Sources of hydroxyl radical in headwater streams from nitrogen-saturated forest; 2014年02月 発表情報; Chemosphere accepted 著者; Masaaki Chiwa a,*, Naoko Higashi a, Kyoichi Otsuki a, Hiroki Kodama b,
7 Tohru Miyajima b, Kazuhiko Takeda c, Hiroshi Sakugawa c
Spatial distribution of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs), polybrominated
diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and organochlorines in bivalves from Japanese coastal
waters; 2014年02月 発表情報; Chemosphere, 78, 1213–1219 著者; D. Ueno a,*, T. Isobe b, K. Ramu b,1, S. Tanabe b, M. Alaee c, C. Marvin c, K. Inoue a, T. Someya a, T. Miyajima d,
H. Kodama e, H. Nakata
Groundwater dating using radiocarbon in fulvic acid in groundwater
containing fluorescein; 2013年04月 発表情報; Journal of Hydorology, 489, 189-200 著者; Kotaro Nakata a,⇑, Hiroki Kodama b, Takuma Hasegawa a, Katsuhiro Hama c, Teruki Iwatsuki c,
Tohru Miyajima d
Chemical properties of aquatic fulvic acids isolated from Lake Biwa, a clear water sytem in Japan.; 2009年10月 発表情報; Humic Substancwa Research, 5/6, 1, 45-53 著者; Nobuhide Fujitake, Hiroki Kodama, Seiya Nagao, Kumiko Tsuda, and Koya Yonebayashi.
Characterization of tetramethylammonium ion binding to fulvic acid molecules by the use of 1H DOSY method.; 2014年09月 発表情報; 17th IHSS conference (in greece) 著者; Hiroki KODAMA, Tohru MIYAJIMA, Kotaro NAKATA
Radiocarbon of aquatic humic and fulvic acids in the Chikugo River waters; 2009年11月 発表情報; 4th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry '09 著者; S. Nagao1, H. Kodama2, T. Miyajima3, T. Tanaka4
Characterizations of Chikugo river fulvic acids about structural property and complexation ability to Fe3+; 2008年09月 発表情報; International humic substances society 著者; Hiroki Kodama*, Nobuko Fukazawa, Daigo Ito, Tohru Miyajima
Characteristics comparison of fulvic acids extracted from mountain streams in different forest forms.; 2008年06月 発表情報; 5th International conference Interface Against Pollution 2008 (June 1-4 Kyoto, Japan) 著者; Hiroki Kodama1*, Daigo Itoh2, Naoko Higashi3, Masaaki Chiwa3, Kyoich Otsuki3, Tohru Miyajima2.
Study of Ionic surfactants Binding to Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid
by Dynamic Light Scattering and Potentiometric Titration; 2008年06月 発表情報; 5th International Conference
Interfaces Against Pollution 2008 著者; M. M. Yee, T. Miyajima, H. Kodama, and N. Takisawa*
Estimation for dissociation of acid-dissociation constants in humic molecules; 2010年02月 発表情報; 二国間交流事業共同研究/セミナー(University of Szeged, Professor, Etelka Tombácz)
と凝集のダイナミクス 著者; Hiroki Kodama
Radiocarbon of aquatic humic and fulvic acids in the Chikugo River waters; 2009年11月 発表情報; The fourth international conference in the series of Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry (APSORC-09) 著者; S. Nagao, H. Kodama, T. Miyajima, T. Tanaka