2003/10 - 2007/03 Research Associate, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
2007/04 - 2012/02 Assistant Professor, Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
2012/03 - * Lecturer, Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Field of Specialization
Physical anthropology, Applied anthropology, General anatomy (including histology/embryology)
Research Topics and Results
Retrodeformation and functional anatomy of a cranial thoracic vertebra in
Nacholapithecus kerioi 2024/11
A small catarrhine talus from the middle Miocene Nachola, northern Kenya 2024/10
Femoral neck cortical bone distribution in Nacholapithecus from the Middle Miocene of Kenya 2024/10
椎骨形態からみたナチョラピテクスの移動運動様式 2023/10
Body mass estimates from postcranial skeletons and implication for positional behavior in Nacholapithecus kerioi: Evolutionary scenarios of modern apes 2023/09
霊長類の脊柱・胸郭 2023/08
グエノン類・ヒヒ類の起源と進化 2023/08
The Path of Researching African Fossil Hominoids, Nacholapithecus and Samburupithecus: Its Turning Points, Respected Mentors, and the Latest Updates 2023/08
高等霊長類における第3-6頸椎の形態特徴 2023/07
Retrodeformation and morphology of a cranial thoracic vertebra in Nacholapithecus kerioi 2022/09
Information Functional interpretation of primate's trunk by studying musculoskeletal morphology and motion analysis 2021/12
ナチョラピテクスにおける大腿骨頸部の皮質骨分布と類人猿のロコモーション進化 2021/10
Functional anatomy and adaptation of the third to sixth thoracic vertebrae in primates using three-dimensional geometric morphometrics 2021/09
講演要旨 アフリカ産化石類人猿・ナチョラピテクスの脊椎骨から探る類人猿の進化 2021/07
霊長類・上位胸椎の形状変異から見た機能形態学的解釈 2021/07
Poster Presentation Three-dimensional geometric shape analysis of the upper thoracic vertebrae in primates::focused on the spinous process 2021/07
New femoral remains of Nacholapithecus kerioi: Implications for intraspecific variation and Miocene hominoid evolution 2021/06
アフリカ産化石類人猿・ナチョラピテクスの脊椎骨から探る類人猿の進化 2021/03
樹上性霊長類の筋骨格系の適応 2020/05
後期更新世の石垣島・白保竿根田原洞穴遺跡の概要 2020/03
Overview of the Shiraho-Saonetabaru Cave site, and facial approximation result of the best-preserved individual from the site 2019/06
Sexual dimorphism of body size in an African fossil ape, Nacholapithecus kerioi 2018/08
Multivariate analysis of variations in intrinsic foot musculature among hominoids 2018/01
A new species of Mioeuoticus (Lorisiformes, Primates) from the early Middle Miocene of Kenya 2017/06
Sacral vertebral remains of the Middle Miocene hominoid Nacholapithecus kerioi from northern Kenya 2016/05
Carpal bones of Nacholapithecus kerioi, a Middle Miocene Hominoid From Northern Kenya 2016/04
縁の下の力持ち:小さな筋はなにをしているのか 2015/12
Morphology of the thoracolumbar spine of the middle Miocene hominoid Nacholapithecus kerioi from northern Kenya 2015/11
Sexual dimorphism of endocranial, facial, and limb measurements in the yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus). 2015/07
Differences in muscle dimensional parameters between non-formalin-fixed (freeze-thawed) and formalin-fixed specimen in gorilla (Gorilla gorilla). 2014/01
Hind limb of the Nacholapithecus kerioi holotype and implications
for its positional behavior 2012/12
Functional morphology and anatomy of cervical vertebrae in Nacholapithecus
kerioi, a middle Miocene hominoid from Kenya 2012/06
Relationship between humeral geometry and shoulder muscle power among suspensory, knuckle-walking, and digitigrade/palmigrade quadrupedal primates. 2012/01
Morphology of Brachial Plexus and Axillary Artery in Bonobo (Pan paniscus) 2011/02
Quantitative analysis of Variation in Muscle Internal Parameters in Crab-eating macaques (Macaca fascicularis) 2010/04
Comparative Analysis of Muscle Architecture in Primate Arm and Forearm. 2010/04
Geometric characters of the radius and tibia in Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis 2009/04
アカゲザルおよびカニクイザルにおける橈骨遠位部断面形状の定量分析 2007
Bone Cross-sectional Properties in the Five Species of Macaque Genera : Geometric Characters of Radius and Tibia 2005/06
pQCT(末梢部定量的X線断層撮影装置)の有用性について 2004/01
Quantitative analyses of cross-sectional shape of the distal radius in three species of macaques 2004
Age-Change of Bone MineraI Density in the Dista1 Radius of Chimpanzees andJapanese Macaques. 2003
Bone mineral density in chimpanzees,humans,and Japanese macaques. 2003
A longitudinal study on hand and wrist skeletal maturation in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes),with emphasis on growth in linear dimensions. 2003
Retrodeformation and functional anatomy of a cranial thoracic vertebra in
Nacholapithecus kerioi; 2024/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Human Evolution (Short communications), in press AUTHOR; Yasuhiro Kikuchi, Hideki Amano, Naomichi Ogihara, Masato Nakatsukasa,
Yoshihiko Nakano, Daisuke Shimizu, Yutaka Kunimatsu, Hiroshi Tsujikawa, Tomo Takano, Hidemi Ishida
A small catarrhine talus from the middle Miocene Nachola, northern Kenya; 2024/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science (Brief Communication), in press AUTHOR; Lilian Ntinyari Kithinji, Yasuhiro Kikuchi, Masato Nakatsukasa
Femoral neck cortical bone distribution in Nacholapithecus from the Middle Miocene of Kenya; 2024/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Human Evolution (Short communications), in press AUTHOR; Yuma Tomizawa, Marta Pina, Yasuhiro Kikuchi, Naoki Morimoto, Masato Nakatsukasa
Functional anatomy and adaptation of the third to sixth thoracic vertebrae in primates using three-dimensional geometric morphometrics; 2021/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Primates, 62, 5, 845–855 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Ogihara N
New femoral remains of Nacholapithecus kerioi: Implications for intraspecific variation and Miocene hominoid evolution; 2021/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Hum Evol, 155, 102982 AUTHOR; *Pina M, Kikuchi Y, Nakatsukasa M, Nakano Y, Kunimatsu Y, Ogihara N, Shimizu D, Takano T, Tsujikawa H, Ishida H
Sexual dimorphism of body size in an African fossil ape, Nacholapithecus kerioi; 2018/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Human Evolution, 123, 129-140 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Nakatsukasa M, Tsujikawa H, Nakano Y, Kunimatsu Y, Ogihara N, Shimizu D, Takano T, Nakaya H, Sawada Y, Ishida H
Multivariate analysis of variations in intrinsic foot musculature among hominoids; 2018/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Anat., 232, 812-823 AUTHOR; Oishi M, Ogihara N, Shimizu D, Kikuchi Y, Endo H, Une Y, Soeta S, Amasaki H, Ichihara N
A new species of Mioeuoticus (Lorisiformes, Primates) from the early Middle Miocene of Kenya; 2017/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropol. Sci., 125, 2, 59-65 AUTHOR; Kunimatsu Y, Tsujikawa H, Nakatsukasa M, Shimizu D, Ogihara N, Kikuchi Y, Nakano Y, Takano T, Morimoto N, Ishida H
Sacral vertebral remains of the Middle Miocene hominoid Nacholapithecus kerioi from northern Kenya; 2016/05 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Human Evolution, 94, 117-125 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Nakatsukasa M, Nakano Y, Kunimatsu Y, Shimizu D, Ogihara N, Tsujikawa H, Takano T, Ishida H
Carpal bones of Nacholapithecus kerioi, a Middle Miocene Hominoid From Northern Kenya; 2016/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 160, 3, 469-482 AUTHOR; Ogihara N, Almécija S, Nakatsukasa M, Nakano Y, Kikuchi Y, Kunimatsu Y, Makishima H, Shimizu D, Takano T, Tsujikawa H, Kagaya M, Ishida H
Morphology of the thoracolumbar spine of the middle Miocene hominoid Nacholapithecus kerioi from northern Kenya; 2015/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Human Evolution, 88, 25-42 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Nakatsukasa M, Nakano Y, Kunimatsu Y, Shimizu D, Ogihara N, Tsujikawa H, Takano T, Ishida H
Sexual dimorphism of endocranial, facial, and limb measurements in the yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus).; 2015/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anat Histol Embryol., 44, 275-282 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Kuraoka A
Differences in muscle dimensional parameters between non-formalin-fixed (freeze-thawed) and formalin-fixed specimen in gorilla (Gorilla gorilla).; 2014/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Mammal Study, 39, 1, 65-72 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Kuraoka A
Hind limb of the Nacholapithecus kerioi holotype and implications
for its positional behavior; 2012/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 120, 3, 235-250 AUTHOR; Nakatsukasa M, Kunimatsu Y, Shimizu D, Nakano Y, Kikuchi Y,Ishida H
Functional morphology and anatomy of cervical vertebrae in Nacholapithecus
kerioi, a middle Miocene hominoid from Kenya; 2012/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Human Evolution, 62, 677-695 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Nakano Y, Nakatsukasa M, Kunimatsu Y, Shimizu D, Ogihara N, Tsujikawa H, Takano T, Ishida H
Relationship between humeral geometry and shoulder muscle power among suspensory, knuckle-walking, and digitigrade/palmigrade quadrupedal primates.; 2012/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Anatomy, 220, 29-41 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Takemoto H, Kuraoka A
Morphology of Brachial Plexus and Axillary Artery in Bonobo (Pan paniscus); 2011/02 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 40, 1, 68-72 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Oishi M, Shimizu D
Quantitative analysis of Variation in Muscle Internal Parameters in Crab-eating macaques (Macaca fascicularis); 2010/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 118, 1, 9-21 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y
Comparative Analysis of Muscle Architecture in Primate Arm and Forearm.; 2010/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 39, 2, 93-106 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y
Geometric characters of the radius and tibia in Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis; 2009/04 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Primates, 50, 2, 169-183 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Hamada Y
Bone Cross-sectional Properties in the Five Species of Macaque Genera : Geometric Characters of Radius and Tibia; 2005/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 113, 1, 27-41 AUTHOR;
Quantitative analyses of cross-sectional shape of the distal radius in three species of macaques; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Primates., 45, 2, 129-134 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y
Age-Change of Bone MineraI Density in the Dista1 Radius of Chimpanzees andJapanese Macaques.; 2003 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science., 111, 2, 165-186 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y
Bone mineral density in chimpanzees,humans,and Japanese macaques.; 2003 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Primates., 44, 151-155 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Udono T, Hamada Y
A longitudinal study on hand and wrist skeletal maturation in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes),with emphasis on growth in linear dimensions.; 2003 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Primates., 44, 259-274 AUTHOR; Hamada Y, Chatani K, Udono T, Kikuchi Y, Gunji H
Material, Commentary, Editorials, Research Report, A Comprehensive Journal Articles
菊池 泰弘; 2024/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 5-10 AUTHOR;
Information Functional interpretation of primate's trunk by studying musculoskeletal morphology and motion analysis; 2021/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Primate Research, 37, 2, 161-175 AUTHOR; Yasuhiro KIKUCHI, Ryuhei KOJIMA, Yuko FUSE, Yuki KINOSHITA, Kenji OKA, FUJINO FUJINO
Poster Presentation Three-dimensional geometric shape analysis of the upper thoracic vertebrae in primates::focused on the spinous process; 2021/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 37th Congress Primate Society of Japan(WEB), 2021, 7,16-18(live streaming), 2021, 7,19-31(On-demand) AUTHOR; KIKUCHI Yasuhiro, OGIHARA Naomichi
Quantitative analysis of the third-to-sixth thoracic vertebrae in primate using three-dimensional geometric morphometrics; 2021 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Ogihara N
Preliminary report on lower leg bones of Nacholapithecus kerioi, a Miocene hominoid from Kenya; 2020/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; *Tasuku KIMURA, Yasuhiro KIKUCHI, Daisuke SHIMIZU, Tomo TAKANO, Hiroshi TSUJIKAWA, Naomichi OGIHARA, Yoshihiko NAKANO, Hidemi ISHIDA
Morphology of the upper thoracic vertebrae in primates; 2020/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR;
Overview of the Shiraho-Saonetabaru Cave site, and facial approximation result of the best-preserved individual from the site; 2019/06 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Asia Pacific Conference on Human Evolution (APCHE) AUTHOR; Reiko T. Kono, Chiaki Katagiri, Kenji Okazaki, Yasuhiro Kikuchi, and Naomi Doi
Revisiting the femoral morphology of Nacholapithecus kerioi; 2018/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 126, 3, 188 AUTHOR; Pina, M., Kikuchi, Y., Nakatsukasa, M., Nakano, Y., Kunimatsu, Y., Ogihara, N., Shimizu, D., Takano, T., Tsujikawa, H., Ishida, H.
Body mass sexual dimorphism of Nacholapithecus, a middle Miocene hominoid from Africa; 2018/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 126, 3, 172 AUTHOR; KIKUCHI, Y., NAKATSUKASA, M., TSUJIKAWA, H., NAKANO, Y., KUNIMATSU, Y., OGIHARA, N., SHIMIZU, D., TAKANO, T., ISHIDA, H.
Investigation for musculoskeletal developmental indices using Crab-eating macaques (Macaca fascicularis); 2017/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y
Spinous process shape of caudal thoracic vertebra (KNM-BG 42810B) in Nacholapithecus kerioi, a Miocene hominoid from northern Kenya; 2015/10 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Nakano Y, Nakatsukasa M, Kunimatsu Y, Shimizu D, Ogihara N, Tsujikawa H, Takano T, Ishida H
Caudal thoracic vertebra in Nacholapithecus kerioi, a Middle Miocene hominoid from Kenya-its size and the spinous process; 2015/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR;
Sexual dimorphism of cranial and limb bones in Papio cynocephalus; 2014/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Programs and proceedings of the 119th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of anatomist, 146-146 AUTHOR; Yasuhiro Kikuchi, Akio Kuraoka
Muscle dimensions of the ankle and foot in the great apes.; 2013/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 121, 3, 244-244 AUTHOR; Oishi, M., Ogihara, N., Shimizu, D., Kikuchi, Y., Amasaki, H.
Morphology of caudal thoracic vertebrae in Nacholapithecus kerioi, a Middle Miocene hominoid from northern Kenya.; 2012/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 120, 3, 274-274 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Nakano Y, Nakatsukasa M, Kunimatsu Y, Shimizu D, Ogihara N, Tsujikawa H, Takano T, Ishida H
Monoarticular and biarticular muscles of elbow joint in great apes.; 2012/12 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 120, 3, 275-275 AUTHOR; Oishi M, Ogihara N, Shimizu D, Kikuchi Y, Hirasaki E, Egi N, Amasaki H
Morphology of atlas and axis in Nacholapithecus kerioi, middle Miocene fossil hominoid from Kenya.; 2011/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Nakano Y, Nakatsukasa M, Kunimatsu Y, Shimizu D, Ogihara N, Tsujikawa H, Takano T, Ishida H
Comparative analysis of muscle internal parameters in primate forelimbs; 2009/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 25, Suppl, S-27-S-28 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y
Quantitative analysis of the correlation between size of muscle attachemnt site and physiological cross-sectional area in Macaca fascicularis; 2008/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 24, Suppl, S-24-S-24 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y
Quantitative analysis of interrelationship between cortical bone thickness in muscle attachment site and physiological cross-sectional area of muscle in primates; 2008/01 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 第62回日本人類学会 2008.1.31 Anthropological Science, 116, 3, 251 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y
Quantitative analyses of cross-sectional shape pf the distal radius in three species of macaques.; 2004/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 16th International Congress of the IFAA. Kyoto, Japan. Anatomical Science International AUTHOR; 菊池泰弘、濱田穣
Bone cross-sectional properties in the five species of macaques:fore
-and hindlimb geometric characters; 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 58th Annual Meeting of the Anthropological Society
of Nippon. Nagasaki, Japan. Anthropological Science 112(3):301, 2004 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Hamada Y
Quantitative comparison of radial cross-sectional shapes among chimpanzees and macaques.; 2001/07 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 110, 1, 73-73 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Suchinda M, Udono T, Suzuki J, Hamada Y, Takenaka O
New Kenyapithecus Specimens Discovered from Nachola,Northern Kenya in Field Seasons of Fiscal 1996 and 1997; 1998/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 107, 1, 46-46 AUTHOR; Ishida H, Nakatsukasa M, Kunimatsu Y, Tsujikawa H, Shimizu D, Kikuchi Y, Furuta T, Nakano Y, Sawada Y
Age change of radial cross-sectional shape in Chimpanzees and Japanese Macaques; 1998/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anthropological Science, 107, 1, 67-67 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Nakatsukasa M, Ishida H, Hamada Y, Kunimatsu Y, Udono T
Preliminary study on the age change in bone density and the cross-sectional shape of the radius of Japanese macaques and chimpanzees using pQCT.; 1998/03 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Symposium “The Use of Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) in Nonhuman Primate Bone and Mineral Research” (University of Washington, Seatle, USA). AUTHOR; Hamada Y, Kikuchi Y, Nakatsukasa M, Kunimatsu Y, Ishida H, Udono T
Review Articles
Body mass estimates from postcranial skeletons and implication for positional behavior in Nacholapithecus kerioi: Evolutionary scenarios of modern apes; 2023/09 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anat Rec (Hoboken), 306, 10, 2466-2483 AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y
Invited Lecture, Special Lecture
The Path of Researching African Fossil Hominoids, Nacholapithecus and Samburupithecus: Its Turning Points, Respected Mentors, and the Latest Updates; 2023/08 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Kenya-Japan 60th Anniversary Academic Symposium
"Considering the History and Development of African Studies and Academia" AUTHOR; Yasuhiro KIKUCHI
Preliminary Comparative Study on Mechanical Properties of the Radius in Chimpanzees and other catarrhines.; 2001/11 ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AUTHOR; Kikuchi Y, Udono T,Hamada Y