著者:鈴木 頑摩,黒田 椋太,近藤 諒,萬代 政大,橋本 時忠,住 隆博 読み: スズキガンマ,クロダリョウタ,コンドウリョウ,マンダイマサヒロ,ハシモトトキタダ,スミタカヒロ題名:小型衝撃波管を用いた固気二相流に関する数値的研究発表情報:2020 年度衝撃波シンポジウム ページ: 3B5-2キーワード:Small shock tube, Needleless injection, gas-solid two-phase flow, numerical simulation概要:抄録:The development of a needleless injection is attracting attention as a safe and easy means of delivering drugs into the body. In
this study, we aim to develop the needleless injection system driven by a small shock tube. Since fine particles assuming the drug is ejected at high speed in a shock tube, it is regarded as a motion of fine particles flying in a supersonic flow, that is, a solid-gas two-phase flow. The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual phenomenon in detail by numerically reproducing this gas- solid two-phase flow based on the experimental results.英語フィールド
Author:SUZUKI Gamma, KURODA Ryota, KONDOU Ryo, MANDAI Masahiro, HASHIMOTO Tokitada and SUMI TakahiroTitle:Numerical study on gas-solid two-phase flow using small shock tubeAnnouncement information: Page: 3B5-2Keyword:Small shock tube, Needleless injection, gas-solid two-phase flow, numerical simulationAn abstract:The development of a needleless injection is attracting attention as a safe and easy means of delivering drugs into the body. In
this study, we aim to develop the needleless injection system driven by a small shock tube. Since fine particles assuming the drug is ejected at high speed in a shock tube, it is regarded as a motion of fine particles flying in a supersonic flow, that is, a solid-gas two-phase flow. The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual phenomenon in detail by numerically reproducing this gas- solid two-phase flow based on the experimental results.