Calculation of hydrodynamic force acting on the forced oscillating plate by vortex method 2019/06
New spar design for floating offshore wind turbine with damping plates 2019/06
Effect of hub-to-tip ratio on the performance of bi-directional impulse turbine with flow collector for tidal energy conversion 2019/03
Ocean energy systemswave energy modelling task: Modelling, verification and validation ofwave energy converters 2019/01
Flow Field Analysis around the Forced Oscillating Plate under the Free Surface by Vortex Method — 2D Viscous Fluid Analysis Based on Fundamental Equations Using Velocity and Vorticity as Unknown Quantities — 2019
English Hydraulic power-Take-Off 2018
Study on power conversion of wave power generator using synchronous generator 2018
Numerical Analysis on Drift Force Acting on a Floating OWC-Type Wave Energy Converter “ Backward Bent Duct Buoy” by Vortex Method 2017/06
A Time-Domain Numerical Tool for Wave Energy Attenuator with the SPH Method 2017/06
Simulation of Floating Body in Nonlinear Waves by Vortex Method:- Part3, Simulation of 2-Dimensional Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter - 2017
Study on conversion efficiency of synchronous generator for wave energy converter 2017
Modelling Wave-induced Motions of a Floating WEC with Mooring Lines using the SPH Method 2016/10
Research on Efficiency of Impulse Turbine for Fixed Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Conversion 2016/10
Study on Bi-Directional Impulse Turbine with Flow Collector for Tidal Energy Conversion 2016/08
Experimental Study on Efficiency of Impulse Turbine for Fixed OWC Type Wave Energy Conversion 2016
Study on Bi-Directional Impulse Turbine with Flow Collector for Tidal Energy Conversion 2016
Experimental Study on Primary and Secondary Conversion Efficiencies of a Fixed Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Converter 2016
0518 Numerical Analysis on the Bi-Directional Diffuser for Tidal Energy Conversion 2015/11
Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter 2015/11
Experimental Study on Generating Efficiency of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2015/11
Application of Impulse Air Turbine for Bi-Directional Flow to Tidal Energy Conversion 2015/11
Numerical simulation for oscillating-water-column wave energy converter 2015/11
Numerical Analysis of Primary Conversion Efficiency of Oscillating Water Columns with Multiple Chamber 2015/10
A Numerical Study on Multi-chamber Oscillating Water Columns 2015/10
Simulation of Floating Body in Nonlinear Wave by Vortex Methods:- Part2, Simulation of 2-Dimensional Rectangle and Triangle Floating Body Motion - 2015/10
Numerical simulation for oscillating-water-column wave energy converter 2015
Application of Impulse Air Turbine for Bi-Directional Flow to Tidal Energy Conversion 2015
Experimental Study on Efficiency Improvement of Fixed OWC Type Wave Energy Converter with Impulse Turbine 2015
0513 Experimental Study on Efficiency Improvement of Fixed Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Converter 2015
Simulation of Floating Body in Nonlinear Wave by Vortex Methods:- Part2, Simulation of 2-Dimensional Rectangle and Triangle Floating Body Motion - 2015
2015A-GS2-4 Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter 2015
2015A-GS2-1 Experimental Study on Generating Efficiency of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2015
Power Generation Experiments of Fixed OWC Wave Energy Converter with Impulse Turbine 2014/11
An Experimental Study on Primary Efficiency of a Wave Energy Converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" in regular wave conditions 2014/10
A Study on Load Characteristics of Floating Type Pendulum Wave Energy Converter 2014/09
An Experimental Study on Primary efficiency of a Wave Energy Converter "BackwardBentDuct Buoy in regular wave conditions 2014/08
自由表面をもつ流体と物体の干渉問題への渦法の適用 2014/03
Solution of a Diffusion Problem in a Non-Homogeneous Flow and Diffusion Field by the Integral Representation Method (IRM) 2014/02
A Study on Load Characteristics of Floating Type Pendulum Wave Energy Converter 2014
An Experimental Study on Primary Efficiency of a Wave Energy Converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" in regular wave conditions 2014
1011 An experimental study of power generation of floating pendulum-type wave energy converter 2013/11
A study on performance improvement of floating pendulum type wave energy converter 2013/11
An experimental study on influence of primary conversion efficiency for incident wave direction of a floating wave energy converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2013/11
Conversion Efficiency of Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter in 2D Regular Waves 2013/10
Conversion Efficiency of Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Conveter in Regular Waves 2013/09
Variational Principles Related to Motions of a Floating Elastic Plate in Waves 2013/06
Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Conversion Efficiency of Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter in Regular Waves 2013/06
A Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2013/06
波浪中の弾性平板浮体の運動に関する変分原理 2013/02
Conversion Efficiency of Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter in Regular Waves 2013
Simulation of Floating Body in Nonlinear Wave by Vortex Methods : Part1, Hydrodynamic Forces acting on Heaving Body under Free Surface 2012/12
Improvement of a generating efficiency on floating type pendulum wave energy converter 2012/11
渦法による浮体構造物の非線形波浪中挙動解析法の開発 2012/10
Simulation of Heaving Body under Free Surface by Vortex Methods 2012/10
渦法による自由表面下の物体に作用する流体力および周辺流場の解析 2012/10
Generating efficiency of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2012/09
後ろ曲げダクトブイ型波力発電装置の規則波中発電性能に関する研究 2012/08
Application of Hamilton-Dirichlet's Principle to Analysis of Hydroelastic Behavior of an Elastic Floating Plate of Arbitrary Plan Geometry in Waves 2012/06
302 Effect of fins attached on a floating platform 2012/03
301 Development of wave energy devices in overseas 2012/03
Development of wave energy devices in overseas 2012/03
Effect of fins attached on a floating platform 2012/03
Generating efficiency of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2012
301 Development of wave energy devices in overseas 2012
Frequency Domain Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter : Part1, Two Dimensional Problems 2011/12
Frequency Domain Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter : Part1, Two Dimensional Problems 2011/12
後ろ曲げダクトブイ型波力発電装置の発電特性 2011/10
An experimental study of a total efficiency of a floating-type wave energy converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2011/09
Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of Floating Type OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2011/09
A Study on Floating Type Pendulum Wave Energy Converter (1st Report) : Energy Conversion Characteristics in Regular Waves 2011/06
A Study on Floating Type Pendulum Wave Energy Converter (1st Report) : Energy Conversion Characteristics in Regular Waves 2011/06
Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of Floating Type OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy 2011/05
Numerical analysis on primary conversion efficiency of floating type OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2011
An experimental study of a total efficiency of a floating-type wave energy converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2011
Analysis of Backward Bent Duct Buoy by Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method 2010/12
Wave Energy Utilization: Recent Trend 2010/12
Numerical Simulation of Backward Bent Duct Buoy by Moving Particle Semiimplicit
Method 2010/12
Research on a Method Decreasing Motions and Drift Force of a Floating Renewable Energy Facility in Waves 2010/11
Research on a Method Decreasing Motions and Drift Force of a Floating Renewable Energy Facility in Waves 2010/11
Thrust Generation by Waves 2010/11
1403 The Characteristics of Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2010/10
Primary Energy Conversion Characteristics of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2010/06
A study of hydrodynamic forces acting on a plate oscillating beneath a free-surface 2010/06
Wave Induced Mmotion of Floating Pendulum Type WEC in Regular Waves 2010/06
1403 The Characteristics of Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2010
Numerical Simulation for Evaluation of Primary Energy Conversion of Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter 2009/06
The Analysis of the Negative Drift Force Acting on a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2009/06
An experimental study of hydrodynamic forces of a fin attached to a floating platform 2009/05
An experimental study of drift force act on a backward bend duct buoy 2009/05
Experimental study of negative drift force acts on a "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2009/03
Numerical Simulation for Evaluation of Energy Conversion of Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter : Part1, Derivation of Equation of Motion of a Floating Body Considering Memory Effect by Air Pressure and Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Force in Frequency Domain 2008/12
2008W-G1-1 An experimental study of viscous effect on submerged oscillating fin 2008/11
2008S-G3-3 Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Backward Bent Duct Buoy 2008/05
An experimental study of hydrodynamic forces acting on a submerged fin and induced velocity field 2008/03
Experimental study of drift force acting on a Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB) 2008/03
2008S-OS3-2 Experimental Study on Hydrodynamic Force on a Submerged Oscillate Fin and Fluid Velocity Field 2008
2008S-G3-3 Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Backward Bent Duct Buoy 2008
2008W-G1-1 An experimental study of viscous effect on submerged oscillating fin 2008
Experimental study of negative drift force acts on a "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2008
Experimental Study on Primary Energy Conversion Characteristics of Backward Bent Duct Buoy 2007/12
Experimental Study on Primary Energy Conversion Characteristics of Backward Bent Duct Buoy 2007/12
浮体型波力発電装置(後ろ曲げダクトブイ)の一次変換性能に及ぼす浮体形状について 2007/10
Experimental Research on Primary Conversion of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" 2007/10
GIS processing of AVHRR/HRPT data on a research vessel 2007/10
衛星を用いたマウンド漁礁の湧昇効果評価の可能性 2007/10
後ろ曲げダクトブイ型波力発電装置の一次変換特性への浮体形状影響 2007/10
Application of the Optical flow algorithm to satellite sea surface temperature 2007/09
Numerical study on a hybrid WEC of the Backward Bent Duct Buoy and Point Absorber; 2023/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Ocean Engineering 267 (2023) 113306, 267 AUTHOR; Muhamad Aiman Jalani; Mohd Rashdan Saad; Mohd Kamarul Huda Samion; Yasutaka Imai; Shuichi Nagata; Mohd Rosdzimin Abdul Rahman
Numerical study on a hybrid WEC of the Backward Bent Duct Buoy and Point Absorber; 2023/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Ocean Engineering, 267 AUTHOR; Muhamad Aiman Jalani; Mohd Rashdan Saad; Mohd Kamarul Huda Samion; Yasutaka Imai; Shuichi Nagata; Mohd Rosdzimin Abdul Rahman
Experimental study on a bottom corner of the floating WEC; 2022/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Ocean Engineering, 243, 110237 AUTHOR; Muhamad Aiman Jalani, Nur Izzati Ismail, Mohd Rashdan Saad, Mohd Kamarul Huda Samion, Yasutaka Imai, Shuichi Nagata, Mohd Rosdzimin Abdul Rahman
Application of vortex method using fluid velocity and vorticity as unknown variables to motion analysis of a floating body in waves; 2020/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference 2020-October, 1851-1858 AUTHOR; Yutaka Okamoto,Shuichi Nagata,Yasutaka Imai,Hideyuki Niizato
Study on shape geometry of floating oscillating water column wave energy converter for low heave wave condition; 2020/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 70, 2, 124-134 AUTHOR; Muhamad Jalani Aiman,Nur Izzati Ismail,Mohd Rashdan Saad,Yasutaka Imai,Shuichi Nagata,Mohd Kamarul Huda Samion,Ernie Abd Manan,Mohd Rosdzimin Abdul Rahman
Experimental investigation on Bi-directiona impulse turbine with flow collector for tidal energy conversion; 2019/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 12, 4, 244-250 AUTHOR; Yoichi Kinoue,Masaki Sakaguchi,Tengen Murakami,Yasutaka Imai,Shuichi Nagata,Norimasa Shiomi,Manabu Takao
Calculation of hydrodynamic force acting on the forced oscillating plate by vortex method; 2019/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 3, 3476-3483 AUTHOR; Yutaka Okamoto,Shuichi Nagata,Yasutaka Imai,Hideyuki Niizato
New spar design for floating offshore wind turbine with damping plates; 2019/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering AUTHOR; Shigesuke Ishida,Yasutaka Imai
Effect of hub-to-tip ratio on the performance of bi-directional impulse turbine with flow collector for tidal energy conversion; 2019/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 240 AUTHOR; Y. Kinoue,N. Shiomi,M. Takao,T. Murakami,Y. Imai,S. Nagata
Ocean energy systemswave energy modelling task: Modelling, verification and validation ofwave energy converters; 2019/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7 AUTHOR; Fabian Wendt,Kim Nielsen,Yi Hsiang Yu,Harry Bingham,Claes Eskilsson,Morten Kramer,Aurélien Babarit,Tim Bunnik,Ronan Costello,Sarah Crowley,Benjamin Gendron,Giuseppe Giorgi,Simone Giorgi,Samuel Girardin,Deborah Greaves,Pilar Heras,Johan Hoffman,Hafizul Islam,Ken Robert Jakobsen,Carl Erik Janson,Johan Jansson,Hyun Yul Kim,Jeong Seok Kim,Kyong Hwan Kim,Adi Kurniawan,Massimiliano Leoni,Thomas Mathai,Bo Woo Nam,Sewan Park,Krishnakumar Rajagopalan,Edward Ransley,Robert Read,John V. Ringwood,José Miguel Rodrigues,Benjamin Rosenthal,André Roy,Kelley Ruehl,Paul Schofield,Wanan Sheng,Abolfazl Shiri,Sarah Thomas,Imanol Touzon,Imai Yasutaka
VERTICAL AXIS TIDAL CURRENT TURBINE; 2018/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; GRAND RENEWABLE ENERGY 2018, June 17 - 22, 2018 AUTHOR; Hiromichi Akimoto, Hidetaka Senga, Yasutaka Imai, Yutaka Hara
WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER; 2018/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; GRAND RENEWABLE ENERGY 2018, June 17 - 22, 2018 AUTHOR; Yasutaka Imai, Shuichi Nagata, Tengen Murakami and Shigesuke Ishida
Energy Conversion Efficiency of a Fixed OWC-Type Wave Energy Converter with Generator; 2017/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 22, 21-25 AUTHOR;
Experimental Research on Performances of Air Turbines for a Fixed Oscillating Water Column-Type Wave Energy Converter; 2017/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 4, 9, 40-47 AUTHOR; T. Murakami, Y. Imai, S. Nagata, M. Takao, T. Setoguchi
Numerical Analysis on Drift Force Acting on a Floating OWC-Type Wave Energy Converter “ Backward Bent Duct Buoy” by Vortex Method; 2017/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 27th ISOPE Conference, 71-78 AUTHOR; S. Nagata, Y. Imai, T. Murakami, Y.Okamoto
A Time-Domain Numerical Tool for Wave Energy Attenuator with the SPH Method; 2017/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 25, 6, 752-760, 25, 6, 752-760 AUTHOR; Da-Wei Chen, Shuichi Nagata, Shiaw-Yih Tzang, Yasutaka Imai, Chih-Min Hsieh, and Jiahn-Horng Chen
Experimental Research on Efficiency in a Fixed Oscillating Water Column-Type Wave Energy Converter with Generator; 2017/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows AUTHOR; T.Murakami, Y.Imai, S.Nagata, M.Takao, T.Setoguchi
Simulation of Floating Body in Nonlinear Waves by Vortex Method:- Part3, Simulation of 2-Dimensional Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter -; 2017 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 25, 0, 21 - 31 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Okubo Shigeki;Imai Yasutaka;Murakami Tengen;Okamoto Yutaka
Study on conversion efficiency of synchronous generator for wave energy converter; 2017 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Proceedings of Conference of Kyushu Branch, 2017, 0, - AUTHOR; IMAI Yasutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;MURAKAMI Tengen;FUKAI Makoto
Modelling Wave-induced Motions of a Floating WEC with Mooring Lines using the SPH Method; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Wave & Tidal Energy Conference, 449-454 AUTHOR; D.-W.,Chen, S., Nagata,Y.Imai
Study on the performance of the Tidal power generator; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 21, 69-73 AUTHOR;
Research on Efficiency of Impulse Turbine for Fixed Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Conversion; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 21, 75-79 AUTHOR;
Research on Efficiency of Impulse Turbine for Fixed Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Conversion; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 21, 75 - 79 AUTHOR; Murakami Tengen;Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Takao Manabu;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Institute of Ocean Energy Saga University;Institute of Ocean Energy Saga University;Institute of Ocean Energy Saga University;Department of Mechanical Engineering Matsue National College of Technology;Institute of Ocean Energy Saga University
Energy Conversion Efficiency of an Impulse Turbine in a Fixed Oscillating Water Column; 2016/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of 6th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science, Proceedings of 6th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science AUTHOR; T. Murakami, Y. Imai, S. Nagata, M. Takao, T. Setoguchi
Study on Bi-Directional Impulse Turbine with Flow Collector for Tidal Energy Conversion; 2016/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 44, 8, 496-504 AUTHOR;
Experimental Research on Primary and Secondary Conversion Efficiencies in an Oscillating Water Column-Type Wave Energy Converte; 2016/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Sustainability, 8, 756, 1-11 AUTHOR; T. Murakami, Y. Imai, S. Nagata, M. Takao, T. Setoguchi
Experimental Study on Primary and Secondary Conversion Efficiencies of a Fixed Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Converter; 2016/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 44, 6, 364-371 AUTHOR;
0518 Numerical Analysis on the Bi-Directional Diffuser for Tidal Energy Conversion; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Fluids engineering conference, 2015, 5181-5182 AUTHOR; KINOUE Yoichi
0513 Experimental Study on Efficiency Improvement of Fixed Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Converter; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Fluids engineering conference, 2015, 5131-5133 AUTHOR; MURAKAMI Tengen;IMAI Yasutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;TAKAO Manabu;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki
Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 21, 243-245 AUTHOR;
Experimental Study on Generating Efficiency of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 21, 231-234 AUTHOR;
Experimental Study on Efficiency Improvement of Fixed OWC Type Wave Energy Converter with Impulse Turbine; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 20, 41-49 AUTHOR; Murakami Tengen;Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Takao Manabu;Setoguchi Toshiaki
Application of Impulse Air Turbine for Bi-Directional Flow to Tidal Energy Conversion; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 20, 61-71 AUTHOR; Kinoue Yoichi;Shiomi Norimasa;Takao Manabu;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yasutaka;Murakami Tengen;Tsugami Yukio;Fujii Motoshi
Numerical simulation for oscillating-water-column wave energy converter; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 20, 59-65 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Sakanaka Rieko;Nagata Shuichi;Murakami Tengen
Numerical Analysis of Primary Conversion Efficiency of Oscillating Water Columns with Multiple Chamber; 2015/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Procedia Engineering, 105, 586-600 AUTHOR; P. Koirala, S. Nagata, Y. Imai, T.Tengen, T. Setoguchi
A Numerical Study on Multi-chamber Oscillating Water Columns; 2015/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 3, 93-104 AUTHOR; P.Koirala, S.Nagata, Y. Imai, T. Murakami, T.Setoguchi
Simulation of Floating Body in Nonlinear Wave by Vortex Methods:- Part2, Simulation of 2-Dimensional Rectangle and Triangle Floating Body Motion -; 2015/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 22, 0, 55-65 AUTHOR; Okubo Shigeki;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yasutaka;Niizato Hideyuki
Simulation of Floating Body in Nonlinear Wave by Vortex Methods:- Part2, Simulation of 2-Dimensional Rectangle and Triangle Floating Body Motion -; 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 22, 0, 55 - 65 AUTHOR; Okubo Shigeki;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yasutaka;Niizato Hideyuki
Power Generation Experiments of Fixed OWC Wave Energy Converter with Impulse Turbine; 2014/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 19, 303-306 AUTHOR;
An Experimental Study on Primary Efficiency of a Wave Energy Converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" in regular wave conditions; 2014/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 19, 0, 79-88 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Murakami Tengen
A Study on Load Characteristics of Floating Type Pendulum Wave Energy Converter; 2014/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 19, 39-46 AUTHOR; Murakami Tengen;Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi
An Experimental Study on Primary efficiency of a Wave Energy Converter "BackwardBentDuct Buoy in regular wave conditions; 2014/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 19, 79-88 AUTHOR; YasutakaImai,Shuichi Nagata, Kazutaka Toyota, Tengen Murakami
Solution of a Diffusion Problem in a Non-Homogeneous Flow and Diffusion Field by the Integral Representation Method (IRM); 2014/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Applied and Computational Mathematics, 3, 1, 15-26 AUTHOR; Hiroshi Isshiki, Shuichi Nagata, Yasutaka Imai
A study on performance improvement of floating pendulum type wave energy converter; 2013/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 17, 221-223 AUTHOR;
An experimental study on influence of primary conversion efficiency for incident wave direction of a floating wave energy converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2013/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 17, 217-219 AUTHOR;
Conversion Efficiency of Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Conveter in Regular Waves; 2013/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 18, 69-76 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Murakami Tengen;Setoguchi Toshiaki
Variational Principles Related to Motions of a Floating Elastic Plate in Waves; 2013/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 17, 31 - 40 AUTHOR; NAGATA Shuichi;ISSHIKI Hiroshi;IMAI Yasutaka;TOYOTA Kazutaka
A Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2013/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, 18 AUTHOR;
波浪中の弾性平板浮体の運動に関する変分原理; 2013/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 17, 31-40 AUTHOR;
Conversion Efficiency of Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter in Regular Waves; 2013 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 18, 69 - 76 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Murakami Tengen;Setoguchi Toshiaki
Simulation of Floating Body in Nonlinear Wave by Vortex Methods : Part1, Hydrodynamic Forces acting on Heaving Body under Free Surface; 2012/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 16, 49-58 AUTHOR; OKUBO Shigeki;NAGATA Shuichi;IMAI Yasutaka;TOYOTA Kazutaka;NIIZATO Hideyuki
Improvement of a generating efficiency on floating type pendulum wave energy converter; 2012/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 15, 367-370 AUTHOR;
Simulation of Heaving Body under Free Surface by Vortex Methods; 2012/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mchanics Symposium, 116-123 AUTHOR; S. Okubo, S. Nagata, Y. Imai, K. Toyota, H. Niizato
Generating efficiency of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2012/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 17, 41-46 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Takao Manabu
Generating efficiency of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 17, 41 - 46 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Takao Manabu
Frequency Domain Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter : Part1, Two Dimensional Problems; 2011/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 14, 123 - 133 AUTHOR; NAGATA Shuichi;TOYOTA Kazutaka;IMAI Yasutaka;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki;NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki
Frequency Domain Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter : Part1, Two Dimensional Problems; 2011/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 14, 123-133 AUTHOR; NAGATA Shuichi;TOYOTA Kazutaka;IMAI Yasutaka;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki;NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki
An experimental study of a total efficiency of a floating-type wave energy converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2011/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 16, 67-76 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Takao Manabu
Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of Floating Type OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2011/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 16, 61-66 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Nakagawa Hiroyuki
A Study on Floating Type Pendulum Wave Energy Converter (1st Report) : Energy Conversion Characteristics in Regular Waves; 2011/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 13, 67 - 74 AUTHOR; TOYOTA Kazutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;IMAI Yasutaka;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki;ONO Keisuke
A Study on Floating Type Pendulum Wave Energy Converter (1st Report) : Energy Conversion Characteristics in Regular Waves; 2011/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 13, 67-74 AUTHOR; TOYOTA Kazutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;IMAI Yasutaka;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki;ONO Keisuke
Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of Floating Type OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy; 2011/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 12, 49-51 AUTHOR;
Numerical analysis on primary conversion efficiency of floating type OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2011 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 16, 61 - 66 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Nakagawa Hiroyuki
An experimental study of a total efficiency of a floating-type wave energy converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2011 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 16, 67 - 76 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Takao Manabu
Analysis of Backward Bent Duct Buoy by Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method; 2010/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Mohammad Arif Hasan Mamun, Shuichi Nagata, Kazutaka Toyota, Yasutaka Imai and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Wave Energy Utilization: Recent Trend; 2010/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Mohammad Arif Hasan Mamun, Shuichi Nagata, Kazutaka Toyota, Yasutaka Imai and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Numerical Simulation of Backward Bent Duct Buoy by Moving Particle Semiimplicit
Method; 2010/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 903-906 AUTHOR; Mohammad Arif Hasan Mamun, Shuichi Nagata, Kazutaka Toyota, Yasutaka Imai and Toshiaki Setoguchi
Research on a Method Decreasing Motions and Drift Force of a Floating Renewable Energy Facility in Waves; 2010/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 9th Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Busan, Korea, November 14-17, 2010, (ISOPE PACOMS-2010) AUTHOR; Yasutaka IMAI, Kazutaka TOYOTA and Shuichi NAGATA
Primary Energy Conversion Characteristics of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2010/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceeding of the Twentieth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China AUTHOR; Toyota, K, Nagata, S, Imai, Y, Oda, J, Setoguchi, T
A study of hydrodynamic forces acting on a plate oscillating beneath a free-surface; 2010/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 10, 429-432 AUTHOR;
Wave Induced Mmotion of Floating Pendulum Type WEC in Regular Waves; 2010/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 10, 255-258 AUTHOR;
Numerical Simulation for Evaluation of Primary Energy Conversion of Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter; 2009/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Osaka, Japan, June 21−26, 2009 AUTHOR; Imai, Y, Toyota, K, Nagata, S, Setoguchi, T, Oda, J, Matsunaga, N, Manago, Y, Shimozono
The Analysis of the Negative Drift Force Acting on a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2009/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Osaka, Japan, June 21−26, 2009 AUTHOR; Nagata, S, Toyota, K, Imai, Y, Setoguchi, T
An experimental study of hydrodynamic forces of a fin attached to a floating platform; 2009/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 8, 473-476 AUTHOR;
An experimental study of drift force act on a backward bend duct buoy; 2009/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 8, 469472 AUTHOR;
Experimental study of negative drift force acts on a "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2009/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 14, 41-46 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Syuichi;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Oda Junko;Matsunaga Narimasa;Shiraishi Kenji
Numerical Simulation for Evaluation of Energy Conversion of Floating OWC-type Wave Energy Converter : Part1, Derivation of Equation of Motion of a Floating Body Considering Memory Effect by Air Pressure and Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Force in Frequency Domain; 2008/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 8, 239 - 248 AUTHOR; NAGATA Shuichi;TOYOTA Kazutaka;IMAI Yasutaka;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki
An experimental study of hydrodynamic forces acting on a submerged fin and induced velocity field; 2008/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 13, 47-54 AUTHOR; Oda Junko;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yasutaka;Toyota Kazutaka;Matsunaga Narimasa;Kuchii Tomoaki
Experimental study of drift force acting on a Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB); 2008/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 13, 37-45 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Oda Junko;Matsunaga Narimasa;Shimozono Takafumi
Experimental study of negative drift force acts on a "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2008 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 14, 41 - 46 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Syuichi;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Oda Junko;Matsunaga Narimasa;Shiraishi Kenji
Experimental Study on Primary Energy Conversion Characteristics of Backward Bent Duct Buoy; 2007/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 6, 247 - 255 AUTHOR; TOYOTA Kazutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;IMAI Yasutaka;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki;KYOZUKA Yusaku;MASUDA Yoshio
Experimental Study on Primary Energy Conversion Characteristics of Backward Bent Duct Buoy; 2007/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 6, 247-255 AUTHOR; Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yasutaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Kyozuka Yusaku;Masuda Yoshio
Experimental Research on Primary Conversion of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2007/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the Sixteenth ISOPE Conference, 475-482 AUTHOR; S.Nagata, K.Toyota, Y.Imai
GIS processing of AVHRR/HRPT data on a research vessel; 2007/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the Sixteenth ISOPE Conference, 592-595 AUTHOR; Y.Imai, S.Nagata and K.Toyota
The Influence of the Body Shape of Backward Bent Duct Buoy to the Primary Wave Energy Conversion Characteristics; 2007/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 12, 25-28 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka
Experimental study of drift force acting on a backward bent duct buoy (BBDB); 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 13, 37 - 45 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Oda Junko;Matsunaga Narimasa;Shimozono Takafumi
An experimental study of hydrodynamic forces acting on a submerged fin and induced velocity field; 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 13, 47 - 54 AUTHOR; Oda Junko;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yasutaka;Toyota Kazutaka;Matsunaga Narimasa;Kuchii Tomoaki
The influence of the body shape of backward bent duct buoy to the primary wave energy conversion characteristics; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; OTEC, 12, 25 - 28 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka
On the Damage of the Acoustic Window at the Bottom of an Ocean Observation Ship; 2003/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 239, 123-130 AUTHOR; HIRAYAMA Tsugukiyo;KUDO Kimiaki;IMAI Yasutaka;TAKAYAMA Takehiko;HIRAKAWA Yoshiaki
An Estimation of Environmental Impact of Large-Scale Platform using Landsat TM image; 2001/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 2001, 189, 137-141 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka
An Estimation of Coastal Water Environment using Landsat TM data; 2000/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 188, 53-58 AUTHOR; IMAI Yasutaka;SAITO Kimio
Radiation Force Acting on the Large-Scale Platform Installed in the Coastal Area; 1999/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 186, 243-253 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka
Research on a Method Decreasing Motions and Drift Force of a Floating Renewable Energy Facility in Waves; 2010/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 122-126 AUTHOR; Yasutaka Imai, Kazutaka Toyota and Shuichi Nagata
Thrust Generation by Waves; 2010/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the Ninth (2010) ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, 155-162 AUTHOR; Shuichi Nagata, Yasutaka Imai and Kazutaka Toyota
Development of wave energy converters using cross-flow turbine; 2023/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 30th Ocean Engineering Symposium, 30 AUTHOR; yasutaka imai
Boundary conditions for the application of the vortex method to viscous fluids with free surface; 2023/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 30th Ocean Engineering Symposium, 30 AUTHOR; shuichi nagata; yasutaka imai; yutaka okamoto
Development of a Monitoring System for Coastal Fisheries Using Wave Energy Converter; 2022/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 29th Ocean Engineering Symposium, 29 AUTHOR; yasutaka imai
Development of marine communication system using ESP32; 2022/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 29th Ocean Engineering Symposium, 29 AUTHOR; yasutaka imai; takuma imazumi
Flow Field Analysis around the Forced Oscillating Plate under the Free Surface by Vortex Method — 2D Viscous Fluid Analysis Based on Fundamental Equations Using Velocity and Vorticity as Unknown Quantities —; 2019 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 29, 0, 25 - 37 AUTHOR; Okamoto Yutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yasutaka;Niizato Hideyuki
English Hydraulic power-Take-Off; 2018 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Proceedings of Conference of Kyushu Branch, 2018, 0, - AUTHOR; IMAI Yasutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;Murakami Tengen;INOUE Ryotarou;KODAMA Yuki
Study on power conversion of wave power generator using synchronous generator; 2018 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Proceedings of Conference of Kyushu Branch, 2018, 0, - AUTHOR; IMAI Yasuka;NAGATA Shuichi;MURAKAMI Tengen;FUKAI Makoto;ITO Tetsuhisa
Experimental Study on Efficiency of Impulse Turbine for Fixed OWC Type Wave Energy Conversion; 2016 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference, 2016, 0, - AUTHOR; MURAKAMI Tengen;IMAI Yasutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;TAKAO Manabu;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki
Study on Bi-Directional Impulse Turbine with Flow Collector for Tidal Energy Conversion; 2016 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Turbomachinery, 44, 8, 496 - 504 AUTHOR; KINOUE Yoichi;SHIOMI Norimasa;TAKAO Manabu;MURAKAMI Tengen;IMAI Yasutaka;NAGATA Shuichi
Experimental Study on Primary and Secondary Conversion Efficiencies of a Fixed Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Converter; 2016 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Turbomachinery, 44, 6, 364 - 371 AUTHOR; MURAKAMI Tengen;IMAI Yasutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;TAKAO Manabu;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki
Application of Impulse Air Turbine for Bi-Directional Flow to Tidal Energy Conversion; 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 20, 67 - 71 AUTHOR; Kinoue Yoichi;Shiomi Norimasa;Takao Manabu;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yasutaka;Murakami Tengen;Tsugami Yukio;Fujii Motoshi
Experimental Study on Efficiency Improvement of Fixed OWC Type Wave Energy Converter with Impulse Turbine; 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 20, 41 - 49 AUTHOR; Murakami Tengen;Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Takao Manabu;Setoguchi Toshiaki
0513 Experimental Study on Efficiency Improvement of Fixed Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Converter; 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference, 2015, 0, _0513 - 1_-_0513-3_ AUTHOR; MURAKAMI Tengen;IMAI Yasutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;TAKAO Manabu;SETOGUCHI Toshiaki
2015A-GS2-4 Numerical Analysis on Primary Conversion Efficiency of a Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter; 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 21, 0, 243 - 245 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yasutaka;Murakami Tengen;Morikawa Hiroshi
2015A-GS2-1 Experimental Study on Generating Efficiency of a Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 21, 0, 231 - 234 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Syuichi;Murakami Tengen;Ushijima Yohei;Setoguchi Toshiaki
A Study on Load Characteristics of Floating Type Pendulum Wave Energy Converter; 2014 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 19, 39 - 46 AUTHOR; Murakami Tengen;Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi
An Experimental Study on Primary Efficiency of a Wave Energy Converter "Backward Bent Duct Buoy" in regular wave conditions; 2014 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 19, 0, 79 - 88 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Murakami Tengen
1011 An experimental study of power generation of floating pendulum-type wave energy converter; 2013/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 2013, 101101-101102 AUTHOR; IMAI Yasutaka;NAGATA Shuichi;TOYOTA Kazutaka
Conversion Efficiency of Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter in 2D Regular Waves; 2013/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Symposium on Marine and Offshore Renewable Energy AUTHOR; Yasutaka Imai, Shuichi Nagata, Kazutaka Toyota, Tengen Murakami, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Conversion Efficiency of Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter in Regular Waves; 2013/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 21th ISOPE Conference, 552-559 AUTHOR; K.Toyota, S.Nagata, Y.Imai, T.Setoguchi
Application of Hamilton-Dirichlet's Principle to Analysis of Hydroelastic Behavior of an Elastic Floating Plate of Arbitrary Plan Geometry in Waves; 2012/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proceedings of the Annual International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference AUTHOR; Shuichi Nagata, Kazutaka Toyota, Yasutaka Imai, Hideyuki Niizato, Hiroshi Isshiki
302 Effect of fins attached on a floating platform; 2012/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 2012, 65, 83-84 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Syuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Nishimura Naoki
301 Development of wave energy devices in overseas; 2012/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 2012, 65, 81-82 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka
Development of wave energy devices in overseas; 2012/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 128, 1, 81-82 AUTHOR;
Effect of fins attached on a floating platform; 2012/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 128, 1, 83-84 AUTHOR;
301 Development of wave energy devices in overseas; 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Proceedings of Conference of Kyushu Branch, 2012, 0, 81 - 82 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka
1403 The Characteristics of Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2010/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 2010, 393-396 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki
1403 The Characteristics of Floating OWC "Backward Bent Duct Buoy"; 2010 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Proceedings of the Fluids engineering conference, 2010, 0, 393 - 396 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki
2008W-G1-1 An experimental study of viscous effect on submerged oscillating fin; 2008/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 7, 12 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka;Kuchii Tomonari;Matsunaga Narimasa;Oda Junko;Ohtsu Kousei
2008S-G3-3 Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Backward Bent Duct Buoy; 2008/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 6, 315-316 AUTHOR; Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yukitaka;Manago Yusuke
2008S-OS3-2 Experimental Study on Hydrodynamic Force on a Submerged Oscillate Fin and Fluid Velocity Field; 2008 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 6, 0, 61 - 64 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Oda Junko;Kuchii Tomonari
2008S-G3-3 Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Backward Bent Duct Buoy; 2008 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 6, 0, 315 - 316 AUTHOR; Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yukitaka;Manago Yusuke
2008W-G1-1 An experimental study of viscous effect on submerged oscillating fin; 2008 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 7, 0, 1 - 2 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yasutaka;Kuchii Tomonari;Matsunaga Narimasa;Oda Junko;Ohtsu Kousei
Application of the Optical flow algorithm to satellite sea surface temperature; 2007/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 6th Joint Research Seminar on Ocean Energy AUTHOR; Y.IMAI
2007S-OS5-4 Application of SST mapping for the observation; 2007/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 4, 121-122 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka
2007S-OS2-10 Effect of Body Shape on Primary Conversion characteristics of a Floating Wave Energy Device "Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB)"; 2007/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 4, 65-68 AUTHOR; Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yukitaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Kimura Tomoya;Kyozuka Yusaku;Masuda Yoshio
2007S-OS2-8 Primary conversion of the spar-buoy generator; 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 4, 0, 59 - 62 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Manago Yusuke;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Konno Toshio
2007S-OS2-10 Effect of Body Shape on Primary Conversion characteristics of a Floating Wave Energy Device "Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB)"; 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 4, 0, 65 - 68 AUTHOR; Toyota Kazutaka;Nagata Shuichi;Imai Yukitaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Kimura Tomoya;Kyozuka Yusaku;Masuda Yoshio
2007S-OS5-4 Application of SST mapping for the observation; 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 4, 0, 121 - 122 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka
2006A-OS12-9 Experimental Research on Primary Conversion of a Floating Wave Energy Device "Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB)"; 2006/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 3, 235-238 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yukitaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Kyozuka Yusaku;Masuda Yoshio
2006A-G7-1 GIS application of AVHRR/HRPT data received on research vessel MIRAI; 2006/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 3, 477-478 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Kudo Kimiaki;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka
2006A-G7-1 GIS application of AVHRR/HRPT data received on research vessel MIRAI; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 3, 0, 477 - 478 AUTHOR; Imai Yasutaka;Kudo Kimiaki;Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka
2006A-OS12-9 Experimental Research on Primary Conversion of a Floating Wave Energy Device "Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB)"; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Conference Proceedings The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 3, 0, 235 - 238 AUTHOR; Nagata Shuichi;Toyota Kazutaka;Imai Yukitaka;Setoguchi Toshiaki;Kyozuka Yusaku;Masuda Yoshio
2005S-OS3-2 A review of assessment methods for coastal environment; 2005/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 5, 33-34 AUTHOR; Tabeta Shigeru;Imai Yasutaka
O-99 Bathymetric survey of the seamounts at the northwestern Pacific; 2004/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 111 AUTHOR; Fujioka Kantaro;Imai Yasutaka;Furuta Toshio;Maki Tetuji;Hatakeyana Kiyosi;Hosoya Shin'ichi
On the Damage of the Acoustic Window at the Bottom of an Ocean Observation Ship; 2003/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 239, 123-130 AUTHOR; Hirayama Tsugukiyo;Kudo Kimiaki;Imai Yasutaka;Takayama Takehiko;Hirakawa Yoshiaki
Large Earth and ocean research vessel Mirai, its operation, instrumentations, missions and BEAGLE 2003 cruise; 2003/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 110 AUTHOR; Fujioka K.;Okumura S.;Sueyoshi S.;Tokunaga W.;Imai Y.;Nagahama N.;Okumura S.;Maeno K.;Kimura R.;Adachi K.;Takao K.;Saito C.;Takizawa T.