著者:Kano, A. Okumura, T., Shiraishi, F., Takashima, C., Matsuda, N.題名:Neoproterozoic thrombolite and spherical structures from Brazil:An image of the oldest multicellular animal.発表情報:The International Biogeoscience Conference 2013 Nagoya, Japan (名古屋大学)キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Kano, A. Okumura, T., Shiraishi, F., Takashima, C., Matsuda, N.Title:Neoproterozoic thrombolite and spherical structures from Brazil:An image of the oldest multicellular animal.Announcement information:The International Biogeoscience Conference 2013 Nagoya, Japan (名古屋大学)