 2012 AUTHOR; C. Supit and K. Ohgushi
A study on impact of storm surge by typhoon PAT(T198513) in Saga lowland and surroundings using hydrodynamic numerical modelling; 2012/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 8th International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Bali, Indonesia, September 2012 AUTHOR; A. K. T. Dundu and K. Ohgushi
AN ANALYSIS OF STORM SURGE IMPACT IN SAGA PLAIN, JAPAN; 2012/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc.of IAHR-APD 2012, Jeju, Koria AUTHOR; Ariestides K. T. Dundu, Koichiro Ohgushi
Prediction of dam construction impacts on annual and peak flow rates in Kase River basin; 2012/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1(Hydraulic Engineering), 68, 4, I_121-I_126 AUTHOR; Cindy Supit, Koichiro Ohgushi
A study on impact of storm surge by typhoon in Saga lowland and surroundings using hydrodynamic numerical modelling; 2012/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; IJCEE-IJENS, 12, 1, 30-35 AUTHOR; Ariestides K.T. Dundu and Koichiro Ohgushi
Laboratory experimental study on reflection and transmission waves from horizontal hollow block breakwater; 2010/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of 7th Int. Symp. on Lowland Technology, 7, 682-687 AUTHOR; Dundu, A.K.T., P.K.B. Assa, K. Ohgushi, O. Kato and J.P.A. Runtuwene
Water quality visualization of Isahaya Bay and reservoir by using GIS and remote sensing technique; 2010/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Ohgushi, K., M. Nagafuchi, J.S. Sumarauw, A.K.T. Dundu and C.J. Supit
A RUNOFF AND POLLUTANT LOAD MODEL OF THE ARIAKE SEA CATCHMENT AREA USING GIS; 2010/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of 17th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division of International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, Auckland, New Zealand, 22-24, February, 2010., USB Memory, 6pages. AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi, Yoshiaki Tsuruta and Hiroyuki Araki
Traditional Flood Management Technologies Adopted in the Saga and Kumamoto Plains of Japan in 17th Century; 2009/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of 33rd IAHR Congress, 33, 2405-2412 AUTHOR; K. Ohgushi, H. Araki,Y. Shiraki and M. Kuroiwa
A study on traditional flood control technology in the Kase River Basin using geographical information system; 2008/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of Int. Symp. on Lowland Technology, 539-544 AUTHOR; Ohgushi, K. and M. Kuroiwa
Benthic fauna of the inner part of Ariake bay: long-term changes in several ecological parameters; 2008/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Plankton and Benthos Research(Japanese Association of Benthology), 2, 4, 198-212 AUTHOR; K.Yoshino, K. Yamamoto, Y. Hayami, T. Hamada, T. Kasagi, D. Ueno and K. Ohgushi
Forests and auxiliary levees for flood damage protection in the midstream of the Kase River and
their influences on flood flows; 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 32th IAHR Congress, CD-ROM,Italy, Venice(IAHR), 32 AUTHOR; Ohgushi, K., Ikeda, K. and H.Araki
Residual current observations in the innermost part of the Ariake Sea; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of Int. Symposium on Lowland Technology, 391-395 AUTHOR; K. Ohgushi, Y. Hayami, T. Hamada , K. Yamamoto and R. Hirakawa
The relationship between density distribution and residual current over the head of Ariake Sea; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of Techno-Ocean 2006 / 19th JASNAOE Ocean Engineering Symposium (CD-ROM), 19 AUTHOR; Hamada, T., Hayami, Y., Ohgushi, K., and Hirakawa, R.
Water Quality Analysis on the Innermost Part of the Ariake Sea by Using Terra-Aster Satellite Images; 2005/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 31st Congress of International Association for Hydraulic Research
Seoul, Korea,, 4869-4877 AUTHOR; K.Ohgushi and H.Araki
Application of the integrated water quality model for policy analysis in the Chikugo Basin and the Ariake Sea; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the International Symposium on Lowland Technology (ISLT 2004), 470-474 AUTHOR; V. Narumol, L. Winai, K. Koga, K. Ogushi, H. Maid, and H. Yamanishi
Inundation Analysis of the Rokkaku River Basin Using Topographic Information Obtained from Digital Photogrammetry; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the International Symposium on Lowland Technology(ISLT 2004), 431-434 AUTHOR; K. Ohgushi and H. Araki
Water Quality Monitoring of the Ariake Sea by Remote Sensing and Utilization of Field Observation; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Lowland Technology International, 6, 2, 1-9 AUTHOR; K. Ohgushi, H. Maid and T.Y Gan
Retrieving seawater turbidity from Landsat TM data by regressions and an artificial neural network; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Int. J. Remote Sensing, 25, 21, 4593-4615 AUTHOR; T. Y Gan, 0. A. Kalinga, K. Ohgushi and H. Maid
A Water Quality Analysis of the Ariake Sea by Satellite Images and Field Investigation; 2003/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. Of the 4th Regional Symposium on Infrastmcture Development in Civil Engineering, CD-ROM, Bangkok, Thailand, B5-27-B5-36 AUTHOR; K.Ohgushi, H.Arai andT.Y.Gan
Integrated Model for Water Quality Analysis in the Chikugo Basin and the Ariake Sea; 2003/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 40, 515-522 AUTHOR; Nammol Vongthanasunthorn, Kenichi Koga, Hiroyuki Araki, Hiroyuki Yamanishi, Koichiro Ohgushi
Development of Flood Inundation Map for Bagmati River Basin, Nepal; 2024/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Sushmita Malla, Koichiro Ohgushi
Hydrological Modeling of Effect by the Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Bago River Basin, Myanmar; 2022/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Su Wai Thin・K.Ohgushi
Effect of Land Use Changes on the Hydrological Response in Bago River Basin, Myanmar; 2021/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; JSCE Kyushu Branch Congress in March 6, 2021 AUTHOR; Su Wai Thin, Koichiro Ohgushi
Water availability analysis at present condition at Terantang irrigation unit in south Kalimantan, Indonesia; 2019/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Maya Amalia Achyadi, Koichiro Ohgushi and Toshihiro Morita
A Study on the 2017 Northern Kyushu torrential rain disaster using distributed runoff models; 2018/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 7th Korea-Japan Crisis & Emergency Management Seminar & International Workshop, Saga, May 25-26, 2018 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi, Syu Satoh and Toshihiro Morita
Prediction of hydrologic impacts due to climate change scenarios in upstream catchment of Kase River basin; 2017/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of JSCE Kyushu Branch Conference, Saga University AUTHOR; Preeti Pokhrel and K.Ohgushi
A study of the flood damage risk based on hte city planning system; 2016/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 5th Korean-Japan Crisis & Emergency Management Seminar, Seitoku University, Japan AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi and Takuro Inohae
The computational analysis of flow and sediment transport in lower reach of Chikugo River, Japan for a quantitative evaluation of Wakatsu port training levee; 2015/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 36th IAHR World Congress, , The Hague, the Netherlands (2015)., 1-7 AUTHOR; Koga, Y., K. Ohgushi and T. Jansen
Validation of the effect of landside water drainage in Ushizu River basin and future flood control measures; 2015/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands (2015), 1-8 AUTHOR; Terao, H., K. Ohgushi
Flood and evacuation simulations considering the risk of evacuation route; 2015/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands (2015), 1-7 AUTHOR; Morita, T., K. Ohgushi
The effect of storm surge and tidal currents to sediment transport in the north Ariake Sea; 2015/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , II-050 - II-051 AUTHOR; Tommy Jansen・Koichiro Ohgushi
Inundation simulations due to storm surge and high discharge in Saga lowland and coastal area of Ariake Sea; 2015/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , II-041-II-042 AUTHOR; A. H. Thambas・Koichiro Ohgushi
A quantitative evaluation of Wakatsu port training levee by computational analysis of flow and sediment transport in lower reach of Chikugo River, Japan; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 19th IAHR-APD Congress 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam (2014) AUTHOR; Ohgushi, K., Y. Koga and T. Jansen
Evacuation and flood simulations in the case that shelters are included in lowland area; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 9th Int. Symp. on Lowland Technology AUTHOR; Morita, T., K. Ohgushi and A. H. Thambas
A study on river basin management in Jobaru River basin by computational simulations of flood and sediment transport and field geotechnical investigations; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 9th Int. Symp. on Lowland Technology AUTHOR; Nakashima, H., K. Ohgushi, T. Hino, T. Morita and T. Jansen
Analysis on Curve Number, Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Jobaru River Basin; 2012/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; J. S. F. Sumarauw and K. Ohgushi
A Study on Influences of Typhoon to Rokkaku River and Kase River Estuary, Saga Prefecture, Japan; 2012/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; A. K. T. Dundu and K. Ohgushi
Forests and auxiliary levees for flood damage protection in the midstream of the Kase River and their influences on flood flows; 2007/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 32th IAHR Congress, Italy, Venice AUTHOR; Ohgushi, K., Ikeda, K. and H.Araki
Residual current observations in the innermost part of the Ariake Sea; 2006/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Int. Symposium on Lowland Technology, 2006.(Saga) AUTHOR; K. Ohgushi, Y. Hayami, T. Hamada , K. Yamamoto and R. Hirakawa
Water Quality Analysis on the Innermost Part of the Ariake Sea by Using Terra-Aster Satellite Images; 2005/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 31st Congress of International Association for Hydraulic Research
Seoul, Korea, AUTHOR; K.Ohgushi and H.Araki
Inundation Analysis of the Rokkaku River Basin Using Topographic Information Obtained from Digital Photogrammetry; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the International Symposium on Lowland Technology AUTHOR;
Flood Disaster Risk in Japan under Climate Change and Traditional Flood Management Technology in Saga; 2020/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Keynote Speech of the International Seminar on Multi-Disciplinary in Civil Engineering, Online Session between UTHM, Malaysia and Saga University, Japan, December 10, 2020 (Invited Lecture). AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi
A study on the adaptation measures against water-related disasters in Saga, Japan; 2019/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Special Lecture on Civil Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia, March 17, 2019 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi
A study on the traditional flood management in Saga Plain, Japan; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Special Lectures on Civil Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia, Sep. 7, 2018 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi
A study on the traditional flood management in Saga Plain, Japan; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Special Lectures on Civil Engineering, University of Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarbaru, Indonesia, Sep. 11, 2018 AUTHOR; Koichiro Ohgushi
River basin management for flooding and inundation using traditional flood control technology - Geotechnical and hydraulic approaches for quantitative evaluation of the technology -; 2013/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of 7th Int. Conf. on Crisis and Emergency Management, 224-233 AUTHOR; K. Ohgushi and T. Hino