著者:Ogura-Tsujita, Y., Y. Hirayama, A. Sakoda, A. Suzuki, A. Ebihara, N. Morita, R. Imaichi題名:Observations of the mycorrhizae of field-collected fern gametophytes: arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in terrestrial cordate gametophytes of pre-polypod leptosporangiate ferns, Cyatheaceae, Plagiogyriaceae, Gleicheniaceae, and Osmundaceae発表情報:8th International Conference on Mycorrhizaキーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Ogura-Tsujita, Y., Y. Hirayama, A. Sakoda, A. Suzuki, A. Ebihara, N. Morita, R. ImaichiTitle:Observations of the mycorrhizae of field-collected fern gametophytes: arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in terrestrial cordate gametophytes of pre-polypod leptosporangiate ferns, Cyatheaceae, Plagiogyriaceae, Gleicheniaceae, and OsmundaceaeAnnouncement information:8th International Conference on Mycorrhiza