著者:Kawasaki K, Hirai M, Ishiki Y, Nagahama A, Konno T, Yamanaka K, Tatemoto H題名:The strong anti-hyaluronidase effect of ellagic acid markedly decreases
polyspermy during in vitro fertilization, resulting in sustainment of the
developmental potency in porcine oocytes発表情報:Theriogenology 巻: 215 ページ: 95-102キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Kawasaki K, Hirai M, Ishiki Y, Nagahama A, Konno T, Yamanaka K, Tatemoto HTitle:The strong anti-hyaluronidase effect of ellagic acid markedly decreases
polyspermy during in vitro fertilization, resulting in sustainment of the
developmental potency in porcine oocytesAnnouncement information:Theriogenology Vol: 215 Page: 95-102