著者:力武 美保子, 青木 茂久, 平戸 純子, 鍋島 一樹, 永瀬 圭, 内橋 和芳, 戸田 修二題名:Ganglioneuroblastoma様分化と上皮性分化を伴ったOlfactory neuroblastomaの1例発表情報:診断病理 巻: 37 号: 3 ページ: 257-264キーワード:概要:50代男性. 頭痛を契機に画像検査にて前頭蓋底から鼻腔・副鼻腔内にかけて腫瘍が認められた. 開頭腫瘍摘出術および経蝶形骨洞的腫瘍摘出術が行われた. 組織学的にolfactory neuroblastoma(以下ONB)がみられ, 末梢性神経芽腫群のganglio-neuroblastoma類似成分と管腔形成を示す上皮様成分とが同時に認められた. 非常に稀な症例であるが, 生検や迅速診断の際には, 癌との鑑別が問題となりえる. 本症例のようにolfactory neuroblastomaは多彩な分化を示すことに留意するべきである.抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Mihoko Yamamoto-Rikitake, Shigehisa Aoki, Junko Hirato, Kazuki Nabeshima, Kei Nagase, Kazuyoshi Uchihashi, Shuji TodaTitle:A case of olfactory neuroblastoma with ganglioneuroblastoma-like and epithelial differentiationAnnouncement information:Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology Vol: 37 Issue: 3 Page: 257-264An abstract:Olfactory neuroblastoma (ONB) is a rare malignant neuroectdermal nasal tumor, arising in the olfactory membrane of the sinonasal tract. Herein we present the case of ONB with ganglioneuroblastoma-like and epithelial differentiation. The patient was a 50s man. He was referred to our hospital due to 2-month headache. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan revealed a partialy cystic mass mesuaring 40 mm in diameter. This tumor expanded the upper portion of the nasal cavity and extended through the cribriform plate to the frontal cranial base. The tumor was removed by craniotomy and transsphenoidal surgery. Histologically, the tumor had a lobular architecture comprised of primitive cells. The tumor nests were intermingled with Flexnar-Winterschteiner rosettes. Some areas of the tumor showed both ganglioneuroblastoma-like and glandular epithelium. In practice, a small biopsy specimen may lead to a missed-pathologic diagnosis of such a case as carcinoma. Thus, pathologists should notice that ONB shows diverse-histological feature, involving an epithelial differentiation.