著者:Zichen Kang, Hikari Matsumoto, Tomonobu Nonoyama, Sakumi Nakagawa, Yukitaka Ishimoto, Satoru Tsugawa and Minako Ueda題名:Coordinate Normalization of Live-Cell Imaging Data Reveals Growth Dynamics of the Arabidopsis Zygote発表情報: Plant Cell Physiol. 巻: 64 号: 11 ページ: 1279-1288キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Zichen Kang, Hikari Matsumoto, Tomonobu Nonoyama, Sakumi Nakagawa, Yukitaka Ishimoto, Satoru Tsugawa and Minako UedaTitle:Coordinate Normalization of Live-Cell Imaging Data Reveals Growth Dynamics of the Arabidopsis ZygoteAnnouncement information: Plant Cell Physiol. Vol: 64 Issue: 11 Page: 1279-1288