著者:*Kimura, D Miyakoda, M Doe, Henrietta Terko Kimura, K Hara, H Yoshida, H Yui, K題名:IL-27-producing CD4+ T cells induced during malaria infection are distinct from Tr1 cells.発表情報:The 44th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology, 2015. 11. 18-20キーワード:概要:抄録:abstract英語フィールド
Author:*Kimura, D Miyakoda, M Doe, Henrietta Terko Kimura, K Hara, H Yoshida, H Yui, KTitle:IL-27-producing CD4+ T cells induced during malaria infection are distinct from Tr1 cells.Announcement information:The 44th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology, 2015. 11. 18-20An abstract:abstract