著者:Masashi Unno, Seigo Yamauchi題名:Blue Light Photoreceptor Proteins Studied by Raman Spectroscopy発表情報:Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Sensor Enzymes and Proteins,Satellite Meeting of the 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress Sendaiキーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Masashi Unno, Seigo YamauchiTitle:Blue Light Photoreceptor Proteins Studied by Raman SpectroscopyAnnouncement information:Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Sensor Enzymes and Proteins,Satellite Meeting of the 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress Sendai