著者:Haraguchi, S., Hara, M., Shingae, T., Kumauchi, M., Hoff, W. D., Unno, M.題名:Experimental Detection of the Intrinsic Difference in Raman Optical Activity of a Photoreceptor Protein under Preresonance and Resonance Conditions発表情報:日本化学会 第96春季年会 (2016)キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Haraguchi, S., Hara, M., Shingae, T., Kumauchi, M., Hoff, W. D., Unno, M.Title:Experimental Detection of the Intrinsic Difference in Raman Optical Activity of a Photoreceptor Protein under Preresonance and Resonance ConditionsAnnouncement information: