著者:Manisha V. Ghate*, Thomas D. Marcotte, Hrishikesh D. Rangnekar, Rachel Meyer, Maiko Sakamoto, Sanjay M. Mehendale題名:Depressive symptoms in spouses of HIV infected individuals: A study of HIV uninfected caregivers in Pune, India. 発表情報:Open Journal of Psychiatry, 5(1) 1-6キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Manisha V. Ghate*, Thomas D. Marcotte, Hrishikesh D. Rangnekar, Rachel Meyer, Maiko Sakamoto, Sanjay M. MehendaleTitle:Depressive symptoms in spouses of HIV infected individuals: A study of HIV uninfected caregivers in Pune, India. Announcement information:Open Journal of Psychiatry, 5(1) 1-6