著者:Muroya K., Tabuchi Y., Kumagai Y., Sakamoto M., & Matsunaga Y. 題名:Coping with bereavement of elderly widowers: A qualitative study.発表情報:The 6th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science(Held in the magazine), 2020,2,28-29キーワード:概要:抄録:The 6th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Sciences, programe:99英語フィールド
Author:Muroya K., Tabuchi Y., Kumagai Y., Sakamoto M., & Matsunaga Y. Title:Coping with bereavement of elderly widowers: A qualitative study.Announcement information:The 6th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science(Held in the magazine), 2020,2,28-29An abstract:The 6th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Sciences, programe:99