著者:Nakabayashi Y, Mochioka Y, Tokuda M, Ohshima I題名:Mutualistic ants and parasitoid communities associated with a facultative myrmecophilous lycaenid, Arhopala japonica, and the effects of ant attendance on the avoidance of parasitism.発表情報:Entomological Science 巻: 23 ページ: 233-244キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Nakabayashi Y, Mochioka Y, Tokuda M, Ohshima ITitle:Mutualistic ants and parasitoid communities associated with a facultative myrmecophilous lycaenid, Arhopala japonica, and the effects of ant attendance on the avoidance of parasitism.Announcement information:Entomological Science Vol: 23 Page: 233-244