NameASAMI Toyoko
DepartmentFaculty of Medicine, University Hospital, Advanced Comprehensive Functional Recovery Center
Job TitleAssociate Professor Degree Obtained

Detailed Information

Research Field/Keywords for Research Field

  • Rehabilitation science/


  • 1984/03, Graduated
  • 1988/06, Doctor Course, Completed

Employment Experience

  • 1988/06 - 1990/06
  • 1990/07 - 2001/12 Research Associate
  • 2002/01 - 2003/09 Research Associate
  • 2003/10 - 2004/06 Research Associate, University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
  • 2003/10 - 2008/05 University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
  • 2004/07 - 2007/03 Associate Professor, University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
  • 2007/04 -  *  Associate Professor, University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
  • 2007/12 - 2014/06 Clinical Professor, University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
  • 2008/06 - 2010/05 University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University

Field of Specialization

  • Rehabilitation science/Welfare engineering, Medical engineering assessment, Orthopaedic surgery, Neurology, Medical sociology

Research Topics and Results

  • 診療グループ報告リハビリテーション科・先進総合機能回復センター 2023/12
  • 佐賀リハビリテーション研究会活動および佐賀県リハビリテーション科医会活動 2023/12
  • Clinical application of myoelectric upper limb prosthesis for children with congenital upper limb defects 2023/12
  • Neurorehabilitation using VR for various diseases 2023/12
  • Case Based Discussion (Botulinum therapy and robotic rehab) Effect of combine treatment of botulinum therapy and robotic rehab 2023/12
  • 女性医師支援ならびにダイバーシティ&インクルージョン 2023/12
  • ニーズを捉えた福祉機器の開発と評価~開発者と障害者に求められること~ 2023/12
  • うれしのチャ!チャ!チャ! お茶と健康習慣トークセッション 2023/12
  • 脊椎脊髄疾患とロボットリハビリテーション 2023/11
  • ニーズを捉えた福祉機器の開発と評価~開発者と障害者に求められること~ 2023/11
  • HALを用いた外来リハビリテーション治療の戦略 2023/11
  • Reconnect と Rehabilitation Medicine 2023/11
  • リハビリテーション医療の新時代 2023/10
  • 「新しい能動義手適合検査」の完成に向けて 2023/10
  • 膝・股関節の痛み(リハビリ・薬注射・人工関節) 2023/09
  • 膝・股関節の痛み(リハビリ・薬注射・人工関節)-早めの対策でいつまでも自分の足で歩けるように- 2023/09
  • 令和元年8月の前線に伴う大雨(佐賀豪雨災害) 2023/07
  • 巻頭言 補装具費支給制度をあらためて考える 2023/07
  • 上肢・下肢痙縮の治療意義と臨床課題 2023/07
  • 整形外科疾患のリハビリテーション治療における歩行アシストの活用 2023/05
  • 浅見豊子:R(仮想現実技術)を用いたリハビリテーション 2023/05
  • Serum soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 was not altered by rTMS in patients with treatment-resistant depression 2023/03
  • ご挨拶 2023/03
  • リハビリテーション科専門医「達人の流儀この先生に聞きたい!」~リハビリテーション科専門医キャリアパス~第7集の発刊に寄せて 2023/03
  • リハビリテーション科専門医「達人の流儀」RJN・男女共同参画委員会共催セミナー開催記念特別号の発刊に寄せて 2023/03
  • 年頭所感 「甲辰」に向けた「癸卯」の年によせて 2023/01
  • Changes in the metabolites of cerebrospinal fluid induced by rTMS in treatment-resistant depression: A pilot study 2022/07
  • Pursuing Quality Education in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Japan 2022/07
  • Workshop - Medical Leadership: Transcending the Pandemic and Other Crisis 2022/07
  • Correction to: Anatomical variation in the form of inter‑ and intra‑individual laterality of the calcaneofibular ligament 2021/09
  • Effect of Respiration Phases on the Morphology of the Laryngopharyngeal Cavity: an Investigation Using 320-Row Area Detector Computed Tomography 2021/09
  • ORIGINAL ARTICLE Qualitative Study of the Educational Utility of a 3D Anatomical Education System for Undergraduate Education of Rehabilitation Professionals 2021/08
  • The changes in kynurenine metabolites induced by rTMS in treatment-resistant depression: A pilot study  2021/06
  • Effect of health locus of control on physical activity in stable patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases  2021/06
  • Panel Speaker "World Youth Forum Task Force Medical Leadership: THE WAY FORWARD IN OVERCOMING ADVERSITIES" 2021/06
  • Standardization of Rehabilitation Robotics in Rehabilitation Medicine 2020/08
  • The Applications and Limitations of Rehabilitation Robotics in Rehabilitation Therapy 2020/05
  • Changes in interleukin-1 beta induced by rTMS are significantly correlated with partial improvement of cognitive dysfunction in treatment-resistant depression: a pilot study 2020/04
  • Improvement of frontal lobe dysfunction and white matter integrity by rTMS in treatment-resistant depression 2019/11
  • Particular protrusion perception arising from plantar sensory input and task guidance enhances lower limb joint dynamics during gait 2019/03
  • Effects of Short-term Intensive Rehabilitation Treatment Using a Toyota Balance Exercise Assist Robot on Musculoskeletal Ambulation Disability Symptom Complex in Extremely Elderly Subjects 2019
  • Two-Department Joint Initiative at Our Hospital for a "Swallowing Conference", 2019
  • Changes in the Walking Ability of Total Hip Arthroplasty Patients Due to Walking Training Using Walking-Assistance Robotics 2019
  • The Significance of the Involvement of Specialized Oral Care Teams in Special Nursing Homes for the Aged 2019
  • The Contribution of mFIM Items for Improvement mFIM of Patients Over 50-Point and Less 70-Point at Admission in Recovery Rehabilitation Ward 2019
  • Effect of Combined Use of Walking Rehabilitation with Honda Walking Assist and Botulinum Therapy 2019
  • Higher Brain Dysfunction in Women 2019
  • Rehabilitation Approach for Women and Children with Disabilities from the Perspective of Female Physiatrists 2019
  • The Effect of Combination Therapy (Robotic Therapy; Honda Gait Assist and Physical Therapy) in Post-Stroke Outpatients with Spastic Upper and Lower Limb Hemiparesis in SEIKATSUKI, ISPRM2019 2019
  • Anatomical variation in the form of inter- and intra-individual laterality of the calcaneofibular ligament 2018
  • Linking myoelectric arms to daily life 2018
  • Training Children in the Use of Upper Limb Prostheses 2018
  • Treatment of spasticity with botulinum toxin 2018
  • Joint Japan-France session: Linking rehabilitation to daily life in Japan and France、Linking myoelectric arms to daily life 2018
  • Advanced rehabilitation of common problems in women,Novel therapy for stroke - Robot Rehabilitation for Outpatients - 2018
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of existing robotic rehabilitation devices utilized in clinical settings 2018
  • Approaches to Dysphagia Utilized at Saga University Hospital. 2017/07
  • Risk factors for development of systemic lupus erythematosus among Japanese females: medical history and reproductive factors 2017
  • Developing a practical Myoelectric Prosthesis for Children. 2017
  • Towards the myoelectric prosthesis becoming an ordinary hand 2017
  • Case Report on Long-Term, Continuous Improvement of Walking Ability as a Result of Botulinum Toxin Injection Therapy and Low-Frequency Rehabilitation with HAL 2016
  • Discrimination of hie and hiesho using toe blood pressure in young women 2016
  • Influence of Medical History in Parents or Siblings on the Development of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus among Japanese Females. 2016
  • Novel therapy for stroke in women - The combined botulinum therapy and robot rehabilitation on outpatient - 2016
  • The Effectiveness of Using Myoelectric Prostheses 2016
  • The effect of combination therapy (botulinum therapy, orthosis, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and occupational therapy) in post-stroke outpatients with spastic upper limb hemiparesis 2016
  • Anatomical variation of an angle created by Calcaneofibular ligament with long axis of the fibula 2016
  • Reproducibility and validity of the 50-meter walking test in community-dwelling ekderly 2015
  • Usefulness of a 50-meter round walking test for fall prediction in the elderly requiring long-term care 2015
  • Association between occulusal force and physical functions in preshool children a comparison of males and females 2015
  • Influence of medical history in parents or siblings on the development of systemic lups erythematosus among Japanese females. 2015
  • The effect of combined botulinum therapy and robot rehabilitation on outpatients 2015
  • Effectiveness of combined botulinum therapy and robot suit HAL on stroke patients 2015
  • The effect of combined botulinum therapy and robot rehabilitation on outpatients 2015
  • The effect of combined botulinum therapy and robot rehabilitation on outpatients 2015
  • がんのリハビリテーションの概要 2015
  • Woman Doctors as Specialists in Rehabilitation Medicine : Present and Future (50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine) -- (International Symposium : Current Status of the System for Specialists in Rehabilitation Medicine and Challenges : An International Comparative Approach) 2014
  • Relationships between the Occlusal Force and Physical/Cognitive Functions of Elderly Females Living in the Community 2014
  • Modifying effect of N-Acetyltransferase2 genotype on the association between systemic lipus erythematosus and consumption of alcohol and caffeine-rich beverages 2014
  • Medical and family history and the risk of systermic lupus erythematosus amang Japanese females:findings from KYSS study 2014
  • An investigation into the psychological effects of using the robot suit HAL ( hybrid assistive limb ) 2014
  • Relationship between occlusal force and physical functin of infants  2014
  • The effectiveness of patches containing Loxoprofen Sodium Hydrate(LX-P)in the conservative therapy of muscular back pain-Clinical results using the Japanese Orthopaedic Association Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire (JOABPEQ) 2013
  • Female doctors as specialists in rehabilitation medicine~present and future~.International Symposium3 Current status of the system for specialists in rehabilitation medicine and challenges: An international comparative approach 2013
  • Orthotics treatment using shoe inserts for talipes planovalgusu in children 2013
  • Developing a practical Myoelectric Prosthesis for Children 2013
  • The applicability of prosthetics to Botulinum toxin therapy 2013
  • A comparison of Saga University and University of Pittsburgh 2013
  • Risk modification by CYP1A1 and GSTM1 polymorphisms in the association of cigarette smoking and systemic lupus erythematosus in a Japanese population 2012
  • Cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and risk of systemic lupus erythematosus 2012
  • Study of musculoskeletal ambulation disability symptom complex (MADS) in elderly community residents: a comparison of physical function between the elderly with and without potential MADS 2012
  • Comparison of musculoskeletal ambulation disability symptom complex (MADS) in elderly community residents a comparison of physical function between the elderly with and without potential MADS 2012
  • Significance of the elderly living in the community being able to stand on one leg with eyes open – A styudy of physical cognitive,amd psychological functions- 2012
  • Problems with the use of myoelectric prostheses for children 2012
  • Myoelectric prostheses for children 2012
  • Problems with the use of myoelectric prostheses 2012
  • An Upper-Limb Power-Assist Robot with Tremor Suppression Control. 2011/07
  • Risk modification by CYP1A1 and GSTM1polymorphisms in the association of cigarette smoking and systemic lupus erythematosus in a Japanese population. 2011
  • Feature extraction of EEG under mental calculation by combinational use of support vector machine 2010/10
  • Feature Extraction of Frontal EEG under Mental Calculation Task by Use of Support Vector Machine 2010/06
  • Applications of the lower limb prostheses for long stumps in Japanese life style 2010/05


  • 令和元年8月の前線に伴う大雨(佐賀豪雨災害); 2023/07
  • Proceedings of the 7th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; 2008
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; New concept of walker for walking disorders in Parkinson’s disease patients, 69-70
    AUTHOR;  T Asami, M Eriguchi, N Akiyama, k.kodama, N Yamanouchi, A Asami and Y Arizono
  • The training system of myoelectric prosthetic arms in our hospital in Japan.; 2007
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 10th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand & 7th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy,

Original Articles

  • 脊椎脊髄疾患とロボットリハビリテーション; 2023/11
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 32, 13, 1326-1332
  • 膝・股関節の痛み(リハビリ・薬注射・人工関節); 2023/09
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 34, 5-7
  • Serum soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 was not altered by rTMS in patients with treatment-resistant depression; 2023/03
    AUTHOR; 〇Hiroshi Tateishi, Jun Matsushima, Hiroko Kunitake, Yoshiomi Imamura, Yutaka Kunitake, Toru Murakawa, Seiji Mawatari, Ryohei Kojima, Yuka Fujii, Jun Kikuchi, Junko Fukuchi, Yuta Sakemura, Takumi Shiraishi, Chika Nagahama, Toshihiko Maekawa, Toyoko Asami, Yoshito Mizoguchi, Akira Monji
  • Changes in the metabolites of cerebrospinal fluid induced by rTMS in treatment-resistant depression: A pilot study; 2022/07
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Psychiatry Res, 313, 114636
    AUTHOR; ○Tateishi H, Setoyama D, Kato TA, Kang D, Matsushima J, Nogami K, Mawatari S, Kojima R, Fujii Y, Sakemura Y, Shiraishi T, Imamura Y, Maekawa T, Asami T, Mizoguchi Y, Monji A
  • Pursuing Quality Education in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Japan; 2022/07
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Front Rehabil Sci, 3, 877986
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • Correction to: Anatomical variation in the form of inter‑ and intra‑individual laterality of the calcaneofibular ligament; 2021/09
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anat Sci Int, 96, 4, 587
    AUTHOR; ○Hisayoshi Yoshizuka, Kentaro Shibata, Toyoko Asami, Akio Kuraoka
  • Effect of Respiration Phases on the Morphology of the Laryngopharyngeal Cavity: an Investigation Using 320-Row Area Detector Computed Tomography; 2021/09
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Fukuoka Acta Medica, 112, 3, 187-198
    AUTHOR; ○Sae Asami, Yoko Inamoto, Hisayoshi Yoshizuka, Eiichi Saitoh, Seiko Shibata, Keiko Aihara, Hitoshi Kagaya, Masanao Kobayashi, Toyoko Asami, Akio Kuraoka and Yoshio Yamashita
  • ORIGINAL ARTICLE Qualitative Study of the Educational Utility of a 3D Anatomical Education System for Undergraduate Education of Rehabilitation Professionals; 2021/08
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Rigakuryoho Kagaku, 36, 4, 579 - 585
    AUTHOR; *Hisayoshi YOSHIZUKA, Nobuyuki SANO, Tsubasa MITSUTAKE, Toyoko ASAMI, Katsuko KOSAKA
  • The changes in kynurenine metabolites induced by rTMS in treatment-resistant depression: A pilot study ; 2021/06
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Psychiatr Res, 138, 194-199
    AUTHOR; ○Hiroshi Tateishi, Daiki Setoyama, Dongchon Kang, Jun Matsushima, Ryohei Kojima, Yuka Fujii, Seiji Mawatari, Jun Kikuchi, Yuta Sakemura, Junko Fukuchi, Takumi Shiraishi, Toshihiko Maekawa, Takahiro A Kato, Toyoko Asami, Yoshito Mizoguchi, Akira Monji
  • Effect of health locus of control on physical activity in stable patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases ; 2021/06
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Phys Ther Sci, 33, 6, 480-488
    AUTHOR; Shojiro Egoshi, Shinichiro Hayashi, Jun Horie, Shuichi Shiranita, Hisashi Watanabe, Futoshi Kawaura, Koichiro Takahashi, Toyoko Asami, Naoko Sueoka-Aragane
  • Standardization of Rehabilitation Robotics in Rehabilitation Medicine; 2020/08
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Spine & Spinal Cord, 33, 8, 758-764
    AUTHOR; Toyoko ASAMI, Kazuki MURATA, Nobuhiko HAGA, Kazuo KIGUCHI, Tatsuya NODA
  • The Applications and Limitations of Rehabilitation Robotics in Rehabilitation Therapy; 2020/05
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 57, 5, 387 - 391
    AUTHOR; Asami Toyoko, Kitajima Masaki, Murata Kazuki, Muta Takanori, Tanaka Akira
  • Changes in interleukin-1 beta induced by rTMS are significantly correlated with partial improvement of cognitive dysfunction in treatment-resistant depression: a pilot study; 2020/04
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Psychiatry Res, 289, 112995
    AUTHOR; ○Hiroshi Tateishi, Yoshito Mizoguchi, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Yoshiomi Imamura, Jun Matsushima, Hiroko Kunitake, Toru Murakawa, Yoshinori Haraguchi, Yutaka Kunitake, Toshihiko Maekawa, Takahiro A Kato, Toyoko Asami, Akira Monji
  • Improvement of frontal lobe dysfunction and white matter integrity by rTMS in treatment-resistant depression; 2019/11
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat., 15, 3079-3087
    AUTHOR; ○Hiroshi Tateishi, Masashi Nishihara, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Jun Matsushima, Toru Murakawa, Yoshinori Haraguchi, Yutaka Kunitake, Toshihiko Maekawa, Takahiro A Kato, Toyoko Asami, Yoshito Mizoguchi, Akira Monji
  • Particular protrusion perception arising from plantar sensory input and task guidance enhances lower limb joint dynamics during gait; 2019/03
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Phys Ther Sci, 31, 3, 261-266
    AUTHOR; Ryota Okoba, Masaki Hasegawa, Hisayoshi Yoshizuka, Yuichi Honda, Masayoshi Ichiba, Toyoko Asami
  • Anatomical variation in the form of inter- and intra-individual laterality of the calcaneofibular ligament; 2018
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Anat Sci Int. , 93, 4, 495-501
    AUTHOR; Hisayoshi Yoshizuka, Kentaro Shibata, Toyoko Asami, Akio Kuraoka
  • Risk factors for development of systemic lupus erythematosus among Japanese females: medical history and reproductive factors; 2017
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Int J Rheum Dis. , 20, 1, 76-83
    AUTHOR; *Masakazu WASHIO, Hiroki TAKAHASHI, Gen KOBASHI, Chikako KIYOHARA, Yoshifumi TADA, Toyoko ASAMI, Yuichiro IDE, Tatsuya ATSUMI, Takahiko HORIUCHI and the Kyushu Sapporo SLE (KYSS) Study Group
  • Case Report on Long-Term, Continuous Improvement of Walking Ability as a Result of Botulinum Toxin Injection Therapy and Low-Frequency Rehabilitation with HAL; 2016
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 4, 339
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami, Masaki Kitajima, Yusuke Nanri, Kazuki Murata and Taketo Sato
  • Discrimination of hie and hiesho using toe blood pressure in young women; 2016
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Integr Med., 14, 6, 436-446
    AUTHOR; Takashi Kimura, Toyoko Asami
  • Influence of Medical History in Parents or Siblings on the Development of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus among Japanese Females.; 2016
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Medical Journal, 23, 5, 466 - 469
    AUTHOR; Yoshifumi Tada, Masakazu Washio, Takahiko Horiuchi, Chikako Kiyohara, Hiroki Takahashi, Gen Kobashi, Yuichiro Ide, Tatsuya Atsumi, Toyoko Asami
  • Reproducibility and validity of the 50-meter walking test in community-dwelling ekderly; 2015
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Phys Ther Sci., 27, 5, 1511-4
    AUTHOR; Hachiya M., Murata S., Otao H., Kamijyou K., Mizota K., Asami T
  • Usefulness of a 50-meter round walking test for fall prediction in the elderly requiring long-term care; 2015
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Phys Ther Sci., 27, 12, 3663-6
    AUTHOR; Hachiya M., Murata S., Otao H., Ihara T., Mizota K., Asami T.
  • Association between occulusal force and physical functions in preshool children a comparison of males and females; 2015
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Phys Ther Sci., 27, 12, 3729-32
    AUTHOR; Hirao A.,  MurataS., Kubo A, Hachiya M. , Asami T
  • Influence of medical history in parents or siblings on the development of systemic lups erythematosus among Japanese females.; 2015
    AUTHOR; Washio M., KYSS study group, Asami T
  • Woman Doctors as Specialists in Rehabilitation Medicine : Present and Future (50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine) -- (International Symposium : Current Status of the System for Specialists in Rehabilitation Medicine and Challenges : An International Comparative Approach); 2014
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The Japanese journal of rehabilitation medicine , 51, 7, 423-428
    AUTHOR; Asami T
  • Relationships between the Occlusal Force and Physical/Cognitive Functions of Elderly Females Living in the Community; 2014
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Physical Therapy Science. , 26, 8, 1279-1282
    AUTHOR; Aya Hirao, Shin Murata, Jun Murata, Atsuko Kubo, Mizuki Hachiya, Toyoko Asami
  • Modifying effect of N-Acetyltransferase2 genotype on the association between systemic lipus erythematosus and consumption of alcohol and caffeine-rich beverages; 2014
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Arthritis Care & Research , 66, 7, 1048-1056
    AUTHOR; Kiyohara C., Washio M., Horiuchi T., Asami T., Ide S., Atsumi T., Kobashi G., Horiuchi T: Tada Y
  • Medical and family history and the risk of systermic lupus erythematosus amang Japanese females:findings from KYSS study; 2014
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Modern Rheumatology
    AUTHOR; Takahashi H., Washio M., Kiyohara C., Tada Y., Asami T., Ide Y., Atsumi T., Kobashi G., Horiuchi T
  • The effectiveness of patches containing Loxoprofen Sodium Hydrate(LX-P)in the conservative therapy of muscular back pain-Clinical results using the Japanese Orthopaedic Association Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire (JOABPEQ); 2013
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Jpn.J.Compr.Rehabil. Sci., 4, 22-29
    AUTHOR; T. Asami, N. Yamanouchi, A. Asami, H.Tanaka, N. Nogami
  • Risk modification by CYP1A1 and GSTM1 polymorphisms in the association of cigarette smoking and systemic lupus erythematosus in a Japanese population; 2012
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Scand J Rheumatology, 41, 2, 103-109
    AUTHOR; *Chikako Kiyohara, Masakazu Washio, Takahiko Horiuchi, Toyoko Asami,, Saburo Ide, Tatsuya,Atsumi, Gen,Kobashi, Yoshifumi,Tada, HirokiTakahashi, and the Kyushu Sappro SLE(KYSS)Study Group
  • Cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and risk of systemic lupus erythematosus; 2012
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Rheumatology, 39, 7, 1363-1370
    AUTHOR; *Chikako Kiyohara, Masakazu Washio, Takahiko Horiuchi, Toyoko Asami,, Saburo Ide, Tatsuya,Atsumi, Gen,Kobashi, Yoshifumi,Tada, HirokiTakahashi, and the Kyushu Sappro SLE(KYSS)Study Group
  • Study of musculoskeletal ambulation disability symptom complex (MADS) in elderly community residents: a comparison of physical function between the elderly with and without potential MADS; 2012
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 24, 2, 201-204
    AUTHOR; *Atsuko Kubo, Shin Murata, Hiroshi Otao, Jun Murata,Jun Horie, Junya Miyazaki, Sakiya Yamasaki, Katsuhiko Mizota, Toyoko Asami
  • Comparison of musculoskeletal ambulation disability symptom complex (MADS) in elderly community residents a comparison of physical function between the elderly with and without potential MADS; 2012
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 24, 2, 527-530
    AUTHOR; *Atsuko Kubo, Shin Murata, Hiroshi Otao, Jun Murata,Jun Horie, Junya Miyazaki, Sakiya Yamasaki, Katsuhiko Mizota, Toyoko Asami
  • Significance of the elderly living in the community being able to stand on one leg with eyes open – A styudy of physical cognitive,amd psychological functions-; 2012
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 24, 7, 625-628
    AUTHOR; *Atsuko Kubo, Shin Murata, Hiroshi Otao, Jun Murata,Jun Horie, Junya Miyazaki, Sakiya Yamasaki, Katsuhiko Mizota, Toyoko Asami
  • Risk modification by CYP1A1 and GSTM1polymorphisms in the association of cigarette smoking and systemic lupus erythematosus in a Japanese population.; 2011
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology , 41, 2, 103-109
    AUTHOR; Chikako Kiyohara、Masakazu Washio、Takahiko Horiuchi、Toyoko Asami、Saburou Ide、Tatsuya Atsumi、Gen Kobashi、Hiroki Takahashi、Yoshifumi Tada
  • Combination of TNF‐RII,CYP1A1 and GSTM1 polymorphisms and the risk of Japanese SLE:findings from the KYSS study; 2009
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Rheumatology.48.1045-1049, 48, 1045-1049
    AUTHOR; * T.Horiuchi, C.Kiyohara, M.Washio, Y.Tada, T.Asami,、S.Ide, H.Takahashi, G.kobashi and The Kyusyu Sapporo SLE(KYSS) Study Group
  • Cigarette smoking, N-acetyltransferase 2 polymorphisms and systemic lupus erythematosus in a Japanese population; 2009
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Lupus. 2009;18(7):630-638, 18, 7, 630-638
    AUTHOR; *Kiyohara C, Washio M, Horiuchi T, Tada Y, Asami T, Ide S, Takahashi H, Kobashi G; The Kyushu Sapporo SLE (KYSS) Study Group
  • Fok1 variant of vitamin D receptor gene and factors related to atherosclerosis associated with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine; 2008
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; SPINE, 33, 16, 553-558
    AUTHOR;  *G Kobashi, K Ohta, M Washio, K Okamoto, S Sasaki, T Yokoyama, Y Miyake, N Sakamoto, A Hara, H Tamashiro, Y Inada, H Tanaka and Japan Collaborative Epidemiological Study Group for Evaluation of Ossification of the Posterio Longitudinal Ligament of the Spine Risk.(T Asami is a member of this group)
  • Smoking,drinking,sleeping habits, and other lifestyle factors and the risk of systemic lupus erythematosus in Japanese females : findings from the KYSS study.; 2006
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Mod Rheumatol, 16
    AUTHOR; Washio M.,Horiuchi T.,Kiyohara C.,Kodama H.,Tada Y.,Asami T.,and et al
  • High Body Mass Index Age 20 and Diabetes Mellitus Are Independent Risk Factors for Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Spine in Japanese Subjects A Case-Control Study in Multiple Hospitals.; 2004
    AUTHOR;  Kobashi G.,Washio M.,Okamoto k.,Sasaki S.,and et al.
  • Risk: Sleeping Habit and Other Life Styles in the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Spine(OPLL): a Case-control Study in Japan.; 2004
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Journal of Epidemiology, 14, 5
    AUTHOR; Washio M.,Kobashi G.,Okamoto K.,Sasaki S.,Yokoyama T.,Miyakae Y.,Sakamoto N.,Ohta K.,Inaba Y.,Tanaka H and JapanCollaborativeEpidemiological Study Group for Evaluation of Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Spine(OPLL)
  • Risk:Dietary habits and risk of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligaments of the spine( OPLL);findings from a case-control study in japan.; 2004
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; J Bone Miner Metab, 22
    AUTHOR; Okamoto K., Kobashi G., Washio M., Sasaki.S,.,Yokoyama T.,Miyakae Y.,Sakamoto N.,Ohta K.,Inaba Y.,Tanaka H and the Japan Collaborative Epidemiological Study for Evaluation of Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Spine(OPLL)

General Lectures

  • Effects of Short-term Intensive Rehabilitation Treatment Using a Toyota Balance Exercise Assist Robot on Musculoskeletal Ambulation Disability Symptom Complex in Extremely Elderly Subjects; 2019
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2019/JARM 2019, 2019.6.9-16
    AUTHOR; *Hisato Tanaka, Takaki Kasahara, Nanae Akiyama, Toyoko Asami
  • Two-Department Joint Initiative at Our Hospital for a "Swallowing Conference",; 2019
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2019/JARM 2019, 2019.6.9-16
    AUTHOR; Kazuki Murata, Toyoko Asami, Naoya Yamanouchi
  • Changes in the Walking Ability of Total Hip Arthroplasty Patients Due to Walking Training Using Walking-Assistance Robotics; 2019
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2019/JARM 2019, 2019.6.9-16
    AUTHOR; Naoki Higashijima, Toyoko Asami, Kenji Sato, Masaki Kitajima, Kazuki Murata, Masaaki Mawatari
  • The Significance of the Involvement of Specialized Oral Care Teams in Special Nursing Homes for the Aged; 2019
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2019/JARM 2019, 2019.6.9-16
    AUTHOR; ○Sae Kobayashi, Maki Kinoshita, Takako Tanaka, Nanae Akiyama, Hisato Tanaka, Toyoko Asami, Yoshio Yamashita
  • The Contribution of mFIM Items for Improvement mFIM of Patients Over 50-Point and Less 70-Point at Admission in Recovery Rehabilitation Ward; 2019
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2019/JARM 2019, 2019.6.9-16
    AUTHOR; *Takashi Kimura, Toyoko Asami
  • Effect of Combined Use of Walking Rehabilitation with Honda Walking Assist and Botulinum Therapy; 2019
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2019/JARM 2019, 2019.6.9-16
    AUTHOR; Taketo Sato, Toyoko Asami, Kazuki Murata, Masaki Kitajima, Yusuke Nanri, Naoya Yamanouchi
  • Higher Brain Dysfunction in Women; 2019
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2019(Session 10: Innovative Evidence-Based Rehabilitation for Common Problems in Women)/JARM 2019, 2019.6.9-16
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami, Shigenobu Ono, Kazuki Murata
  • Rehabilitation Approach for Women and Children with Disabilities from the Perspective of Female Physiatrists; 2019
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2019(Joint Session 6:Joint Session JARM: Special Interest Session on Women and Children by Women Rehabilitation Physicians)/JARM 2019, 2019.6.9-16
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • The Effect of Combination Therapy (Robotic Therapy; Honda Gait Assist and Physical Therapy) in Post-Stroke Outpatients with Spastic Upper and Lower Limb Hemiparesis in SEIKATSUKI, ISPRM2019; 2019
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2019/JARM 2019, 2019.6.9-16
    AUTHOR; *Yusuke Nanri, Toyoko Asami
  • Training Children in the Use of Upper Limb Prostheses; 2018
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; AOCPRM 2018, 2018.11.21-25
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • Treatment of spasticity with botulinum toxin; 2018
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Rehabilitation Doctor Committee Chinese Medical Doctor Association2018 Academic Annual Conference, 2018.8.11
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • Joint Japan-France session: Linking rehabilitation to daily life in Japan and France、Linking myoelectric arms to daily life; 2018
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2018, 2018.7.8-12
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • Advanced rehabilitation of common problems in women,Novel therapy for stroke - Robot Rehabilitation for Outpatients -; 2018
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2018, 2018.7.8-12
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of existing robotic rehabilitation devices utilized in clinical settings; 2018
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2018, 2018.7.8-12
    AUTHOR; Kazuki Murata, Toyoko Asami
  • Approaches to Dysphagia Utilized at Saga University Hospital.; 2017/07
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 2017 annual meeting for the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Doctors, 2017. 7. 29
    AUTHOR; K. Murata, T. Asami
  • Developing a practical Myoelectric Prosthesis for Children.; 2017
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2017 -11th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress-, 2017, 4,30-5,3, Buenos Aires
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • Towards the myoelectric prosthesis becoming an ordinary hand; 2017
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 2017 annual meeting for the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Doctors, 2017. 7. 29
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • Novel therapy for stroke in women - The combined botulinum therapy and robot rehabilitation on outpatient -; 2016
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 10th ISPRM World Congress – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016,5,29-6,2
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • The Effectiveness of Using Myoelectric Prostheses; 2016
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 11th Beijing International Forum on Rehabilitation, 2016,12,2-4
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • The effect of combination therapy (botulinum therapy, orthosis, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and occupational therapy) in post-stroke outpatients with spastic upper limb hemiparesis; 2016
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 10th ISPRM World Congress – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016,5,29-6,2
    AUTHOR; Yusuke Nanri , Toyoko Asami
  • Anatomical variation of an angle created by Calcaneofibular ligament with long axis of the fibula; 2016
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 13th Asian Confederation of Physical Therapy 2016 Congress (ACPT 2016), 2016,10,7-8
    AUTHOR; Yoshizuka H, Shibata K, Iwaki A, Asami T, Kuraoka A
  • The effect of combined botulinum therapy and robot rehabilitation on outpatients; 2015
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 4th Japan-Korea NeuroRehabilitation Conference, 2015.2.22
    AUTHOR; Asami T., Nanri Y.,Kitajima M
  • Effectiveness of combined botulinum therapy and robot suit HAL on stroke patients; 2015
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM 2015 9th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2015.6.19-23
    AUTHOR; Asami T., Kitajima M., Naniri Y., Tanaka A
  • The effect of combined botulinum therapy and robot rehabilitation on outpatients; 2015
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPO World Congress 2015, 2015.6.22-25
    AUTHOR; Asami T., Kitajima M., Naniri Y., Tanaka A
  • The effect of combined botulinum therapy and robot rehabilitation on outpatients; 2015
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 4th Japan-Korea NeuroRehabilitation Conference, 2015.2.22
    AUTHOR; Asami T., Nanri Y.,Kitajima M
  • An investigation into the psychological effects of using the robot suit HAL ( hybrid assistive limb ); 2014
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 3rd Korea-Japan NeuroRehabilitation Conference, 2014.3.22
    AUTHOR; Asami T., Kitajima M., Nanri Y., Mizogushi M., Yamanouchi N
  • Relationship between occlusal force and physical functin of infants ; 2014
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in collaboration with the 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo, 2014.6.18-21
    AUTHOR; Aya Hirao,Toyoko Asami,Shin Murata,Atsuko Kubo
  • Orthotics treatment using shoe inserts for talipes planovalgusu in children; 2013
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPO-The 14th World Congress in 2013, 2013.2.4-7
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami, Kanako Kodama, Nanae Akiyama, Naoya Yamanouchi, Katsuhiro Yamamoto, Yusuke Nanri
  • Developing a practical Myoelectric Prosthesis for Children; 2013
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 29th International Congress of Medical Women’s International Association, 2013.7.31-8.3
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami, Nanae Akiyama, Megumi Mizoguchi, Matsumoto, Takako Kuroki
  • The applicability of prosthetics to Botulinum toxin therapy; 2013
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 2nd Japan–Korea NeuroRehabilitation Conference, 2013.2.16
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami, Naoya Yamanouchi, Yusuke Nanri
  • A comparison of Saga University and University of Pittsburgh; 2013
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 29th International Congress of Medical Women’s International Association, 2013.7.31-8.3
    AUTHOR; Takako Kuroki, Toyoko Asami
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; WCPT-AWP & ACPT Congress 2013, 2013.9.5~9
    AUTHOR; H.Yoshizuka, M.Ota, T.Asami
  • Problems with the use of myoelectric prostheses for children; 2012
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 1st Korea-Japan NeuroRehabilitation Conference, 2012.3.17
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami, Naoya Yamanouchi, Katsuhiro Yamamoto, Yusuke Nanri.
  • Myoelectric prostheses for children; 2012
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; International Symposium on Advanced Medicaland Human AssistSystems, 2012.3.19
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • Problems with the use of myoelectric prostheses; 2012
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 5th Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2012, 2012.8.3-5
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami, Naoya Yamanouchi, Katsuhiro Yamamoto, Yusuke Nanri
  • An Upper-Limb Power-Assist Robot with Tremor Suppression Control.; 2011/07
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 12th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics 2011.6.29-7.1
    AUTHOR; Kiguchi K.、Hayashi Y.、Asami T.
  • Feature extraction of EEG under mental calculation by combinational use of support vector machine; 2010/10
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; the 29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology 31.October 2010
    AUTHOR; Takenao SUGI, Nobuhiro TADA, Satoru GOTO, Makoto ERIGUCHI, Toyoko ASAMI
  • Feature Extraction of Frontal EEG under Mental Calculation Task by Use of Support Vector Machine; 2010/06
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 第49回日本生体医工学会大会 2010.6.25-27
    AUTHOR; Takenao SUGI, Nobuhiro TADA, Satoru GOTO, Makoto ERIGUCHI, Toyoko ASAMI
  • Applications of the lower limb prostheses for long stumps in Japanese life style; 2010/05
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPO-The 13th world congress 12.May 2010
    AUTHOR; Asami T., Yamanouchi N., Eriguchi M., Akiyama N., Kodama k., Asami A. and Arizono Y.
  • New concept of walker for walking disorders in Parkinson’s disease patients; 2008/09
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 7th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitaion Medicine  2008.9.19  
    AUTHOR; Asami T.,Eriguchi M., Akiyama N, Kodama K., Yamanouchi N. and Asami A.
  • The training system of myoelectric prosthetic arms in our hospital in Japan; 2007/03
  • The training of myoelectric prosthetic arms in our hospital.; 2005/10
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 11thWorldCongress of the International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics.
    AUTHOR; Asami T.,Takeshita J.,Arizono Y.,Asami A., Nagaishi A. and Ishibashi T
  • Lunate excision, tendon ball replacement, and scapho-capitate arthrodesisi for stage III of kienbock disease.; 2005/03
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 4th Combind Meeting of the American and Japanese Societies for Surgery Of the Hand.
    AUTHOR; Tsunoda K, Asami A, Nagamine S, Sonohata M, Asami T, Tsuruta T
  • Use of the short form 36 (SF36) for health status measurement in upper limb amputees.; 2004/10
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 11thWorld Congress of the International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics.
    AUTHOR; Ishibashi T., Asami T., Tanaka K., Takeshita J.,Asami A. and Hotokebuchi T.
  • A study on an active hand orthosis.; 2004/10
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; The 11thWorld Congress of the International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics.
    AUTHOR; Kiguchi k.,Ikeda Y.,Asami T., Takeshita J., Ishibashi T.,Arizono O., Arizono Y.
  • Intraperineurial constriction of nerve fascicles in anterior interosseous nerve syndrome.; 2004/06
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand.
    AUTHOR; Asami A.,Sonohata M.,Ishii H.,Nagamine S.,Asami T.,Hotokebuchi T.,and Tsuruta T:The 8th

Review Articles

  • 診療グループ報告リハビリテーション科・先進総合機能回復センター; 2023/12
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 24, 75-80
  • 佐賀リハビリテーション研究会活動および佐賀県リハビリテーション科医会活動; 2023/12
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 37, 15-16
  • 巻頭言 補装具費支給制度をあらためて考える; 2023/07
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 39, 3, 163
  • ご挨拶; 2023/03
  • リハビリテーション科専門医「達人の流儀この先生に聞きたい!」~リハビリテーション科専門医キャリアパス~第7集の発刊に寄せて; 2023/03
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 7, 1-2
  • リハビリテーション科専門医「達人の流儀」RJN・男女共同参画委員会共催セミナー開催記念特別号の発刊に寄せて; 2023/03
  • 年頭所感 「甲辰」に向けた「癸卯」の年によせて; 2023/01
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; , 247, 5

Invited Lecture, Special Lecture

  • Clinical application of myoelectric upper limb prosthesis for children with congenital upper limb defects; 2023/12
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 5th Asia Oceanian Congress of NeuroRehabilitation, AOCNR 2023, Educational Session (Congenital limb deficiency: Multidisciplinary team)
  • Neurorehabilitation using VR for various diseases; 2023/12
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 5th Asia Oceanian Congress of NeuroRehabilitation, AOCNR 2023, Educational Session (Virtual reality technology)
  • Case Based Discussion (Botulinum therapy and robotic rehab) Effect of combine treatment of botulinum therapy and robotic rehab; 2023/12
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 5th Asia Oceanian Congress of NeuroRehabilitation, AOCNR 2023, Case Based Discussion (Botulinum therapy and robotic rehab)
  • 女性医師支援ならびにダイバーシティ&インクルージョン; 2023/12
  • ニーズを捉えた福祉機器の開発と評価~開発者と障害者に求められること~; 2023/12
  • うれしのチャ!チャ!チャ! お茶と健康習慣トークセッション; 2023/12
  • ニーズを捉えた福祉機器の開発と評価~開発者と障害者に求められること~; 2023/11
  • HALを用いた外来リハビリテーション治療の戦略; 2023/11
  • Reconnect と Rehabilitation Medicine; 2023/11
  • リハビリテーション医療の新時代; 2023/10
  • 「新しい能動義手適合検査」の完成に向けて; 2023/10
  • 膝・股関節の痛み(リハビリ・薬注射・人工関節)-早めの対策でいつまでも自分の足で歩けるように-; 2023/09
  • 上肢・下肢痙縮の治療意義と臨床課題; 2023/07
  • 整形外科疾患のリハビリテーション治療における歩行アシストの活用; 2023/05
  • 浅見豊子:R(仮想現実技術)を用いたリハビリテーション; 2023/05
  • Workshop - Medical Leadership: Transcending the Pandemic and Other Crisis; 2022/07
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM/ESPRM/SPMFR 2022 Congress, 2022, 7, 3-7
    AUTHOR; Asami T
  • Panel Speaker "World Youth Forum Task Force Medical Leadership: THE WAY FORWARD IN OVERCOMING ADVERSITIES"; 2021/06
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM 2021 Conference (Virtual), 2021, 6,12-15
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • Linking myoelectric arms to daily life; 2018
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; ISPRM2018, 2018.7.8-12
    AUTHOR; Toyoko Asami
  • がんのリハビリテーションの概要; 2015
    ANNOUNCEMENT INFO.; 平成27年度がんのリハビリテーション研修会, 2015.10.24
  • Female doctors as specialists in rehabilitation medicine~present and future~.International Symposium3 Current status of the system for specialists in rehabilitation medicine and challenges: An international comparative approach; 2013
    AUTHOR; T. Asami

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