著者:井上有己,山口諒,藤賀貴大,小林祐喜, 住隆博,橋本時忠 読み: イノウエユウキ,ヤマグチマコト,トウガタカヒロ,コバヤシユウキ,スミタカヒロ,ハシモトトキタダ題名:高速液体噴流によるPVAハイドロゲルへの衝突過程に関する研究発表情報:平成29年度衝撃波シンポジウム ページ: USB, P-13キーワード:Air gun-type needle-free injector, Jet injection, Viscoelasticity, Strain概要:抄録:Common syringes have been used for blood sampling and medication in medical fields around the world. As these syringes with a needle are used, a lot of problems have been revealed like infectious diseases, disposal costs, pains and so on. It might be possible that needle-free injection system is a way to solve those problems. In the past research penetration into the simulated biological tissue was successful experimentally. However the difference in penetration process due to viscoelasticity was not clarified. In this study, the penetration into the simulated biological tissue with different viscoelasticity was evaluated.英語フィールド
Author:INOUE, Yuki, YAMAGUCHI, Makoto,
TOUGA, Takahiro, KOBAYASHI, Yuki, SUMI, Takahiro and HASHIMOTO, TokitadaTitle:Study on impact process on PVA hydrogel by high-speed liquid jetAnnouncement information: Page: USB, P-13Keyword:Air gun-type needle-free injector, Jet injection, Viscoelasticity, StrainAn abstract:Common syringes have been used for blood sampling and medication in medical fields around the world. As these syringes with a needle are used, a lot of problems have been revealed like infectious diseases, disposal costs, pains and so on. It might be possible that needle-free injection system is a way to solve those problems. In the past research penetration into the simulated biological tissue was successful experimentally. However the difference in penetration process due to viscoelasticity was not clarified. In this study, the penetration into the simulated biological tissue with different viscoelasticity was evaluated.