著者:Qu P-F., Kukita A. Li Y-J., Moriyama K., Lei L., Kukita T.題名:Involvement of deoxyadenosine and adenosine deaminase in the Methotrexatre-induced suppression of inflammatory bone destruction. In "Adenosine Receptors: Pharmacology, Functions and Therapeutic Aspects" Ed. Kasandra Warrick, NOVA hardcover edited collection.発表情報:NOVA Science Publisher, N.Y. USA ページ: p143‐164キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Qu P-F., Kukita A. Li Y-J., Moriyama K., Lei L., Kukita T.Title:Involvement of deoxyadenosine and adenosine deaminase in the Methotrexatre-induced suppression of inflammatory bone destruction. In "Adenosine Receptors: Pharmacology, Functions and Therapeutic Aspects" Ed. Kasandra Warrick, NOVA hardcover edited collection.Announcement information:NOVA Science Publisher, N.Y. USA Page: p143‐164