著者:室田聡史郎,市川敦士,栗田章太,中村竜也,住隆博, 橋本時忠 読み: ムロタソウシロウ,イチカワアツシ,クリタショウタ,ナカムラタツヤ,スミタカヒロ,ハシモトトキタダ題名:衝撃波照射による粘弾性物質の物性値推定法発表情報:2019年度衝撃波シンポジウムキーワード:Viscoelasticity, Microbubbles, Shock wave, Estimation of physical property概要:抄録:Recently, medical research on shock waves has been widely conducted in countries around the world. There have been many reports on the behavior of shock waves in water and the interaction phenomenon b英語フィールド
Author:Soichiro MUROTA, Atsushi ICHIKAWA, Shota KURITA, Tatsuya NAKAMURA, Takahiro SUMI, Tokitada HASHIMOTOTitle:Estimating method of physical properties of viscoelastic materials by shock wave irradiationAnnouncement information:Keyword:Viscoelasticity, Microbubbles, Shock wave, Estimation of physical propertyAn abstract:Recently, medical research on shock waves has been widely conducted in countries around the world. There have been many reports on the behavior of shock waves in water and the interaction phenomenon b