著者:三宅靖延, 吉田裕樹題名:Identification of leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor A1 (LILRA1) as a specific receptor for Aspergillus fumigatus conidia発表情報:第51回日本免疫学会学術集会(Hybrid開催), 2022,12, 7-9(現地+オンライン開催), 2022,12,10-2023, 1,10(オンデマンド配信)キーワード:概要:抄録:抄録集英語フィールド
Author:Miyake Y, Yoshida HTitle:Identification of leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor A1 (LILRA1) as a specific receptor for Aspergillus fumigatus conidiaAnnouncement information:The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology(hybrid event), 2022,12, 7-9(on-site+on-line), 2022,12,10-2023, 1,10(On-demand)An abstract:abstract book