著者:*Phongsisay V, Iizasa E, Hara H, Yoshida H題名:Evidence for TLR4 and FcRγ-CARD9 activation by cholera toxin B subunit and its direct bindings to TREM2 and LMIR5 receptors発表情報:Mol Immunol. 巻: 66 号: 2 ページ: 463-71キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:*Phongsisay V, Iizasa E, Hara H, Yoshida HTitle:Evidence for TLR4 and FcRγ-CARD9 activation by cholera toxin B subunit and its direct bindings to TREM2 and LMIR5 receptorsAnnouncement information:Mol Immunol. Vol: 66 Issue: 2 Page: 463-71