著者:Ghate M, Mehendale S, Meyer R, Umlauf A, Deutsch R, Kamat R, Thakar M, Risbud A, Kulkarni S, Sakamoto M, Alexander T, Franklin D, Letendre S, Heaton RK, Grant I, Marcotte TD.題名:The effects of anti-retroviral treatment initiation on cognition in HIV-infected individuals with advanced disease in Pune, India.発表情報:J Neurovirol. 巻: 21 号: 4 ページ: 391-8キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Ghate M, Mehendale S, Meyer R, Umlauf A, Deutsch R, Kamat R, Thakar M, Risbud A, Kulkarni S, Sakamoto M, Alexander T, Franklin D, Letendre S, Heaton RK, Grant I, Marcotte TD.Title:The effects of anti-retroviral treatment initiation on cognition in HIV-infected individuals with advanced disease in Pune, India.Announcement information:J Neurovirol. Vol: 21 Issue: 4 Page: 391-8