著者:*Yoshimoto R, Aijima R, Oyama Y, Yoshizumi J, Kitsuki T, Danjo A, Yamashita Y, Kido M.題名:Hydropic Degeneration of Labial Mucosal Epithelium and Infiltration of Macrophages in Xerostomia Patients.発表情報:The 63rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research, 2015, 10, 30-31キーワード:概要:抄録:Program and Abstracts of Papers,119 (134)英語フィールド
Author:*Yoshimoto R, Aijima R, Oyama Y, Yoshizumi J, Kitsuki T, Danjo A, Yamashita Y, Kido M.Title:Hydropic Degeneration of Labial Mucosal Epithelium and Infiltration of Macrophages in Xerostomia Patients.Announcement information:The 63rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research, 2015, 10, 30-31An abstract:Program and Abstracts of Papers,119 (134)