Synthesis and Magnetic Property of Cobalt Hydroxide Carbonate and Cobalt Oxide Nanowires 2012/10
希土類元素をドープしたリン酸チタンナノベルトの合成と発光特性 2012/06
リン酸チタンナノ構造体薄膜の光触媒特性と濡れ性の制御 2012/06
希土類化合物ナノワイヤーの合成と発光特性 2012/06
リン酸チタンナノ構造体薄膜の合成と生体材料への応用 2012/06
枝分かれ構造を有するビスマスナノワイヤーの合成 2012/06
Synthesis of titanate and titanium dioxide nanotube thin films and their applications to biomaterials 2012
コバルト化合物ナノワイヤーの磁気的性質 2011/03
Synthesis nad Luminescence of Rare Earth Compound Nanotubes, Nanowires, and Nanorods 2011/01
Apatite-forming ability of titanium compound nanotube thin films formed on a titanium metal plate in a simulated body fluid 2010/05
Antibacterial properties of nanostructured silver titanate thin films formed on a titanium plate 2010/03
TiO2 nanotube, nanowire, and rhomboid-shaped particle thin films fixed on a titanium metal plate 2010/01
Synthesis and Properties of Zirconium and Ruthenium Oxides Nanotubes 2010/01
Synthesis and Applications of Rare-Earth Compound Nanotubes 2010/01
Nanostructural and Morphological Control of Ruthenium Compounds Templated by Surfactant Assemblies 2009/12
Helical Ruthenium Compound Templated by 1-Dodecanesulfonate Assemblies and Its Conversion into Helical Ruthenium Oxide and Helical Metallic Ruthenium 2008/09
Formation of Sodium Titanate Nanotube Films by Hydrothermal Transcription 2008/01
11. 多孔質希土類化合物 2008
3 希土類化合物ナノチューブの合成と物性 2008
5 酸化ジルコニウム・酸化ルテニウムナノチューブの合成と特性 2008
チタン酸化合物ナノ構造体薄膜のMRSAに対する抗菌特性評価 2007/11
らせん状酸化ルテニウムの合成と特性 2007/11
チタネートナノ構造体の抗菌特性 2007/09
らせん形態を有するルテニウム化合物ナノ構造体の合成と特製 2007/09
金属チタン上でのチタネートナノ構造体薄膜の合成と抗菌特性評価 2007/09
らせん状ルテニウム化合物/有機分子ナノ複合体の合成と特性評価 2007/09
チタネートナノ構造体薄膜の合成と生体材料への応用 2007/09
チタニア及びチタネートナノチューブの生体材料への応用 2007/08
銀系抗菌生体材料の開発(1) 2007/06
セラミックスナノチューブへの水素貯蔵に関する研究 2007/03
マイクロサイズで形態制御された金属チタンを鋳型としたチタネートナノチューブの組織化 2007/03
らせん成長したルテニウム化合物/有機分子ナノ構造複合体の合成と特性 2007/03
チタネートナノ構造体の抗菌応用 2007/03
ルテニウム化合物/有機分子ナノ複合体の特性評価 2007/03
チタネートナノチューブのマイクロ構造制御 2007/03
せん成長したルテニウム化合物/有機分子ナノ複合体の合成と特性 2007/03
銀系抗菌生体材料の開発(6)―チタネートナノチューブの抗菌応用― 2007/02
銀系抗菌生体材料の開発(5)―in vivo抗菌性の評価― 2007/02
形態制御された金属チタンを鋳型としたチタネートナノチューブのマイクロ構造制御 2007/01
金属チタンをチタン源とした種々の物質上へのチタネートナノチューブの生成 2007/01
Plate,Wire,Mesh,Microsphere,and Microtube Composed of Sodium Titanate Nanotubes on a Titanium Metal Template 2007
Fabrication of porous C/SiO2 honeycomb from rice husk compact infiltrated by phenol resin 2007
チタニア及びチタネートナノチューブの生体材料への応用 2007
チタネートナノ構造体薄膜の合成と生体材料への応用 2007
抗菌性薄膜に関する研究が紹介される。化学工業日報(2007年4月23日) 2007
Fabrication of porous C/SiO2 honeycomb from rice husk compact infiltrated by phenol resin 2006/12
Vibration and acoustic characteristics of porcelain bell 2006/12
Resistivity change in Bi4Ti3O12 with temperature 2006/11
Fabrication and basic characteristics of porcelain bell 2006/11
コバルト化合物/有機分子層状構造ナノワイヤーの合成 2006/11
特異的な表面パターンを有するルテニウム化合物粒子の合成 2006/11
Fabrication of porous plate from wasted porcelain 2006/11
液相法によるルテニウム化合物ナノ構造粒子の合成と特性評価 2006/09
セラミックス一次元構造体の合成と応用技術の開発 2006/08
ルテニウム化合物ナノ構造体の創製と特性1 2006/07
ルテニウム化合物ナノ構造体の創製と特性2 2006/07
酸化ニオブナノファイバーの合成 2006/07
成膜分子のsqueezed out によるPbBr系層状ペロブスカイト有機ー無機超格子LB膜の作製 2006/03
ルテニウム化合物ナノチューブ・ナノワイヤー・ナノ球状粒子の合成 2006/03
有機分子集合体を利用したルテニウム化合物のナノ構造・形態制御 2006/03
ルテニウム化合物のナノ構造制御1 2006/03
ルテニウム化合物のナノ構造制御2 2006/03
藁の炭化による多孔質炭素の製造 2006/03
Fabrication of porous carbon from rice and wheat straws 2006/02
水溶液からのセラミックスナノ粒子の合成 2006/01
Bi4Ti3O12の半導体化 2006/01
Fabrication of porous carbon from rice and wheat straws 2006
Fabrication of porous plate from wasted porcelain 2006
Resistivity change in Bi4Ti3O12 with temperature 2006
Fabrication and basic characteristics of porcelain bell 2006
Vibration and acoustic characteristics of porcelain bell 2006
Fabrication of porous plateusing wasted porcelain 2006
Preparation of SrBi4Ti4O15 Semiconductor 2005/12
Effect of surfactant on formation of au particles from Au3+ solution 2005/11
Fabrication of porous plate using molten slag from incinerator 2005/11
ニオブ化合物ナノ構造体の合成 2005/10
酸化ルテニウムナノチューブの合成 2005/10
Fabrication of controlled released "Milli-capsule" from wasted porcelain 2005/09
Preparation of oxidation-resistant nano-sheet/SiO2 film on Cu plate 2005/09
ルテニウム化合物ナノチューブの合成と特性 2005/09
水素結合性超分子ポリマーの光化逆的生成 2005/09
ニオブ化合物ナノ構造体の合成 2005/08
希土類化合物ナノチューブの合成 2005/08
希土類化合物ナノ構造体の合成 2005/08
セラミックスナノチューブの最近の進展 2005/06
Photoreversible Supramolecular Formation of Photochromic Compound with Hydrogen-Bonding Moieties 2005/04
水素結合性一次元超分子ポリマーの光可逆的生成 2005/03
希土類化合物ナノ構造体の合成と特性 2005/03
希土類化合物ナノ構造体の合成と特性 2005/02
ケイ酸水溶液に分散したケイ酸塩層上へのシリカの析出 2005/01
Effect of surfactant on formation of Au particles from Au3+ solution 2005
Fabrication of porous plate using molten slag from incinerator 2005
希土類化合物ナノチューブの合成と特性 2005
セリウム化合物ナノワイヤーの創製と高機能化 2005
Ru化合物ナノチューブに関する研究が紹介される。化学工業日報(2005年9月26日) 2005
Machinability of Sintered Alumina 2004/12
Silicate Nano-Plate Composites 2004/12
Machinability of Sintered Alumina 2004/12
磁器廃材を用いたミリカプセルの製造 2004/12
Hydrogen Adsorption Behaviore on Carbon Materials and Clay Minerals 2004/11
Layered Sodium Titanate Nanofiber and Microsphere Synthesized from Peroxotitanic Acid Solution 2004/10
Fabrication of Porous SiO2/C Composite from Rice Husk 2004/10
希土類化合物ナノチューブのナノ・マイクロ構造制御 2004/09
ニオブ化合物ナノワイヤーの合成 2004/09
Carbons from furan-polymers prepared in the presence of a double-chain amphiphile 2004
Strong Eu emission of annealed Y203:Eu nanotube and nanosized crystals 2004
Hierarchical Two-and Three-Dimensional Microstructures Composed of Rare-Earth Compound Nanotubes 2004
Cerium Compound Nanowires and Nanorings Templated by Mixed Organic Molecules 2004
Silicate Nano-plate Composites 2004
Hydrogen Adsorption Behavior on Carbon Materials and Clay Minerals 2004
Fabrication of Porous SiO2/C Composite from Rice Husk 2004
Porous TiO2 Photocatalyst Films Prepared from Peroxo Titanic Acid Solution Dispersing Nano-Sized Silicate Layer 2003
Preparation of Porous Ceramics from Rice Husk Containing Al or Al2O3 Particles for Bioreactor 2003
Preparation of porous carbon / silica composites from rice husk powder 2003
Effects of Additives on Characteristics of Sintered Bi4Ti3Ol2 Ceramics 2003
Densification of Mullite Ceramics 2003
Syntheses and Applications of Titanium Compound Nanofiber Thin Films; 2016/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Nanofiber Research - Reaching New Heights AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada
Synthesis of titanate and titanium dioxide nanotube thin films and their applications to biomaterials; 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Smart Nanoparticles Technology AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada,Yuko Inoue
Synthesis and Properties of Zirconium and Ruthenium Oxides Nanotubes; 2010/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Inorganic and Metallic Nanotubular Materials, 117, 117-133 AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada, Yuko Inoue
Synthesis and Applications of Rare-Earth Compound Nanotubes; 2010/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 117, 97-115 AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada
Morphological control and upconversion luminescence of hollow CeO2 and Er3+–Yb3+ codoped CeO2 particles; 2016/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; CrystEngComm, 18, 8377–8387 AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada, Takashi Miyaguchi, Daiki Watanabe, Yukako Hayashi,
Tatsuya Ayabe, Toshio Torikai and Takanori Watari
Y2BaZnO5:Er3+ microcapsules with enhanced upconversion by vanadium ion cooping; 2016/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; RSC Advances, 6, 14, 11554-11561 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, R. Chand, T. Torikai, M. Yada and T. Watari
Synthesis and luminescence properties of Eu3+-activated Sr3SiO5 phosphor; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Abstracts of JK-Ceramics 32, 8 AUTHOR; H.Kitahara, T.Watari, M.Yada, T.Torikai, C.N.Xu, H.Noma
Synthesis and up-conversion properties of ZnO-TiO2:Ho,Yb; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Abstracts of JK-Ceramics 32, 9 AUTHOR; S.Hiramatsu, T.Watari, M.Yada, T.Torikai, C.N.Xu, T.Terasaki
Fabrication of La4Ti9O24:Eu3+ phosphor for porcelain pigment; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Abstracts of JK-Ceramics 32, 110 AUTHOR; S.Setoguchi, T.Watari, M.Yada, T.Torikai, C.N.Xu, T.Terasaki
Design of Long Persistent White Phosphorescence in a
Composite Phosphor Via Energy Transfer Mechanism; 2015/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Materials Science and Applications, 4, 2, 107-114 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Rumi Chand, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada, Takanori Watari
Highly efficient NIR-NIR upconversion in K substituted CaMoO4:Tm3+,Yb3+ for potential biomedical applications; 2015/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; RSC Advances, 5, 17034-17040 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, R. Chand, T. Torikai, M. Yada, T. Watari
SEM Observation of Wet Lily Pollen Grains Pretreated with Ionic Liquid; 2014/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 83, 4, 317-321 AUTHOR; Fuminori Komai, Kanako Okada, Yuko Inoue, Mitsunori Yada, Osamu Tanaka
and Susumu Kuwabata
Synthesis and Controllable Wettability of Micro- and Nanostructured
Titanium Phosphate Thin Films Formed on Titanium Plates; 2014/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6, 7695-7704 AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada, Yuko Inoue, Ayako Sakamoto, Toshio Torikai, and Takanori Watari
Bright orange upconversion in a ZnO–TiO2 composite containing Er3+ and Yb3+; 2014/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Optical Materials, 36, 3, 591-595 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Kazuya Ikeue, Risa Okuda, Rumi Chand, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada, Takanori Watari
Rare Earth Free Zn3V2O8 Phosphor with Controlled Microstructure and Its Photocatalytic Activity; 2013/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013, AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Rumi Chand, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada, Takanori Watari
Tuning the luminescence color and enhancement of afterglow properties of Sr(4−x−y)CaxBayAl14O25:Eu2+,Dy3+ phosphor by adjusting the composition; 2013/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Materials Science and Engineering: B, 178, 12, 834-842 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Takanori Watari, Rumi Chand, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada, Hiroshi Mizukami
Giant Improvement on the Afterglow of Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+,Dy3+ Phosphor by Systematic Investigation on Various Parameters; 2013/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Materials (Article ID 613090), 2013 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Takanori Watari, Rumi Chand, Toshio Torikai, and Mitsunori Yada
Antibacterial Properties of Titanate Nanofiber Thin Films Formed on a Titanium Plate; 2013/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013, 476585-(9 pages) AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada, Yuko Inoue, Iwao Noda, Tomohiro Morita, Toshio Torikai, Takanori Watari, and Takao Hotokebuchi
Fabrication and Characterization of Calcium Silicate Phosphors-Ca2SiO4 and Ca2MgSi2O7; 2013/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Materials Science Forum, 761, 59-64 AUTHOR; Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada, Chao Nan Xu, Hom Nath Luitel, Takanori Watari, Tomohiro Tsuji, Komei Mori, Tadashi Terasaki
Synthesis and Magnetic Property of Cobalt Hydroxide Carbonate and Cobalt Oxide Nanowires; 2012/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; CrystEngComm, 14, 21, 7374-7381 AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada, Yuko Inoue, Masayuki Koikawa, Toshio Torikai, Takanori Watari
Photoluminescence properties of a novel orange red emitting Sr4Al14O25:Sm3+ phosphor and PL enhancement by Bi3+ co-doping; 2012/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Optical Materials, 34, 8, 1375-1380 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Takanori Watari, Rumi Chand, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Sr2SiO4 Phosphors; 2011/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2011) 102008, 18, 102008-(4 pages) AUTHOR; H.Nishioka, T.Watari, T.Eguchi and M.Yada
Direct Preparation of Strontium Aluminate Phosphor Plate by Reactive Infiltration Method; 2011/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 18, 102009-(4 pages) AUTHOR; T. Watari, K. Ikeue, T. Torikai and M. Yada
Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Eu2+-activated Sr3SiO5 Phosphors; 2011/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 18, 102007-(4 pages) AUTHOR; Y. Nakamura, T. Watari, T. Torikai and M. Yada
Apatite-forming ability of titanium compound nanotube thin films formed on a titanium metal plate in a simulated body fluid; 2010/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 80, 116-124 AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada, Yuko Inoue, Akihito Gyoutoku, Iwao Noda, Toshio Torikai, Takanori Watari, Takao Hotokebuchi
Antibacterial properties of nanostructured silver titanate thin films formed on a titanium plate; 2010/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 92A, 3, 1171-1180 AUTHOR; Yuko Inoue, Masafumi Uota, Toshio Torikai, Takanori Watari, Iwao Noda, Takao Hotokebuchi, Mitsunori Yada
Highly water resistant surface coating by fluoride on long persistent Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+/Dy3+ phosphor; 2010/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Applied Surface Science, 256, 8, 2347-2352 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Takanori Watari, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada, Rumi Chand, Chao-Nan Xu, Kazuhiro Nanoka
TiO2 nanotube, nanowire, and rhomboid-shaped particle thin films fixed on a titanium metal plate; 2010/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 183, 1, 57-64 AUTHOR; Yuko Inoue, Iwao Noda, Toshio Torikai, Takanori Watari, Takao Hotokebuchi, Mitsunori Yada
Nanostructural and Morphological Control of Ruthenium Compounds Templated by Surfactant Assemblies; 2009/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Crystal Growth and Design, 9, 12, 5092-5100 AUTHOR; Yuko Inoue, Seiji Ohtsuka, Toshio Torikai, Takanori Watari and Mitsunori Yada
Chemical modification of carbonized wheat and barley straw using HNO3 and the adsorption of Cr(III); 2009/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Hazardous Materials, 167, 1-3, 319-324 AUTHOR; Rumi Chand, Takanori Watari, Katsutoshi Inoue, Hom Nath Luitel, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Selective adsorption of precious metals from hydrochloric acid solutions using porous carbon prepared from barley straw and rice husk; 2009/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Minerals Engineering, 22, 15, 1277-1282 AUTHOR; Rumi Chand, Takanori Watari, Katsutoshi Inoue, Hidetaka Kawakita, Hom Nath Luitel, Durga Parajuli, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Luminescent properties of Cr3+ doped Sr4Al14O25: Eu/Dy blue–green and red phosphor; 2009/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 31, 8, 1200-1204 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Takanori Watari, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Evaluation of wheat straw and barley straw carbon for Cr(VI) adsorption; 2009/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Separation and Purification Technology, 65, 3, 331-336 AUTHOR; Chand Rumi, Watari Takanori, Inoue Katsutoshi, Torikai Toshio, Yada Mitsunori.
Fine-tuning Cavity Size and Wall Thickness of Silica Hollow Nanoparticles by Templating Polymeric Micelles with Core–Shell–Corona Structure; 2009/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Chemistry Letters, 38, 2, 130-131 AUTHOR; Dian Liu, Anil Khanal, Kenichi Nakashima, Yuko Inoue, Mitsunori Yada
Effects of Particle Size and Type of Alumina on the Morphology and Photoluminescence Properties of Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+/Dy3+ Phosphor; 2009 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Research Letters in Materials Science Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 475074, 4 pagesdoi:10.1155/2009/475074 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Takanori Watari, Toshio Torikai, and Mitsunori Yada
Helical Ruthenium Compound Templated by 1-Dodecanesulfonate Assemblies and Its Conversion into Helical Ruthenium Oxide and Helical Metallic Ruthenium; 2008/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Chemistry of Materials, 20, 17, 5652-5656 AUTHOR; Yuko Inoue, Masafumi Uota, Masao Uchigasaki, Syunichi Nishi, Toshio Torikai, Takanori Watari, Mitsunori Yada
Formation of Sodium Titanate Nanotube Films by Hydrothermal Transcription; 2008/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Chem. Mater., 20, 364-366(2008), 20, 364-368 AUTHOR; M. Yada, Y. Inoue, M. Uota, T. Torikai, T. Watari, I. Noda, and T. Hotokebuchi
Adsorption Behavior of Barley Straw Carbon for Chromium (VI) ion; 2008 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Materials Science Forum, 569, 213-216 AUTHOR; Rumi Chand, Takanori Watari, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada and Katsutoshi Inoue
Preparation and characteristics of Eu and Dy doped Sr4Al14O25 Phosphor; 2008 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Materials Science Forum, 569, 249-252 AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Takanori Watari, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Fabrication of porous plate with bimodal pore size distribution using molten slag from incinerator; 2008 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Materials Science Forum, 569, 289-292 AUTHOR; Takanori Watari, Katsuhiro Ogawa, Toshio Torikai1, Mitsunori Yada
Masaki Akiyama Masaki Ida
Preparation of porous carbon from bio-treated orange waste; 2008 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 24th Int. Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics, 171-174 AUTHOR; Takanori Watari, Rumi Chand, Daisuke Tomita, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Preparation of submicrometer-sized titania hollow spheres by templating sulfonated polystyrene latex particles; 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Mater. Lett. 61, 1572-1575(2007), 61, 1572-1575 AUTHOR; A. Syoufian, Y. Inoue, M. Yada, K. Nakashima
Synthesis of Sillica Hollow Nano-Particles Templated by Polymeric Micelle with Core-Shell-Corona Structure; 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J. Am, Chem, Soc. 129, 1534-1535(2007), 129, 1534-1535 AUTHOR; A. Khanal, Y. Inoue, M. Yada, K. Nakashima
Plate,Wire,Mesh,Microsphere,and Microtube Composed of Sodium Titanate Nanotubes on a Titanium Metal Template; 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Langmuir, 23, 2815-2823(2007), 23, 2815-2823 AUTHOR; M. Yada, Y. Inoue, M. Uota, T. Torikai, T. Watari, I. Noda, and T. Hotokebuchi
Fabrication of porous C/SiO2 honeycomb from rice husk compact infiltrated by phenol resin; 2007 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design, 5-5 AUTHOR; T. Watari, Y.Fujiwara, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Fabrication of porous SiO2/C composite from rice husks; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26, 673-678(2006) AUTHOR; T. Watari, A. Nakata, Y.Kiba, T. Torikai, M. Yada
Layered sodium titanate nanofibers and microsphere synthesized from peroxotitanic acid solution; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26, 673-678(2006), 26, 673-678 AUTHOR; M. Yada, Y. Goto, M. Uota, T. Torikai, T. Watari
Fabrication of porous carbon from rice and wheat straws; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 13th International Seminar on Core University program (CUP) between Japan and Korea, 33-33 AUTHOR; T.Watari, H.Arakawa, K.Hamakita, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Fabrication of porous plate from wasted porcelain; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 23rd International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics, 105-108 AUTHOR; K.Ogawa, T.Torikai, M.Yada, T.Watari
Resistivity change in Bi4Ti3O12 with temperature; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 23rd International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics, 67-70 AUTHOR; T.Noda, K.Hara, T.Torikai, M.Yada,T.Watari, S.Mohri, Y.Iwaisako
Fabrication and basic characteristics of porcelain bell; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 23rd International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics, 225-228 AUTHOR; T.Watari, Y.Hirata, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Vibration and acoustic characteristics of porcelain bell; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 3rd International Synmposium on Advanced Ceramics, 420-420 AUTHOR; T.Torikai, H.Hirata, T.Kodama, M.Yada, T.Watari
Fabrication of porous plateusing wasted porcelain; 2006 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 3rd International Synmposium on Advanced Ceramics, 382-382 AUTHOR; T.Watari, T.Kodama, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Effect of surfactant on formation of Au particles from Au3+ solution; 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 22rd International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics, 145-151 AUTHOR; T.Watari, T.Murata, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Fabrication of porous plate using molten slag from incinerator; 2005 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 22rd International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics, 191-194 AUTHOR; T.Murata, T.Torikai, M.Yada, T.Watari
Machinability of Sintered Alumina; 2004/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of 1st Kyushu-Busan Joint Symp. on Adv. Ceramics, 69-72 AUTHOR; T. Torikai , M. Yada, T. Watari
Carbons from furan-polymers prepared in the presence of a double-chain amphiphile; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Carbon, 42, 2207-2213 AUTHOR; Masafumi Uota, Mitsunori Yada, Msako Kuroki, Masato Machida, Tsuyoshi Kijima
Strong Eu emission of annealed Y203:Eu nanotube and nanosized crystals; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; physica status solidi, 241, R71-R 74. AUTHOR; Msami Sekita, Kenichi Iwanaga, Tomomi Hamasuna, Shinji Mohri, Masahumi Uota, Mitsunori Yada, Tsuyoshi Kijima
Silicate Nano-plate Composites; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of 1st Kyushu-Busan Joint Symp. on Adv. Ceramics, 7-10 AUTHOR; T. Watari, T. Torikai, M. Yada
Hydrogen Adsorption Behavior on Carbon Materials and Clay Minerals; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. 21st Int. Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics, 375-378 AUTHOR; T. Yoshiyama (M 1), T. Torikai, M. Yada, T. Watari
Fabrication of Porous SiO2/C Composite from Rice Husk; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the Int. Symp. On Inorg. and Environmental Mater, 216 AUTHOR; T. Watari, A. Nakata, Y. Kiba, T. Torikai, M. Yada
Porous TiO2 Photocatalyst Films Prepared from Peroxo Titanic Acid Solution Dispersing Nano-Sized Silicate Layer; 2003 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Key Engineering Materials,, 247, 419-422 AUTHOR; T.Watari, S .Taniguchi, T.Torikai, M.Yada, S.Furuta
Preparation of Porous Ceramics from Rice Husk Containing Al or Al2O3 Particles for Bioreactor; 2003 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Key Engineering Materials,, 247, 433-436 AUTHOR; T.Torikai, T.Ishibashi, K.Egoshi, M.Yada, T.Watari
Preparation of porous carbon / silica composites from rice husk powder; 2003 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J. Ceram. Proces. Res, 4, 4, 177-180 AUTHOR; T.Watari, H.Tsubira, T.Torikai, M.Yada and S.Furuta
Effects of Additives on Characteristics of Sintered Bi4Ti3Ol2 Ceramics; 2003 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of the 20th Int. Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics, 253-258 AUTHOR; H.Tsubira, T.Torikai, M.Yada, T.Watari, Y.Iwaisako, T.Kaimoto, S .Sakaguchi
Densification of Mullite Ceramics; 2003 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Densification of Mullite Ceramics. Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics, 345-348 AUTHOR; H.Baba, T.Torikai, M.Yada, T.Watari, J.Fujishima
Material, Commentary, Editorials, Research Report, A Comprehensive Journal Articles
Synthesis nad Luminescence of Rare Earth Compound Nanotubes, Nanowires, and Nanorods; 2011/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; CERAMICS JAPAN, BULLETIN OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 46, 1, 22-27 AUTHOR; Mitsunori Yada
Titania Nanotube and Nanofiber Films Formed on a Titanium Metal Plate; 2008/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2008, 294-295 AUTHOR; Yuko Inoue, Toshio Torikai, Takanori Watari, Mitsunori Yada
Fabrication of La4Ti9O24:Eu3+ phosphor for porcelain pigment; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 32nd International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics AUTHOR; S.Setoguchi^M, T.Watari, M.Yada, T.Torikai, C.N.Xu, T.Terasaki
Synthesis and luminescence properties of Eu3+-activated Sr3SiO5 phosphor; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 32nd International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics AUTHOR; H.Kitahara, T.Watari, M.Yada, T.Torikai, C.N.Xu, H.Noma
Synthesis and up-conversion properties of ZnO-TiO2:Ho,Yb; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 32nd International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics AUTHOR; S.Hiramatsu, T.Watari, M.Yada, T.Torikai, C.N.Xu, T.Terasaki
Synthesis and luminescence characterization of (Ca2-x,Srx)MgSi2O:Eu2+,Dy3+ phosphors; 2013/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 14th International Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design AUTHOR; Toshiya Matsubara, Takanori Watari, Hom Nath Luitel, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Synthesis and luminescent properties of CaMgSi2O6:Eu2+,Tb3+,Mn2+ phosphor; 2013/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Ryohei Yamaguchi, Watari Takanori, Hom Nath Luitel, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Fabrication and Characterization of calcium silicate phosphors -Ca2SiO4 and Ca2MgSi2O7-; 2013/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Takanori Watari, Tomohiro Tsuji, Komei Mori, Hom Nath Luitel, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Preparation and Characterization of Sr4Al14O25 Phosphor including Rare-Earth metals; 2009/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Symposium on Multifunctional Ceramic Materials Based on Nanotechnology, Nagaoka AUTHOR; Takanori Watari, Hom Nath Luitel, Toshio Torikai and Mitsunori Yada
Carbonized Wheat Straw for the Recovery of Precious Metal; 2008/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 21st JSPS-KOSEF Core University Program (CUP) Seminar between Japan and Korea, Hyogo AUTHOR; Rumi Chand, Takanori Watari, Katsutoshi Inoue, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Fabrication of Ceramic Phosphors by Penetration Process using Ceramic Plate; 2008/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 21st JSPS-KOSEF Core University Program (CUP) Seminar between Japan and Korea, Hyogo AUTHOR; Takanori Watari, Luitel Hom Nath, Toshio Torikai, and Mitsunori Yada
Effects of particle size and type of alumina on the morphology and photoluminescence properties of Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+,Dy3+ phosphor; 2008/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 21st International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Saga AUTHOR; Hom Nath Luitel, Takanori Watari, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Barely straw carbon as potential adsorbent for selective removal of precious metal ion; 2008/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 21st International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Saga AUTHOR; Rumi Chand, Takanori Watari, Katsutoshi Inoue, Hidetaka Kawakita, Toshio Torikai, Mitsunori Yada
Titania Nanotube and Nanofiber Films Formed on a Titanium Metal Plate; 2008/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2008 AUTHOR; Yuko Inoue, Toshio Torikai, Takanori Watari, Mitsunori Yada
Fabrication of porous C/SiO2 honeycomb from rice husk compact infiltrated by phenol resin; 2006/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics
(Singapore) AUTHOR; T.Torikai, Y.Hirata, T.Kodama, M.Yada, T.Watari
Vibration and acoustic characteristics of porcelain bell; 2006/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics
(Singapore) AUTHOR; T.Watari, T.Kodama, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Resistivity change in Bi4Ti3O12 with temperature; 2006/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 23rd International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics
(Korea) AUTHOR; T.Noda, K.Hara, T.Torikai, M.Yada, T.Watarai, S.Mohri, Y.Iwaisako
Fabrication and basic characteristics of porcelain bell; 2006/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 23rd International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics
(Korea) AUTHOR; T.Watari, Y.Hirata, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Fabrication of porous plate from wasted porcelain; 2006/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 23rd International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics
(Korea) AUTHOR; K.Ogawa, T.Torikai, M.Yada, T.Watari
Fabrication of porous carbon from rice and wheat straws; 2006/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 13th International Seminar on Core University Program (CUP) between Japan and Korea
(新潟) AUTHOR; T.Watari, H.Arakawa, K.Hamakita, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Preparation of SrBi4Ti4O15 Semiconductor; 2005/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 2nd Kyushu-Busan Joint Symposium on Advanced Ceramics
(Korea) AUTHOR; T.Noda, T.Yoshiyama, T.Torikai, M.Yada, S.Mohri, Y.Iwaisako
Effect of surfactant on formation of au particles from Au3+ solution; 2005/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 22nd Int. Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics
(名古屋) AUTHOR; T.Watari, T.Murata, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Fabrication of porous plate using molten slag from incinerator; 2005/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 22nd Int. Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics
(名古屋) AUTHOR; T.Murata, T.Torikai, M.Yada, T.Watari
Photoreversible Supramolecular Formation of Photochromic Compound with Hydrogen-Bonding Moieties; 2005/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 2nd Workshop on New Trends in Supramolecular Chemistry
(佐賀) AUTHOR; M.Hayashi, M.Takeshita, M.Yada
Silicate Nano-Plate Composites; 2004/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of 1th Kyushu-Busan Joint Symp. on Adv. Ceramics AUTHOR; T.Watari, T.Torikai, M.Yada
Machinability of Sintered Alumina; 2004/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Proc. of 1th Kyushu-Busan Joint Symp. on Adv. Ceramics AUTHOR; T.Torikai, M.Yada, T.Watari