著者:○平塚昌文, 宮原尚文, 手石方崇志, 甲斐敬太題名:症例 分類不能の小児肺microcystic parenchymal maldevelopmentの1例発表情報:日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 巻: 37 号: 4 ページ: 205-209キーワード:小児肺腫瘍, 先天性?胞性肺疾患, microcystic parenchymal maldevelopment概要:症例は4歳男児,嘔吐症状を主訴に近医を受診し,胸部CTで右中葉の腫瘤影を指摘された.画像上,粗大な石灰化病変を伴っており,縦隔奇形腫や肺過誤腫を疑い,診断的治療目的に,胸腔鏡補助下に中葉切除を施行した.肉眼的には充実性の病変であり,組織学的には腫瘍性病変,炎症性病変ともに否定的であった.先天性?胞性肺疾患関連の病変を考えたが,確定診断困難であった.先天性?胞性肺疾患には,様々な病態が含まれるが,自験例の様に確定診断に難渋する症例が一定数存在する.抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Title:A case report of unclassified pediatric microcystic parenchymal maldevelopment of the lungAnnouncement information: Vol: 37 Issue: 4 Page: 205-209Keyword:pediatric lung tumor, congenital cystic lung disease, microcystic parenchymal maldevelopmentAn abstract:A four-year-old boy presented with vomiting as the chief complaint. Chest CT showed a mass with calcification in the right middle lobe of the lung. Mediastinal teratoma or pulmonary hamartoma was suspected. Hence, right middle lobectomy was performed under video-assisted thoracic surgery for diagnostic treatment. Pathological findings were negative for both neoplastic lesions and inflammatory lung lesions, and the lesions were considered to be related to congenital cystic lung diseases; however, the case was atypical. Congenital cystic lung disease includes various lesions, and there are some cases in which a definite diagnosis is difficult owing to the presence of multiple lesions resulting from their embryological characteristics.