著者:KOJI YAMATSU, TOSHIHIRO NAKAJIMA, NORITERU MORITA, TORU ISHIHARA, MASATO SAGAWA.題名:Associations between physical fitness and academic performance is independent of achievement motivation in Japanese junior high school students.発表情報:ノッティンガム(英国)・2017年11/28-29・ポスター発表 巻: 35 号: S1 ページ: S107キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:KOJI YAMATSU, TOSHIHIRO NAKAJIMA, NORITERU MORITA, TORU ISHIHARA, MASATO SAGAWA.Title:Associations between physical fitness and academic performance is independent of achievement motivation in Japanese junior high school students.Announcement information:JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES Vol: 35 Issue: S1 Page: S107