著者:和久屋 寛, 陸門将也 読み: ワクヤ ヒロシ, ムツカド マサヤ題名:Biomimetic signal decomposition by a neural network with structural pruning発表情報:ICIC Express Letters --- An International Journal of Research and Surveys 巻: 4 号: 6(B) ページ: 2397-2402キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Hiroshi Wakuya and Masaya MutsukadoTitle:Biomimetic signal decomposition by a neural network with structural pruningAnnouncement information:ICIC Express Letters --- An International Journal of Research and Surveys Vol: 4 Issue: 6(B) Page: 2397-2402