著者:大石敏之、古賀優太、原田和也、嘉数 誠 読み: オオイシトシユキ、コガユウタ、ハラダカズヤ、カスウマコト題名:High-mobility β-Ga2O3(-201) single crystals grown by edge-defined film-fed growth method and their Schottky barrier diodes with Ni contact発表情報:Applied Physics Express 巻: 8 号: 3 ページ: 031101キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:T. Oishi, Y. Koga, K. Harada, M. KasuTitle:High-mobility β-Ga2O3(-201) single crystals grown by edge-defined film-fed growth method and their Schottky barrier diodes with Ni contactAnnouncement information:Applied Physics Express Vol: 8 Issue: 3 Page: 031101