著者:Tokuda Y, Udo K, Tobu S, Kakinoki H, Nanri M, Kurata S, Ichibagase Y, Takahara K, Noguchi M, Uozumi J題名:Impact of initial PSA level on biochemical failure free survival(BFFS) following radical prostatectomy for the prostate cancer detected in community-based PSA mass screening program in Saga,Japan.発表情報:34th Congress of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie (SIU) , 2014.10.12-15キーワード:概要:抄録:abstract book英語フィールド
Author:Tokuda Y, Udo K, Tobu S, Kakinoki H, Nanri M, Kurata S, Ichibagase Y, Takahara K, Noguchi M, Uozumi JTitle:Impact of initial PSA level on biochemical failure free survival(BFFS) following radical prostatectomy for the prostate cancer detected in community-based PSA mass screening program in Saga,Japan.Announcement information:34th Congress of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie (SIU) , 2014.10.12-15An abstract:abstract book