著者:*Taruno A, Sun H, Nakajo K, Murakami T, Ohsaki Y, Kido MA, Ono F, Marunaka Y題名:Post-translational palmitoylation controls the voltage gating and lipid raft association of the CALHM1 channel.発表情報:J Physiol. 巻: 595 号: 18 ページ: 6121-6145キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:*Taruno A, Sun H, Nakajo K, Murakami T, Ohsaki Y, Kido MA, Ono F, Marunaka YTitle:Post-translational palmitoylation controls the voltage gating and lipid raft association of the CALHM1 channel.Announcement information:J Physiol. Vol: 595 Issue: 18 Page: 6121-6145