著者:和久屋 寛, 堀之内 祐, 伊藤秀昭 読み: ワクヤ ヒロシ, ホリノウチ ユウ, イトウ ヒデアキ題名:A trial of developing an application for mobile devices to analyze Saga Prefectural sightseeing information発表情報:Proceedings of the 2013 Korea Contents Association Spring Academic Conference, X-12 ページ: 253-254キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Hiroshi Wakuya, Yu Horinouchi, and Hideaki ItohTitle:A trial of developing an application for mobile devices to analyze Saga Prefectural sightseeing informationAnnouncement information:Proceedings of the 2013 Korea Contents Association Spring Academic Conference, X-12 Page: 253-254