著者:Okuzono, M. and Tokuda, M.題名:Establishment of a laboratory-rearing technique for the rove beetle Anotylus amicus (Coleoptera: Staphilynidae) with investigations of its life cycle, behavior, and morphological variations.発表情報:Entomological Science 巻: 25 ページ: e12530 (pp. 1-6)キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Okuzono, M. and Tokuda, M.Title:Establishment of a laboratory-rearing technique for the rove beetle Anotylus amicus (Coleoptera: Staphilynidae) with investigations of its life cycle, behavior, and morphological variations.Announcement information:Entomological Science Vol: 25 Page: e12530 (pp. 1-6)