著者:赤崎眞弓,中西雪夫,柳昌子,長山芳子,鈴木明子,小林久美子,松園美和,財津庸子,西野祥子題名:Decision-making FACTORS FOR home life on elementary and secondary school students in Japan発表情報:the XXth IFHE Congress 2004 in Kyoto(poster presentation)キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Mayumi Akasaki, Y.Nakanishi, M.Yanagi, Y.Nagayama, A.Suzuki, K.Kobayashi, M.Matsuzono, Y.Zaitsu and S.NishinoTitle:Decision-making FACTORS FOR home life on elementary and secondary school students in JapanAnnouncement information:the XXth IFHE Congress 2004 in Kyoto(poster presentation)