著者:村山詩帆題名:高校入学者選抜の多様化による進路決定への批判・責任問題の処理―論点の整理と分析し核の導出―発表情報:青少年育成研究 号: 4 ページ: 66-76キーワード:入学者選抜、多様化した手続き概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Shiho MURAYAMATitle:How can Japanese Upper Secondary School Admission System bo Controlled through "Diversifed" Procedures?: A New Perspective on Educational ReformsAnnouncement information:Study on Youth Development: Journal of the Society for the Study on the Development of Youth and Children in Japan Issue: 4 Page: 66-76Keyword:Admission System, "Diversified" Precedures