著者:Qixin Guo, Masaki Nada, Yaliu Ding, Katsuhiko Saito, Tooru Tanaka, Mitsuhiro Nishio題名:Effects of Total Flow Rate on ZnTe Growth on GaAs Substrate by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy発表情報:The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth, 8-13 August, 2010, Beijing, PA158.キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Qixin Guo, Masaki Nada, Yaliu Ding, Katsuhiko Saito, Tooru Tanaka, Mitsuhiro NishioTitle:Effects of Total Flow Rate on ZnTe Growth on GaAs Substrate by Metalorganic Vapor Phase EpitaxyAnnouncement information:The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth, 8-13 August, 2010, Beijing, PA158.