著者:萩原 世也;宮崎 則幸;上田 貴史;宗像 健題名:軸圧縮荷重を受ける円筒殻の分岐クリープ座屈発表情報:日本機械学会論文集 A編 巻: 56 号: 529 ページ: 1957 - 1961キーワード:概要:In some experiments conducted by other authors, axially compressive cylindrical shells with a large ratio of radius to thickness were observed to buckle with circumferential waves. The finite element method is utilized to study this buckling phenomenon. The bifurcation mode, as well as the axisymmetric one, is considered in the analysis as the mode of creep buckling. The number of circumferential waves obtained from the present analysis agrees well with that of other experiments. This implies that the circumferential waves observed in the creep buckling experiments are due to bifurcation.抄録:英語フィールド
Author:HAGIHARA Seiya;MIYAZAKI Noriyuki;UEDA Takashi;MUNAKATA TsuyoshiTitle:The bifurcation mode of creep buckling of a circular cylindrical shell under axial compression.Announcement information:Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B Vol: 56 Issue: 529 Page: 1957 - 1961An abstract:In some experiments conducted by other authors, axially compressive cylindrical shells with a large ratio of radius to thickness were observed to buckle with circumferential waves. The finite element method is utilized to study this buckling phenomenon. The bifurcation mode, as well as the axisymmetric one, is considered in the analysis as the mode of creep buckling. The number of circumferential waves obtained from the present analysis agrees well with that of other experiments. This implies that the circumferential waves observed in the creep buckling experiments are due to bifurcation.