著者:山田麻里江、山田尚友、中尾真実、久保田寧、木村晋也、末岡榮三朗題名:血液製剤中の不規則抗体検査陽性率と交差適合試験副試験の必要性について発表情報:日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 巻: 65 号: 6 ページ: 865-869キーワード:概要:交差適合試験は輸血をする上で,受血者と供血者の適合性を確認する重要な検査であり,主試験と副試験がある.「輸血療法の実施に関する指針」では,供血者の血液型検査を行い,間接抗グロブリン試験を含む不規則抗体スクリーニングが陰性であり,かつ患者の血液型検査が適正に行われていればABO同型血液使用時の副試験は省略してもよいとされ,日本赤十字社血液センターから供給される血液製剤はこれに該当する.したがって交差適合試験時に副試験を実施している施設は少ないと思われる.
Author:Marie Yamada, Naotomo Yamada, Mami Nakao, Yasushi Kubota, Shinya Kimura, Eisaburo SueokaTitle:POSITIVE RATE OF BLOOD PRODUCTS IN THE IRREGULAR ANTIBODY SCREENING TEST AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MINOR CROSSMATCHING IN THE CROSSMATCH TESTAnnouncement information:Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy Vol: 65 Issue: 6 Page: 865-869An abstract:The crossmatch test is important in blood transfusion for identifying the compatibility of blood products from the donor to the recipient. The crossmatch test comprises major and minor crossmatch tests. According to "the guidance on the enforcement of blood transfusion therapy in Japan", minor crossmatching is avoidable under the following conditions: when ABO type-identical blood products are used, blood-type tests in both the donor and recipient are conducted properly, an irregular antibody screening test using the indirect antiglobulin test is negative, and blood products supplied by the Japanese Red Cross blood center correspond to this criteria. However, patients (children in particular) who suffer from infectious diseases like sepsis may experience polyagglutination due to the enzymes produced by the offending bacteria. Therefore, minor crossmatch as well as major crossmatch tests using donor blood are recommended, especially in children. For these reasons, we are conducting minor crossmatch tests in patients under 5 years old in our hospital. We have encountered positive cases in minor crossmatch tests. Regarding the positive rate of blood products in the irregular antibody screening test, we found that 11 of 725 blood products were polyethylene glycol-enhanced indirect antiglobulin test (PEG-IAT) positive (1.52%). These results suggest that it may be necessary to conduct minor crossmatch tests in infants susceptible to irregular antibodies.