著者:Masuda Y, Kheawkanha T, Nagahama A, Kawasaki K, Konno T, Yamanaka K, Tatemoto H題名:Antifreeze protein type III addition to freezing extender comprehensively improves post-thaw sperm properties in Okinawan native Agu pig発表情報:Animal Reproduction Science 巻: 252 ページ: 107232キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Masuda Y, Kheawkanha T, Nagahama A, Kawasaki K, Konno T, Yamanaka K, Tatemoto HTitle:Antifreeze protein type III addition to freezing extender comprehensively improves post-thaw sperm properties in Okinawan native Agu pigAnnouncement information:Animal Reproduction Science Vol: 252 Page: 107232