著者:^D Rahmawati S. I., K. Ishimaru, De-X. Hou, N. Hayashi, 2014題名:Antioxidant and anticancer activities effect of a tea mistletoe prepared by high-temperature Extraction with cyclodextrin.発表情報:Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 巻: 20 号: 4 ページ: 818-823キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:^D Rahmawati S. I., K. Ishimaru, De-X. Hou, N. Hayashi, 2014Title:Antioxidant and anticancer activities effect of a tea mistletoe prepared by high-temperature Extraction with cyclodextrin.Announcement information:Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol: 20 Issue: 4 Page: 818-823