Energy Conversion Engineering, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer Engineering, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
1986/03, Graduated
1988/03, Master Course, Completed
1991/03, Doctor Course, Completed
Employment Experience
1991/04 - 1991/07 Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University
1991/07 - 1992/03 Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University
1992/04 - 1992/04 Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University
1992/04 - 1993/03 Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University
1993/04 - 2002/03 Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University
2002/04 - 2005/03 Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University
2002/04 - 2007/03 Associate Professor, Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University
2005/05 - 2007/04 Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University
2007/04 - 2013/06 Associate Professor, Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University
2013/07 - * Professor, Institute of Ocean Energy, Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University
Field of Specialization
Energy engineering, Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system, Thermal engineering, Naval and maritime engineering, Earth system and resources engineering
海洋深層水利用学会賞 (2013/11)
Research Topics and Results
OTEC and Advanced Deep Ocean Water Use for Kumejima: An Introduction 2022/05
向けた培養方法 2022/03
Applications and Benefits of OTEC 2022/02
Spatial profile of Al-ZnO thin film on polycarbonate deposited by ring-shaped magnetized rf plasma sputtering with two facing cylindrical Al2O3 - ZnO targets 2022/01
Initiatives for
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) 2021/11
Marine, Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy (OTEC) in the Tropics 2021/10
Exergetic performance evaluation of ocean thermal energy conversion system with crossflow plate heat exchangers 2021/10
Comprehensive heat exchanger perforamance evaluation method on ocean thermal energy conversion for maximum net power 2021/10
地球規模で考える脱CO₂と海洋エネルギー可能性・地域経済活性化 2021/09
Construction of a Dynamic Model for an OTEC Plant Using Hybrid Cycle Based on a Simple Dynamic Model 2021/09
Construction of a State Space Model with Working Fluid Flow Rate Input for an OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle 2021/09
Hydrogen Production using Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion as
a Globally Leading Advanced System in Malaysia 2021/07
Proposal of Performance Evaluation Index of Heat Exchanger for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion based on Finite-time Thermodynamics 2021/07
Heat transfer performance evaluation of an evaporator-condenser for hybrid cycle OTEC 2021/07
Malaysian Global Leadership in Promoting Achievement of the SDGs, Renewable Energy, and Innovation 2021/06
Renewable energy & Innovation promoted by Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion in Malaysia and achieving SDGs as Global Leader of Malaysia 2021/04
Performance evaluation concept in ocean thermal energy conversion towards standardization and intelligent design 2021/04
Estimation of ocean thermal energy conversion resources in the East of Malaysia 2021/00
Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications Chapter title: OTEC Maximum Net Power Output Using Carnot Cycle and Application to Simplify Heat Exchanger Selection 2020/07
Theoretical Model Construction for Renewable Low-grade Thermal Energy Conversion: An Insight from Finite-time Thermodynamics 2020/07
Parametric analysis of novel self-water supply ORC power system for hot spring thermal energy conversion 2020/00
Fundamental characteristics in performance in ocean thermal energy conversion (Construction of finite-time thermodynamic model and effect of heat source flow rate) 2020/00
The Optimum Design on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 2019/02
Preliminary design of a 100 MW-net ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power plant study case: Mentawai island, Indonesia 2019/02
Water Level Control of After Condenser in a Spray Flash Desalination System Using Stochastic Process 2019/01
Exergy Distraction in Heat Transfer on Low-grade Thermal Energy Conversion (LTEC) System: A Case of Plate Type Heat Exchangers 2018/10
Application of Finite-time Thermodynamics to Simplifying Heat Exchanger Performance Evaluation Method on OTEC 2018/09
Application of Finite-time Thermodynamics to Simplifying Heat Exchanger Performance Evaluation Method on OTEC 2018/09
Hybrid OTEC System – The First Experimental Test Rig in Malaysia 2018/09
Basis of Heat Exchanger Performance on Finite-time Thermodynamics in OTEC 2018/06
Theoretical effectiveness of the multi temperature level cycles considering irriversibility in heat transfer on OTEC 2018/06
Thermodynamical optimum heat source mean velocity in heat exchangers on OTEC 2018/06
Estimation of thermal energy conversion system using submarine hydrothermal 2018/06
Study of available thermal energy on OTEC 2018/03
Development of Web Application for Real Time Remote Operation of an OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle 2017/11
Research on Kalina Cycle using Plural Heat Sources 2015/12
海洋エネルギー利用技術(第2版) 2015/06
2段ランキンサイクルを用いた海洋温度差発電システム 2014/03
海洋温度差発電実験装置の連続運転におけるスペクトル解析 2014/03
海の持つエネルギーを電気に変える仕組み(温度差発電) 2014/02
Influence of temperature difference calculation method on the evaluation of Rankine cycle performance 2014/01
New stage of OTEC with Netherlands and Japan
- for Stable Energy & Sustainable Water Resource - 2013/06
OTEC Using Multi-stage Rankine Cycle 2013/06
Performance Analysis of the Low Temperature Solar-boosted Power Generation System: Part I. Comparison between Kalina Solar System and Rankine Solar System 2013/02
Performance Analysis of the Low Temperature Solar-boosted Power Generation System: Part II. Thermodynamic Characteristics of the Kalina Solar System 2013/02
Investigations on the Heat Flux Rates in Superheated Water Jet Evaporators 2013/01
海洋再生エネルギーの市場展望と開発動向 2011/03
Direct Method to Maximize Net Power Output of Rankine Cycle in Low-Grade Thermal Energy Conversion 2010
吸着技術の産業応用ハンドブック 2009/06
Performance simulation of soler-boosted ocean thermal energy conversion plant 2009/01
新しい海洋温度差発電技術による沖縄・台湾の共創的持続発展の構築に向けて 2008/11
製紙スラッジ焼却灰を用いた鉱山ズリの安定化 2008/11
スプレーフラッシュ蒸発式海水淡水化システムのシミュレーションモデル構成 2008/08
エネルギーの貯蔵・輸送 2008/06
ペルチェ素子を用いた温度差発電学習用具の開発授業実践 2008/04
Zeolite synthesis from peper sludge ash with addition of diatomite 2008
ヒートポンプ用プレート式凝縮器の実験的研究ー冷媒がHFC134aの場合ー 2008
Synthesis of zeolites from paper sludge ash and thier ability to simultaneously remove NH4+ and PO43 2006
Fluid Conductivity of Porous Aluminum Fabricated by Powder-metallurgical Spacer Method 2006
Zeolitic adsorbent synthesized from powdered waste porcelain, and its property for heavy metal removal 2006
砂岩砕石屑の有効利用を目的としたゼオライト転換に関する基礎的検討 2006
周期的な凹凸を有する平行平板間の低Re数流れに及ぼす強制振動の影響 2006
Local Evaporating Heat Transfer of Ammonia on Vertical Flat Plate 2006
Local Evaporating Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ammonia in the Vertical Flat Plate under Low Mass Flux 2006
Benchmark Plant of Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater 2006
Study on Metal hydrides (Mm(La<sub>0.6-0.8</sub>)Ni<sub>4.0</sub>Co<sub>0.6</sub>Mn<sub>0.2</sub>Al<sub>0.2</sub>(TL-492) and LaNi<sub>5</sub>) for Hydrogen Storage Container using Discharged water from OTEC and Fuel Cell as Heat Sources 2006
Enhancing Effective Thermal Conductivity of Metal Hydrides by Carbon Fiber and Metal Coating 2006
Experimental Performance Evaluation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System Using Uehara Cycle 2006
Benchmark Evaluation of Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater 2006
Characteristic and Estimation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System Using Uehara Cycle 2006
A Simulation Model for OTEC Plant Using Uehara Cycle 2006
Diffusion of Negatively Buoyant Jet in Stratified Environment 2006
Evaporation Heat Transfer of Ammonia and Pressure Drop of Warm Water for Plate Type Evaporator 2006
Effect of Ozonation for OTEC on Macrofouling Organisms 2006
Experimental Study on Desalination of Seawater in Imari Bay Using an Upward Spray Flash Desalination Plant 2006
Oceanic Reserch and Estimation for Lithium Recovery from Deep Seawaters of Palau and Fiji Islands 2006
Oceanic Observation and Investigation for Utilization of Ocean Energy in Fiji and Okinotorishima 2006
New Simply Process of Making Agricultural Cultivation Solution from Seawater 2006
Experimental Investigation of Local Heat Transfer in Forced Convective Boiling of Vertical Flat Plate 2006
Condensation Heat Transfer of Ammonia/Water Binary Mixture on Vertical Flat Plate for OTEC 2006
Benchmark Evaluation of Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater 2006
垂直平滑平板上でのアンモニア/水二成分の凝縮伝熱特性 2006
OTEC用のプレート式蒸発器に関する基礎研究 2006
温排水を用いたカリーナサイクルの性能解析および最適組成に関する研究 2005
ヒートポンプを用いた地中熱利用システムの性能解析に関する研究 2005
スプレーフラッシュ蒸発式海水淡水化に関する実験的研究(噴流方向の影響) 2005
プレート式蒸発器のアンモニア平均蒸発熱伝達と温水側圧力損失 2005
ウエハラサイクルを用いた海洋温度差発電システムの性能試験 2005
上向き噴流式フラッシュ蒸発海水淡水化に関する実験的研究(噴流状態と温度分布) 2005
安定温度成層場における冷噴流の拡散特性 2005
冷噴流の沈降深度に及ぼす温度成層場の影響 2005
温度成層条件における海洋肥沃化装置「拓海」の放流水貫入深度 2005
周期的な凹凸を有する平行平板間の低Re数流れにおける伝熱促進-強制振動による影響 2005
Kinetics estimation of the Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage Container Using Sea Water as Heat Source 2005
Hydriding and dehydriding reactions of Mm(La0.6-0.8)Ni4.0Co0.6Mn0.2Al0.2 and LaNi5 2005
The benchscale lithium recovery from the seawater 2005
The Performance of the Benchmark Plant Designed for the Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater, 2005
The Performance of the Benchmark Plant Designed for the Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater 2005
Study of two Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage using low level exhausted heat sources 2005
"Novel λ-MnO2 Type Adsorbent and Its Application for The Selective Recovery of Lithium
from Seawater Using Pilot Plant,
" 2005
A Simulation Model for Hot Spring Thermal Energy Conversion Plant With Working Fluid of Binary Mixtures 2004
静止水槽中への2次元噴流の実験 2004
温度成層をもつ開水路への2次元冷噴流の挙動に関する数値解析 2004
アンモニア/水混合媒体を用いた機器に使用する潤滑油の変質特性 2004
Performance of Benchmark Plant of Lithium Recovery from Seawater Using A Novel λ-MnO2 Adsorbent 2004
Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications Chapter title: OTEC Maximum Net Power Output Using Carnot Cycle and Application to Simplify Heat Exchanger Selection; 2020/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; MDPI Books (Reprinted from Entropy, 2019, 21, p.1232), 75-94 AUTHOR; Kevin Fontaine; Takeshi Yasunaga; Yasuyuki Ikegami
OCEAN RENEWABLE ENERGY ENGINEERING with JAPANESE EXPERIENSE; 2020/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Chapter5 Ocean Thermal Energy, 107-128 AUTHOR; Yusaku Kyozuka,Shuichi Nagata,Yasuyuki Ikegami,Takeaki Miyazaki,Kenji Yano
Thermodynamics and the Optimization of Complex Energy Systems; 1999 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Klumer Academic Publishers:
Adrian Bejan and Eden Mamunt:
Thermodynamic Optimization in Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, 335-344 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami,Haruo Uehara
Basic Design Optimization of Power and Desalinated Water for Hybrid Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System Integrated with Desalination Plant; 2024/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Science and Technology, online AUTHOR; A. A. Azmi, T. Yasunaga, K. Fontaine, T. Morisaki, T. Nakaoka, S. T. Thirugnana, A.B. Jaafar, Y. Ikegami
Spatial structures of rf ring-shaped magnetized sputtering plasmas with two facing cylindrical ZnO/Al2O3 targets; 2023/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 62, SI1007 AUTHOR; Yasunori Ohtsu, Kousuke Hara, Shoma Imoto, Julian Schulze, Takeshi Yasunaga, and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Experimental Study of Small Scale Hybrid Hot Spring Thermal Energy Conversion; 2023/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Transitions of the JSME (in Japanese), 89, 921, 00264 AUTHOR; Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Performance Analysis of a 10 MW Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant Using Rankine Cycle in Malaysia; 2023/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Sustainability, 巻: 15 号, 4 ページ: 3777 AUTHOR; Sathiabama T. Thirugnana, Abu Bakar Jaafar, Srithar Rajoo, Ahmad Aiman Azmi, Hariharan Jai Karthikeyan, Takeshi Yasunaga, Tsutomu Nakaoka, Hesam Kamyab, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Construction of a State Space Model with Working Fluid Flow Rate Inputs for an OTEC Plant Using Double-stage Rankine Cycle; 2022/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Ocean thermal energy conversion; Rankine cycle; state-space model; linear approximation; flow rate AUTHOR; Matsuda Yoshitaka, Suyama Daiki, Sugi Takenao, Goto Satoru, Morisaki Takafumi, Yasunaga Takeshi, Ikegami Yasuyuki
Construction of a state-space model with multiple flow rate inputs for an OTEC plant using Rankine cycle; 2022/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, 15, 2, 89-98 AUTHOR; Matsuda, Y., Suyama, D., Sugi, T., Goto S, Morisaki, T., Yasunaga, T., Ikegami, Y.
OTEC and Advanced Deep Ocean Water Use for Kumejima: An Introduction; 2022/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of OCEANS 2022 –Chennai AUTHOR; Martine, B., Okamura, S., Yasunaga, T., Ikegami, Y., Ohta, N.
Proposal of a Culture Method for Maintaining High Growth of Sterile Ulva spp./ species (Chlorophyta).; 2022/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography, 11, 3 AUTHOR; Shin HIRAYAMA, Shuichi TASHIRO, Kohei INOUE, Kazuya URATA, Masafumi IIMA, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
A Pseudomeasurement Approach to State Estimation for Liquid Level Control of Separator in an OTEC Plant Using Uehara Cycle; 2021/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 53rd ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications
Extended Abstract of the 53rd ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, 68-69 AUTHOR; Kotaro Ushijima, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Exergetic performance evaluation of ocean thermal energy conversion system with crossflow plate heat exchangers; 2021/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 6th Int. Seminar ORC Power Systems, 87 AUTHOR; Yasunaga, T., Nakamura, T., Okuno, T., Ikegami, Y.
Comprehensive heat exchanger perforamance evaluation method on ocean thermal energy conversion for maximum net power; 2021/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 6th Int. Seminar ORC Power Systems, 48 AUTHOR; Yasunaga, T., Miyazaki, A., Fontaine, K., Ikegami, Y.
Preparation of Water‑Repellent Film on a Plastic Plate by Unbalanced Radio‑Frequency Magnetron Plasma Sputtering Using PTFE Target for a Next‑Generation Automobile Window; 2021/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 1646 AUTHOR; Yasunori Ohtsu (Saga Univ.), Yuta Ino, Yuki Fujio, Tatsuo Tabaru (AIST), Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami (Saga Univ.)
Construction of a Dynamic Model for an OTEC Plant Using Hybrid Cycle Based on a Simple Dynamic Model; 2021/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2021 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Construction of a State Space Model with Working Fluid Flow Rate Input for an OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle; 2021/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2021, 176-179 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Daiki Suyama, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Ocean Thermal Energy-Driven Development for
Sustainability; 2021/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 9th INternational Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST), Virtual conference AUTHOR; A. Bakar Jaafar, Mohd Khairi Abu Husain, Sathiabama T. Thirugnana, Syuhaida Ismaila (UTM), Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami (Saga Univ.)
The Trend and Status of Energy Resources and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Malaysia Power Generation Mix; 2021/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Energies, 14, 8, 2200 AUTHOR; Siti Norasyiqin Abdul Latif, Meng Soon Chiong, Srithar Rajoo (UTM), Asako Takada (AIST), Yoon-Young Chun (UTM), Kiyotaka Tahara (AIST), Yasuyuki Ikegami (Saga Univ.)
Performance evaluation concept in ocean thermal energy conversion towards standardization and intelligent design; 2021/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Energies, 14, 8 ページ: 2336 AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Kevin Fontaine, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Estimation of ocean thermal energy conversion resources in the East of Malaysia; 2021/00 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol.9, No.1, 22 AUTHOR; Thirugnana, T. S., Jaafar, A. B., Yasunaga, T., Nakaoka, T., Ikegami, Y., Su, S.,
Evaluation of Productivity on Long-term Culture of Sterile ULVA (Chlorophyta); 2020/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 74, 4, 249-253 AUTHOR; Shin HIRAYAMA, Shuichi TASHIR0, Kohei INOUE,Kazuya URATA, Masafumi IIMA and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Construction of a State Space Model with Warm and Cold Seawater Flow Rate Inputs for an OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle; 2020/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2020, 1856-1861 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Daiki Suyama, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Construction of a State Space Model for a Spray Flash Desalination System; 2020/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 4th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 922-927 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Ryoichi Sakai, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Construction of a State Space Model for an OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle with Heat Flow Rate Dynamics; 2020/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress, 13225-13230 AUTHOR; Matsuda, Y., Saki, R., Sugi, T., Goto S, Yasunaga, T., Ikegami, Y.
Theoretical Model Construction for Renewable Low-grade Thermal Energy Conversion: An Insight from Finite-time Thermodynamics; 2020/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; IIR Rankine Conference 2020, Glasgow, UK (Online) AUTHOR; Takeshi YASUNAGA, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Construction of a State Space Model for an OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle with Heat Flow Rate Dynamics; 2020/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020, 13225-13230 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Daiki Suyama, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Parametric Analysis of Novel Self-water Supply ORC Power System for Hot Spring Thermal Energy Conversion; 2020/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. IIR International Rankine 2020 Conference, 1184 AUTHOR; Takeshi YASUNAGA, Tomoya OKUNO, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Theoretical Model Construction for Renewable Low-grade Thermal Energy Conversion: An Insight from Finite-time Thermodynamics; 2020/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of IIR Rankine Conference 2020, Glasgow, UK (Online), 1185 AUTHOR; Takeshi YASUNAGA, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Fundamental characteristics in power generation by heat engines on ocean thermal energy conversion (Construction of finite-time thermodynamic model and effect of heat source flow rate); 2020/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Transactions of the JSME, 86, 886 AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Long-term Culture Characteristics of Sterile Ulva spp. (Chlorophyta); 2020/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development AUTHOR; S.Hirayama, S.Tashiro, K. Inoue, K. Urata, M. Iima, Y. Ikegami
Parametric analysis on hybrid ocean thermal energy conversion system; 2020/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.86, No.883, pp.19-00370-- AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Natsuki KOYAMA, Tomoya OKUNO
Finite-Time Thermodynamic Model for Evaluating Heat Engines in Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; 2020/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Entropy, Vol.22, No.2, pp.211-- AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
A Numerical Investigation of the Plunging Phenomenon of Cold Water Discharged from Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Systems; 2020/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol.8, No.3, pp.155-- AUTHOR; Dan Hua,Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Parametric analysis of novel self-water supply ORC power system for hot spring thermal energy conversion; 2020/00 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; IIR Rankine Conference 2020, Glasgow, UK (Online) AUTHOR; Yasunaga, T., Okuno, T., Ikegami, Y.
Fundamental characteristics in performance in ocean thermal energy conversion (Construction of finite-time thermodynamic model and effect of heat source flow rate); 2020/00 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Transactions of JSME (in Japanese), Vol.86, No.886, 19-00383 AUTHOR; Yasunaga, T., Ikegami, Y.
OTEC Maximum Net Power Output Using Carnot Cycle and Application to Simplify Heat Exchanger Selection; 2019/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Entropy, Vol.21, No.12, pp.1143-- AUTHOR; Kevin Fontaine, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Water Level Control of Flash Chamber in a Spray Flash Desalination System with Valve Dynamics and Flow Rate Limitation; 2019/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 2019 19th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2019), pp.879-884 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Ryoichi Sakai, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Power Generation Control of OTEC Plant Using Double-stage Rankine Cycle with Target Power Output Variation by Simultaneous Regulation of Multiple Flow Rates; 2019/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2019, pp.1412-1417 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Riku Oouchida, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
IRREVERSIBILITY IN THE ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE FOR LOW-GRADE THERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM; 2019/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of International Symposium on ORC Power Systems, pp.1-8 AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
The Optimum Design on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; 2019/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Bulletin of the Society of Water Science, Japan, 73, 9-13 AUTHOR;
Preliminary design of a 100 MW-net ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power plant study case: Mentawai island, Indonesia; 2019/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 1-21 AUTHOR; Ristiyanto Adiputra, Tomoaki Utsunomiya, Jaswar Koto, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Water Level Control of After Condenser in a Spray Flash Desalination System Using Stochastic Process; 2019/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 32 号, 1 ページ: 24-31 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Yoshihiro Eishima, Satoru Goto, Takenao Sugi,Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Anti-windup Compensation for Water Level Control of a Spray Flash Desalination System with Flow Rate Limitations; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 2nd IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 1363-1368 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Ryoichi Sakai, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Basic Heat Exchanger Performance Evaluation Method on OTEC; 2018/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6 号, 2 ページ: 32 AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Takafumi Noguchi, Takafumi Morisaki and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Numerical and experimental analysis of heat transfer enhancement and
pressure drop characteristics of laminar pulsatile flow in grooved channel
with different groove lengths; 2018/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Applied Thermal Engineering, 137, 632-643 AUTHOR; Han Huang, Yongning Bian,⁎, Yang Liu,⁎, Fengge Zhang, Hirofumi Arima, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Study of available thermal energy on OTEC; 2018/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), 84 号, 859 ページ AUTHOR; YASUNAGA Takeshi;MORISAKI Takafumi;IKEGAMI Yasuyuki
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Using Double-Stage Rankine Cycle; 2018/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6, 2, 21 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Takeshi Yasunaga and Takafumi Morisaki
Construction of a Static Model for Power Generation of OTEC Plant Using Uehara Cycle Based on Experimental Data; 2018/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6, 2, 18 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takuma Yoshitake, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Construction of OTEC Potential Model Based on Cycle Analysis; 2017/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 30, 8, 297-304 AUTHOR;
SEAWATER FLOW RATE REGULATION OF OTEC PLANT USING UEHARA CYCLE BY CONSIDERING WARM SEAWATER TEMPERATURE VARIATION; 2017/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 13, 6, 2123-2131 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Daiki Urayoshi, Satoru Goto, Takenao Sugi, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Liquid Level Control of Separator in an OTEC Plant with Uehara Cycle; 2016/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Trans of the institute system, control and Information Engineer AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Satoru Goto, Takenao Sugi, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Construction of Simple Dynamic Model for OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle; 2016/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 29, 1, 4050 AUTHOR; Goto Kazuhiko;Goto Satoru;Sugi Takenao;Matsuda Yoshitaka;Morisaki Takafumi;Ikegami Yasuyuki
Research on Kalina Cycle using Plural Heat Sources; 2015/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 94, 12, 13781386 AUTHOR; MISHIMA Syunichi;IKEGAMI Yasuyuki
Visualization of Ammonia Boiling Flow Phenomena Inside Narrow Flat Plates; 2014/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15, IHTC15-8971 AUTHOR; Hirofumi Arima, Fumiya Mishima, Kohei Koyama, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Measurement and prediction of heat transfer coefficient on ammonia flow boiling in a microfin plate evaporator; 2014/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Refrigeration, 36-48 AUTHOR; Kohei Koyama, Hirotaka Chiyoda, Hirofumi Arima, Akio Okamoto, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Plate-Type Heat Exchanger Performance; 2014/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 5, 1, 92-98 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Sami Mutair, Yusuke Kawabata
Fresh Water from the Ocean- A Study on Desalinated Water Production at an Ocean Thermal Energy Cogeneration System; 2014/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Management for Water Security, Chennai, India February 12-14, 2014 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Sami Mutair
Influence of temperature difference calculation method on the evaluation of Rankine cycle performance; 2014/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.23, No.1, pp.68-76, January 2014, 23, 1, 68-76 AUTHOR; Morisaki, T., Ikegami, Y.
Performance evaluation of heat exchangers in OTEC using ammonia/water mixture as working fluid; 2013/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, Vol.3, No.4, pp.302-310, December 2013, 3, 4, 302-310 AUTHOR; Morisaki, T., Ikegami, Y.
OTEC Using Multi-stage Rankine Cycle; 2013/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 23rd (2013) International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol.1, pp. 451-456, June 2013.
(Anchorage William Egan Convention Center,USA)2013年6月30‐7月5日, 1, 451-456 AUTHOR; Ikegami, Y., Morisaki, T.
Performance Analysis of the Low Temperature Solar-boosted Power Generation System: Part I. Comparison between Kalina Solar System and Rankine Solar System; 2013/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Solar Energy Engineering (ASME), doi: 10.1115/1.4007495, SCI Journal, EI Journal
Vol.135, February 2013, 135 AUTHOR; Faming Sun, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Hirofumi Arima, Weisheng Zhou
Performance Analysis of the Low Temperature Solar-boosted Power Generation System: Part II. Thermodynamic Characteristics of the Kalina Solar System; 2013/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Solar Energy Engineering (ASME), doi: 10.1115/1.4006964, SCI Journal, EI Journal
Vol.135, February 2013, 135 AUTHOR; Faming Sun, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Hirofumi Arima, Weisheng Zhou
Experimental study on Seawater Desalination Using Low-grade Thermal energy; 2013/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceedings of Water Arabia 2013 conference and exhibition, Saudi Arabian Water Environment Association, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia Feb 4-6 2013 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Investigations on the Heat Flux Rates in Superheated Water Jet Evaporators; 2013/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, January 31,2013 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair,Yasuyuki Ikegami
Utilization of Low-quality Energy in Seawater Desalination at Low Temperatures and Reduced Pressures; 2013/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the Arab Water Week 2013 - New Prospects and Challenges for the Water Sector in the Arab Region, Amman, Jordan, January 27th~31st 2013) AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
On the evaporation of superheated water drops formed by flashing of liquid jets; 2012/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 57, July 2012, Pages 37-44, 57, 37-44 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
On the evaporation of superheated water drops formed by flashing of liquid jets; 2012/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 57, July 2012, Pages 37-44, 57, 37-44 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
A study on Kalina solar system with an auxiliary superheater; 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy, 41, pp. 210-219, 2012. , SCI, EI, 210-219 AUTHOR; Faming Sun, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Baoju Jia
Optimization design and exergy analysis of organic Rankine cycle in ocean thermal energy conversion; 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Applied Ocean Research, 35, pp. 38-46, 2012. , SCI, EI, 38-46 AUTHOR; Faming Sun, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Baoju Jia, Hirofumi Arima
Local boiling heat transfer characteristics of ammonia/water binary mixture in a vertical plate evaporator; 2011/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Refrigeration VOL.34, NO.3, 648,2011年05月, 34, 3, 648 AUTHOR; H. Arima, A. Okamoto, Y. Ikegami
Characteristic of local boiling heat transfer of ammonia and ammonia / water binary mixture on the plate type evaporator; 2011 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Thermal Science VOL.20, NO.4, 332 – 342(2011), 20, 4, 332-342 AUTHOR; Akio Okamoto, Hirofumi Arima and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Construction of Simulation Model for OTEC Plant Using Uehara Cycle; 2011 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Electrical Engineering in Japan (Translated form Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. 129-B, No. 2, pp. 272-282 (2009)) VOL.176, NO.2, 1 – 13 (2011) AUTHOR; Satoru Goto, Yoshiki Motoshima, Takenao Sugi, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami and Masatoshi Nakamura
Heat flux variation profiles during the flash evaporation of superheated water jets under low-pressure release conditions; 2010/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceedings of the 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanic, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 17-21, 2010 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Effect of the nonvolatile substances on the flash evaporation of liquids: Comparative study on the flash evaporation of pure water and saline water; 2010/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering, Khulna, Bangladesh, December 23-24 2010 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Local boiling heat transfer characteristics of ammonia in a vertical plate evaporator; 2010/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Refrigeration VOL.33, NO.2, 359 2010年03月, 33, 2 AUTHOR; H. Arima, J.H. Kim, A. Okamoto, Y. Ikegami
Removal of NaCl from seawater using natural zeolite; 2010/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 、 91巻 1号 (頁 21 ~ 26) 、 2010年02月, 91, 1, 21-26 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Tomoe Shimizu, Takehiko Yamato, Yasuuki Ikegami
Study and Enhancement of Flash Evaporation Desalination Utilizing the Ocean Thermocline and Discharged heat; 2010/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 4:
1 2010 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Experimental investigation on the characteristics of flash evaporation from superheated water jets for desalination; 2010 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Desalination 251 (2010) 103–111, 103-111 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Study and Enhancement of Flash Evaporation Desalination Utilizing the Ocean Thermocline and Discharged heat; 2010 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 4:1 2010 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Direct Method to Maximize Net Power Output of Rankine Cycle in Low-Grade Thermal Energy Conversion; 2010 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2, 2, 21003-1-21003-8 AUTHOR; Faming Sun and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Experimental investigation on the characteristics of flash evaporation from superheated water jets for desalination; 2010 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Desalination 251 (2010) 103–111, 103-111 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Direct method to maximize net power output of Rankine cycle in low-grade thermal energy conversion (LTEC); 2010 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications (ASME), 2(2), pp. 0210031-8, 2010., 0210031-0210038 AUTHOR; Faming Sun, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Construction of Simulation Model for Spray Flash Desalination System; 2010 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Electrical Engineering in Japan (Translated form Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. 128-B, No. 8, pp. 993-999 (2008)) VOL.170, NO.4, 9 – 17 (2010) AUTHOR; Satoru Goto, Yuji Yamamoto, Takenao Sugi, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami and Masatoshi Nakamura
Strength characteristics of the self-sustained wave in grooved channels with different groove length; 2010 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Heat and Mass Transfer, 46(11-12), pp.1229-1237, 2010. SCI, EI, 1229-1237 AUTHOR; Faming Sun, Yongning Bian, Hirofumi Arima, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Xinsheng Xu
Experimental study on flash evaporation from superheated water jets: Influencing factors and formulation of correlation; 2009/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 52, Issues 23-24, November 2009, Pages 5643-5651, 52, 5643-5651 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Experimental study on flash evaporation from superheated water jets: Influencing factors and formulation of correlation; 2009/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 52, Issues 23-24, November 2009, Pages 5643-5651, 52, 5643-5651 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Identification of the Local Heat Flux from Superheated Water Drops; 2009/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceeding of 4th International Workshop on Bubble and Drop Interfaces 2009 (B& D2009) , Thessaloniki, Greece, September 23-25, 2009 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Study and Enhancement of Flash Evaporation Desalination Utilizing the Ocean Thermocline and Discharged heat; 2008/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceeding of 5th International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management, Heidelberg, Germany, September 24-26, 2008 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Low Temperature Thermal Desalination by Flash Evaporation from Superheated Water Jet; 2008/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceeding of 23rd Annual WateReuse Symposium, Texas, USA, September 7-10, 2008 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Effect of a chelating agent on the synthesis of zeolitic materials from waste sandstone cake using alkali fusion; 2007/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ARS SEPARATORIA ACTA 、 5巻 (頁 76 ~ 87) 、 2007年01月, 5, 76-87 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegam
Stabilization of mine waste using paper sludge ash under laboratory condition; 2007/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Materials Transactions 、 48巻 12号 (頁 3070 ~ 3078) 、 2007年01月, 48, 12, 3070-3078 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Tomoe Shimizu, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Ion exchange properties of natural zeolite in the preparation of an agricultural cultivation solution from seawater; 2007/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Ion Exchange 、 18巻 4号 (頁 390 ~ 393) 、 2007年01月 、 37., 18, 4, 390-393 AUTHOR; Tomoe Shimizu, Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Synthesis of zeolitic material from coal fly ash in seawater; 2007/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Ion Exchange 、 18巻 4号 (頁 158 ~ 161) 、 2007年01月, 18, 4, 158-161 AUTHOR; Takashi Hirai, Kazuharu Yoshizuka, Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Synthesis of zeolitic material from waste sandstone cake using alkali fusion; 2007/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Ion Exchange 、 18巻 4号 (頁 142 ~ 145) 、 2007年01月, 18, 4, 142-145 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Kazuharu Yoshizuka, Takashi Hirai
Synthesis of zeolites from paper sludge ash and their ability to simultaneously remove NH4+ and PO43-; 2007/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Environmental Science and health-A 、 42巻 3号 (頁 345 ~ 350) 、 2007年01月, 42, 3, 345-350 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Tomoe Shimizu, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Synthesis of zeolitic materials from waste porcelain at low temperature via a two step alkali conversion; 2007/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Ceramics International 、 33巻 (頁 1269 ~ 1274) 、 2007年01月, 33, 1269-1274 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegami
New simply process of making agricultural cultivation solution from seawater; 2006/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan 、 60巻 (頁 201 ~ 202) 、 2006年01月, 60, 201-202 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Tomoe Shimizu, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Synthesis of zeolitic materials from waste porcelain at low temperature via a two step alkali conversion; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Ceramics Internationa AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Synthesis of zeolites from paper sludge ash and thier ability to simultaneously remove NH4+ and PO43; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 42, 3, 345-350 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Tomoe Shimizu, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Fluid Conductivity of Porous Aluminum Fabricated by Powder-metallurgical Spacer Method; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45, 575-577 AUTHOR; Masataka Hakamada, Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Youqing Chen, Hiromu Kusuda, Mamoru Mabuchi
Zeolitic adsorbent synthesized from powdered waste porcelain, and its property for heavy metal removal; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ARS SEPARATORIA ACTA, 4, 86-95 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Zeolitic adsorbent synthesized from powdered waste porcelain, and its property for heavy metal removal; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ARS SEPARATORIA ACTA, 4, p. 86-95, (2006), 86-95 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Fluid Conductivity of Porous Aluminum Fabricated by Powder-metallurgical Spacer Method; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45, p. L575-L577, (2006), 575-577 AUTHOR; 54. Masataka Hakamada, Takaaki Wajima, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Youqing Chen, Hiromu Kusuda, Mamoru Mabuchi
Synthesis of zeolites from paper sludge ash and thier ability to simultaneously remove NH4+ and PO43-; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Environmental Science and health-A, 42(3), p. 345-350, (2006), 42, 3, 345-350 AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Tomoe Shimizu, Yasuyuki Ikegami
A Simulation Model for Hot Spring Thermal Energy Conversion Plant With Working Fluid of Binary Mixtures; 2004/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 126, No. 3, 445/454, (2004-7), 126, 3, 445-454 AUTHOR; O. Bai, M. Nakamura, Y. Ikegami and H. Uehara
A Simulation Model for Hot Spring Thermal Energy Conversion Plant With Working Fluid of Binary Mixtures; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 126, 3, 445-454 AUTHOR; Bai, M. Nakamura, Y. Ikegami and H. Uehara,
Advantages of Plate-Type Heat Exchanger over Tube-Type Heat Exchanger for OTEC Power plant; 1999/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; T. Mitsumori, Y. Ikegami and H. Uehara
Evolutionary design of dynamic neural networks for evaporator control; 1999 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Visakha Nanayakkara, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Haruo Uehara
On the Thermodynamic Optimization of Power Plants Wish Heat Transfer and Flow Irreversibilities; 1998/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 平成10年5月,Journal of Solar Energy Engineering,Vol,120,pp.139-144, 139-144 AUTHOR; Y. Ikegami,and A, Bejan
Constructal theory of natural crack pattern formation for fastest cooling; 1998 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 41, 13, 1945-1954 AUTHOR; A. Bejan,Y. Ikegami,and G. A. Ledezma
Experimental Study of a Spray Flash Desalination; 1997 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International OTEC/DOWA Association Newsletter,Vol.8,No.2(1997), 8, 2 AUTHOR; H.Uehara, Y.Ikegami, T.Nakaoka, T.Hirota
Performance Analysis of an OTEC Plant and a Desalination Plant Using an Integrated Hybrid Cycle; 1996/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 平成8年5月,Transactions of the ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Vol.118, pp.115-122, 118, 115-122 AUTHOR; Haruo Uehara, Akio Miyara, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Tsutomu Nakaoka
Parametric Performance Analysis of OTEC System Using HFC32/HFC134a Mixtures; 1995/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 平成7年3月,ASME, Solar Engineering-Vol.2,pp.1005-1010, 1005-1010 AUTHOR; Haruo Uehara, Yasuyuki Ikegami
OTEC System Using a New Cycle with Absorption and Extraction Processes; 1995 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 平成7年,Physical Chemistry of Aqueous System, pp.862-869, 862-869 AUTHOR; Haruo Uehara, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Tetsuya Nishida
Performance Analysis of OTEC Plants at Off-Design Conditions:
Ammonia as Working Fluid; 1992/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 1992.4, ASME, Solar Engineering 1992, pp.633-638, 633-638 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI, Haruo UEHARA
Optimization of a Closed-Cycle OTEC System; 1990/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 1990.11,Trans. of The ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering,
Vol.112, No.4, pp.247-256, 112, 4, 247-256 AUTHOR; Haruo UEHARA, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Material, Commentary, Editorials, Research Report, A Comprehensive Journal Articles
Geometry optimization on herringbone plate heat exchangers for low-enthalpy heat energy conversion (Consideration of the performance of heat source heat transfer and pressure drop); 2024/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 28, In Press AUTHOR; Takeshi YASUNAGA, Kevin FONTAINE, Yasunori OHTSU, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI, Sathiabama T. Thirugnana, and Abu Bakakar Jaafar
Oceanographic Survey for Installation of OTEC Plant in Kumejima (Assessment of seawater temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen from 2016-2022); 2023/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 27, 35-57 AUTHOR; Hideyuki Yoshimura, Junichi OHARA, Tetsuya NISHIDA, Junji KOGA, Tatsuhiko TANAKA, Kiyohiko FUKAMI, Tsuyoshi IHARA, Heita OKAMOTO, Kimihiko NAKAMURA, Takahiro UEDA, Hisateru NAKATSUKA, Ryosuke SAKAKI, Kousuke YAMAMOTO, Naoki HIROSE, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Takahumi MORISAKI, Kazuya URATA, Shin HIRAYAMA and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Development of Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; 2022/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ournal of Society of Automotive of Engineer of Japan, 76, 106-112 AUTHOR; Yasunaga, T., Morisaki, T., Ikegami, Y.
Development of Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; 2022/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Society of Automotive of Engineer of Japan, 76, 7, 106-112 AUTHOR; Yasunaga, T., Morisaki, T., Ikegami, Y.
Flow Visualization And Void Fraction Measurement via Image Processing Using Transparent Resin Evaporator; 2022/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 26, 13-18 AUTHOR; Masashi NAKAYAMA, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Takafumi MORISAKI, Yasunori OHTSU and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Proposal of Performance Evaluation Method of Heat Exchanger for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Based on Thermodynamics Perspective; 2022/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 26, 19-24 AUTHOR; Akira MIYAZAKI,Takeshi YASUNAGA, Kevin Fontaine and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Heat Transfer Performance Test Results of A Plate Evaporator-Condenser for Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; 2022/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 26, 43-47 AUTHOR; Shuji MIYAZONO, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Taisei NAKAMURA, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI, Takafumi MORISAKI
Performance evaluation of the ocean thermal energy conversion system using cross-flow plate type heat exchangers; 2020/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 25, 69-74 AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Taisei Nakamura, Tomoya Okuno, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Parameter Analysis on OTEC using Hybrid Cycle; 2019/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, Vol.24, pp.41-46 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Tomoya OKUNO
Construction of Water Level Model for After Condenser in Spray Flash Desalination System via Stochastic Process; 2017/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 49th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, 100-105 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Yoshihiro Eishima, Satoru Goto, Takenao Sugi, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Performance Evaluation Method of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System; 2017/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 22, 37-46 AUTHOR;
Performance Evaluation of Heat Exchangers for Application to Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System; 2017/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 22, 65-75 AUTHOR; Takeshi YASUNAGA, Kevin FONTAINE, Takafumi MORISAKI and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Pressure Drop Characteristics of Laminar Pulsatile Flow in Grooved Channel with Different Groove Lengths; 2017/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 22, 1-8 AUTHOR; Han HUANG, Hirofumi ARIMA, Yongning BIAN, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Characteristics of Pulsatile Flow with the Same Oscillatory Fraction in a Grooved Channel; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 21, 1-6 AUTHOR; Xiaoyu ZHANG,Hirofumi ARIMA,Yongning BIAN,Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Oceanic Observation and Investigation for Compound use of OTEC in Kumejima; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 21, 25-34 AUTHOR;
Potential Evaluation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 20, 2131 AUTHOR;
New Stage of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion towards a Stable Renewable Energy Source - OTEC Grid Connection at Kumejima in Okinawa; 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 50, 1, 5458 AUTHOR; Ikegami Yasuyuki
OTEC Newsletter; 2014/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 7, 1 AUTHOR;
Performance Test of 30kW OTEC System Using Ammonia/water as Working Fluid: Effects of Heat Source Temperature and Flow Rate; 2008/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 13, pp.87-94 AUTHOR; Yasunaga Takeshi;Ikegami Yasuyuki;Monde Masanori
Performance Test of 30kW OTEC System Using Ammonia/water as Working Fluid: Effects of Composition of Ammonia/water Mixture; 2008/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 13, pp.95-102 AUTHOR;
1000kW Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant for Demonstarion in Indian Ocean; 2001/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of JSES, 27, 3 AUTHOR; Haruo Uehara and Yasuyuki Ikegami
General Lectures
Water Level Control Experiment of After Condenser in Spray Flash Desalination System Using Optimal Regulator; 2023/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; n:Proceedings of the 42nd SICE Kyushu Branch Annual Conference, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, December 2-3, 2023, 202A5, pp. 120-123 AUTHOR; Ayato Ehara, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Development of Remote Monitoring System for an OTEC Plant Using Hybrid Cycle; 2023/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the 42nd SICE Kyushu Branch Annual Conference, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, December 2-3, 2023, 203A1, pp. 124-126 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Naruto Egashira
Net Power Generation Control of OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle with Seawater Pumps by Warm Seawater and Working Fluid Flow Rate Regulation; 2023/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the 66th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, October 7-8, 2023, Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan, 2023, 2C1-6, pp. 771-777 AUTHOR; Ryo Izutsu, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Development of remote operation system for flow control valve of a spray flash desalination plant; 2023/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 2023 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information, and Systems Society, I.E.E. of Japan,Hokkaido University of Science, August 30-September 2, 2023, GS4-6, pp. 1291-129 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Yusuke Matsuo, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Naruto Egashira
Net Power Generation Control of OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle with Seawater Pumps by Warm Seawater Flow Rate Regulation; 2023/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Preprints of the 22nd World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control, Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 2023, pp. 2515-2520 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Ryo Izutsu, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Net Power Generation Control of OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle with Seawater Pumps by Working Fluid Flow Rate Regulation; 2023/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the 67th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (ISCIE), Kyoto, May 17-19, 2023, 225-3, pp. 655-660 AUTHOR; Ryo Izutsu, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Power Generation Control of OTEC Plant Using Hybrid Cycle by Working Fluid Flow Rate Regulation; 2022/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) AUTHOR; R. Izutsu, Y. Matsuda, T. Sugi, S. Goto, T. Morisaki T. Yasunaga and Y. Ikegami
Construction of a State Space Model for a Spray Flash Desalination System with Valve Dynamics; 2022/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2022, 448-453 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Ayato Ehara, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Development of remote operation system for sea water valves of a spray flash desalination plant; 2022/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 022 Annual Conference of Electronics, Information, and Systems Society, GS1-2, 978-981 AUTHOR; Matsuo, Y., Matsuda, Y., Sugi, T., Goto, S., Morisaki, T.,Yasunaga, T., Ikegami, Y., Egashira, N.
COMPONENTS IN CLOSED CYCLE OTEC SYSTEM: A REVIEW; 2022/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Clean Energy AUTHOR; Karthikeyan, H. J., Thirugnana, S.T., Chelliapan, S., Yasunaga, T., Ikegami, Y.
AN ASSESSMENT ON TECHNICAL CHALLENGES OF HEAT EXCHANGER IN HYBRID OTEC; 2022/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Clean Energy AUTHOR; Azmi, A. A., Yasunaga, T., Ikegami, Y., Fontaine, K., Thirugnana, S. T., Jaafar, A. B.
Power Generation Control of OTEC Plant Using Hybrid Cycle by Warm Seawater Flow Rate Regulation; 2022/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the 66th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, 114-1,pp. 80-84 AUTHOR; Ryo Izutsu, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Determination of heat exchanger geometry for OTEC based on net power maximization
(Poster presentation); 2022/00 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International
Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE) Ocean Energy Europ AUTHOR; Fontaine, K., Yasunaga, T., Ikegami, Y
Proposal of Performance Evaluation Index of Heat Exchanger for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion based on Finite-time Thermodynamics; 2021/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the 25th National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems, C133 AUTHOR; Takeshi YASUNAGA, Akira MIYAZAKI, Kevin FONTAINE, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Construction of a State Space Model with Cold Seawater Flow Rate Input for an OTEC Plant Using Double-stage Rankine Cycle; 2021/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , pp. 1005-1010 AUTHOR; Daiki Suyama, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Estimation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Resources in Sabah, Malaysia; 2021/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 8th International OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Sathiabama T. Thirugnana, Abu Bakar Jaafar, Takeshi Yasunaga, Tsutomu Nakaoka, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Suriyanti Su
Novel, enhanced thermal conductivity heat exchanger for OTEC; 2021/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 8th International OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Meng Soon Chiong, Feng Xian Tan, Srithar Rajoo, Sathiabama T. Thirugnana, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Simplification of Heat Exchanger Selection for OTEC Using Carnot Cycle Based Maximum Power Output Assessment; 2021/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 8th International OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Fontaine Kevin, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Thermodynamics for the Standardization of Performance Evaluation on OTEC; 2021/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 8th International OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Rankine Cycle Design for 10 MW OTEC System in Malaysia; 2021/00 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 1st ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment (Onlilne), pp.159-164 AUTHOR; Thirugnana, T. S., Jaafar, A. B., Chiong, M. S., Rajoo, S., Yasunaga, T., Nakaoka, T., Ikegami, Y.
COMPONENTS IN CLOSED CYCLE OTEC SYSTEM: A REVIEW; 2020/70 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Clean Energy AUTHOR; Karthikeyan, H. J., Thirugnana, S.T., Chelliapan, S., Yasunaga, T., Ikegami, Y.
Fundamental Characteristics of Power Output on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System Using Cross-flow Heat Exchangers; 2020/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , D222 AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Taisei Nakamura, Tomoya Okuno, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Parametric Analysis on Novel Self-water Supply ORC Power System for Hot-Spring Thermal Energy Conversion; 2020/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Thermal Engineering Conference 2020, D221 AUTHOR;
Construction of a State Space Model with Cold Seawater Flow Rate Input for an OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle; 2020/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 64th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers (ISCIE), GS08-1, 356-360 AUTHOR; Daiki Suyama, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Control System for Water Level Control of Flash Chamber in a Spray Flash Desalination System via Stochastic Processes; 2019/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Extended Abstract of the 51st ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, pp. 19-20 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Ryoichi Sakai, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Water Level Control of Flash Chamber in a Spray Flash Desalination System with Valve Dynamics and Flow Rate Limitation; 2019/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 2019 19th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2019), Jeju, Korea AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda (IOES), Ryoichi Sakai, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
OTEC Demonstration Project Using Technologies of Advanced cycles and heat exchangers in Japan; 2019/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 7th International OTEC Symposium, Busan, Korea AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami (IOES), Takeshi Yasunaga
Standardization of OTEC Potential and Performance Evaluation Analysis Method; 2019/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 7th International OTEC Symposium, Busan, Korea AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga (IOES), Ikegami Yasuyuki
Power Generation Control of OTEC Plant Using Double-stage Rankine Cycle with Target Power Output Variation by Simultaneous Regulation of Multiple Flow Rates; 2019/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; SICE Annual Conference 2019 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Riku Oouchida, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
The Blue Innovation Using OTEC: Evaluation of Advanced OTEC System in Kumejima, Okinawa; 2019/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Program and Abstracts of the 3rd South China Sea, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami (IOES), Takeshi Yasunaga
Power and Water Supply Balance on Hybrid OTEC System; 2019/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Program and Abstracts of the 3rd South China Sea, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga (IOES), Tomoya Okuno, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Tsutomu Nakaoka, Sathiabama T. Thurugunana, Bakar Jaafar
Hybrid OTEC System - Test Rig off Port Dickson, Malaysia; 2019/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Program and Abstracts of the 3rd South China Sea, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia AUTHOR; Sathiabama T. Thirugnana (UTM), A Bakar Jaafar, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Tsutomu Nakaoka
Performance evaluation of high pressure resistance inner-fin plate type heat exchanger; 2019/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 622 AUTHOR; Daithi YAYAMA, Kiwamu SASAKI, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Exergy Distraction in Heat Transfer on Low-grade Thermal Energy Conversion (LTEC) System: A Case of Plate Type Heat Exchangers; 2018/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 5th International Conference, Low Temperature and Waste Heat Use in Energy Supply Systems AUTHOR;
Application of Finite-time Thermodynamics to Simplifying Heat Exchanger Performance Evaluation Method on OTEC; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 6th International OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Application of Finite-time Thermodynamics to Simplifying Heat Exchanger Performance Evaluation Method on OTEC; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 6th International OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Advanced cycles and heat exchangers on OTEC Technology; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 6th International OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami and Takeshi Yasunaga
The Visualization of Plate Heat Exchangers for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 6th International OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Kiwamu SASAKI, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Takahumi MORISAKI and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Performance Evaluation of the Plate Type Heat Exchanger for OTEC; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 6th International OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Natsuki KOYAMA, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Takafumi NOGUCHI, Takafumi MORISAKI and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Hybrid OTEC System – The First Experimental Test Rig in Malaysia; 2018/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 6th International OTEC symposium AUTHOR; Sathiabama T. Thirugnanaa, A Bakar Jaafara, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Basis of Heat Exchanger Performance on Finite-time Thermodynamics in OTEC; 2018/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 23rd National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems, E121 AUTHOR; Takeshi YASUNAGA, Natsuki KOYAMA,Takafumi NOGUCHI, Takafumi MORISAKI and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
The Visualization of Evaporation in Plate Heat Exchanger for Low-grade Thermal Energy Conversion; 2018/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 23rd National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems, E123 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI, Takeshi YASUNAGA,Takahumi MORISAKI and Kiwamu SASAKI
Theoretical effectiveness of the multi temperature level cycles considering irriversibility in heat transfer on OTEC; 2018/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Grand renewable energy, O-Oe-31 AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Takafumi Morisaki, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Thermodynamical optimum heat source mean velocity in heat exchangers on OTEC; 2018/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Grand Renewable Energy 2018, O-Oe-3-2 AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Natsuki Koyama, Takafumi Noguchi Taakafumi Morisaki and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Estimation of thermal energy conversion system using submarine hydrothermal; 2018/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Grand Renewable Energy 2018, O-Oe-3-4 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Takeshi Yasunaga, Takafumi Morisaki, Shoichiro Baba, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki, Tadahiro Hyakudome and Hiroshi Yoshida
OTEC Performance Evaluation and Optimum Design Methods; 2017/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 5th International OTEC symposium AUTHOR; T. Yasunaga and Y Ikegami
Advanced OTEC Technologies; 2017/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 5th International OTEC symposium AUTHOR; Y. Ikegami and T. Yasunaga
Development of Web Application for Real Time Remote Operation of an OTEC Plant Using Rankine Cycle; 2017/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR;
Study of Optimization Method for Reduction of Required Seawater on OTEC; 2017/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 2017 International Ocean Energy Symposium & 16th Joint Young Researcher Forum AUTHOR; Takafumi NOGUCHI, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Takafumi MORISAKI and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Study of System Design Method for Rankine Cycle System On OTEC; 2017/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR;
Application of Finite-time Thermodynamics for Evaluation Method of Heat Engines; 2017/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Energy Procedia (Proceedings ofIV International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, ORC2017), 129, 995-1001 AUTHOR; T.Yasunaga and Y. Ikegami,
Evaluation of a Liquid Level Model of Separator in an OTEC Experimental Plant Using Uehara Cycle via Different Experimental Data; 2017/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; SICE2017, 1490-1495 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Satoru Goto, Takenao Sugi, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
An Improvement on LQG Controller for Liquid Level Control of Separator in an OTEC Experimental Plant Using Uehara Cycle; 2017/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; SICE2017 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Satoru Goto, Takenao Sugi, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Control Simulation for OTEC Plant Using Double-stage Rankine Cycle by Considering the Target Power Output Variation; 2017/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR;
Web Application for OTEC Simulator Using Double-stage Rankine Cycle; 2017/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Preprints of the 20th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control, 123-130 AUTHOR; Satoru Goto, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami and Naruto Egashira
Control of OTEC Plant Using Double-stage Rankine Cycle Considering Warm Seawater Temperature Variation; 2017/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Preprints of the 21th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control, 137-142 AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Satoru Goto, Takenao Sugi, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Model Construction of Warm Water Temperature of Heat Source in an OTEC Experimental Plant via Stochastic Process; 2016/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 48th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications AUTHOR; Yoshitaka Matsuda, Satoru Goto, Takenao Sugi, Takafumi Morisaki, Takeshi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Heat Source Temperature Difference and Maximum Power of Multi-stage Rankine Cycle; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 2016, C214 AUTHOR;
Turbulence-induced enhancement of heat transfer performance by means of air/liquid mixing in plate heat exchangers; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Takeshi Yasunaga, Takafumi Morisaki, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Optimization of OTEC Design Parameter for Staging Rankine Cycle; 2016/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 2016 International Ocean Energy Symposium & 15th Joint Young Researcher Forum AUTHOR; Yuki NAKANO, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Takafumi MORISAKI, Eisuke KUSUDA and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
The visualization of Evaporation-Condensation and Heat Transfer Performance Analysis on Plate Type Heat Exchangers; 2016/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 2016 International Ocean Energy Symposium & 15th Joint Young Researcher Forum AUTHOR; Masayoshi NAKAMURA, Yusuke KAWABATA, Takeshi YASUNAGA and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Multi-Stage Cycle for Advanced OTEC System in Saga University; 2015/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 3rd Int. OTEC Symposium AUTHOR; Takeshi YASUNAGA, Takafumi MORISAKI and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Pressure Loss and Net Power of Multi-stage Rankine Cycle; 2015/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , Vol.20th, pp.355-358 AUTHOR; IKEGAMI Yasuyuki;NAKANO Yuki;MORISAKI Takafumi
The visualization of evaporation and condensation in plate type heat exchanger manufactured by 3Dprinter; 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 35, 1, 285288 AUTHOR;
A Study on the performance of the plate type heat exchanger produced using 3-D printer; 2014/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Thermal Engineering Conference, Tokyo AUTHOR; Yusuke Kawabata, Yasuyuki Ikagemi, Sami Mutair
Experimental Study on OTEC using Double-Stage Rankine Cycle; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermopysics and Fluid Science, JP15 AUTHOR; Ikegami, Y., Morisaki, T., Kusuda, E.
An Experimental Investigation of Double-stage Rankine Cycle for OTEC; 2014/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology (PACON 2014), pp. 30 (Session 2-3) AUTHOR; Morisaki, T., Kusuda, E., Ikegami, Y.
Experimental OTEC study using a double-stage rankine cycle; 2014/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. Grand Renewable Energy 2014, O-Oc-12-3 AUTHOR; Ikegami, Y., Morisaki, T., Kusuda, E.
Comparison between the conventional method and a new developed method for calculating a multi-stage Rankine cycle; 2014/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. Grand Renewable Energy 2014, O-Oc-12-2 AUTHOR; Morisaki, T., Ikegami, Y.
Experimental Study on Double-Stage Rankine Cycle for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC); 2014/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 139-142 AUTHOR;
Fresh Water from the Ocean- A Study on Desalinated Water Production at an Ocean Thermal Energy Cogeneration System; 2014/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Management for Water Security, Chennai, India AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Sami Mutair
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Plate-type Heat Exchanger Performance; 2014/00 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science 2014 (5th AJWTF) AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Sami Mutair, Yusuke Kawabata
Heat transfer enhancement using micro fabrication surface on plate heat exchanger; 2013/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Yusuke Kawabata, Akio Okamoto, Yoshio Itsumi, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Hirofumi Arima
OTEC Using Multi-stage Rankine Cycle; 2013/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 23rd (2013) International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol.1, pp. 451-456, AUTHOR; Ikegami, Y., Morisaki, T.
Status and Prospects of OTEC Integrated with Seawater Desalination in Japan; 2012/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceedings of the International Symposium on Deep Ocean Water Application for Food, Energy and Water 2012, Delpino golf and resort, Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do, south Korea, November 8th, 2012 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Sami Mutair, Takafumi Morisaki
In the proceedings of the 11th Korea-Japan joint young researcher forum on ocean energy, Busan, South Korea, September 21st, 2012; 2012/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Simultaneous Power Generation and Desalinated Water Production using the Renewable Thermal Energy of the Ocean; 2012/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceedings of the 1st International symposium on nature grid in green campus and city, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan, September 29th, 2012 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Research on Double Stage-Rankine Cycle for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion using Ammonia as Working Fluid; 2012/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 22th (2012) International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol.1, pp. 769-775 AUTHOR; Ikegami, Y., Morisaki, T.
Research on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion using HFC245fa as Working Fluid; 2012/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , Vol.1, pp. 776-782 AUTHOR; Morisaki, T., Ikegami, Y.
Thermodynamic design and parametric study of Mechanical Vapor Compression (MVC) desalination unit; 2011/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceedings of the 10th joint young researcher forum on ocean energy, Nokonoshima island park, Fukuoka, Japan, August 27th - 28th, 2011 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Influence of the evaluation method of heat exchangers performance on power generation system; 2010/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 1st International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering AUTHOR; Morisaki, T., Ikegami, Y.
Effect of working fluid flow rate and ammonia concentration on OTEC using ammonia/water mixture as working fluid; 2010/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics AUTHOR; Ikegami, Y., Goto, H., Morisaki, T., Furukawa, T.
Spectrum analysis of OTEC system using ammonia/water mixture as working fluid by continuous operation; 2010/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. The 9th ISOPE Pasific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, pp. 182-187 AUTHOR;
A Study on Seawater Desalination Utilizing the Ocean Thermal Energy: Estimation of the Effective Thermal Conductivity in Superheated Water Jets; 2010/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceeding of Ocean Energy Symposium 2010, Saga University, Saga, Japan, September 9th, 2010 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Research on LMTD and GMTD for the evaluation of heat exchangers performance on OTEC; 2010/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2010 International Conference AUTHOR; Morisaki, T., Ikegami, Y.
Net Power Efficiency and Efficiency of Net Power per Maximum Power of OTEC using Kalina Cycle; 2010/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2010 International Conference AUTHOR; Ikegami, Y., Goto, H., Morisaki, T., Furukawa, T.
Investigation on the stability of OTEC system using ammonia/water mixture as working fluid by continuous operation for two weeks; 2010/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 20th (2010) International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference AUTHOR; Ikegami, Y., Urata, K., Inadomi, J., Goto, H., Morisaki, T., Inoue, K., Goto, S.
Modeling of the Heat Diffusion in Flashing Water Jets; 2010/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceeding of the 47th heat transfer symposium, Sapporo, Japan, May 26-28, 2010 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Identification of the local heat flux and heat transfer coefficient in superheated flashing water jets for desalination; 2009/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceeding of Ocean Energy Symposium 2009, Saga University, Saga, Japan, September 3rd, 2009 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
A numerical solution of the transient heat diffusion in a superheated water drop with transient convection at the surface; 2009/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceedings of the 8th joint young researcher seminar on ocean energy, Nokonoshima island park, Fukuoka, Japan, August 29th - 30th, 2009 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Effect of flow rate of working fluid on OTEC using ammonia/water mixture; 2009/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 19th (2009) International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol.1, pp.257-262 AUTHOR; Ikegami, Y., Inadomi, J., Goto, H., Morisaki, T
Recovery of discharged thermal energy in an efficient desalination process; 2008/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceeding of 2008 young Researcher Forum on Marine Energy, Busan, South Korea, August 29-30th, 2008 AUTHOR;
Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Experimental study and enhancement of evaporation from superheated water jet for desalination; 2007/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceeding of Ocean Energy Symposium 2007 & International Seminar on Ocean Energy, Saga University, Saga, Japan, September 13th 2007 AUTHOR; Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Experimental study on evaporation from superheated water jet for spray flash desalination; 2007/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; In the proceeding of the 44th heat transfer symposium, Nagasaki, Japan, May 22-25, 2007, 22-25 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Sami Mutair, Takaaki Wajima and Hiroyuki Asou
Local Evaporating Heat Transfer of Ammonia on Vertical Flat Plate; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 5th Joint Research Seminar on Ocean Energy AUTHOR; Jeong-Hun KIM, Hirofumi ARIMA and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Local Evaporating Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ammonia in the Vertical Flat Plate under Low Mass Flux; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Mechanical Engineering Congress 2006 AUTHOR; Wook-Hyun LEE, Jeong-Hun KIM, Hirofumi ARIMA and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Benchmark Plant of Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Frontiers and Interfaces of Ion Exchange AUTHOR; Yoshizuka, K.; Holba, M.; Ikegami, Y.; Monde, M
Study on Metal hydrides (Mm(La<sub>0.6-0.8</sub>)Ni<sub>4.0</sub>Co<sub>0.6</sub>Mn<sub>0.2</sub>Al<sub>0.2</sub>(TL-492) and LaNi<sub>5</sub>) for Hydrogen Storage Container using Discharged water from OTEC and Fuel Cell as Heat Sources; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Heat Transfer Conference 13th AUTHOR; .Y. Yang, Y. Ikegami
Enhancing Effective Thermal Conductivity of Metal Hydrides by Carbon Fiber and Metal Coating; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Sangchul Bae, Yang Yang, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Masanori Monde
Experimental Performance Evaluation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System Using Uehara Cycle; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Takeshi Yasunaga, Hidemitsu Harada
Benchmark Evaluation of Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; .Kazuharu Yoshizuka, Marek Holba, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Masanori Monde
Characteristic and Estimation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System Using Uehara Cycle; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Takeshi Yasunaga, Hidemitsu Harada, Yasuyuki Ikegami
A Simulation Model for OTEC Plant Using Uehara Cycle; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Satoru Goto, Yuji Yamamoto, Yoshiki Motoshima, Takenao Sugi, Yasuyuki Ikegami, Masatoshi Nakamura
Diffusion of Negatively Buoyant Jet in Stratified Environment; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; .Shunji Sakurazawa, Masayuki Umeki, Akiyoshi Bando, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Evaporation Heat Transfer of Ammonia and Pressure Drop of Warm Water for Plate Type Evaporator; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Mitsuteru Kushibe, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Effect of Ozonation for OTEC on Macrofouling Organisms; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Kazuya Urata, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Experimental Study on Desalination of Seawater in Imari Bay Using an Upward Spray Flash Desalination Plant; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Oceanic Reserch and Estimation for Lithium Recovery from Deep Seawaters of Palau and Fiji Islands; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Takaaki Wajima, Kazuharu Yoshizuka, Tomoe Shimizu, Kazuya Urata, Tsutomu Nakaoka, Junya Ichinose, Kiyoharu Tabuchi, Tadashi Kamano, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Oceanic Observation and Investigation for Utilization of Ocean Energy in Fiji and Okinotorishima; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Tsutomu Nakaoka, Junya Ichinose, Kiyoharu Tabuchi, Tadashi Kamano, Kiyohiko Fukami, Chifumi Imai, Zann Leon, Kazuya Urata, Takaaki Wajima, Tomoe Shimizu, Akiyoshi Bando, Yasuyuki Ikegami
New Simply Process of Making Agricultural Cultivation Solution from Seawater; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; .Takaaki Wajima, Tomoe Shimizu, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Experimental Investigation of Local Heat Transfer in Forced Convective Boiling of Vertical Flat Plate; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; .Jeong-Hun Kim, Hirofumi Arima, Hirokuni Akiyama, Jeong-Tae Yoo,Yasuyuki Ikegami
Condensation Heat Transfer of Ammonia/Water Binary Mixture on Vertical Flat Plate for OTEC; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; Hirokuni Akiyama, Hirofumi Arima, Jeong-Hun Kim, Yasuyuki Ikegami
Benchmark Evaluation of Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Renewable Energy 2006 Proceedings AUTHOR; .Yoshizuka, K.; Holba, M.; Ikegami, Y.; Monde, M
Kinetics estimation of the Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage Container Using Sea Water as Heat Source; 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference AUTHOR; .Y. Yang, Y. Ikegami,M. Monde
Hydriding and dehydriding reactions of Mm(La0.6-0.8)Ni4.0Co0.6Mn0.2Al0.2 and LaNi5; 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 8th Asian Hydrogen Energy Conference AUTHOR; Y. Yang, Y. Ikegami,M. Monde
The benchscale lithium recovery from the seawater; 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 9th International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing AUTHOR; .Holba, M., Kitajou, A., Yoshizuka, K., Ikegami, Y., Monde, M
The Performance of the Benchmark Plant Designed for the Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater,; 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 7th International Conference On Separation Science and Technology between Korea and Japan, AUTHOR; .Holba, M., Kitajou, A., Yoshizuka, K., Ikegami, Y., Monde, M
The Performance of the Benchmark Plant Designed for the Selective Recovery of Lithium from Seawater; 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; "the Seventh International Conference on Separation Science and Technology
-Between Korea and Japan-(CD-ROM)
" AUTHOR; Holba, M.; Kitajou, A.; Yoshizuka, K.; Ikegami, Y.; Monde, M.
Study of two Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage using low level exhausted heat sources; 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; World Hydrogen Technology Convention 2005 AUTHOR; Y. Yang, Y. Ikegami,M. Monde
"Novel λ-MnO2 Type Adsorbent and Its Application for The Selective Recovery of Lithium
from Seawater Using Pilot Plant,
"; 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; PACIFICHEM 2005 AUTHOR; .Holba, M., Kitajou, Yoshizuka, K., Ikegami, Y., Monde, M.
Performance of Benchmark Plant of Lithium Recovery from Seawater Using A Novel λ-MnO2 Adsorbent; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, AUTHOR; Holba, M.; Kitajou, A.; Suzuki, T.; Nishihama, S.; Yoshizuka, K.; Ikegami, Y.; Monde, M
Other Lectures
Improvement of Heat Transfer Using MicrofabricatedSurface on Herringbone Plate Type Heat Exchanger; 2015/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 13th Joint Young Researcher Forum on Ocean Energy AUTHOR; Yusuke Kawabata, Hirofumi Arima, Akio Okamoto, Yoshio Itsumi and Yasuyuki Ikegami
性能評価機能を有する海洋温度差発電プラント遠隔監視WEBアプリケーションの開発; 2014/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , Vol.33rd, pp. ROMBUNNO.202A1 AUTHOR;
海洋温度差発電実験プラント温熱源温水温度モデルの構成と制御; 2014/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , Vol.33rd, pp. ROMBUNNO.101B1 AUTHOR;
2段ランキンサイクル海洋温度差発電システムの最適運転条件に関する実験; 2014/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , Vol.15, No.2, pp. 94 AUTHOR;
多段熱機関の最大正味出力に関する評価方法の一般化; 2014/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , Vol.2014, pp. E112 AUTHOR;
多段ランキンサイクルを用いた低熱源温度差発電システムの正味出力に関する研究; 2014/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , Vol.2014, pp. E111 AUTHOR;
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Plate-type Heat Exchanger Performance; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science 2014 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Sami Mutair, Yusuke Kawabata
Evaluation of heat transfer plate with microfabricated surface using HFC245fa and HFC134a; 2014/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 24th Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology AUTHOR; Yusuke Kawabata, Akio Okamoto, Yoshio Itsumi, Hirofumi Arima and Yasuyuki Ikegami
Heat transfer enhancement using micro fabrication surface on plate heat exchanger; 2014/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Grand Renewable Energy 2014 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Hirofumi Arima, Yusuke Kawabata, Akio Okamoto and Yoshio Itsumi
再生可能エネルギーにおける安定電源の役割を目指す海洋温度差発電の新しい展開:沖縄・久米島から始まった海洋温度差発電の系統連系; 2015/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Marine engineering: journal of the Japan Institute of Marine Engineering, 50, 1, 54-58 AUTHOR;
系統連系が始まった我が国の海洋温度差発電の新しい展開と世界的な第二次ブーム:浮体技術を核として我が国からのOTECイノベーション; 2014/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Kanrin: bulletin of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 55 AUTHOR;
海洋温度差発電の実証研究に関する国内外の動向:安定的な再生可能エネルギーを求めて; 2012/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Marine engineering: journal of the Japan Institute of Marine Engineering, 47, 4(通号494) AUTHOR;
Creating a "SIDS Model:" OTEC as a Catalyst for Climate Resilient Communities; 2022/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; SIDS DOCK Side Event on the margins of the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
Ocean Thermal Energy for Transportation Improvement; 2022/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; VANUATU CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAM on transport strategies AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
Benjamin Martin
Applications and Benefits of OTEC; 2022/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Accelerating the Development of OTEC in Small Island Developing States Meeting AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
Ocean Energy Activity in Japan; 2021/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Ocean Energy Outlook in Asia & Australia AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
Initiatives for
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC); 2021/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
Marine, Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy (OTEC) in the Tropics; 2021/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The International Conference on Tropical Sciences: Contributions to Sustainability(ONLINE) AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
Hydrogen Production using Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion as
a Globally Leading Advanced System in Malaysia; 2021/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; INTERNATIONAL HYDROGEN ECONOMY FORUM
Heat transfer performance evaluation of an evaporator-condenser for hybrid cycle OTEC; 2021/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the 25th National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems, 26, 43-47 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI, Takeshi YASUNAGA, Tomoya OKUNO, Taisei NAKAMURA, Shuji MIYAZONO, Takahumi MORISAKI
Malaysian Global Leadership in Promoting Achievement of the SDGs, Renewable Energy, and Innovation; 2021/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 1st International Conference of Advanced Research on Renewable Energy for Universal Sustainability 2021 (ARUS 2021) AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
Heat Transfer Performance Test of A Plate Type Heat Exchanger for Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) System; 2021/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 1st International Conference of Advanced Research on Renewable Energy for Universal Sustainability 2021 (ARUS 2021) AUTHOR; Yasunaga, T., Morisaki, T., Miyazono, S., Nakamura, T., Thirugnana, T. S. (UTM), Jaafar, A. B.(UTM), Chiong, M. S.(UTM), Nakaoka, T., Ikegami, Y.
Renewable energy & Innovation promoted by Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion in Malaysia and achieving SDGs as Global Leader of Malaysia; 2021/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; RecenT Technology & Discoveries for Sustainabule Development AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
The Status of International Development on the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC); 2020/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 9th Indonesia EBTKE ConEx 2020 (Zoom meeting) AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
The 18th International Conference on Marine Technology ( SENTA 2018 ); 2018/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 18th International Conference on Marine Technology ( SENTA 2018 ) is an annual internation conference held by Faculty of Marine Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, which addresses mainly to marine technology researchers and practitioners. Regarding important worldwide issues nowadays, this year theme is, “ Marine Technology for Food and Energy Sovereignty AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Current Status and Challenge of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion towards New Stage-aim for a role of the stable renewable energy-; 2016/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 40, 1, 41-44 AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami
Global innovation using OTEC for stable energy and sustainable water; 2015/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Seminar and Exhibition on New Development on Ocean Energy in Asia Pasific AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami, Takeshi Yasunaga
Future Prospect of OTEC Project and OTEC-Japan Consortium; 2014/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 7th Annual Global Marine Renewable Energy Conference
at the Red Lion Hotel, Seattle, Washington AUTHOR; Yasuyuki Ikegami and Yuji Awashima
Toward Energy Security for Sustainable and Equitable Development
in Asia and The Pacific Region
at Ayodya Resort Bali Hotel.
on -PARALLEL SESSIONS 2 - CLEAN, RENEWABLE ENRGY TRACK- Ocean Energy Conversion(Challenes and Opportuniteis) AUTHOR; Yausyuki IKEGAMI
The future of OTEC; 2013/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC Africa Conference 2013
at University of Boras, Sweden
as Keynote speech AUTHOR; Sami Mutair and Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
New Stage of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion in Japan and in the world; 2013/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; World NAOE Forum 2013 & International Symposium on Marine and Offshore Renewable Energy (WNF & MORE2013)
at The SASAKAWA Hall, Tokyo Japan
on session -Achievements and Future Prospects of Marine and Offshore Renewable Energy Utilization Technology- AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
100 kW CC-OTEC Plant and Deep Ocean water Applications at Kumejima, Okinawa in Japan; 2013/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit and Expo held jointly with
Islands & Isolated Communities Congress and International OTEC
Symposium at Hawai‘i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawai‘i. AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
New stage of OTEC with Netherlands and Japan
- for Stable Energy & Sustainable Water Resource -; 2013/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Off shore Energy, Sharing Expertise from the Netherlands
- Seminar and Technology Match Make Event -
by Government of the Netherlands
at Jobun Hall, Yokohama, AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI
Country Activity of Japan on Marine Renewable Energy; 2013/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 6th Annual Global Marine Renewable Energy Conference
-Introducing the Inaugural Marine Energy Technology Symposium-
at Almas Temple 1315 ’K’ Street NW
Washington, DC, USA AUTHOR; Yasuyuki IKEGAMI