著者:Tooru Tanaka, Kazuki Hayashida, Shanli Wang, Qixin Guo, Mitsuhiro Nishio, and Hiroshi Ogawa,題名:Photoluminescence properties of ZnTe homoepitaxial layers grown by synchrotron -radiation-excited growth using nitrogen carrier gas,発表情報:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 巻: 199 ページ: 356-360キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Tooru Tanaka, Kazuki Hayashida, Shanli Wang, Qixin Guo, Mitsuhiro Nishio, and Hiroshi Ogawa,Title:Photoluminescence properties of ZnTe homoepitaxial layers grown by synchrotron -radiation-excited growth using nitrogen carrier gas,Announcement information:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Vol: 199 Page: 356-360