著者:Qixin GUO題名:Low Temperature Growth and Characterization of Ultrawide Bandgap Gallium Oxide Based Semiconductors (Invited talk)発表情報:2020 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (IFWS 2020)
November 23-25, 2020, Shenzhen, P209, Nov. 24th, 9:00-9:25 (Online)キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Qixin GUOTitle:Low Temperature Growth and Characterization of Ultrawide Bandgap Gallium Oxide Based Semiconductors (Invited talk)Announcement information:2020 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (IFWS 2020)
November 23-25, 2020, Shenzhen, P209, Nov. 24th, 9:00-9:25 (Online)