氏 名北垣 浩志フリガナキタガキ ヒロシ
所 属農学部 生物資源科学科 食資源環境科学コース
職 名教授学位



  • 食資源情報学分野


  • 2005年03月 - 2006年03月 文部科学省長期在外研究員(米国サウスカロライナ医科大学) 研究生
  • 2008年04月 - 2015年03月 佐賀大学 准教授
  • 2015年04月 - 継続中 佐賀大学 教授



  • 治癒への祈りと発酵; 2023年04月
    発表情報; Vesta, 130, 6-13
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 健康医療福祉環境政策の略史; 2022年12月
    発表情報; Independently Published
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 発酵醸造学; 2022年11月
    発表情報; 朝倉書店
    著者; 北本勝ひこ、北垣浩志、下飯仁、吉田聡、丸山潤一、鈴木チセ
  • 英作文をシンプルに書くコツ; 2022年10月
    発表情報; Independently Published
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 英作文をシンプルに書くコツ; 2022年10月
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 発酵醸造学; 2022年03月
    発表情報; 朝倉書店
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 醸造の事典; 2021年09月
    発表情報; 朝倉書店
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 基礎から学べる生化学・微生物学; 2021年02月
    発表情報; 三恵社
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 麹グリコシルセラミドの美容効果; 2020年01月
    発表情報; 発酵美容成分の開発
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 伝統的発酵における麹菌スフィンゴ脂質の酵母への移行とその生理的意義; 2014年12月
    発表情報; CMC出版 発酵・醸造食品の最前線
    著者;  ^M 松永春香、浜島弘史、北垣浩志*
  • アルコール発酵中の清酒酵母のミトコンドリアにおける代謝; 2014年12月
    発表情報; CMC出版 発酵・醸造食品の最前線
    著者; ^M 門脇真史、^B 酒谷真以、澤田和敬、浜島弘史、北垣浩志*
  • Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi: Application for Industrial Brewing and Fermentation.; 2014年09月
    発表情報; Springer
    著者; Hiroshi Takagi and Hiroshi Kitagaki (editor)
  • Identification of a novel fermentation inhibitor of bioethanol production, glycolaldehyde, and engineering of a yeast strain tolerant to hot-compressed water-treated cellulose. Identification of a novel fermentation inhibitor of bioethanol production, glycolaldehyde, and engineering of a yeast strain tolerant to hot-compressed water-treated cellulose.; 2014年04月
    発表情報; Biotechnology and Bioinformatics; Advances and Applications for Bioenergy, Bioremediation and Biopharmaceutical Research, Chapter 9, p231-248, ISBN: 9781771880015 (2014), 9, 1, 231-248
    著者; Lahiru N. Jayakody, Nobuyuki Hayashi and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • ミトコンドリアの機能; 2013年09月
    発表情報; 原島俊、高木博史編「酵母 ―応用から基礎へ―」化学同人(印刷中)
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • Lahiru N. Jayakody , Nobuyuki Hayashi and Hiroshi Kitagaki* Molecular mechanisms for detoxification of major aldehyde inhibitors for production of bioethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae from hot-compressed water-treated lignocellulose. Molecular mechanisms for detoxification of major aldehyde inhibitors for production of bioethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae from hot-compressed water-treated lignocellulose; 2013年05月
    発表情報; Materials and Processes for Energy: communicating current research and technological developments, 99, 9999-9999
    著者; ^D Lahiru N. Jayakody, Nobuyuki Hayashi and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • ミトコンドリア輸送をターゲットとした低ピルビン酸清酒酵母の育種と代謝制御; 2012年04月
    発表情報; 清酒酵母・麹研究会
    著者; 北垣浩志(分担執筆)
  • 学問の新しい地平を拓く若手研究者たち   ; 2012年03月
    発表情報; ポスト3.11 変わる学問 気鋭大学人からの警鐘、朝日新聞出版(2012), 228-228
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • ミトコンドリア輸送をターゲットとした低ピルビン酸清酒酵母の育種とその実用化 北垣浩志*; 2011年11月
    発表情報; CMC出版、発酵・醸造食品の最新技術と機能性II, 1-10
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • The mechanism of ethanol-induced death in yeast and its potential mechanism for the fermentation industry; 2009年01月
    発表情報; Nova Science Publihsers, 1-17
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki
  • 醸造における難培養・複合系微生物; 2004年03月
    発表情報; CMC出版, 2004, 255-265
    著者; 北垣浩志・北本勝ひこ


  • A Trial for the Construction of a Cosmetic Pattern Map Considering Their Effects on Skin Microbiota—Principal Component Analysis of the Effects on Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production by Skin Microbiota Staphylococcus epidermidis; 2023年07月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 9, 7, 647
    著者; Kurumi Tanabe,Chihiro Moriguchi,Nao Fujiyama,Yuka Shigematsu,Nanami Haraguchi,Yuto Hirano,Huanghuang Dai,Shigeki Inaba,Yoshihiro Tokudome andHiroshi Kitagaki
  • Glucosylceramide Changes Bacterial Metabolism and Increases Gram-Positive Bacteria through Tolerance to Secondary Bile Acids In Vitro; 2022年05月
    発表情報; International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 10, 5300
    著者; Huanghuang Dai 1,2,Akira Otsuka 3,Kurumi Tanabe 3,Teruyoshi Yanagita 2,4,Jiro Nakayama 5 andHiroshi Kitagaki 1,2*
  • ISC1-dependent metabolic adaptation reveals an indispensable role for mitochondria in induction of nuclear genes during the diauxic shift in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; 2009年04月
    発表情報; Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 16, 10818 - 10830
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Cowart, L. Ashley; Matmati, Nabil; Montefusco, David; Gandy, Jason; de Avalos, Silvia Vaena; Novgorodov, Sergei A.; Zheng, Jim; Obeid, Lina M.; Hannun, Yasuf A.
  • Induction of Chromosomal Aneuploids from Brewery Shochu Yeast with Novel Brewery Characteristics; 2022年02月
    発表情報; Fermentation 8 (2), 62, 8, 2, 62
    著者; Y Kusaba, A Otsuka, H Dai, S Inaba, H Kitagaki
  • Effect of Fermented Rice Drink “Amazake” on Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Periodontal Disease: A Pilot Study; 2021年12月
    発表情報; Reports, 4, 4, 36
    著者; Yumiko Nagao, Hirokazu Takahashi, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Hiroshi Kitagaki
  • Identification of ergosterol as the anti-inflammatory substance contained in Monascus purpureus and M. pilosus.; 2021年08月
    発表情報; J. Br. Soc. Jpn., 116, 8, 584-592
    著者; Tanaka T, Kohana K, Dai H, Sakamoto M, Tsuge K, Kawaguchi S, Ozeki Y, Fukami Y, Kiatgaki H.
  • Extra copy of the mitochondrial cytochrome-c peroxidase gene confers a pyruvate-underproducing characteristic of sake yeast through respiratory metabolism.; 2021年02月
    発表情報; Yuki Fujimaru^M, Yuki Kusaba^M, Nairui Zhang^M, Huanghuang Dai^M, Yuki Yamamoto^M, Mitsuhiro Takasaki, Tetsuro Kakeshita and Hiroshi Kitagaki, 131, 6, 640-646
    著者; Yuki Fujimaru, Yuki Kusaba, Nairui Zhang, Huanghuang Dai, Yuki Yamamoto, Mitsuhiro Takasaki, Tetsuro Kakeshita and Hiroshi Kitagaki
  • Water soluble cellulose acetate摂取はNAFLD/NASH病態モデルマウスの腸内細菌叢を正常域に復し病態を改善する; 2020年10月
    発表情報; 機能性食品と薬理栄養, 2, 14, 73-81
    著者; 飯田綾香、山内良子、小林弘司、内田雅也、島本周、北垣浩志、中村強
  • 亜麻仁粕の麹化によるシアン化合物の低減とその推定メカニズムの解析; 2020年05月
    発表情報; 日本醸造学会誌, 115, 10, 604-608
    著者; 戴凰凰、曽馨儀、満生萌水、稲葉繁樹、柳田晃良、古澤省吾、北垣浩志*
  • Saccharomyces arboricola and Its Hybrids’ Propensity for Sake Production: Interspecific hybrids reveal increased fermentation abilities and a mosaic metabolic profile; 2020年01月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 6, 1, -
    著者; Winans, Matthew J.; Yamamoto, Yuki; Fujimaru, Yuki; Kusaba, Yuki; Gallagher, Jennifer E.G.; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Saccharomyces arboricola and Its Hybrids’ Propensity for Sake Production: Interspecific hybrids reveal increased fermentation abilities and a mosaic metabolic profile; 2020年01月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 6, 1, -
    著者; Winans, Matthew J.; Yamamoto, Yuki; Fujimaru, Yuki; Kusaba, Yuki; Gallagher, Jennifer E.G.; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Methionine and glycine stabilize mitochondrial activity in sake yeast during ethanol fermentation; 2019年10月
    発表情報; Food Technology and Biotechnology, 57, 4, 535 - 543
    著者; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Kusaba, Yuki; Fujimaru, Yuki; Yamamoto, Yuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Methionine and glycine stabilize mitochondrial activity in sake yeast during ethanol fermentation; 2019年10月
    発表情報; Food Technology and Biotechnology, 57, 4, 535 - 543
    著者; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Kusaba, Yuki; Fujimaru, Yuki; Yamamoto, Yuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Glycosylceramides purified from the japanese traditional non-pathogenic fungus Aspergillus and Koji increase the expression of genes involved in tight junctions and ceramide delivery in normal human epidermal keratinocytes; 2019年06月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 5, 2, -
    著者; Miyagawa, Miyuki; Fujikawa, Ayami; Nagadome, Mayu; Kohama, Kanae; Ogami, Takatoshi; Kitamura, Seiichi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Glycosylceramides purified from the japanese traditional non-pathogenic fungus Aspergillus and Koji increase the expression of genes involved in tight junctions and ceramide delivery in normal human epidermal keratinocytes; 2019年06月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 5, 2, -
    著者; Miyagawa, Miyuki; Fujikawa, Ayami; Nagadome, Mayu; Kohama, Kanae; Ogami, Takatoshi; Kitamura, Seiichi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Glycosylceramides Purified from the Japanese Traditional Non-Pathogenic Fungus Aspergillus and Koji Increase the Expression of Genes Involved in Tight Junctions and Ceramide Delivery in Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes; 2019年05月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 5, 2, 43
    著者; Miyuki Miyagawa, Ayami Fujikawa, Mayu Nagadome, Kanae Kohama, Takatoshi Ogami, Seiichi Kitamura and Hiroshi Kitagaki
  • A new method for determining the mycelial weight of the koji-mold aspergillus oryzae by measuring its glycosylceramide content; 2019年01月
    発表情報; Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 65, 1, 34 - 38
    著者; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Miyagawa, Miyuki; Hirano, Mikako; Kitajima, Yuka; Inaba, Shigeki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Koji glycosylceramide commonly contained in Japanese traditional fermented foods alters cholesterol metabolism in obese mice; 2019年01月
    発表情報; Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 83, 8, 1514 - 1522
    著者; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Masaru; Miyagawa, Miyuki; Sakamoto, Mayuko; Nakamura, Tsuyoshi; Yanagita, Teruyoshi; Nishimukai, Megumi; Mitsutake, Susumu; Nakayama, Jiro; Nagao, Koji; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Chemical and Bacterial Components in Sake and Sake Production Process; 2019年01月
    発表情報; Current Microbiology, -
    著者; Akaike, Misaki; Miyagawa, Hiroto; Kimura, Yukiko; Terasaki, Momoka; Kusaba, Yuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Nishida, Hiromi
  • A new method for determining the mycelial weight of the koji-mold aspergillus oryzae by measuring its glycosylceramide content; 2019年01月
    発表情報; Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 65, 1, 34 - 38
    著者; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Miyagawa, Miyuki; Hirano, Mikako; Kitajima, Yuka; Inaba, Shigeki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Koji glycosylceramide commonly contained in Japanese traditional fermented foods alters cholesterol metabolism in obese mice; 2019年01月
    発表情報; Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 83, 8, 1514 - 1522
    著者; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Masaru; Miyagawa, Miyuki; Sakamoto, Mayuko; Nakamura, Tsuyoshi; Yanagita, Teruyoshi; Nishimukai, Megumi; Mitsutake, Susumu; Nakayama, Jiro; Nagao, Koji; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Chemical and Bacterial Components in Sake and Sake Production Process; 2019年01月
    発表情報; Current Microbiology, -
    著者; Akaike, Misaki; Miyagawa, Hiroto; Kimura, Yukiko; Terasaki, Momoka; Kusaba, Yuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Nishida, Hiromi
  • Koji glycosylceramide commonly contained in Japanese traditional fermented foods alters cholesterol metabolism in obese mice.; 2018年12月
    発表情報; Bioscience, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 99, 999, 9999
    著者; Hiroshi Hamajima1, Masaru Tanaka2, Miyuki Miyagawa1, Mayuko Sakamoto1, Tsuyoshi Nakamura3, Teruyoshi Yanagita4, Megumi Nishimukai5, Susumu Mitsutake6, Jiro Nakayama2, Koji Nagao6, and Hiroshi Kitagaki1*
  • The fungal 9-methyl-sphingadiene is a novel ligand for both PPARγ and GPR120; 2018年10月
    発表情報; Journal of Food Biochemistry, 42, 5, -
    著者; Esaki, Shota; Nagasawa, Tomotaka; Tanaka, Haruka; Tominaga, Aoi; Mikami, Daisuke; Usuki, Seigo; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Hanamatsu, Hisatoshi; Sakai, Shota; Hama, Yoichiro; Igarashi, Yasuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Mitsutake, Susumu
  • The fungal 9-methyl-sphingadiene is a novel ligand for both PPARγ and GPR120; 2018年10月
    発表情報; Journal of Food Biochemistry, 42, 5, -
    著者; Esaki, Shota; Nagasawa, Tomotaka; Tanaka, Haruka; Tominaga, Aoi; Mikami, Daisuke; Usuki, Seigo; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Hanamatsu, Hisatoshi; Sakai, Shota; Hama, Yoichiro; Igarashi, Yasuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Mitsutake, Susumu
  • The fungal 9-methylsphingadiene is a novel ligand for both PPARg and GPR120; 2018年07月
    発表情報; Journal of Food Biochemistry, e12624
    著者; S. Esaki, T. Nagasawa, H. Tanaka, A. Tominaga, D. Mikami, S. Usuki, H. Hamajima, S. Sakai, Y. Hama, Y. Igarashi, H. Kitagaki, S. Mitsutake*
  • A new method for determining the mycelial weight of the koji-mold Aspergillus oryzae by measuring its glycosylceramide content; 2018年06月
    発表情報; Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 65, 1, 34-38
    著者; Ferdouse J, Miyagawa M, Hirano M, Kitajima Y, Inaba S and Kitagaki H*
  • Glycosylceramide modifies the flavor and metabolic characteristics of sake yeast.; 2018年05月
    発表情報; PeerJ, 6, e4768 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4768 (2018)
    著者; Ferdouse J, Yamamoto Y, Taguchi S, Yoshizaki Y, Takamine K, Kitagaki H*.
  • Metabolic impact of chromosomal aneuploidy in sake yeast; 2018年01月
    発表情報; Seikagaku, 90, 4, 507 - 511
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Glycosylceramide modifies the flavor and metabolic characteristics of sake yeast; 2018年01月
    発表情報; PeerJ, 2018, MAY, -
    著者; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Yamamoto, Yuki; Taguchi, Seiga; Yoshizaki, Yumiko; Takamine, Kazunori; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Metabolic impact of chromosomal aneuploidy in sake yeast; 2018年01月
    発表情報; Seikagaku, 90, 4, 507 - 511
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Glycosylceramide modifies the flavor and metabolic characteristics of sake yeast; 2018年01月
    発表情報; PeerJ, 2018, MAY, -
    著者; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Yamamoto, Yuki; Taguchi, Seiga; Yoshizaki, Yumiko; Takamine, Kazunori; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Chromosomal aneuploidy improves the brewing characteristics of sake yeast; 2017年12月
    発表情報; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83, 24, -
    著者; Kadowaki, Masafumi; Fujimaru, Yuki; Taguchi, Seiga; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Sawada, Kazutaka; Kimura, Yuta; Terasawa, Yohei; Agrimi, Gennaro; Anai, Toyoaki; Noguchi, Hideki; Toyod, Atsushi; Fujiyama, Asao; Akao, Takeshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Chromosomal aneuploidy improves the brewing characteristics of sake yeast; 2017年12月
    発表情報; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83, 24, -
    著者; Kadowaki, Masafumi; Fujimaru, Yuki; Taguchi, Seiga; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Sawada, Kazutaka; Kimura, Yuta; Terasawa, Yohei; Agrimi, Gennaro; Anai, Toyoaki; Noguchi, Hideki; Toyod, Atsushi; Fujiyama, Asao; Akao, Takeshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • 麹で造られる醸造食品のグリコシルセラミド含量定量手法の検討とそれを用いた定量; 2017年03月
    発表情報; 日本醸造学会誌、112, 9, 655-662 (2017).
    著者; 阪本真由子、Jannatul Ferdouse、酒谷真以、浜島浩史、松永陽香、柘植圭介、西向めぐみ、柳田晃良、永尾晃治、光武進、北垣浩志*
  • Identification and detoxification of glycolaldehyde, an unattended bioethanol fermentation inhibitor; 2017年02月
    発表情報; Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 37, 2, 177 - 189
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Identification and detoxification of glycolaldehyde, an unattended bioethanol fermentation inhibitor; 2017年02月
    発表情報; Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 37, 2, 177 - 189
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Ferdouse, Jannatul; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Erratum to: Japanese traditional dietary fungus koji Aspergillus oryzae functions as a prebiotic for Blautia coccoides through glycosylceramide: Japanese dietary fungus koji is a new prebiotic (SpringerPlus, (2016), 5, (1321), 10.1186/s40064-016-2950-6); 2016年12月
    発表情報; SpringerPlus, 5, 1, -
    著者; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Matsunaga, Haruka; Fujikawa, Ayami; Sato, Tomoya; Mitsutake, Susumu; Yanagita, Teruyoshi; Nagao, Koji; Nakayama, Jiro; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Japanese traditional dietary fungus koji Aspergillus oryzae functions as a prebiotic for Blautia coccoides through glycosylceramide: Japanese dietary fungus koji is a new prebiotic; 2016年12月
    発表情報; SpringerPlus, 5, 1, -
    著者; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Matsunaga, Haruka; Fujikawa, Ayami; Sato, Tomoya; Mitsutake, Susumu; Yanagita, Teruyoshi; Nagao, Koji; Nakayama, Jiro; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Erratum to: Japanese traditional dietary fungus koji Aspergillus oryzae functions as a prebiotic for Blautia coccoides through glycosylceramide: Japanese dietary fungus koji is a new prebiotic (SpringerPlus, (2016), 5, (1321), 10.1186/s40064-016-2950-6); 2016年12月
    発表情報; SpringerPlus, 5, 1, -
    著者; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Matsunaga, Haruka; Fujikawa, Ayami; Sato, Tomoya; Mitsutake, Susumu; Yanagita, Teruyoshi; Nagao, Koji; Nakayama, Jiro; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Japanese traditional dietary fungus koji Aspergillus oryzae functions as a prebiotic for Blautia coccoides through glycosylceramide: Japanese dietary fungus koji is a new prebiotic; 2016年12月
    発表情報; SpringerPlus, 5, 1, -
    著者; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Matsunaga, Haruka; Fujikawa, Ayami; Sato, Tomoya; Mitsutake, Susumu; Yanagita, Teruyoshi; Nagao, Koji; Nakayama, Jiro; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • New role for ceramide in the pheromone response; 2016年03月
    発表情報; Cell Cycle, 15, 5, 617 - 618
    著者; Matmati, Nabil; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Hannun, Yusuf A.
  • New role for ceramide in the pheromone response; 2016年03月
    発表情報; Cell Cycle, 15, 5, 617 - 618
    著者; Matmati, Nabil; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Hannun, Yusuf A.
  • Chemical analysis of the sugar moiety of monohexosylceramide contained in koji, Japanese traditional rice fermented with Aspergillus; 2016年03月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 2, 1, -
    著者; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Fujikawa, Ayami; Yamashiro, Mikako; Ogami, Takatoshi; Kitamura, Seiichi; Tsubata, Masahito; Tan, Sei; Matsunaga, Haruka; Sawada, Kazutaka; Kumagai, Satoshi; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Nagao, Koji; Yanagita, Teruyoshi; Oka, Takuji; Mitsutake, Susumu; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Chemical analysis of the sugar moiety of monohexosylceramide contained in koji, Japanese traditional rice fermented with Aspergillus; 2016年03月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 2, 1, -
    著者; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Fujikawa, Ayami; Yamashiro, Mikako; Ogami, Takatoshi; Kitamura, Seiichi; Tsubata, Masahito; Tan, Sei; Matsunaga, Haruka; Sawada, Kazutaka; Kumagai, Satoshi; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Nagao, Koji; Yanagita, Teruyoshi; Oka, Takuji; Mitsutake, Susumu; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • New role for ceramide in the pheromone response.; 2016年03月
    発表情報; Cell cycle, 15(5):617-618 (2016), 15, 5, 617-618
    著者; Nabil Matmati, Hiroshi Kitagaki and Yusuf Hannun
  • Chemical analysis of the sugar moiety of monohexosylceramide contained in koji, Japanese traditional rice fermented with Aspergillus.; 2016年02月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 2016, 2(1), 2;, 2, 1, 2
    著者; Hiroshi Hamajima, Ayumi Fujikawa, Mikako Yamashiro, Takatoshi Ogami, Seiichi Kitamura, Masahito Tsubata, Sei Tan, Haruka Matsunaga, Kazutaka Sawada, Satoshi Kumagai, Nobuyuki Hayashi, Koji Nagao, Teruyoshi Yanagita, Takuji Oka, Susumu Mitsutake and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Residual mitochondrial transmembrane potential decreases unsaturated fatty acid level in sake yeast during alcoholic fermentation.; 2016年02月
    発表情報; PeerJ, 4, 1522 (2016), 4, 1522
    著者; Kazutaka Sawada and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Residual mitochondrial transmembrane potential decreases unsaturated fatty acid level in sake yeast during alcoholic fermentation; 2016年01月
    発表情報; PeerJ, 2016, 1, -
    著者; Sawada, Kazutaka; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Residual mitochondrial transmembrane potential decreases unsaturated fatty acid level in sake yeast during alcoholic fermentation; 2016年01月
    発表情報; PeerJ, 2016, 1, -
    著者; Sawada, Kazutaka; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Glucosylceramide contained in mold-cultured cereal confers membrane and flavor modification and stress tolerance to yeast during co-culture fermentation; 2015年03月
    発表情報; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, accepted for publication、3月、2015年
    著者; Kazutaka Sawada^D, Tomoya Sato^B, Hiroshi Hamajima, Lahiru Niroshan Jayakody^D, Miyo Hirata^M, Mikako Yamashiro, Marie Tajima, Susumu Mitsutake, Koji Nagao, Keisuke Tsuge, Fumiyoshi Abe, Kentaro Hanada, and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Preface; 2015年01月
    発表情報; Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi: Applications for Industrial Brewing and Fermentation, v - vi
    著者; Takagi, Hiroshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Stress biology of yeasts and Fungi: Applications for industrial brewing and fermentation; 2015年01月
    発表情報; Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi: Applications for Industrial Brewing and Fermentation, 1 - 218
    著者; Takagi, Hiroshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Stress biology of yeasts: The breeding of bioethanol-producing yeast by detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a novel fermentation inhibitor; 2015年01月
    発表情報; Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi: Applications for Industrial Brewing and Fermentation, 3 - 21
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Glucosylceramide contained in koji mold-cultured cereal confers membrane and flavor modification and stress tolerance to Saccharomyces cerevisiae during coculture fermentation; 2015年01月
    発表情報; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81, 11, 3688 - 3698
    著者; Sawada, Kazutaka; Sato, Tomoya; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Jayakody, Lahiru Niroshan; Hirata, Miyo; Yamashiro, Mikako; Tajima, Marie; Mitsutake, Susumu; Nagao, Koji; Tsuge, Keisuke; Abe, Fumiyoshi; Hanada, Kentaro; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Preface; 2015年01月
    発表情報; Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi: Applications for Industrial Brewing and Fermentation, v - vi
    著者; Takagi, Hiroshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Stress biology of yeasts and Fungi: Applications for industrial brewing and fermentation; 2015年01月
    発表情報; Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi: Applications for Industrial Brewing and Fermentation, 1 - 218
    著者; Takagi, Hiroshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Stress biology of yeasts: The breeding of bioethanol-producing yeast by detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a novel fermentation inhibitor; 2015年01月
    発表情報; Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi: Applications for Industrial Brewing and Fermentation, 3 - 21
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Glucosylceramide contained in koji mold-cultured cereal confers membrane and flavor modification and stress tolerance to Saccharomyces cerevisiae during coculture fermentation; 2015年01月
    発表情報; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81, 11, 3688 - 3698
    著者; Sawada, Kazutaka; Sato, Tomoya; Hamajima, Hiroshi; Jayakody, Lahiru Niroshan; Hirata, Miyo; Yamashiro, Mikako; Tajima, Marie; Mitsutake, Susumu; Nagao, Koji; Tsuge, Keisuke; Abe, Fumiyoshi; Hanada, Kentaro; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • SUMO expression shortens the lag phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast growth caused by complex interactive effects of major mixed fermentation inhibitors found in hot-compressed water-treated lignocellulosic hydrolysate.; 2014年11月
    発表情報; Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 99, 1, 501-515
    著者; Lahiru N. Jayakody, Masafumi Kadowaki, Keisuke Tsuge, Kenta Horie, Akihiro Suzuki, Nobuyuki Hayashi, and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Variations in mitochondrial membrane potential correlate with malic acid production by natural isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake strains; 2014年05月
    発表情報; FEMS Yeast Research, 14, 5, 789-796
    著者; Takahiro Oba, Kenichi Kusumoto, Yuki Kichise, Eiji Izumoto, Shunichi Nakayama, Kosuke Tashiro, Satoru Kuhara & Hiroshi Kitagaki
  • Enhancement of ethanol fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake yeast by disrupting mitophagy function; 2014年02月
    発表情報; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80, 3, 1002 - 1012
    著者; Shiroma, Shodai; Jayakody, Lahiru Niroshan; Horie, Kenta; Okamoto, Koji; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Enhancement of ethanol fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake yeast by disrupting mitophagy function; 2014年02月
    発表情報; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80, 3, 1002 - 1012
    著者; Shiroma, Shodai; Jayakody, Lahiru Niroshan; Horie, Kenta; Okamoto, Koji; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Quantitation and structural determination of glucosylceramides contained in sake lees; 2014年01月
    発表情報; Journal of Oleo Science, 63, 1, 15 - 23
    著者; Takahashi, Koshiro; Izumi, Kazuki; Nakahata, Eriko; Hirata, Miyo; Sawada, Kazutaka; Tsuge, Keisuke; Nagao, Koji; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Quantitation and structural determination of glucosylceramides contained in sake lees; 2014年01月
    発表情報; Journal of Oleo Science, 63, 1, 15 - 23
    著者; Takahashi, Koshiro; Izumi, Kazuki; Nakahata, Eriko; Hirata, Miyo; Sawada, Kazutaka; Tsuge, Keisuke; Nagao, Koji; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Erratum to: Engineering redox cofactor utilization for detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a key inhibitor of bioethanol production, in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2013) 97, (6589-6600) DOI: 10.1007/s00253-013-4997-4); 2014年01月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98, 14, -
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Horie, Kenta; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Mitochondrial metabolism and stress response of yeast: Applications in fermentation technologies; 2014年01月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 117, 4, 383 - 393
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Takagi, Hiroshi
  • SUMO expression shortens the lag phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast growth caused by complex interactive effects of major mixed fermentation inhibitors found in hot-compressed water-treated lignocellulosic hydrolysate; 2014年01月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99, 1, 501 - 515
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Kadowaki, Masafumi; Tsuge, Keisuke; Horie, Kenta; Suzuki, Akihiro; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Variations in mitochondrial membrane potential correlate with malic acid production by natural isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake strains; 2014年01月
    発表情報; FEMS Yeast Research, 14, 5, 789 - 796
    著者; Oba, Takahiro; Kusumoto, Kenichi; Kichise, Yuki; Izumoto, Eiji; Nakayama, Shunichi; Tashiro, Kosuke; Kuhara, Satoru; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Improved sake metabolic profile during fermentation due to increased mitochondrial pyruvate dissimilation; 2014年01月
    発表情報; FEMS Yeast Research, 14, 2, 249 - 260
    著者; Agrimi, Gennaro; Mena, Maria C.; Izumi, Kazuki; Pisano, Isabella; Germinario, Lucrezia; Fukuzaki, Hisashi; Palmieri, Luigi; Blank, Lars M.; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Erratum to: Engineering redox cofactor utilization for detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a key inhibitor of bioethanol production, in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2013) 97, (6589-6600) DOI: 10.1007/s00253-013-4997-4); 2014年01月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98, 14, -
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Horie, Kenta; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Mitochondrial metabolism and stress response of yeast: Applications in fermentation technologies; 2014年01月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 117, 4, 383 - 393
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Takagi, Hiroshi
  • SUMO expression shortens the lag phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast growth caused by complex interactive effects of major mixed fermentation inhibitors found in hot-compressed water-treated lignocellulosic hydrolysate; 2014年01月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99, 1, 501 - 515
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Kadowaki, Masafumi; Tsuge, Keisuke; Horie, Kenta; Suzuki, Akihiro; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Variations in mitochondrial membrane potential correlate with malic acid production by natural isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake strains; 2014年01月
    発表情報; FEMS Yeast Research, 14, 5, 789 - 796
    著者; Oba, Takahiro; Kusumoto, Kenichi; Kichise, Yuki; Izumoto, Eiji; Nakayama, Shunichi; Tashiro, Kosuke; Kuhara, Satoru; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Improved sake metabolic profile during fermentation due to increased mitochondrial pyruvate dissimilation; 2014年01月
    発表情報; FEMS Yeast Research, 14, 2, 249 - 260
    著者; Agrimi, Gennaro; Mena, Maria C.; Izumi, Kazuki; Pisano, Isabella; Germinario, Lucrezia; Fukuzaki, Hisashi; Palmieri, Luigi; Blank, Lars M.; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • エレクトロスプレーイオン化質量分析(ESI-MS/MS)による芋焼酎粕に含まれるグルコシルセラミドの構造決定; 2014年
    発表情報; 日本醸造学会誌, 109, 7, 535-542
    著者; 澤田和敬、^M中畑絵里子、柘植圭介、^M平田みよ、髙峯和則、永尾晃治、北垣浩志*
  • Enhancement of ethanol fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake yeast strain by disrupting mitophagy function.; 2013年11月
    発表情報; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80, 3, 1002-1012
    著者; Shodai Shiroma^M, Lahiru Niroshan Jayakody^D, Kenta Horie, Koji Okamoto and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Improved sake metabolic profile during fermentation due to increased mitochondrial pyruvate dissimilation; 2013年10月
    発表情報; FEMS Yeast Research, 14, 2, 249-260
    著者; Gennaro Agrimi, Maria C. Mena, Kazuki Izumi^B, Isabella Pisano, Lucrezia Germinario, Hisashi Fukuzaki^M , Luigi Palmieri, Lars M. Blank and Hiroshi Kitagaki
  • Identification of sulfate ion as one of the key component of yeast spoilage of a sports drink through genome-wide expression analysis.; 2013年09月
    発表情報; Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 59, 3, 227-238
    著者; ^D Lahiru N. Jayakody, Keisuke Tsuge, Akihiro Suzuki, Hitoshi Shimoi and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Identification of the sulphate ion as one of the key components of yeast spoilage of a sports drink through genome-wide expression analysis; 2013年07月
    発表情報; Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 59, 3, 227 - 238
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Tsuge, Keisuke; Suzuki, Akihiro; Shimoi, Hitoshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Identification of the sulphate ion as one of the key components of yeast spoilage of a sports drink through genome-wide expression analysis; 2013年07月
    発表情報; Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 59, 3, 227 - 238
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Tsuge, Keisuke; Suzuki, Akihiro; Shimoi, Hitoshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Quantitation and structural determination of glucosylceramides contained in sake lees.; 2013年07月
    発表情報; Journal of Oleo Science, 63, 1, 15-23
    著者; ^M Koshiro Takahashi, ^B Tomoaki Izumi, ^M Miyo Hirata, Kazutaka Sawada, Keisuke Tsuge, Koji Nagao and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Engineering redox cofactor utilization for detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a key inhibitor of bioethanol production, in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.; 2013年05月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97, 14, 6589-6600
    著者; ^D Lahiru N. Jayakody, Kenta Horie, Nobuyuki Hayashi and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Identification of sulfate ion as one of the key component of yeast spoilage of a low-nutritional beverage through genome-wide expression analysis.; 2013年03月
    発表情報; Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 99, 99, 9999-9999
    著者; ^D Lahiru N. Jayakody, Keisuke Tsuge, Akihiro Suzuki, Hitoshi Shimoi and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Breeding researches of sake yeasts in Japan: History, recent technological advances, and future perspectives.; 2013年03月
    発表情報;  Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, 4, 215-235
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki and Katsuhiko Kitamoto
  • Breeding research on sake yeasts in Japan: History, recent technological advances, and future perspectives; 2013年02月
    発表情報; Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, 4, 1, 215 - 235
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Kitamoto, Katsuhiko
  • Breeding research on sake yeasts in Japan: History, recent technological advances, and future perspectives; 2013年02月
    発表情報; Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, 4, 1, 215 - 235
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Kitamoto, Katsuhiko
  • Engineering redox cofactor utilization for detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a key inhibitor of bioethanol production, in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae; 2013年01月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97, 14, 6589 - 6600
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Horie, Kenta; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Engineering redox cofactor utilization for detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a key inhibitor of bioethanol production, in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae; 2013年01月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97, 14, 6589 - 6600
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Horie, Kenta; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Kyushu branch: Initiatives of support for local fermentation industries and functional foods research at saga university; 2012年12月
    発表情報; Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi, 90, 10, 662 - 663
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Kyushu branch: Initiatives of support for local fermentation industries and functional foods research at saga university; 2012年12月
    発表情報; Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi, 90, 10, 662 - 663
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Breeding of a high tyrosol-producing sake yeast by isolation of an ethanol-resistant mutant from a trp3 mutant; 2012年12月
    発表情報; Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 118, 3, 264 - 268
    著者; Soejima, Hisayoshi; Tsuge, Keisuke; Yoshimura, Takashi; Sawada, Kazutaka; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Perturbation of sphingolipid metabolism induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis in budding yeast; 2012年12月
    発表情報; Molecular Microbiology, 86, 5, 1246 - 1261
    著者; Kajiwara, Kentaro; Muneoka, Tetsuya; Watanabe, Yu; Karashima, Takefumi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Funato, Kouichi
  • Breeding of a high tyrosol-producing sake yeast by isolation of an ethanol-resistant mutant from a trp3 mutant; 2012年12月
    発表情報; Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 118, 3, 264 - 268
    著者; Soejima, Hisayoshi; Tsuge, Keisuke; Yoshimura, Takashi; Sawada, Kazutaka; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Perturbation of sphingolipid metabolism induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis in budding yeast; 2012年12月
    発表情報; Molecular Microbiology, 86, 5, 1246 - 1261
    著者; Kajiwara, Kentaro; Muneoka, Tetsuya; Watanabe, Yu; Karashima, Takefumi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Funato, Kouichi
  • Structural determination of glucosylceramides in the distillation remnants of shochu, the japanese traditional liquor, and its production by aspergillus kawachii; 2012年11月
    発表情報; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, 46, 11473 - 11482
    著者; Hirata, Miyo; Tsuge, Keisuke; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Urano, Yoshitaka; Sawada, Kazutaka; Inaba, Shigeki; Nagao, Koji; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Structural determination of glucosylceramides in the distillation remnants of shochu, the japanese traditional liquor, and its production by aspergillus kawachii; 2012年11月
    発表情報; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, 46, 11473 - 11482
    著者; Hirata, Miyo; Tsuge, Keisuke; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Urano, Yoshitaka; Sawada, Kazutaka; Inaba, Shigeki; Nagao, Koji; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Mitochondrial activity of sake brewery yeast affects malic and succinic acid production during alcoholic fermentation; 2012年11月
    発表情報; Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 118, 1, 22 - 26
    著者; Motomura, S.; Horie, K.; Kitagaki, H.
  • Mitochondrial activity of sake brewery yeast affects malic and succinic acid production during alcoholic fermentation; 2012年11月
    発表情報; Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 118, 1, 22 - 26
    著者; Motomura, S.; Horie, K.; Kitagaki, H.
  • Breeding of a high tyrosol-producing sake yeast by isolation of an ethanol-resistant mutant from trp3 mutant.; 2012年11月
    発表情報; Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 118, 3, 264-268
    著者; Hisayoshi Soejima^B, Keisuke Tsuge, Takashi Yoshimura, Kazuyoshi Koganemaru and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Structural Determination of Glucosylceramides in the Distillation Remnants of Shochu, the Japanese Traditional Liquor, and Its Production by Aspergillus kawachii.; 2012年11月
    発表情報; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, 46, 11473-11482
    著者; ^M Hirata M, Tsuge K, ^D Jayakody LN, ^B Urano Y, Sawada K, Inaba S, Nagao K, Kitagaki H*.
  • Perturbation of sphingolipid metabolism induces ER stress-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis in budding yeast; 2012年09月
    発表情報; Molecular Microbiology, 86, 5, 1246-1261
    著者; Kentaro Kajiwara, Tetsuya Muneoka, Yu Watanabe, Takefumi Karashima, Hiroshi Kitagaki, and Kouichi Funato
  • Improvement of tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to hot-compressed water-treated cellulose by expression of ADH1; 2012年04月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 94, 1, 273 - 283
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Horie, Kenta; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Improvement of tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to hot-compressed water-treated cellulose by expression of ADH1; 2012年04月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 94, 1, 273 - 283
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Horie, Kenta; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Mitochondrial activity of sake brewery yeast affects malic and succinic acid production during alcoholic fermentation.; 2012年04月
    発表情報; Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 118, 1, 22-26
    著者; Saori Motomura^M, Kenta Horie^M and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Improvement of tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to hot-compressed water-treated cellulose by expression of ADH1; 2012年01月
    発表情報; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 94, 1, 273-283
    著者; Lahiru N. Jayakody^D, Kenta Horie^M, Nobuyuki Hayashi, and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • 焼酎粕に含まれるスフィンゴ脂質の検出・半定量的評価とその由来の解析; 2011年10月
    発表情報; 日本醸造学会誌, 106, 12, 848-853
    著者; 平田みよ^M、浦野義崇^B、稲葉繁樹、北谷和之、岡崎俊朗、北垣浩志*
  • Whole-Genome Sequencing of Sake Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kyokai no. 7.; 2011年09月
    発表情報; DNA Research, 18, 6, 423-434
    著者; 赤尾、矢代、細山、北垣他
  • Teadenols biotransformed from tea catechins.; 2011年09月
    発表情報; Japanese Journal of Food Chemistry and Safety, 18, 3, 137-142
    著者; Rani Agustina Wulandari, Natsumi Haraguchi, Satomi Nakano, Yoshirou Furukawa, Takashi Tanaka, Isao Kouno, Hiroshi Kitagaki and Kanji Ishimaru.
  • Properties of a high malic acid-producing strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from sake mash.; 2011年09月
    発表情報; Biosci Biotechnol Biochem., 75, 10, 2025-2029
    著者; Oba T, Suenaga H, Nakayama S, Mitsuiki S, Kitagaki H, Tashiro K, Kuhara S.
  • Breeding of a low pyruvate-producing ginjo sake yeast and its application to the fermentation industry; 2011年06月
    発表情報; Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi, 89, 5, 222 - 227
    著者; Sasaki, Makoto; Oba, Takahiro; Suenaga, Hikaru; Inahashi, Masaaki; Sato, Masae; Tsuruta, Hiromi; Kobayashi, Genta; Tsuge, Keisuke; Yoshimura, Takeshi; Koganemaru, Kazuyoshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Breeding of a low pyruvate-producing ginjo sake yeast and its application to the fermentation industry; 2011年06月
    発表情報; Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi, 89, 5, 222 - 227
    著者; Sasaki, Makoto; Oba, Takahiro; Suenaga, Hikaru; Inahashi, Masaaki; Sato, Masae; Tsuruta, Hiromi; Kobayashi, Genta; Tsuge, Keisuke; Yoshimura, Takeshi; Koganemaru, Kazuyoshi; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • ミトコンドリア輸送阻害剤耐性酵母の低アルコール清酒実地醸造特性; 2011年05月
    発表情報; 日本醸造学会誌, 106, 5, 323-331
    著者; 平田みよ^B、元村沙織^M、堀江健太^M、大場孝宏、柘植圭介、吉村臣史、小金丸和義、北垣浩志*
  • 吟醸酵母からのミトコンドリア輸送阻害剤耐性株取得と実製造におけるピルビン酸とαアセト乳酸の低減; 2011年04月
    発表情報; 生物工学会誌, 89, 5, 222-227
    著者; 佐々木真^M、大場孝宏、末永光、柘植圭介、吉村臣史、小金丸和義、北垣浩志*
  • Identification of glycolaldehyde as the key inhibitor of bioethanol fermentation by yeast and genome-wide analysis of its toxicity; 2011年02月
    発表情報; Biotechnology Letters, 33, 2, 285 - 292
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Identification of glycolaldehyde as the key inhibitor of bioethanol fermentation by yeast and genome-wide analysis of its toxicity; 2011年02月
    発表情報; Biotechnology Letters, 33, 2, 285 - 292
    著者; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Hayashi, Nobuyuki; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Identification of glycolaldehyde as the key inhibitor of bioethanol fermentation by yeast and genome-wide analysis of its toxicity.; 2011年02月
    発表情報; Biotechnology Letters, 33, 2, 285-292
    著者; Lahiru N. Jayakody^M, Nobuyuki Hayashi*, and Hiroshi Kitagaki*
  • Breeding of a low pyruvate-producing sake yeast by isolation of a mutant resistant to ethyl α-Transcyanocinnamate, an inhibitor of mitochondrial pyruvate transport; 2010年05月
    発表情報; Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 74, 4, 843 - 847
    著者; Horie, Kenta; Oba, Takahiro; Motomura, Saori; Isogai, Atsuko; Yoshimura, Takashi; Tsuge, Keisuke; Koganemaru, Kazuyoshi; Kobayashi, Genta; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Breeding of a low pyruvate-producing sake yeast by isolation of a mutant resistant to ethyl α-Transcyanocinnamate, an inhibitor of mitochondrial pyruvate transport; 2010年05月
    発表情報; Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 74, 4, 843 - 847
    著者; Horie, Kenta; Oba, Takahiro; Motomura, Saori; Isogai, Atsuko; Yoshimura, Takashi; Tsuge, Keisuke; Koganemaru, Kazuyoshi; Kobayashi, Genta; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Breeding of a low pyruvate-producing sake yeast.; 2010年04月
    発表情報; Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 74 (4), 843-847 (2010), 74, 4, 843-847
    著者; Kenta Horie^M, Takahiro Oba, Saori Motomura^B, Atsuko Isogai, Takashi Yoshimura, Keisuke Tsuge, Kazuyoshi Koganemaru, Genta Kobayashi and Hiroshi Kitagaki *
  • Mitochondrial-morphology-targeted breeding of industrial yeast strains for alcohol fermentation; 2009年08月
    発表情報; Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 53, 3, 145 - 153
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Mitochondrial-morphology-targeted breeding of industrial yeast strains for alcohol fermentation; 2009年08月
    発表情報; Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 53, 3, 145 - 153
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • QTL mapping of sake brewing characteristics of yeast.; 2009年06月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 107, 4, 383-393
    著者; Taku Kato, Masahiro Namise, Hiroshi Kitagaki, Takeshi Akao, Hitoshi Shimoi
  • Disruption of ubiquitin-related genes in laboratory yeast strains enhances ethanol production during sake brewing.; 2009年06月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 107, 6, 636-640
    著者; Hong Wu, Tomoko Watanabe^M, Yoshio Araki, Hiroshi Kitagaki, Takeshi Akao, Hiroshi Takagi and Hitoshi Shimoi
  • ISC1-dependent metabolic adaptation reveals an indispensable role for mitochondria in induction of nuclear genes during the diauxic shift in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; 2009年04月
    発表情報; Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 16, 10818 - 10830
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Cowart, L. Ashley; Matmati, Nabil; Montefusco, David; Gandy, Jason; de Avalos, Silvia Vaena; Novgorodov, Sergei A.; Zheng, Jim; Obeid, Lina M.; Hannun, Yasuf A.
  • ISC1-Dependent Metabolic Adaptation Reveals an Indispensable Role for Mitochondria in Induction of Nuclear Genes During the Diauxic Shift in S. cerevisiae.; 2009年04月
    発表情報; The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 10818-10830
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki, Lauren Cowart, Nabil Matmati, David Montefusco, Jason Gandy, Silvia Vaena de Avalos, Sergei Novgorodov, Jim Zheng, Lina Obeid, Yusuf Hannun.
  • Hydroxyurea sensitivity reveals a role for ISC1 in the regulation of G2/M; 2009年03月
    発表情報; Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 13, 8241 - 8246
    著者; Matmati, Nabil; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Montefusco, David; Mohanty, Bidyut K.; Hannun, Yusuf A.
  • Hydroxyurea sensitivity reveals a role for ISC1 in the regulation of G2/M; 2009年03月
    発表情報; Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 13, 8241 - 8246
    著者; Matmati, Nabil; Kitagaki, Hiroshi; Montefusco, David; Mohanty, Bidyut K.; Hannun, Yusuf A.
  • Analysis of the role of yeast mitochondria during sake brewing and its application for breeding of a novel yeast strain; 2009年03月
    発表情報; Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi, 87, 2, 66 - 71
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Analysis of the role of yeast mitochondria during sake brewing and its application for breeding of a novel yeast strain; 2009年03月
    発表情報; Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi, 87, 2, 66 - 71
    著者; Kitagaki, Hiroshi
  • Hydroxyurea sensitivity reveals a role for ISC1 in the regulation of G2/M.; 2009年01月
    発表情報; Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 13, 8241-8246
    著者; Nabil Matmati, Hiroshi Kitagaki, David Montefusco, Bidyut K Mohanty, Yusuf Hannun,
  • Ethanol stress stimulates the Ca2+-mediated calcineurin/Crz1 pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; 2008年12月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 107, 1-6
    著者; Yoshio Araki, Hong Wu, Hiroshi Kitagaki, Takeshi Akao, Hiroshi Takagi and Hitoshi Shimoi
  • Brewing characteristics of haploid strains isolated from the sake yeast Kyokai no. 7; 2008年07月
    発表情報; Yeast, 25, 799-807
    著者; Taku Katou, Hiroshi Kitagaki, Takeshi Akao and Hitoshi Shimoi
  • Inhibition of mitochondrial fragmentation during sake brewing causes high malate production in sake yeast,; 2008年05月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 105, 675-678
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki, Taku Kato, Atsuko Isogai, Shigeaki Mikami and Hitoshi Shimoi
  • Common industrial sake yeast strains have three copies of the AQY1-ARR3 region of chromosome XVI in their genomes; 2008年05月
    発表情報; Yeast, 25, 419-432
    著者; Fukashi Ogihara, Hiroshi Kitagaki, Qiang Wang and Hitoshi Shimoi
  • Isc1 regulates sphingolipid metabolism in yeast mitochondria,; 2007年09月
    発表情報; Biochimica Biophysica Acta Biomembranes, 1768, 2849-2861
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki, Cowart LA, Matmati N, Vaena de Avalos S, Novgorodov SA, Zeidan YH, Bielawski J, Obeid LM, Hannun YA.
  • Mitochondrial dynamics of yeast during sake brewing; 2007年06月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 104, 227-230
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki, Hitoshi Shimoi
  • Ethanol-induced death in yeast exhibits features of apoptosis mediated by mitochondrial fission pathway; 2007年05月
    発表情報; FEBS Letters, 581, 2935-2942
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki, Yoshio Araki, Kouichi Funato and Hitoshi Shimoi.
  • Elevated expression of genes under the control of the stress response element (STRE) and Msn2p in an ethanol tolerant sake yeast Kyokai No.11; 2007年05月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 104, 163-170
    著者; Watanabe M, Tamura K, Magbanua JP, Takano K, Kitamoto K, Kitagaki H, Akao T, Shimoi H.
  • Amplified fragment length polymorphism of the AWA1 gene of sake yeasts for identification of sake yeast strains; 2005年10月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 100, 678-680
    著者; Shimizu M, Miyashita K, Kitagaki H, Ito K, Shimoi H.
  • A temperature-sensitive dcw1 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is cell cycle arrested with small buds which have aberrant cell walls.; 2004年08月
    発表情報; Eukaryot Cell. 2004 Oct;3(5):1297-306. doi: 10.1128/EC.3.5.1297-1306.2004., 3, 5, 1297-1306
    著者; Kitagaki H, Ito K, Shimoi H.
  • Temperature sensitive dcw1 mutant is cell cycle-arrested with small buds which have aberrant cell walls; 2004年08月
    発表情報; Eukaryotic Cell, 3, 1297-1306
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki, Kiyoshi Ito and Hitoshi Shimoi
  • Cloning and analysis of the AWA1 gene of a nonfoaming mutant of a sake yeast; 2004年01月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 97, 14-18
    著者; Miyashita K, Sakamoto K, Kitagaki H, Iwashita K, Ito K, Shimoi H.
  • 清酒の製造工程におけるDPPH消去能の推移; 2003年05月
    発表情報; 日本醸造学会誌, 98, 589-593
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • Two homologous genes, DCW1 (YKL046c) and DFG5, are essential for cell growth and encode GPI-anchored membrane proteins required for normal biosynthesis of the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae; 2002年10月
    発表情報; Molecular Microbiology, 46, 1011-1022
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki, Hong Wu, Hitoshi Shimoi and Kiyoshi Ito
  • Autolysis of calpain large subunit inducing irreversible dissociation of stoichiometric heterodimer of calpain; 2000年04月
    発表情報; Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 64, 689-695
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki, Shigeo Tomioka, Yoshizawa T, Sorimachi H, Saido TC, Ishiura S, Suzuki K.
  • 1,1 -diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals (DPPH) scavenging ability of sake during storage; 1998年10月
    発表情報; Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 87, 328-332
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki and Mitsuaki Tsugawa
  • Sed1p is a major cell wall protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the stationary phase and is involved in lytic enzyme resistance; 1998年06月
    発表情報; Journal of Bacteriology, 180, 3381-3387
    著者; Hitoshi Shimoi, Hiroshi Kitagaki, Hisanobu Omori, Yuzuru Iimura and Kiyoshi Ito
  • Autolysis of calpain large subunit inducing irreversible dissociation of stoichiometric heterodimer of calpain; 1998年04月
    発表情報; Biosci Biotechnol Biochem . 2000 Apr;64(4):689-95. doi: 10.1271/bbb.64.689., 64, 4, 689-695
    著者; H Kitagaki 1, S Tomioka, T Yoshizawa, H Sorimachi, T C Saido, S Ishiura, K Suzuki
  • Sed1p is a major cell wall protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the stationary phase and is involved in lytic enzyme resistance.; 1997年10月
    発表情報; J Bacteriol. 1998 Jul;180(13):3381-7. doi: 10.1128/JB.180.13.3381-3387.1998., 180, 13, 3381-87
    著者; Shimoi H, Kitagaki H, Ohmori H, Iimura Y, Ito K.
  • Identification and analysis of a static culture-specific cell wall protein, Tir1p/Srp1p in Saccaromyces cerevisiae; 1997年06月
    発表情報; European Journal of Biochemistry, 249, 343-349
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki, Hitoshi Shimoi and Kiyoshi Ito
  • フリーラジカル消去能を高めたモデル清酒の官能評価; 1997年05月
    発表情報; Journal of the Brewing Society of Japan, 94, 502-506
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • Identification and analysis of a static culture-specific cell wall protein, Tir1p/Srp1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.; 1996年05月
    発表情報; Eur J Biochem. 1997 Oct 1;249(1):343-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1997.t01-1-00343.x., 249, 1, 343-349
    著者; Kitagaki H, Shimoi H, Itoh K.
  • Processing and secretion of Alzheimer's disease amyloid precursor protein; 1994年08月
    発表情報; Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 174, 209-216
    著者; Kayoko Kimbara, Hiroshi Kitagaki, Tadatoshi Kinouchi, Makoto Okano, Hiroyuki Sorimachi, Shoichi Ishiura, Koichi Suzuki.


  • Fermented Cosmetics and Metabolites of Skin Microbiota—A New Approach to Skin Health.; 2022年12月
    発表情報; Fermentation, 2022, 8, 703. https://doi.org/10.3390/fermentation8120703
    著者; Otsuka, A.; Moriguchi, C.; Shigematsu, Y.; Tanabe, K.; Haraguchi, N.; Iwashita, S.; Tokudome, Y.; Kitagaki, H.
  • グルコシルセラミドの腸内細菌及び腸内環境における役割; 2024年03月
    発表情報; 生物試料分析, 99, 99, 9999
    著者; 北垣浩志、戴凰凰
  • 老年期及び長期介護を受ける人の皮膚の健康; 2023年04月
    発表情報; Current Cosmetic Science, 2, e200323214765
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 流加培養したビール醸造用酵母の特性解析および醸造特性改善; 2021年04月
    発表情報; 技術情報協会, 2021.4, 252-259
    著者; 藤原広樹、吉崎成洋、北垣浩志、吉本裕之
  • Medical Application of Substances Derived from Non-Pathogenic Fungi Aspergillus oryzae and A. luchuensis-Containing Koji; 2021年03月
    発表情報; Journal of Fungi, 7, 4, 243
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 麹グリコシルセラミドのコレステロール代謝改善機能; 2020年06月
    著者; 北垣浩志、浜島弘史、中山二郎、永尾晃治
  • 麹に含まれるグリコシルセラミドの健康効果; 2019年03月
    発表情報; 生物工学会誌, 97, 4, 182-184
    著者; 山本裕貴^M・浜島弘史・田中優^D・藤丸裕貴^M・阪本真由子^M・宮川幸^M・西向めぐみ・柳田晃良・中村強・光武進・永尾晃治・中山二郎・北垣浩志
  • 高機能発酵食品開発のための発酵食品セラミドの機能性解明; 2018年12月
    発表情報; JATAFFジャーナル, 6, 12, 44
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 発酵食品及び発酵微生物のセラミド関連脂質; 2018年10月
    発表情報; セラミド研究の新展開, 246-250
    著者; 宮川幸、永留真優、山本裕貴、北垣浩志
  • 日本の伝統発酵食品の健康機能性解明に向けて; 2018年10月
    発表情報; 化学と生物, 56, 11, 1-2
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 日本酒酵母の染色体異数性が生化学的代謝に及ぼす影響の解明と異数性に着目した育種技術の開発; 2018年09月
    発表情報; 生化学 90(4): 507-511 (2018)
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 麹菌の酵母へのスフィンゴ脂質の供与と醸造特性改変; 2016年11月
    発表情報; 温古知新, 53, 20-25
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • ミトコンドリア輸送をターゲットとした低ピルビン酸清酒酵母の育種とその実用化; 2011年12月
    発表情報;  CMC出版、発酵・醸造食品の最新技術と機能性II, 000-000
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 微生物の寄生・共生・オルガネラ研究から見える新たな発酵学の地平線   ; 2011年11月
    発表情報; 生物工学会誌, 89, 11, 674-674
    著者;   北垣浩志、古川壮一、井沢真吾
  • 微生物の寄生・共生に着目した新しい物質生産技術の開発に向けてー特集に寄せてー; 2011年09月
    発表情報; 生物工学会誌, 89, 8, 460-460
    著者; 北垣浩志、古川壮一、渡邉泰祐
  • ミトコンドリア輸送に着目したピルビン酸・αーアセト乳酸低減清酒酵母の育種とその実用化・技術移転; 2011年08月
    発表情報; 生物工学会誌, 89, 8, 461-464
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • ミトコンドリア輸送阻害剤耐性株取得によるピルビン酸低減清酒酵母の育種; 2010年09月
    発表情報; , 105, 560-567
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 貧栄養環境下で増殖する微生物の遺伝子発現プロファイル; 2010年04月
    発表情報; 食生活科学・文化及び環境に関する研究助成研究紀要23, 33-46 (2008), 23, 33-46
    著者;   北垣浩志
  • ミトコンドリア輸送に着目したピルビン酸低減酵母育種; 2010年02月
    発表情報; バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 68, 126-128
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • ミトコンドリア輸送に着目したピルビン酸低減酵母育種; 2010年02月
    発表情報; , 68, 126-128
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 低アルコール清酒醸造のための技術開発; 2010年02月
    発表情報; 日本生物工学会誌, 88, 2, 79-79
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • ミトコンドリア輸送担体の変異による新たな醸造酵母の育種; 2009年10月
    発表情報;  食に関する助成研究調査報告書, 22, 45-54
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 清酒醸造における酵母ミトコンドリアの役割の解析とその育種への応用; 2009年02月
    発表情報; 生物工学会誌, 0, 0-0
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 清酒醸造における酵母ミトコンドリアの解析と育種への応用; 2008年10月
    発表情報; 第7回 日本農学進歩賞受賞者講演要旨集, 15-18
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • Breeding of microbes by altering intracellular distribution of organelles; 2008年05月
    発表情報; 生物工学会誌, 86, 236-236
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 酒類醸造における酵母ミトコンドリアの役割とその育種への応用; 2007年12月
    発表情報; 日本醸造協会誌, 103, 314-320
    著者; 北垣浩志、下飯仁
  • 酵母によるsiderophoreの取り込み; 2002年10月
    発表情報; ブレインテクノニュース, 90, 32-32
    著者; 北垣浩志


  • Improvement of tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to the hot compressed water-treated cellulose by detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a novel bioethanol fermentation inhibitor; 2012年09月
    発表情報; 13th International Congress on Yeasts (Out Standing Presentation Award)
    著者; ^D Lahiru N. Jayakody, Kenta Horie, Nobuyuki Hayashi and Hiroshi Kitagaki
  • Glycolaldehyde, a key novel inhibitor of bioethanol production: breeding of resistant strains.; 2011年03月
    発表情報; 日本農芸化学会大会
    著者; Lahiru N. Jayakody^M, Kenta Horie^M, Nobuyuki Hayashi and Hiroshi Kitagaki
  • 2P-1116 Glycolaldehyde inhibits yeast ethanol fermentation; 2010年10月
    発表情報; Annual meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan, 2010
    著者;  Lahiru JAYAKODY, Kenta HORIE, Nobuyuki HAYASHI, Hiroshi KITAGAKI( Saga Univ.)


  • ピルビン酸低生産酵母の育種方法; 2010年04月
    発表情報; 特願2010-111263
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 酵母のリンゴ酸生産性を向上させる方法; 2007年12月
    発表情報; 特願, 2007, 320389-320389
    著者; 北垣浩志、三上重明、下飯仁
  • 活性炭の処理及び飲食品の品質劣化防止方法; 2003年10月
    発表情報; 特許, 2003, -3605637
    著者; 北垣浩志、土井清太郎


  • ミトコンドリア輸送阻害剤耐性株取得によるピルビン酸低減清酒酵母の育種  ; 2010年06月
    発表情報;    日本醸造協会誌, 105, 9, 560-567
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • ミトコンドリア輸送に着目したピルビン酸低減酵母育種; 2010年02月
    発表情報; バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 68, 126-128
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • Mitochondrial morphology-targeted breeding of industrial yeast strains for alcohol fermentation.; 2009年04月
    発表情報; Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 9999, 9999-9999
    著者; Hiroshi Kitagaki
  • 出芽酵母の細胞壁生合成に関与するGPIアンカー型タンパク質; 2005年06月
    発表情報; , 43, 149-150
    著者; 北垣浩志
  • 清酒・焼酎醸造における難培養・複合系微生物; 2004年04月
    発表情報; 日本醸造協会誌, 98, 767-772
    著者; 北垣浩志、山崎眞狩、北本勝ひこ


  •     リグノセルロースの水熱処理で生成するグリコールアルデヒドの酵母発酵阻害メカニズム; 2011年03月
    発表情報;  産業技術連携推進会議 アクアリシス21 フェーズII研究会(招待講演)2011.3.10
    著者; 北垣浩志、Lahiru N. Jayakody
  • The traditional procedures for brewing grain vinegar and Kurozu in Japan and their functionalities; 2009年11月
    発表情報; 2009 Vinegar and Health International Summit Forum、中国・北京、Keynote Speech
    著者; 北垣浩志

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