著者:Yasunobu Miyake, Sho Yamasaki, Hiroki, Yoshida題名:C-type lectin receptor MCL stabilizes Mincle through complex formation for enhancement of inflammatory cytokine production upon mycobacterial infection発表情報:Cytokines 2015 (3rd Anual Meeting of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society (ICIS)), 2015, 10, 11-14キーワード:概要:抄録:abstract英語フィールド
Author:Yasunobu Miyake, Sho Yamasaki, Hiroki, YoshidaTitle:C-type lectin receptor MCL stabilizes Mincle through complex formation for enhancement of inflammatory cytokine production upon mycobacterial infectionAnnouncement information:Cytokines 2015 (3rd Anual Meeting of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society (ICIS)), 2015, 10, 11-14An abstract:abstract