著者:Yoga Priastomo, S. Morisada, H. Kawakita, K. Ohto, Jumina題名:Synthesis of macrocyclic polyphenol resin by methylene crosslinked calix[4]arene (MC-[4]H) for the adsorption of palladium and platinum ions発表情報:New J. Chem. 巻: 43 ページ: 8015-8023キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Yoga Priastomo, S. Morisada, H. Kawakita, K. Ohto, JuminaTitle:Synthesis of macrocyclic polyphenol resin by methylene crosslinked calix[4]arene (MC-[4]H) for the adsorption of palladium and platinum ionsAnnouncement information:New J. Chem. Vol: 43 Page: 8015-8023